Garrett Muscatel ’20
Why did you win last fall?
College students care about issues I believe in—the environment, climate change, gun control, and healthcare. People shouldn’t die because they can’t afford medicine.
How did you celebrate?
It was a Tuesday night, and I had class the next morning, so I couldn’t celebrate too much. I think I had an exam the next morning, too.
Describe a typical day on the job.
It’s normally three days a week. On a committee day I hear bills on the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee about banking, consumer protection, and insurance.
What are local issues you’re passionate about?
Gun safety and gun control. We live on a campus, and students quite frequently are the victims of gun violence. It isn’t something we should have to worry about.
Your bill to bring down prescription drug costs passed the N.H. House.
It was a lot of work. I had lobbyists on all sides, because insurance companies support lowering healthcare costs whereas the pharmaceutical industry is very opposed to lowering profits.
How do you meet with constituents?
Students are my constituents! A nice thing about New Hampshire is there’s one legislator for every 3,300 Granite Staters, so it’s pretty easy to run into a legislator.
Who is your role model?
Big fan of Barack Obama—I miss that guy. He put the country first to do what was best for the country, not for himself. He didn’t let his ego get in the way.
How are your relationships across the aisle?
I’m friends with many Republicans, and we work together. There is a contingent, about 60, who strongly believe gay and transgender people shouldn’t have rights. As a gay person, it’s hard for me to be okay with them, because they reject my existence.
Will you be endorsing a presidential candidate?
Probably. I still need to figure out who’s going to be best for us at Dartmouth.
What do you see yourself doing in the future?
I’d like to go to law school, maybe go after companies that abuse the system and hurt people. I want to help make people’s lives better.
Photo by John Sherman