James Carrington “Brud” Leiter Jr. ’52

James Carrington “Brud” Leiter Jr. ’52 passed away in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, on August 27, 2022. Brud was born on October 6, 1929, in Kansas City, Missouri, and lived there most of the early years of his life. He came to Dartmouth, following in the footsteps of his father, who was a member of the class of 1921. Brud was an English major and a member of Sigma Chi. Immediately after graduation in 1952 Brud served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force for two years, then joined his father in his retail textile business in Kansas City. In 1963 Brud earned an M.B.A. from the University of Missouri. As the fabric industry changed through the years, Brud modified the business plan, moving out of retail into direct-to-consumer sales, and finally closing the business in 1985 to move into other areas of interest, primarily creating and importing artisan products. Brud and Ruth “Boots” Matthews, a Smith graduate, married in early 1952, but divorced in 1978. They raised son James II ’75, MED’79, and daughters Anne, Carol, and Ellen, all of whom survive him. In 1986 Brud moved to Morelia, Mexico, to enhance his artisan products export business and, in 1992, he and Amada Quiyono, married there. Amada also survives him. Brud was an active Dartmouth alumnus and reunion attendee, always thoughtful and well regarded.


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