Howard “Mickey” Mickelson ’59
Howard “Mickey” Mickelson ’59 passed away on July 16 in Portland, Oregon. Mickey entered Dartmouth from East Lansing (Michigan) High School and was a member of Alpha Chi Rho, where he was social chairman in his senior year. He was a member of the freshman tennis team and completed two years of ROTC. In his 50th reunion book entry, Mickey wrote: “I am especially blessed to have a wonderful wife, three children of whom I am very proud and two delightful grandchildren. It does not get any better than that.” How true! Mickey also thanked those who befriended him at Alpha Chi and Middle Mass, on the tennis team or elsewhere on campus and thanked all for the memories. After serving in the Army and graduating from Tuck School in 1962, Mickey held various positions in finance, starting at Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1967 he moved to Canadian Pacific, Montreal, Canada, and then on to Memorex in 1970. From 1977 to 1990 Mickey worked for Bank of America in London, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Mickey later applied his financial skills as a mortgage banker, community college accounting instructor and, from approximately 1997 through 2011, at AAA Oregon/Idaho in Portland. He is survived by his wife, Lorrie; son Erik, an advanced learning specialist in Palm Springs, California; daughter Christina ’93, an attorney in San Francisco; daughter Amanda, a travel agent with AAA in Portland; and three grandchildren.