Robert C. Rhines ’60

Robert C. Rhines ’60 of Plymouth, New Hampshire, died on March 16 of diastolic heart failure. He was born in 1938 on the island of Sumatra to Chet and Bessie Rhines. The family returned in 1939 to New Jersey, where Bob excelled at sports and served as class president at Ridgewood High School. At Dartmouth he was president of Zeta Psi and served on the Undergraduate Council and Interfraternity Council his senior year. In 1960 Bob and his high school sweetheart, Connie Minor, were married at the Church of Christ in Hanover. After graduating in 1961 from the Thayer School, the two moved to California for Bob’s first job as a civil engineer. In 1964 Bob changed careers and took a position as a stockbroker on Wall Street. In 1967 civil engineering again beckoned, and the family moved to Campton, New Hampshire, where Bob participated in the development of Waterville Valley Resort. The family finally settled in Plymouth in 1971, when he established a lifelong career as a land surveyor. The family spent vacations in the College Grant. Connie died in 1998. A new chapter began when Bob met Carol Cole. Together they traveled the world, bicycled New England with the Top of the Hill Gang, and spent time with grandchildren of both families. He is survived by Carol, son Michael, daughter Linda, and four grandchildren.


Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
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In Her Element

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