Table of Contents

New titles from Dartmouth writers (January/February 2019)
A list for the ages, as selected by our faculty panel in celebration of Dartmouth’s 250th anniversary
Here’s the inside story of how an all-male board of trustees brought forth the most significant reshaping of the College in its history.
When Dartmouth celebrates its tricentennial, what will the student body look like? Will there be football? And how high can tuition go? Here are predictions Eleazar never could have imagined.
The earliest Commencement, held in 1771, featured bigtime barbecue, speeches in Latin, and lousy linen.
Excerpts from the 1777 salary agreement for Mr. John Smith, Dartmouth’s first professor
Long before Dean Wormer’s “double secret probation,” there was the one and only President Samuel Colcord Bartlett.
An epic tale greatly annotated in which we go ’round the world with Dartmouth’s class of 1776 poster boy for adventure.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
What do J. Edgar Hoover, George Washington, and Ray Kroc have in common? All wrote letters to the College. A deep dive into the archives