Table of Contents

New books by Dartmouth alumni
Cincinnati Bengals executive VP Katie Blackburn ’86 spent her whole life preparing for the front office job.
Artist Daniel Heyman ’85 uses his medium as a message about the atrocities of torture and abuse.
Facebook may have gotten its start at Harvard, but the Web site features plenty of Dartmouth’s own brand of social networking.
Professor, scientist and businessman Lee Lynd says we’re closer than ever to realizing the long-unfulfilled promise of biofuels.
A spunky chocolate Lab named Duke ruled the campus during her master’s sophomore summer.
Josh Marcuse ’04 has organized a high-power Washington network to educate the next generation of foreign policy experts.
Producing a documentary about teen romance opens a startling new world for the mother of a 12-year-old.
Professor Margaret Williamson shows students how language serves as a window into human nature and cultural distinctions.
“...and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”