Conrad Earl Gardner ’60

Conrad Earl Gardner ’60, more than 50 years a Golden, Colorado, attorney and past leader of the Jefferson County Library and Golden Landmarks Association, passed away peacefully October 29, 2017. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Ingrid, children Heather and Richard and numerous beloved nieces and nephews, including Amanda Norquest ’99. Born February 16, 1938, to James and Nina Gardner, he grew up in Arkansas City, Kansas, and graduated from Dartmouth and Stanford Law School before helping others in law. Con was admitted to the bar associations of California and Colorado and, in 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court. He was a partner of Fleming & Parttridge law firm in Golden before he began private legal practice there in 1985. He is remembered as having a talent of negotiating, a thoroughness of practice and characteristic of integrity. He was active in his community. He served 19 years as a board member of the Jefferson County Library Association, overseeing growth by construction of four new libraries. He had a passion for historic preservation, serving on the board of the Golden Landmarks Association and was its president from 1995 to 1998. He was honored as one of Golden’s “Living Landmarks” in 2017. A memorial service was held November 10, 2017, at Faith Lutheran Church in Golden. He was eulogized has having two very important characteristics: “He cared about his personal values and he cared about the community’s values.”


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