Class of 1973

Commencement, 2008
Drawing Studio, 2009
Outdoor Class, 2010
Dartmouth Powwow, 2010
Women's Frisbee Team
Biology Lab, Undated
Christmas, Undated
Classroom, Undated
Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1988
Appalachian Trail, 1989
Class Day, 1994
Football, 1994
Academic Gala, 1997
Bonfire Building, 1999
Duthu, 2009
TableTennis, 2009
Top of the Hop, 2009
Alpha Delta, 1877
Chariot Races, 2010
Baseball on the Green, 1877
Earth Science, 2010
Class Photo, 1898
Football, 2010
Commencement, 1899
Ledyard, 2010
Snow Sculpture, 1925
Pilobolus, 2010
Bonfire Caller, 1947
Salutatorian, 2010
Choates, 1958
Spring, 2010
Cheerleaders, 1970
Tailgate, 2010
Friendly Soccer Game, 1978
Hockey, 2014
Cheerleaders, 1980
Campus Life, Undated
Commencement, 1980
Cyclist, 1987
Sorority, 1988
Class Day, 1990
Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra, 2008

Post-reunion tidbits follow.

Claus Hamann wrote to clarify comments in an earlier column: “I transitioned to healthcare consulting and accountable care leadership after 15 wonderful years on staff in geriatrics at Mass General in Boston and since retirement in 2018 enjoy growing fruit trees and improving migratory fish passage in Maine (apples and alewives).”

At the Delco Senior Games in July, Bob Jones was the only one in his age group to swim (and win) all seven events. Later in the month he participated in the National Senior Games in Pittsburgh and was pleased his times improved. In August the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists inducted Bob into its Hall of Fame in recognition of his volunteer efforts and dedication to the employee benefits industry. Bob mentioned he caught Bill Lehman, swim team member and fraternity brother, up on the reunion. Unfortunately, Bill has been wheelchair-bound for the past several years.

Class huntsman Texan Richard Merrill was in the Maine woods (near Canada) in October. “After 15 to 20 years of applying, this year I was drawn for a Maine moose permit, about a 1.5-percent chance when a nonresident, and then about a 50-percent chance of harvesting a moose. The bull was 240 yards from me when I shot it. Since I tagged out early on my moose hunt and had two free days left, I opted for a bear hunt using hounds the next day. This alternated between periods of low activity and then extremely intense activity, including running along roads, twice crossing cold, waist-deep water, and trying to keep up with a couple of guys at least 30 years younger as we all tried to reach where the hounds had treed the bear. All told, about 23 miles walking and 44 hours spent in the Maine woods. I’m very fortunate!” Richard estimates the moose he bagged was around 1,000 pounds while the bear was roughly 300 pounds.

Also, Richard summarized January’s Dartmouth Lawyers Association gathering at Snowbird, Utah: “John Goheen, Dan Crowley, Mike Ultee, Hilary Miller, and I were at the meeting. John has joined the ranks of the retired. Hilary still enjoys practicing law and does not have any plans to retire soon. Dan is still working. Mike is a brewer and beer judge, with his business, Ulteemit Brewing, which has been crafting fine homebrew since 1987, located in Hillsborough, New Jersey.”

In January Jim Sullivan reported “a team of Dartmouth ’73 golfing stalwarts, including ‘Digger’ Donahue, Bob Glovsky, John Lundgren, and Michael Neary, participated in a member-guest tournament at Bob’s club in Florida. Michael reported that the club is lovely and they had a great time together.”

While at dance class, Sarah Kahn responded to a call for medical assistance when an individual in another room fell off a steep treadmill. Sarah was instrumental in resuscitating heart attack victim Jack Gault.

News was received of the May 2023 death of former football player Tom Tarazevits. See Encourage heirs to timely report any demise.

Val Armento, 227 Sylvan Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403;

Thomas Patrick Tarazevits ’73

Thomas Patrick Tarazevits ’73 died on May 21, 2023. At the time of his death, Thomas was a resident of Costa Mesa, California.

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Charles Edward Sandifer ’73

Charles Edward Sandifer ’73 died after a long illness on August 31, 2022, in Newtown, Connecticut. Ed came to Dartmouth from West Deptford (New Jersey) High School.

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Robert Woodward Kerwin Jr. ’73

Robert Woodward Kerwin Jr. ’73 died on December 26, 2021, at home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Bob came to Dartmouth from the John Burroughs School in St. Louis, Missouri. At the College he was a psychology major.

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Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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