John R. Burns Jr. ’73
John R. Burns Jr. ’73 died on August 14 of natural causes in Nashua, New Hampshire. John came to Dartmouth from Nashua High School, where he was senior class president and an all-state football player. At the College he majored in English and played on the freshman football team until a knee injury ended his playing days. A member of Kappa Sigma, John lived all four years in South Massachusetts Hall and was dorm president for a couple of academic terms. After graduation he worked in New Hampshire and in California in the trucking industry and in insurance brokerage services, where he earned recognition for high-volume sales of corporate insurance benefit plans. John worked for a time in Kuwait, where he developed lifelong business and personal relationships. For most of John’s adult life Nashua was his home base and where he worked, which in recent years allowed him to assist his elderly parents to continue to live in their Nashua home before passing. He was an alumni admissions interviewer and in 2002 served as a district enrollment director. John was predeceased by his parents, Shirley and John Burns ’42. He is survived by his brother, James ’76; uncle Donald; nephew Andrew; niece Julia; several grandnieces; and a grandnephew. Memorial contributions may be made to the Dartmouth College Fund, c/o Gift Recording Office, A22WF, 6066 Development Office, Hanover, NH 03755-4400. Online donations can be made at