Daniel W. Benson ’63
Daniel W. Benson ’63, M.D., died on August 4 at home. He was born in Everett, Washington but moved to Fairfield, Connecticut, and attended Mount Hermon School, where he participated in the newspaper and lacrosse. At Dartmouth Daniel majored in history and was a brother of Psi Upsilon. He took premed courses in New York City and received his M.D. from the University of Rome. While living in Rome Daniel met his Australian wife-to-be in London, and they were married in 1972 in the Salem Lutheran Church, where his father was pastor and officiated. After residency in New York City, he moved to Vero Beach, Florida, in 1976 and started an orthopedic practice with a sub-specialty in hand surgery. He was proud to be the team doctor of the Vero Beach High School football team and he was active on several local hospital and other boards. Daniel remained interested in Italian culture as well as his Swedish background. He was an active sailor in Florida and the Bahamas on his 49-foot Hallberg Rassy named Bumerang and continued sailing during retirement in Blue Hill, Maine. After retirement from clinical practice, he joined an insurance company part time as orthopedic medical director. He is survived by his wife, Julie, three children, and six grandchildren.