
Why Dartmouth? Freshmen tell us what drew them from afar.

“No matter how intimidating it seemed from the outside, it felt like home: Chilly dark winters feel normal, just less rainy. I fit right in.” —Gabrial “Gabe” Canfield ’21, Ketchikan, Alaska
“Dartmouth’s small enough for close bonds, large enough that it’s not claustrophobic, has world-class academics and a beautiful location.” —Callum Zehner ’21, London, England

“The people! I had a chance to visit for Dimensions Weekend. I left knowing this could be my home away from home.” —Marco Cabrera Aguilar ’21, San José, Costa Rica
“People are just as passionate about making a difference as they are about helping you express your differences. Nothing makes me more content than discord.” —Rachna Shah ’21, Chicago





Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
Flight Patterns
Daniel R. Sheldon ’99 explores bird “mysteries.”
In Her Element

Each summer, Alaskan Jill Fredston ’80 heads out to explore thousands of miles of rugged Arctic coastline in her oceangoing rowing shell.

Caroline Pott ’02
A conservation biologist on life in the middle of the Pacific

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