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New titles from Dartmouth writers (May-June 2015)


Two decades ago tuition, room and board ran about $26,000. Now it’s nearly $64,000. C.J. Hughes ’92 crunches the numbers, examines the history and talks to administrators in search of an explanation.
Meet the unheralded heroes of the equestrian squad.
Photos previously seen only in black and white spring to life thanks to a little touch of color.
Committee chair and English professor Barbara Will talks about Moving Dartmouth Forward.
In 1954, long before you could hop a quick flight from Logan, intrepid spring break skiers put rubber to the road in a quest for Colorado snow.
Matt Royer ’93 quit a dream job as an environmental lawyer to come home and save the stream where he grew up—and also, perhaps, the Chesapeake Bay.
A random, informal survey of 112 undergrads reveals more than you may want to know about today’s wireless student.
Little-known district attorney Alexander P. Nelson, class of 1889, waged war against cross burning, mob violence and racial hatred in 1920s Los Angeles.
Valerie Steele ’78 • Rishi Sethi ’11 • Jessica Glago ’08 • Tom Bartlett ’80 • Garfield DeMarco ’59 • Kyle Hendricks ’12
On privacy in an age of surveillance
Splash Landing: During Winter Carnival’s annual polar bear plunge back in February, 466 people—most of them students—voluntarily jumped in frigid Occom Pond.
Around the Green in 60 seconds
Hayley Lynch ’15, Musical Director, Dodecaphonics
How to Avoid Getting Lost
Let's Get Physical: Undergrads hit the gym.
“…and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”


Readers write, react and respond. (May-June 2015)

Web Extras

When currency and faith collide: Did some organized religions spread as a response to the rising importance of the marketplace? From “Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us”
When life tests you in unexpected ways, sometimes the ultimate victory is survival.
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Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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