Class of 1977

Top of the Hop, 2009
Alpha Delta, 1877
Chariot Races, 2010
Baseball on the Green, 1877
Earth Science, 2010
Class Photo, 1898
Football, 2010
Commencement, 1899
Ledyard, 2010
Snow Sculpture, 1925
Pilobolus, 2010
Bonfire Caller, 1947
Salutatorian, 2010
Choates, 1958
Spring, 2010
Cheerleaders, 1970
Tailgate, 2010
Friendly Soccer Game, 1978
Hockey, 2014
Cheerleaders, 1980
Campus Life, Undated
Commencement, 1980
Cyclist, 1987
Sorority, 1988
Class Day, 1990
Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra, 2008
Commencement, 2008
Drawing Studio, 2009
Outdoor Class, 2010
Dartmouth Powwow, 2010
Women's Frisbee Team
Biology Lab, Undated
Christmas, Undated
Classroom, Undated
Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1988
Appalachian Trail, 1989
Class Day, 1994
Football, 1994
Academic Gala, 1997
Bonfire Building, 1999
Duthu, 2009
TableTennis, 2009

Chris Jenny writes: “I had the privilege (and sadness) during the past year to serve as cochair (along with Jane Goodell, a ’23 parent) of the Buddy Teevens Legacy Committee for the College. Buddy and I roomed together when I was a senior and he was a sophomore. We met while he was playing hockey and I was manning the Zamboni at Thompson during an off term, and it blossomed into a lifelong friendship, including our oldest son, Alex ’10, playing quarterback for him at Dartmouth. With incredible support from Sian Beilock and the administration, the committee threw a celebration of life in Hanover in May attended by more than 1,500 people and a poignant dedication of the football stadium in Buddy’s name in October. With the help of many of Buddy’s friends, teammates, players, and supporters, we were able to raise $40 million in his honor to put toward various initiatives at Dartmouth that will bear his name. Many ’77s who had a special relationship with Buddy were very supportive of these events and fundraising. We all miss Buddy, but he will be a part of Dartmouth forever.”

Alan MacDonald checked in 50 years later: “Having visited divided Berlin, Germany, with the Goslar language study abroad cohort in February 1975, gone through ‘Checkpoint Charlie,’ etc., I had been hankering to revisit Berlin to see what it was like 30 years after reunification. By pure coincidence, having just signed up for a Viking cruise that included several days in Berlin, I was contacted by Rainer Buhl, whose family I lived with those 10 weeks in 1975. So last July my wife, Joyce Green MacDonald ’78, and I visited Rainer for a long weekend in Goslar and the Harz Mountains. That weekend Rainer and I hiked nearby in the Harz through terrain once bisected by barbed wire and machine gun towers, though now all traces of a fortified frontier have vanished. I’m amazed at what I witnessed that term. See you in Santa Fe, New Mexico, this summer!”

Speaking of Santa Fe, this is the part of the column where I beg, cajole, pester, and quite possibly threaten you to please make time and effort to join classmates at our collective 70th birthday party in Santa Fe August 20-24. The itinerary is finalized, registration is open, and the link is at (scroll down if you don’t see it). Everyone is welcome. We are subsidizing registration fees to encourage attendance and accessibility for all. Before, during, and after you register, please go to our (fabulously rejuvenated by Susan Gabrels) “Dartmouth College Class of 1977” Facebook group and let your friends and classmates know you are coming! Please check it out, and if you have questions, contact anyone on the committee listed on the class website.

Be seen, be heard! Send news and pics. Not getting class emails and e-newsletters? Call the alumni help desk at (603) 646-3202 to update your email and address.

A.P. Duffy, 66 Saunders Drive, Wilton, CT 06897; (203) 979-2234;

Daryl O’Brien Palmer ’77

Daryl O’Brien Palmer ’77 passed away October 21, 2015, in Montvale, New Jersey. Raised in Morris Township, she graduated from Morristown High School and matriculated at Dartmouth in September 1973.

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Book cover that says How to Get Along With Anyone
Alumni Books
New titles from Dartmouth writers (March/April 2025)
Woman wearing red bishop garments and mitre, walking down church aisle
New Bishop
Diocese elevates its first female leader, Julia E. Whitworth ’93.
Reconstruction Radical

Amid the turmoil of Post-Civil War America, Amos Akerman, Class of 1842, went toe to toe with the Ku Klux Klan.

Illustration of woman wearing a suit, standing in front of the U.S. Capitol in D.C.
Kirsten Gillibrand ’88
A U.S. senator on 18 years in Washington, D.C.

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