Daniel Rosen ’60

Daniel Rosen ’60 died peacefully on December 9, 2014, in Manhattan, where he had lived and worked most of his adult life. He married Charlene March on March 12, 1966, after a brief engagement. His obituary, which appeared in The New York Times, read simply, “Daniel Rosen, born 1938. He lived. He loved. He ate some blueberry pancakes. He wore some pretty cool sneakers. He was really a good guy and we’ll miss him. Come help us celebrate the man, Dan Rosen, much loved. Memorial service to be held at Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel on Friday, December 12, at 3:30 p.m.” It was an invitation to those who knew him to recognize between those lines the man they knew as a caring, kind and reliable friend. After graduating from Dartmouth Dan’s first job was as a TV producer of Long Island football games of the week. He became a staff TV director for Channel 11 in Manhattan, subsequently changing to management. His career culminated in the presidency of post-production facilities Editel NY and Manhattan Transfer, leading them into new digital technology. Upon retirement due to a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Dan’s avocation, photography, captured his imagination and eye, an eye he had developed as a TV director. His memorial service was a fitting celebration for one who celebrated life as he lived it. Helping in the celebration were good friends Alan Zients ’60 and Phil Serlin ’60. 


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