Campus Confidential

Space for Wellness
A new “tranquility room” has opened at Berry Library, where students can enjoy two massage chairs, ambient music, and the occasional therapy dog.


New Arrival
Abdul Rahman Latif has joined the Tucker Center as associate director and the College’s first Muslim chaplain. He previously worked as a teaching assistant at Columbia.


Fit for a King
Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement and 2017 Time magazine “Person of the Year,” spoke at the January 24 keynote event that marked the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.


Doors Open!
A refurbished Rollins Chapel reopened with a ceremony on January 26 after being closed for three years. Improved ventilation, a converted heating system, and new floors highlight the upgrade.


The Joy of Carpentry
Petitioners succeeded in reducing downtime for the woodworking workshop during the renovation of the Hopkins Center. An interim shop opens this spring.


Change Agent
“How might we innovate in new arenas while strengthening the education we already provide?” asked trustees chair Liz Lempres ’83, Th’84, of the role for new chief transformation officer LaMar Bunts. 


T-Shirt Alert
The store Traditionally Trendy closed in November after 31 years on Main Street. Merchandise is still available on its website.


Late Night Dining
The Class of 1953 Commons extended its hours to 1:30 a.m. for winter term.


Friends of men’s hockey celebrated the career of former coach Bob Gaudet ’81 with a raucous reception at the Hanover Inn ballroom prior to a late January game against Colgate. Gaudet coached at Dartmouth for 23 seasons and won 331 games. 


Anchor Sighting
CNN’s Anderson Cooper came to campus last fall to interview war photographer James Nachtwey ’70 for an upcoming episode of 60 Minutes. 


Drowned Out
Ethan Dixon ’24, a certified lifeguard, argued in favor of reinstating the student swim test in an opinion piece for The Dartmouth.


On the Green
The Dartmouth Pow Wow takes place this year on Saturday, May 13.


Four More Years
Thayer dean Alexis Abramson and Tuck dean Matthew Slaughter have been reappointed to new terms, her second and his third.


Hall of Fame
A newly acquired bronze sculpture of Martin Luther King Jr. was unveiled in Dartmouth Hall—where the civil rights icon spoke in 1962. John Woodrow Wilson sculpted the bust.


Fresh Dialogue
A new group founded by Alex Azar ’25 and Paige Pattison ’24, Conservative Students of Dartmouth, held its first meetings in January. They hope to “create a space in which students could engage in substantive discussion of conservative ideas, independent of partisan affiliations.”


Stanford econ professor Heidi WIlliams ’03, a former DAM cover subject, is joining the Dartmouth faculty this summer. 



Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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