Shelton Tait Fisher ’59
Shelton Tait Fisher ’59 passed away on December 10, 2011, in Denver. “Chip” entered Dartmouth from Darien (Connecticut) High School, where he was active in the student council, forensics, dramatics and the chorus and captained the ice hockey team. At Dartmouth Chip was a brother of Sigma Chi and majored in geography. During his four years he participated in Rifle
Club, WDCR, Glee Club, Sultans, Dartmouth Outing Club, Winter Carnival and Cabin & Trail. He started out in NROTC but transferred to AFROTC after his freshman year. He was a four-year participant in Variety Nite and entertained his fraternity brothers with his vocal and guitar skills. Bob Gwynne ’59 remembers that Chip composed a song honoring Sally Gray, twin sister of Will Gray ’59. Bob also recalls that Chip moved a caboose into the mountains as a second home. His Darien High School 25th reunion book reports that Chip was a “real estate broker and is involved in the Denver Symphony, the Children’s Hospital and the American Cancer Society.” The entry further adds: “He is a member of Roundup Riders of the Rockies and goes for a week’s ride every year on horse Cochise with more than 200 men.” He was divorced from his wife, Emma, during their time in Denver. His son Shelton and daughter Laura survive him.