Table of Contents

A mountain of work went into the planning and construction of the new Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. Here’s how it all came together.
DAM caught up with Dartmouth athletes as they readied for trials that would determine whether they’ll head to South Korea for the Winter Olympics to be held February 9-25.
Where are you? A cartographic look at top cities and countries populated by alumni around the world
Eric Hwang ’96 finds his calling after fiddling around in the corporate world for 20 years.
The Art of the Pitch | Jamie Coughlin, Director of Entrepreneurship
Why Dartmouth? Freshmen tell us what drew them from afar.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
Readers write, react and respond. (January/February 2018)
Look Who’s Talking
Voices in the Wilderness
Motivational speaker Mel Robbins ’90 insists everyone can make big changes if they act on the impulse.
Abigail Ogilvy ’11 focuses on emerging artists—including alums—in her Boston gallery.
Warren Allmon ’82 spearheads construction of the $11-million Museum of the Earth.
Web Extras
Green Room
Laura Sim ’16, audio producer and reporter at The Wall Street Journal’s “The Future of Everything,” talks podcasts and shares a few of her favorite shows.