Dana Lee Ellen Seman ’74

Dana Lee Ellen Seman ’74 of Tribeca, New York City, died on June 16, 2022, from cancer. After attending the Wheatley School in Old Westbury, New York, Dana studied at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, for two years. She transferred to Dartmouth to join our class as a junior. Dana had a wide range of interests. She completed a summer workshop in electronic music and graduated with a major in philosophy. She was a dedicated classmate who enthusiastically participated in reunions. Dana was a dancer, calligrapher, and personal trainer. Through her company, Exercise and Bodywork, she focused on healing through movement, corrective exercise, yoga, fitness, and touch. She was a certified American Council on Exercise (ACE) personal trainer and a certified Feldenkrais practitioner. For the past 25 years Dana was also the advertising director of the Tribeca Trib. Dana had been a resident of Tribeca since 1974. Local store owners, clients, managers, friends, and neighbors greatly admired Dana and valued her generosity and kindness.


Shared Experiences
Excerpts from “Why Black Men Nod at Each Other,” by Bill Raynor ’74
One of a Kind
Author Lynn Lobban ’69 confronts painful past.
Going the Distance

How Abbey D’Agostino ’14 became one of the most prolific athletes in Dartmouth history. 

Joseph Campbell, Class of 1925
The author (1904-1987) on mythology and bliss

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