Table of Contents

New books by Dartmouth alumni
For a century the DOC has demonstrated how the great outdoors can be a defining element of the liberal arts.
On their own, students set out to design and build a new Outing Club cabin. The result? A majestic showcase of the DOC spirit.
A different time, a different place: The joy and ecstasy of working at the Moosilauke Summit Camp in 1941.
Gay and lesbian alums have Ed Hermance ’62 to thank for the spark that led to their own alumni organization 25 years ago.
On the eve of her son’s departure for college, an alumna and her son find themselves switching roles.
As media bureaus retrench, digital videographer Jason Maloney ’91 steps in to deliver news from the world’s hot spots.
An author looks back on the English literature professor who changed his life: the engaging James Cox.
“...and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”