Table of Contents

New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2016)
CNN anchor Jake Tapper ’91 takes a break from covering the news to talk about the method of the media amid the madness of the election.
Bringing people together has always been a skill of political operative Rev. Leah Daughtry ’84. Democratic power brokers never needed her more than at this summer’s contentious national convention.
As the two political parties met to choose their presidential candidates in 1976, student radio reporters embarked on the campaign trail for coverage that was completely unconventional.
How does it feel to graduate at the top of your class—and give a speech at Commencement? Ten former valedictorians look back on making the grade.
A father-daughter alum team meticulously assesses expensive wine collections and determines if that $300,000 Bordeaux is real or not.
The sport of orienteering, a.k.a. Tiedustelujuoksue, returns to its North American birthplace.
Former CIA analyst Paul Pillar ’69 examines Americans’ longstanding “uncorrected ignorance” regarding their nation’s role in the world.
Theological debates about the Trinity have their place in the liberal arts curriculum. Here’s why.
Margaret Spring ’82 • Darryll Lewis ’75 • Bryon Friedman ’02 • Steve Brosnihan ’83 • Chris Pandolfi ’01 • Chelsey Luger ’10
Tidbits from around the College
Steve Nyman, Chief Information Security Officer
How to Savor the Heavens
Field Work: Undergrads get their hands dirty at the organic farm.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”