Table of Contents

The spate of recent bad behavior by students—and subsequent bad publicity—has the College on the ropes. Jennifer Wulff returns to Hanover to find out what undergrads think about it all and if the campus climate can change.
He ate with orangutans, bunked in a brothel, cozied up to camels and taught Indians the Twist. For Bill Roth ’62, every day was an adventure when he took a gap year to hitchhike around the world.
Brad Ausmus ’91 never played baseball at Dartmouth—he was a member of the New York Yankees as he earned his government degree. Now he hopes to make history as manager of the Detroit Tigers.
When the U.S. military tested its new hydrogen bomb near the Marshall Islands 60 years ago, naval officer Robert A. Levinson ’46 was there.
Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe ’81 • Aileen Yingst ’91 • Christopher Swift ’98 • Tom Paskus ’89 • Matthew Dickerson ’85 • Case Hathaway-Zepeda ’09
Around the Green in 60 seconds
Mike Wooten, Senior Assistant Dean of Residential Life
How to manage a PR crisis
This is how we roll. Undergrads cycle thorough the summer.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
Web Extras
MSNBC shares an excerpt from the new memoir by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ’88 (D-N.Y.).