Walter Herbert May Jr. ’59
Walter Herbert May Jr. ’59 died on February 16. He entered Dartmouth from Edina (Minnesota) High School and was a member of Gamma Delta Chi. He was in the 3/2 program with Tuck School. After receiving his M.B.A. in 1960 Wally had brief stints serving in the Air Force and working in Chicago before settling in the Minneapolis area in 1962. He worked with an advertising agency for about 10 years and, in 1992, joined Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood, then a regional brokerage company that grew into a large financial services firm. He retired in 1995 after serving in several capacities, including as retail marketing director for the final decade. Following retirement he was for about 12 years a member of an independent board that provided counsel to nearly 150 mutual funds and variable annuities associated with the ING brand. Wally had many interests, including woodworking and playing the piano and golf, in which he had for many years a single-digit handicap. He was an active member of the Tuck School class of 1960, writing for many years the class column in Tuck Today. Wally leaves Cathy, his wife of more than 50 years, daughters Margaret and Catherine, five grandchildren and brothers Peter, Richard and Thomas.