Table of Contents

New books by Dartmouth alumni.
Why Barack Obama chose Jodi Archambault Gillette ’91 as the first American Indian to serve as White House liaison with U.S. tribes.
Even without a professional program, the College inspires graduates to find careers in design.
Old student scrapbooks spill forth a bounty of ephemera, nostalgia and beautiful garbage.
Education journalist and PBS contributor John Merrow ’63 weighs in on the hot-button issues facing our nation’s schools.
Baseball coaching legend Tony Lupien gave a hard-hitting former GI the opportunity of a lifetime.
Three decades ago the author wrote an architectural review of the campus. In the wake of a recent building boom, he’s back for another look.
An alum belatedly discovers what she should have requested as the ultimate graduation gift.
As he slowed down, our friendship turned tender and I came to see our time together in a different light.
“...and the granite of New Hampshire keeps the record of their fame.”