C. Gregory Knight ’63
C. Gregory Knight ’63, emeritus professor of geography at Pennsylvania State University, died January 1, 2015. He resided at University Park, Pennsylvania. At Dartmouth Greg majored in geography, was a senior fellow, participated in intramural hockey and worked at Baker Library. He earned his Ph.D. at University of Minnesota and after a brief stint at University of Kansas, joined the faculty at Penn State, where he remained 41 years till his retirement in 2011. Greg wrote 10 books and more than 100 articles, serving as department head and for a brief time in senior administration at the university. He led the new American University in Bulgaria through its first year in 1995 and returned to Penn State to become founding director of a university research unit studying climate change. Greg is survived by his wife, Marieta Staneva, and children Corinna ’93 and Colin.