Table of Contents

New books by Dartmouth alumni
Barry Corbet ’58 lived two lives—and he lived more fully in both of them than most of us do in one.
Here’s how Phil Hanlon ’77—better known as “Juan Carlos” to his fraternity brothers—found his way to the big office in Parkhurst Hall.
A photo retrospective of Commencement and Class Day exercises of yesteryear.
A first—and last—lesson in driving a stick shift was a heartbreaking experience in more ways than one.
Aggie Kurtz launched women’s sports at Dartmouth more than 40 years ago with a budget of $500.
Captured by the Nazis in 1945 and headed to certain death, a 20-year-old makes a daring bid for freedom.
In “Writing 5,” first-year students learn to express themselves logically and analytically.
“...and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”
Web Extras
The little-known story of how the CIA recruited Barry Corbet ’58 and other Dartmouth Everesters for a Cold War secret mission.