Howard Wilton Geiger Jr. ’59
Howard Wilton Geiger Jr. ’59 passed away on July 13 at the Westfield (New Jersey) Rehabilitation Center. Howard entered Dartmouth from Spring Valley (New York) High School. At Dartmouth Howard was a member of Gamma Delta Chi, on the Sophomore Orientation Committee and in Army ROTC. Upon graduation Howard spent three years in Munich, Germany, in military intelligence. He worked in the family building materials firm in Tallman, New York, until he obtained an M.B.A. at Columbia Business School in 1966. He became a security analyst at Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. (New York City) and continued his career at IDS (Minneapolis) and Merrill Lynch (New York City), where he followed the computer industry. In 1983 Howard opened the West Coast office of Hillman Co. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he invested in privately backed companies. He returned to New York City in 1987 to join Mitchell Hutchins Institutional Investors. In 1996 he became an independent investor, and in 1999 joined a new fundraising boutique acquired by JPMorgan Chase. He retired in 2013 as a consultant at VCFA (New York City). His passions were spending time with his children and grandchildren and enjoying sunsets. He served as president of the board of education in Mahwah, New Jersey. During the past 25 years he sang with the New York University Glee Club and was a member of the Riverside Church in New York City, where he held many leadership positions. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Melissa, four children and nine grandchildren.