Class of 2018

Commencement, 2008
Drawing Studio, 2009
Outdoor Class, 2010
Dartmouth Powwow, 2010
Women's Frisbee Team
Biology Lab, Undated
Christmas, Undated
Classroom, Undated
Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1988
Appalachian Trail, 1989
Class Day, 1994
Football, 1994
Academic Gala, 1997
Bonfire Building, 1999
Duthu, 2009
TableTennis, 2009
Top of the Hop, 2009
Alpha Delta, 1877
Chariot Races, 2010
Baseball on the Green, 1877
Earth Science, 2010
Class Photo, 1898
Football, 2010
Commencement, 1899
Ledyard, 2010
Snow Sculpture, 1925
Pilobolus, 2010
Bonfire Caller, 1947
Salutatorian, 2010
Choates, 1958
Spring, 2010
Cheerleaders, 1970
Tailgate, 2010
Friendly Soccer Game, 1978
Hockey, 2014
Cheerleaders, 1980
Campus Life, Undated
Commencement, 1980
Cyclist, 1987
Sorority, 1988
Class Day, 1990
Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra, 2008

Hi, ’18s! I hope everyone is having a great summer! I am personally wishing that we were back in June of last summer, when we celebrated our five-year reunion as a class in Hanover. At least we only have four more years until the 10-year mark! Until then, we have one classmate update to share with the class!

In this summer edition of our Class Notes column, I am excited to highlight classmate Shuoqi Chen, who chaired a medical imaging and artificial intelligence (AI) workshop at the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) this June!

The data curation and augmentation in medical imaging workshop was an inaugural event, held in conjunction with the IEEE/CVF CVPR organization. The half-day workshop Shuoqi chaired aimed to foster discussions and collaborations on cutting-edge developments in data processing techniques within the realm of medical imaging. Notably, alumni and faculty from Dartmouth and Thayer were in attendance to showcase their groundbreaking work during the workshop.

Shuoqi shared that the workshop provided an interactive platform to connect both industry and academic experts on topics centered around translating medical data into safe and impactful clinical solutions. Shuoqi writes, “Within the realm of data-driven computer vision and AI solutions for medical imaging lies the potential to significantly improve patient care. Yet safety requirements associated with healthcare pose major challenges for this research field, especially regarding data curation.

Ultimately, the workshop aimed to reinvigorate our perspective on the significance of data in clinical settings. We aspire to push forward the frontier of data curation and augmentation for medical applications to tackle the challenges of limited or imperfect data in real-world medical applications.” You can learn more about the workshop at, and feel free to reach out to Shuoqi with any questions, thoughts, or feedback. Congratulations, Shuoqi, on a successful workshop!

Thank you so much for your continued engagement with the class. Wishing you all the best; stay cool ’18s!

Emily Choate, 172 Commonwealth Ave., Apt. 3, Boston, MA 02116; (603) 305-5346;

Warren Isaac Schorr ’18

Warren Isaac Schorr ’18 passed away on June 22, 2023, in Los Angeles from a heart attack. He was born September 20, 1995, in Norwalk, Connecticut.

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Jacob Henry ’18

Jacob Henry ’18 passed away on March 24, 2022, having recently returned from serving a year in AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps.

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Anthony Harris ’18

Anthony Harris ’18 passed away recently, the College has learned. While at Dartmouth he studied neuroscience and participated in a Russian language study abroad program in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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View All Obituaries for Class of 2018


Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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