Class of 2019

Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1988
Appalachian Trail, 1989
Class Day, 1994
Football, 1994
Academic Gala, 1997
Bonfire Building, 1999
Duthu, 2009
TableTennis, 2009
Top of the Hop, 2009
Alpha Delta, 1877
Chariot Races, 2010
Baseball on the Green, 1877
Earth Science, 2010
Class Photo, 1898
Football, 2010
Commencement, 1899
Ledyard, 2010
Snow Sculpture, 1925
Pilobolus, 2010
Bonfire Caller, 1947
Salutatorian, 2010
Choates, 1958
Spring, 2010
Cheerleaders, 1970
Tailgate, 2010
Friendly Soccer Game, 1978
Hockey, 2014
Cheerleaders, 1980
Campus Life, Undated
Commencement, 1980
Cyclist, 1987
Sorority, 1988
Class Day, 1990
Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra, 2008
Commencement, 2008
Drawing Studio, 2009
Outdoor Class, 2010
Dartmouth Powwow, 2010
Women's Frisbee Team
Biology Lab, Undated
Christmas, Undated
Classroom, Undated

Hello, ’19s!

First, a shoutout to Jovanay Carter, Jolene Bernagene, and Moyosore Okeremi. Their company, The Dev Difference, is an interview prep tool for those who need practice before interviews in the tech industry. Their product allows candidates to do mock interviews with AI and get immediate feedback on how to better their interview skills. The Dev Difference just won first place and $70,000 from University of Chicago’s Social New Venture Challenge, which is one of the most renowned business school startup competitions in the country.

As I am writing this, we are about two weeks post-reunion. I think I can speak for all when I say that reunion was a terrific weekend and it was great reconnecting with friends and classmates. It was also really exciting to see the physical changes to campus since we have graduated, including the new buildings. I cannot believe it has been five years since we graduated from Dartmouth!

The Friday evening of reunion was a great kickoff with dinner on Baker lawn. Saturday’s events included a barbecue on the Green, a networking event with the ’99s, and a performance by the band Fake Nudes at Bones Gate. Saturday’s events concluded with a wonderful class dinner at our tent near the Life Sciences Center.

At the time I’m writing this, I am currently unsure whether I will be continuing on as secretary for the class of 2019. If it is my last column, it’s been an honor and pleasure communicating the class news to you; I am sure that the column will be in good hands going forward. And if not, I look forward to continuing to share class updates with you! Thank you for the opportunity, and I hope you’ll continue to submit Class Notes!

Morgan Lee, 417 Grand St., Apt. D1705, New York, NY 10002;

Moriah “Mo” Wilson ’19

Moriah “Mo” Wilson ’19 was a dedicated member of the women’s alpine ski team, a creative engineer, and a sister of Kappa Delta Epsilon.

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Andrew J. Laub ’19

Andrew J. Laub ’19 passed away in the early summer of 2021. Andrew grew up in New Canaan, Connecticut, and attended New Canaan Country School and St. Luke’s School. He was a physics major and computer science minor at Dartmouth.

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View All Obituaries for Class of 2019


Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
Flight Patterns
Daniel R. Sheldon ’99 explores bird “mysteries.”
In Her Element

Each summer, Alaskan Jill Fredston ’80 heads out to explore thousands of miles of rugged Arctic coastline in her oceangoing rowing shell.

Caroline Pott ’02
A conservation biologist on life in the middle of the Pacific

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