Alumni Books

New titles from Dartmouth writers. (March/April 2018)

High school literature and writing instructor Richard Braithwaite ’72 looks at coeducation at Dartmouth during the 1970s in the context of the women’s rights movements in his novel Angel: A Chant of Paradise (self-published).

Lydia Lazar ’81 draws on her experience as dean of career services at the University of Chicago with tips on finding intellectually challenging opportunities that pay well in Dean Lazar’s Golden Guide: Pragmatic Career Advice for Smart Young People (self-published).

Ryan Smerek ’00, an assistant director of academic affairs at Northwestern University, explores the factors driving people’s ability to learn with examples from companies that promote continuous learning in Organizational Learning and Performance: The Science and Practice of Building a Learning Culture (Oxford University Press).

University of Denver Josef Korbel School of International Studies professor Rebecca Galemba ’03 examines how long-term border residents engage in and justify extralegal practices in the context of heightened border security, restricted economic opportunities, and exclusionary trade policies in Contraband Corridor: Making a Living at the Mexico-Guatemala Border (Stanford University Press).

Recipe developer Lindsay Maitland Hunt ’09 serves up dishes with straightforward instructions and affordable ingredients in Healthyish: A Cookbook with Seriously Satisfying, Truly Simple, Good-For-You (but Not Too Good-For-You) Recipes for Real Life (Abrams Books).

Dr. Jennifer Sotsky ’10, a resident at Columbia University Medical Center, explores recent advances in precision medicine and biotechnology and their applications to the treatment of Lyme disease as a coauthor of Conquering Lyme Disease: Science Bridges the Great Divide (Columbia University Press).


Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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