Table of Contents

More than two decades ago an alum joined seven other explorers to boldly go where no one had gone before: into a sealed, miniature Earth where they would have to survive two years on their own.
A wonder drug emerges from the Dragon’s Blood tree, thanks to Jaguar Health CEO Lisa Conte ’81, Tu’85.
Matthew Slaughter, dean of the Tuck School, talks technology, Trump and teachable moments.
Professor John L. Campbell sheds light on the disruptive forces that paved the way for Trump’s ride to the White House.
A cold, rainy hike up Moosilauke tests the resolve of 50th-reunion climbers.
For more than four decades, Ralph Gibson, Adv’73, has been the energetic nucleus of the physics department.
How to Care for Orchids | Kim DeLong, Greenhouse Manager and Curator
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
Readers write, react and respond. (May/June 2018)
Look Who’s Talking
Voices in the Wilderness
Web Extras
EXCERPT: Benedict Arnold joins Ethan Allen’s “rustic rebels” for a surprise attack on the British.