Seen & Heard

The New President

Here’s how Phil Hanlon ’77—better known as “Juan Carlos” to his fraternity brothers—found his way to the big office in Parkhurst Hall.

Clutch Situation

A first—and last—lesson in driving a stick shift was a heartbreaking experience in more ways than one.

Train of Doom

Captured by the Nazis in 1945 and headed to certain death, a 20-year-old makes a daring bid for freedom.

Making A Case

In “Writing 5,” first-year students learn to express themselves logically and analytically.


Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
Flight Patterns
Daniel R. Sheldon ’99 explores bird “mysteries.”
In Her Element

Each summer, Alaskan Jill Fredston ’80 heads out to explore thousands of miles of rugged Arctic coastline in her oceangoing rowing shell.

Caroline Pott ’02
A conservation biologist on life in the middle of the Pacific

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