Table of Contents

So says National Geographic photographer Pete McBride ’93, who learned to love it the hard way.
Here’s a peek at some of the ups and downs of the incredible journey of Pete McBride ’93.
After a drug deal gone bad, Peter Kaldheim ’71 fled for his life and embarked on a cross-country epic of homelessness, hitchhiking, and empty pockets. The long road eventually led to redemption—and his harrowing new memoir, Idiot Wind.
What led a Dartmouth student to crash a Fab Four press conference? Beatlemania, of course.
Documentary film producer Julie Dunfey ’80 records the stories of America. Up next: Country Music.
A former protégé looks back on the times and life of conservative icon Jeffrey Hart ’51.
How to Watch Fencing | Jennifer Wu ’19 | Fencing Club Co-captain
Older & Wiser | Seniors give freshmen their secrets to success.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
Readers write, react, and respond. (July/August 2019)
Look Who’s Talking
Voices in the Wilderness
Web Extras
EXCERPT: Dinner is served at Ozanam Inn, a New Orleans shelter run by the Catholic Church.
EXCERPT: Desperate times call for desperate measures when a deadly virus hits the U.S. in the debut novel by Charles Wheelan ’88.