Your Turn

Readers write, react and respond. (May-June 2016)

That Loving Feeling
I was glad to see “cheap tea” among the 101 Reasons To Love Dartmouth [March/April]. In my senior year I oversaw the afternoon teas in Sanborn Library. We had a splendid samovar for brewing and offered an assortment of cookies. I have fond memories of librarian Charlotte “Kiki” McCanna, who was the presiding spirit, and helped me figure out the proper amounts of tea and how to keep track of cookie sales. Reason No. 4 for loving Dartmouth—Rauner Library’s digital image collection—led me to several photos of Kiki and a tea-scented trip down memory lane. 


Carl Little ’76
Mount Desert, Maine


John Rassias, celebrated in your most recent issue, was my French teacher during my freshman year at the University of Bridgeport (1960-61). I remember truly enjoying his class and being so disappointed when, at the end of the year, he left Connecticut. 

Years later, as my connection to Dartmouth grew through my husband, Bernie Jacobs ’62, I was delighted to learn Rassias was at Dartmouth. I was not surprised, having experienced him as a teacher, that he had taken the teaching of languages to a new height. Often, when I was in Hanover, I thought I would visit him, but never did.

At my husband’s 50th reunion Rassias led the class of 1962 into the graduation ceremony. Finally, I had my opportunity, and while the class was being seated I had the chance to share my fond memories with him. He gave me a big hug and seemed genuinely pleased to be remembered by a student from so long ago.

Elaine Jacobs
Mahopac, New York


Congratulations, you nailed it! The folks in McNutt Hall should create a special version of this issue of DAM to give to every prospective student deciding between Dartmouth and other colleges.

Douglas Chia ’93
Princeton, New Jersey


Reason No. 102 to Love Dartmouth: the fantastic Dartmouth Alumni Magazine.

Bruce Sloane ’57
Sperryville, Virginia


Next time you look up and marvel at the cycloidal arches of the Hop, you’ll also realize there are only five of them—contrary to the illustration of six.

Michael Poloukhine ’86
Los Angeles



He Spoke Their Language 

Loved Professor Rassias!
—Cheryl Armstrong-Bagnal

He was a wonderful man.
—Mary Ann Mousley

When it came to Romance languages, there was no one better.
—Jim Vincent ’73


Reasons to Love

Number 12: Rory Gawler!  
—Inez Newbold

Wow! Quite impressive!  
—Kitty Murphy

Number 97 [Dartmouth’s new graduate school] is a reason to miss Dartmouth. “It was a small college, and there were those who loved it that way.” Apologies to Daniel Webster.
—Chuck Sherman ’66


Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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