Table of Contents

New books by Dartmouth alumni
Noble efforts, questionable calls and daring deeds by Dartmouth alumni in the War Between the States.
Through the 1960s, the world of fine art scoffed at the notion of color photography. Good thing Joel Sternfeld ’65 didn’t know any better.
Former Review editor Harmeet Dhillon ’89 leads the Republican Party in one of the nation’s most liberal cities.
Do you know where the College ranks in “hotness” or where it stands on the stress meter? A sampling of recent rankings you may have missed.
For Chuck Wooster ’89, raising crops on his 100 acres in Vermont is all about cultivating community.
He had wealth, ambition and the right name. The only thing Governor and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller ’30 needed was a little help from his college chums.
“...and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”