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New titles from Dartmouth writers (November-December 2015)


As a former Peace Corps volunteer, forklift operator and hardware store manager, Democrat Tom Wolf ’71 brings an unusual resume to Pennsylvania politics.
Elected after a successful career in private equity, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner ’78 aims to reform state finances.
Twenty professors from a variety of disciplines recommend their favorite books and tell us what makes them special.
Michael C. Lewis ’11 quit his job to pursue a not-quite-dominant ranking on the pro squash circuit—and circle the globe. Mission accomplished.
What are the liberal arts, exactly? A means to stoke curiosity, promote critical thinking and, simply put, make you smarter.
Perry Butler ’64 has been serving food—and memories—at his landmark San Francisco restaurant for almost 50 years.
When mental illness hits home, a lonely struggle ensues.
As World War I broke out in Europe, students signed petitions for peace. Within two years they were conducting military drills on the Green.
Dan Reicher ’78 • Nigel Jaquiss ’84 • Kelly McGlinchey ’12 • Phil Langley ’59 • Andy Sigler ’53, Tu’56 • Andrew Perloff ’93
An interreligious expert on the intersection of religion and culture
Fairway to Heaven
Practice Makes Perfect
Nila Bhakuni, Director of Technology Transfer
How to Build a Campfire
Thoughtful Ink: Undergrads reveal their tattoos.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”


Readers write, react and respond. (November-December 2015)

Web Extras

San Francisco-based “entrepeaneur” Larissa Russell ’13 on the joys and challenges of launching a sustainable cookie company
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Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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