Hello spring, ’16s! Let’s kick off with some more old class news that missed the July-August 2024 edition.

Jared Boyce is still busy publishing about medicine. He recently coauthored an opinion editorial in STAT News about “whether tuition-free medical schools uphold the goals of increasing diversity, the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and the number of students choosing to pursue primary care.” Reading it changed my perspective on the recent $1-billion grant to Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Nancy Wu married Sam Fogg at the Grafton Inn in Grafton, Vermont. Lots of ’16s were in attendance, including Bonita Chen, Julia Huang, Nivi Nagaraj, Soyeun Yang, and Stephanie Alden. Congratulations! I remember writing about your engagement on Pikes Peak in Colorado back in December 2022.

Sam Haskel and Jane Cavalier ’14 had a truly Dartmouth wedding on December 30, 2023, at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh. In attendance were several ’16s, including Jack Sullivan, Nick Tejada, Franklin Dickinson, Sam Packard,and Logan Briggs. Sam also sent in a beautiful photo of everyone, but alas I can only include text in Class Notes!

That’s all the class news I have for this edition. Please note we are looking for a reunion head to lead planning of our 10-year reunion in July 2026. You can reach out to dartmouth.class.of.2016@dartmouth.edu for more information.

Lynn Huang, 4610 Altha St, Raleigh, NC 27606; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy New Year! Our Q&A with author Morgan Talty continues. Morgan is a citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation and author of Night of the Living Rez and Fire Exit. His recent article, “Essential Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir and Short Stories by Native American and Indigenous Authors to Add to Your List,” appeared in People magazine.

Q: I started reading your short story collection, Night of the Living Rez. Could you tell me about the inspiration for those stories?

A: “Thanks for reading it, and I hope you’re enjoying it! In the beginning, the inspiration for it came from family and memories. But the more I wrote and rewrote and revised it, the more it moved away and became mostly fiction. There are parts that are autofiction, but the book really is fiction. But the emotion, the pain, the happiness, all of it, is true.”

Q: Could you tell me about the inspiration for your debut novel, Fire Exit?

A: “The idea came in 2015. I was taking either professor N. Bruce Duthu’s Law and Lit class or his Federal Indian Law class at the time. It was the former that perhaps planted the seed and then the latter that watered it. I was sipping my Novak coffee in front of Sanborn, calming down after one’s usual encounter with Novak staff, when I thought about Louise Erdrich’s The Round House, which we had read. I thought about how she looked at the law and used it as a means to create an incident, something to set the story in motion. It got me thinking, ‘What incident could I find or use to start a book that came from federal Indian policy?’ And it really was this quick—I was like, ‘Blood quantum is messed up…what if a Penobscot citizen who only has a quarter Penobscot blood in her—the minimum to be considered a member or citizen—what if she had a child with a non-Native man and lied and said the father was Native so her daughter could be enrolled [in the Penobscot nation]. What must that feel like for the father?” I didn’t do anything with it except write it down. A few years later I wrote the first draft.”

Secretary Note: The Native Governance Center describes blood quantum as a controversial concept that “refers to the amount of so-called ‘Indian blood’ that an individual possesses.” It is not an Indigenous concept but derives from white settlers in the 18th-century who imposed it as a way of limiting the rights of Native people. The federal Dawes Act of 1887 broke up communally held Native lands into allotments, which were parceled out based on blood quantum. Today, about 70 percent of federally recognized Native nations in the United States still use it as a metric for citizenship.

Q: What’s the first memory that pops up when you think about Dartmouth?

A: “I found a ditched 30-rack of Keystone Light under the bushes one early morning in front of Sanborn, and the friend I was with took it and I didn’t see him for some time.”

And now for some (really old) class news that missed the July/August issue: Renata Hegyi-Hoeger, Th’18, and her husband Lars-Olaf Hoeger ’14 welcomed a beautiful baby boy in February. Their new family of three is now in Ithaca, New York. To any alumni in the area, please reach out and reconnect!

Bria Grangard and her husband, Dan Giordano, also welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Jack Giordano, in January. Congratulations, and you’re killing it with new parenthood!

Lynn Huang, 4610 Altha St., Raleigh, NC 27606; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy winter, friends!

Currently writing this in mid-July after a wonderful trip to Moosilauke Ravine Lodge to celebrate some birthdays. Happy birthday to my dear Vivian Hu and Katie Zhang! Thank you for giving us an occasion to hike Mount Moosilauke, introspect ’bout a campfire, and pass around memories like a fresh loaf of Lodge bread. Many alums attended: Adelaida “Adi” Tamayo, Alex Greer, Cindy Sun, Dalia McGill, David Wu, Jose Rodarte-Canales, Khizar Hussain, Tien Truong, Irene Feng ’17, and Malika Khurana ’15.

Alexandra “Xanthe” Kraft joined the Dominican congregation of St. Cecilia in Nashville. She writes, “I’m becoming a Catholic nun (like in The Sound of Music, except I will be teaching). The Dominicans dedicate their life to truth, community, and the service of others. I can definitely say that Dartmouth—with its friends and pursuit of knowledge—helped sow this seed of religious life.” Congratulations, Xanthe!

Alexandros Zervos moved to N.Y.C. in August, having successfully wrassled all the scorpions in Austin, Texas. He started his M.B.A. at Columbia Business School, so I’m wishing my freshman floormate good coffee and much business.

Mary Liza Hartong was on a panel of authors at the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville in October. Her novel, Love and Hot Chicken, was published this past winter by HarperCollins. The paperback edition comes out on February 25.

As promised in our previous column, here is a Q&A with author Morgan Talty. Morgan is a citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation and author of the short story collection Night of the Living Rez. His debut novel, Fire Exit, was published June 4.

How did you get started as an author?

Talty: “I had a long path to Dartmouth. I barely graduated high school, attended Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) for three years, and then transferred to Dartmouth, where I spent four years. So a nice seven-year A.B. experience! But getting started as an author came about when I was at EMCC. Being there afforded me something I hadn’t ever had: freedom to think beyond the chaos and dysfunction of the life I grew up in at home (that I loved and still love dearly despite the darkness). I started to read and I recognized that the thing I loved the most—telling stories orally—was something you could do but in a different medium. Right then I knew what I wanted. Did I know how difficult it would be? No. If I did, would I have done it? Probably, because I’m stubborn.

“At Dartmouth I majored in Native American studies. I was interested in content—history, philosophy, business, storytelling, law, environmental science, and so on. Native studies is a very interdisciplinary field. It has to be. How can Indigenous knowledge as ‘academia’ exist when the foundation is epistemologically and ontologically Western? Despite it being interdisciplinary—the only way we in Native studies have been able to ‘fit’ in—it is still a misshapen puzzle piece that will never fit. And so I like to think my growth at Dartmouth was as long as the line at the King Arthur Flour Café in Baker-Berry during rush hour. I wept for several days when it closed, thinking about all those who would come after us not knowing what it was like to be in a rush, arrive and see a line wrapping around the corner, mumble ‘F***ing dammit,’ and have to go to Novak—Novak!—to get coffee and be verbally abused.”

Q&A continues next issue. Stay tuned!

Lynn Huang, 4610 Altha St, Raleigh, NC 27606; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy fall, y’all!

Cecelia Shao married Brian Marrone in upstate New York on June 1. The couple was happily celebrated by close family and friends, including several Dartmouth alums: Veronica Burt, Shagun Herur, Briana Williams, Sophia Pedlow ’15, Alexandra (Hannam) and Max Hannam,and Elijah Turner. The weather was phenomenal, as was the Meinklang rosé!

Stay tuned for our next column, which will feature a Q&A with author Morgan Talty. Morgan is a citizen of the Penobscot Indian Nation and author of the short story collection, Night of the Living Rez. His debut novel, Fire Exit, was published June 4.

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s!

Jared Boyce is working hard as a second-year medical student in the medical scientist training program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He wrote in about authoring a new American Medical Association (AMA) policy that “advocates for the expansion of adverse childhood experiences categories to include discrimination, migration-related trauma, poverty, and bullying.” The AMA has officially adopted Jared’s policy as of November 2023. Cheering you on, Jared! Please write back when you become the child and adolescent psychiatrist of your dreams. We need you and all your peers!

Some of y’all might have seen Victoria Li on your social media recently! She is featured in the music video for “I Love My Body” by Elle Baez. The music video, which promotes body positivity, is available on YouTube. Victoria also posts about self-love on Instagram @MidsizeAsianQueen.

Stay in touch, ’16s! Let me know if you have an Insta account you’d like to shout out too.

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy spring, ’16s! Hope everyone has been keeping up (or joyously ignoring) new year’s resolutions! It’s been a slow season for classmate news, so I hope that means everyone is too busy having fun and will write in soon.

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy New Year, dear ‘16s!

Looking for a cozy winter romance? Mary Liza Hartong’s debut novel, Love and Hot Chicken, will be available starting February. The book is “a spicy and hilarious Tennessee story about family, friendship, fried chicken, and two girls in love.” Congratulations on your first book!

In more personal news, I have learned how to ride my mountain bike over baby drops and do the tiniest of jumps without crashing. Small steps! Or should I say small pedal strokes?

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

It’s fall, y’alls! I hope everyone is doing appropriately fall-themed things such as pumpkin photoshoots and apple picking (with apple cider donuts).

Victoria Li writes in that she’s beginning her M.B.A. as a Forte fellow at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business evening program. For fun she’s also started posting content on body positivity and uplifting petite mid-size women on Instagram @vickytoriali.

I have some personal news for all 1,000-plus of you who rabidly follow Class Notes. Vivian Hu, Cindy Sun, and I recently backpacked the Laugavegur and Fimmvorduhals trails in Iceland. It took us four days of solid hiking to cover the 48.2 miles of trail through beautiful rainbow-colored rhyolite mountains, smoking and egg-perfumed geothermal hotspots, and a last day full of constant sideways rain and scrabbling over ash-covered ice fields. We also saw an exceedingly large number of sheep in strange places—on ledges, next to hot springs, literally on the trail. This was bucket list backpacking for me, and I’m so proud to have done it with fellow ’16s. I’m also now looking for planning advice if anyone’s done the Torres del Paine ‘O’ Circuit in Patagonia. Cheers!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy Homecoming, ’16s!

I was doing the math and just realized this September marks 11 years since our first Homecoming bonfire. Can’t believe I missed the 10-year mark! Anybody heading up to Hanover to run the required 116 laps around the fire?

Anna Gabianelli graduated from Emory University School of Law this May. She’ll be headed back to New York in September to start work at Davis Polk & Wardwell. Cheers to all your hard work and good luck!

Congratulations to Dr. Chinedu Okafor for graduating from Duke Medical School! Chinedu will be headed to the University of Pennsylvania orthopedics program for his residency. I’m cheering you on, Doc!

Speight Carr and Eliza Elliott had a very Dartmouth wedding in March. Eliza’s parents, Walter and Laura Elliott, are ’79s and her brother, John, is a ’14! Adam Baer, Abby Markowitz, Amanda Toporek, Ashley See Jaramillo, Dylan Krouse, Elena Ridker, Hayley Adnopoz, Felipe Jaramillo, Katie Papa, Kyle McGoey, Michael Rhys, Nick Deveau, Nick Gutierrez, Peter McLaughlin, and Robbie Tanner also featured in the cute photo Speight emailed to me. Congratulations!

Julia Huang writes in that she attended a beautiful wedding between Stephanie Roff and Andrew Hopen in Austin, Texas, on April 15. I remember writing about their engagement back in February 2022! Tyler Rivera, one of Stephanie’s freshman floormates from French 2, officiated the ceremony. Many other Dartmouth friends attended their wedding. Congratulations and much happiness to Stephanie and Andrew and your cute dog!

Stephen Sigward, Th ’17, was also married on April 15, in Nashville, North Carolina, to Dr. Savannah McPherson. A couple ’16s, including Andrew Beaubien, Jimmy Ragan, and Zachary Kratochvil, were also in attendance. I ran into Stephen and Savannah at an alumni event in Raleigh, North Carolina, where we welcomed newly admitted Dartmouth students. Ah, back when ’16s were “young alums” still!

Max Hannam and Lulu Riley will be getting married on September 3 in the Austrian Alps. Max and Lulu were engaged while trail running in Peak District National Park in 2021. I can’t wait to see the pics!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s!

I’m feeling a little nostalgic as I write this column. Can you believe it’s been seven years since graduation?

If anyone else is feeling the nostalgia, check out Andrew Nalani’s contributions to Black Matters: African American and African College Students and Graduates Tell Their Life Stories by professor emeritus Andrew Garrod and Robert Kilkenny. Andrew will join Vanderbilt University this fall as an assistant professor of human and organizational development. Congrats, Dr. Nalani!

Amanda Fritz is one of 14 business students chosen for the 2023 business program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). Fellows participate in a two-week program in Germany and Poland, which uses the conduct of business professionals in Nazi-occupied Europe as a way to reflect on business ethics today. Amanda is currently a second-year student at Columbia Business School, where she is co-president of the gourmet club. Prior to Columbia, Amanda worked at Abrdn on its U.S. private equity team.

Maggie Finn and Matthew Barnes are celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary on August 27. They were married last summer at Ohana Family Camp in Fairlee, Vermont, while surrounded by friends, family, and many wonderful Dartmouth and Geisel classmates.

Robbie Herbst writes in from Chicago about recently deciding to pivot careers to Morgan Stanley. He joins a new division focused on “identifying (very) alternative asset investment opportunities.” Work hard, play hard, Robbie! Robbie is also an amazingly talented violinist with the Chicago Civic Orchestra.

Victoria Li has launched Victoriously Vulnerable, her new podcast in which she and her guests share stories about topics such as mental health, body image, speech impediments, and more. This project is a continuation of her work with the Miss Chinese Chicago pageant, where she won second princess and talent for her flute performance. Tune in on Spotify. If you’d like to be a guest, please reach out to victoriously.vulnerable.media@gmail.com.

Some personal notes: I had an all-too-brief catch-up with Vivian Chen, Vivian Hu, Cindy Sun, and Katie Zhang in New York in March. We ate our weight in hot pot, real lox bagels (New Yorkers, I understand the hype!), and onigiri. It was so sweet to see the ways our friend group has changed and the ways we’ve stayed the same. Wishing everyone a sweet reunion with their friends too.

I recently attended an alumni networking event in the “Triangle,” which had everyone from a ’22 to an ’82. There was even talk about a pong tournament!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy pollening, ’16s!

Feyaad Allie (my trippee, hi!) will be graduating from his Ph.D. program in political science and moving back to the East Coast this summer. He’ll spend a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard’s government department before starting as an assistant professor in the summer of 2024. Say hello, Boston ’16s!

Ben Parker was recently featured in Forbes’ 2023 list of “30 Under 30: Energy” for his work cofounding Lightship, a San Francisco-based startup to bring electric vehicle technology to the recreational vehicle market.

To all my fellow allergy sufferers, summer is just around the corner! Bless you!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy New Year, ’16s! Due to a mix-up by yours truly, I have some old Class Notes to report first.

Congratulations to Alumni Council representative Soyeun Yang for graduating from Columbia Business School in May 2022. Hope your return to consulting at Bain & Co. in Boston went smoothly!

Nancy Wu graduated from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and is working at Dell in Austin, Texas. Nivi Nagaraj graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business and joined Chroma Medicine in Boston. Congrats, M.B.A.s!

Samantha Smith and Michael Masciandaro are engaged! They met on their first day at Yale Law School, and she said yes in front of Diego Rivera’s Liberation of the Peon at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Sam and Michael live in Philadelphia.

Mariel Wallace moved to N.Y.C. in August 2022. Say hi, fellow New Yorkers! If you like boba, please check out XingFuTang’s brown sugar milk boba—my Lactaid-worth-it fave.

Now onto new notes!

Bryan Thomson and Addie Himmelberger ’15 welcomed son Theodore into the world on October 22. Congratulations!

Cameron Lee writes in that he got engaged to his girlfriend, Madie Nastala, in Cold Spring Harbor, New York. They first met in N.Y.C. in the fall of 2019, a month before the Dartmouth vs. Princeton football game at Yankee Stadium. Cam and Madie live in N.Y.C. Hope you two get to root for more Dartmouth games at Yankee Stadium!

Nancy Wu and Sam Fogg got engaged at Pike National Forest in Colorado. Wishing you lots of beautiful hikes together!

Nicolas and Vivien (Rendlemen) Tejada wed on September 10, 2022, in Richmond, Virginia. The couple first met in their freshman writing seminar and started dating a few months after graduation in 2016. Josh Koenig officiated the wedding in front of family and many beloved Dartmouth friends.

Jared Boyce just started his first year at the University of Wisconsin’s medical scientist training program. I can’t imagine how much determined work it took to get there, but I’ll keep an eye out for that M.D. and Ph.D. in a couple of years!

Laura Stacey captured her second gold medal at the 2022 International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championships. Laura was also part of the gold-medal Team Canada at last year’s Olympics in Beijing. Cheers!

Logan Briggs, who captained the Dartmouth swim team 2015-16, qualified for the Kona Ironman World Championships in October 2022. The Ironman will be 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking, and 26.2 miles of running. Extra props for Ironman training while completing a urologic surgery residency at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona! Logan will also be representing Medicine in Motion (medmotion.org), the nonprofit he cofounded while at Harvard Medical School. Medicine in Motion aims to reduce burnout in the medical field through fitness and philanthropy. Congratulations on growing Medicine in Motion to more than 40 chapters at medical institutions worldwide, including Dartmouth.

Please don’t forget we have an Instagram account @dartmouth16s!

As always, excited to cheer you in the new year!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy New Year, ’16s! Please send in any new year’s stories (like when Jaki Kimball, Emily Kong, and I evacuated our AirBnB on New Year’s Day because our neighbor’s house caught fire).

Class news will resume next issue.

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy holidays, ’16s!

We have engagements, weddings, and graduations galore in this edition of Class Notes.

Ryan Amos writes in that he graduated from Princeton University with a Ph.D. in computer science. His dissertation focused on studying consumer protection issues on the internet with longitudinal web measurements. In September Ryan started a job as a senior software engineer at Panorama Education in Boston. Congrats, Ryan, and have fun in Boston—try the hojicha latte at Ogawa Coffee!

Axel Hufford and Matt Krantz both graduated Stanford University with their J.D.s in June. Congratulations!

Veronica Burt performed in and directed Legally Blonde: The Musical at The Muny, a historical theater in St. Louis, Missouri, with the largest outdoor venue in the country. Veronica is the first intimacy director in The Muny’s history. Thanks, Jalisa Clark, for the tip!

Stay tuned for Mary Liza Hartong’s debut novel, Hot Chicken, which will be published by William Morrow in the winter of 2024. The book follows P.J., a Ph.D. candidate turned fry cook, as she navigates a work-mandated beauty pageant in her Tennessee hometown.

In August Zachary Kratochvil got engaged to Allison Faraclas at Kent Falls in Connecticut. They live together in the Boston area. Zach also graduated with his master’s in data science from Tufts in May.

Molly Shapiro and Brad Schierhorn married on August 19. The intimate ceremony was in front of the Knik Glacier at Lake George, Alaska. In true Dartmouth fashion, Molly and Brad met on their freshman floor in Russell Sage 3.

Corey DeLaney and John Abraham got engaged at the Green Sands Beach on the Big Island of Hawaii in May. They completed the Kona 70.3 Ironman a week later. They plan to get married down the Jersey Shore next summer. Like Molly and Brad, Corey and John also met in Russell Sage 3 their freshman year!

Victoria Li competed in Miss Chinese Chicago on August 27, a pageant focused on Chinese community and heritage. After eight months of preparation, making great friendships with fellow contestants, and volunteering with the Chicago Asian American community, she was awarded Miss Chinese Chicago Second Princess and Miss Talent (for her flute performance)! Victoria ran on the platform of body positivity; as a title winner, she looks forward to creating a podcast to share body image stories from Asian American women. Tune in when the podcast launches!(Read more about her on page 54.)

My freshman floormate Alexandros Zervos is dodging scorpions with his cowboy hat on after moving to Austin, Texas. Stay safe, Alexandros!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s!

Ryan Amos writes in that he graduated from Princeton University with a Ph.D. in computer science. His dissertation focused on studying consumer protection issues on the internet with longitudinal web measurements. In September Ryan will start a job as a senior software engineer at Panorama Education in Boston.

Matt Krantz and Axel Hufford both graduated from Stanford University with their J.D.s in June.

Congrats, recent grads!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello summer, ’16s!

Big thanks to Jess Ma for staying on top of our many recent medical school graduates who will begin residency training all over the country! Congratulations graduates and good luck on the rest of your journey: Nikhil Arora (otolaryngology at UCSF), Aniksha Balamurga (pediatrics at UCLA), Justin Halloran (psychiatry at Cambridge Health Harvard Medical School), Julia Isaacson (emergency medicine at Boston Medical Center), Sumner Kilmarx (thoracic surgery at NYU), Jess Ma (internal medicine at Boston University Medical Center), Silpa Raju (radiation oncology at Washington University in St. Louis), Anne Strong Caldwell (ophthalmology at University of Colorado), and Hersh Trivedi (urology at UNC-Chapel Hill).

But wait, there’s more!

Stephanie Roff got engaged to her partner, Andrew Hopen. They met in Brooklyn in 2017 and now live in Austin, Texas, with their dog. Congratulations, Stephanie!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Happy six years, ’16s! I hope your 2022 is going swell with no summer sunburns to speak of (I’m sure one of us is a dermatologist who’d tell you to wear sunscreen).

If you’re looking for beach reads, Lindsay MacMillan is publishing her first novel, The Heart of the Deal, in June! Lindsay has dreamed of being an author since age 6 and wrote three unpublished manuscripts at Dartmouth. She draws from her own experiences in N.Y.C. while working Wall Street and dating apps simultaneously. Here’s a blurb for you bookworm ’16s: “The protagonist Rae is an investment banker who approaches her love life like a business deal and is determined to lock in a husband before her 30th birthday. But as her friends support her through the volatile Manhattan dating app market, she must learn to let go of her analytical plans and let love breathe on its own timeline. The Heart of the Deal is the perfect summer read for any woman who’s rethinking what success means in their relationships or careers…and anyone who’s just curious about what it’s like to date in N.Y.C. and work on Wall Street in the modern age!” Stay tuned next summer for her second novel, Double-Decker Dreams. Congrats, Lindsay!

As always, I await your update!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s! Welcome to spring 2022! May your new year be blessed with no spring allergies and the fulfillment of all those New Year’s resolutions you did (or did not) make. I have some quick updates from classmates.

Caitlin Zellers writes that she joined Jaki Kimball, Anna Driscoll, Mick Zloof, and Zachary Kratochvill and returned to Dartmouth for Homecoming and a five-year reunion. She, Anna, and Mick helped carry the class of 2016 flag in the class parade.

Please keep any stories about life updates or mini-reunions coming!

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Rd, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s! It’s an honor to be your new class secretary. Shout-out to outgoing class secretary Feyaad Allie (good luck with your Ph.D.!).

Victoria Li and Xiang Siow held their wedding celebration on August 7 in Chicago with family and friends, including ones from Dartmouth. They were married August 26, 2020, and postponed the celebration to 2021. “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada was played on the dance floor and Victoria writes, “Of course, we did the dance from trips!”

In August Kaira Lujan moved from Boston to Houston. Kaira says she “would love to connect with anyone in the area!”

Mrynna Cervantes and Tayshon Rutan got married on August 21 in Minneapolis.

In September Amelia Rosch started her Ph.D. in history at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Thanks everyone who wrote in for this issue of Class Notes! I’m always excited to hear life updates.

Lynn Huang, 4225 Larchmont Road, #922, Durham, NC 27707; lynnshuang94@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! I’m writing this in June, so happy five years since graduation! During these past five years I’ve greatly enjoyed hearing from you all, writing this column, and gracing your inboxes with exciting life updates from our classmates. This is my last Class Notes as secretary but I’m leaving you in the good hands of Lynn Huang (my first-year trippee!).

Let’s get to the exciting set of updates from our classmates.

In April Bria Grangard got engaged to Dan Giordano in Jupiter, Florida.

Bryan Thompson graduated this year with a master’s in public administration from Princeton University and a law degree from Stanford Law School.

Roger Lu graduated from Columbia Law.

Anne Reed-Weston graduated from Columbia Medical School and is starting an obstetrics/gynecology residency.

Hui Cheng started a new job in healthcare venture capital investing at Town Hall Ventures.

Invo Chami has been living in Nairobi, Kenya, for the past two years and has recently been promoted to chief of staff for Deloitte’s East Africa practice. She’s welcoming all ’16s to wave hello if they’re ever in East Africa!

Juhi Kalra started a new job at Heirloom Carbon Technologies as a mechanical design engineer. The company is an early-stage startup focused on direct carbon capture.

Francis Slaughter graduated with an M.P.H. in epidemiology from the University of Washington and will begin his Ph.D. in epidemiology at the University of Washington. He’s hoping to focus on the intersection of infectious disease surveillance and big data.

Mary Decker and Colby Ye were engaged on May 31 in Helena, Montana. They first met at Dartmouth almost nine years ago and live together in Boston while attending graduate school at Harvard.

Miguel Pena just finished his first year as a master’s in public policy candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is currently working as a health policy summer intern in the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions under Sen. Murray (D-WA). This upcoming fall he will be applying to radiology residency and start the second year in his master’s.

Thank you all for writing in for this issue and over the past several years! That’s all from me (for now). Wishing you all the best in the coming years and hope to see you at our 10-year reunion!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s. Hope everyone is staying safe and having an enjoyable summer. A few updates from our classmates:

Victoria Li recently became the national co-chair for L.E.K. Consulting’s affinity group for racial and ethnic minorities (Mosaic). In mid-March she invited speaker Jerry Won to facilitate a conversation on the rise in anti-Asian violence. If you are a leader in your firm’s affinity group or employee resource group, she would love to hear about your experiences. In addition to her work with Mosaic, Victoria has started a new role at L.E.K. Consulting as the learning and development manager, in which she manages and executes L.E.K.’s formal learning program to support staff development and success. She is excited for this new role and the transition from the consulting team to human resources.

Simone Wien will be starting a Ph.D. in epidemiology this fall at Emory University

Lynn Huang graduated with her master’s in statistics from North Carolina State University in May. She will be roommates with Vivian Chen in June in Durham, North Carolina. They recently had a reunion with Vivian Hu, Katie Zhang, and Cindy Sun for the first time since graduating.

Thanks to everyone who sent in updates. Feel free to email me with news at any time—it’s always great to hear from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s.

When you receive this issue, it will be just about five years since we graduated. And while I wish that we could all convene in Hanover this June, I hope you all are finding other ways to stay connected with our fellow classmates!

I have a few updates.

Victoria Li launched a podcast called Dear Bronx Science, where she interviews alumni from her high school, the Bronx High School of Science. The podcast provides an opportunity for alumni to share their insights with current students and other alumni. Since the launch she has interviewed several alumni, including a theatre company founder, dessert kit founder, and medical student. You can listen on anchor.fm/dearbronxscience and if you are also a Bronx Science alumnus and want to be on the show, reach out via Instagram on @dearbronxscience.

Since January Hannah Chung has been working as an assistant manager at Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies in Seoul, South Korea. At the foundation she designs and implements various educational corporate social responsibility projects targeting the youth and juvenile population in Korea.

Natasha Maldi and Nick Bernold were engaged in January at Natasha’s family home in San Diego. The couple met during first-year orientation week in 2012. Nick purchased the ring in 2018, when Natasha was living in Morocco, but quarantine disrupted the proposal plans. No wedding date or location yet—they are waiting until the pandemic settles.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email me with any and all updates!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! Just a few updates from our classmates.

Cecilia Lu was recently promoted to senior associate brand manager at Samuel Adams/The Boston Beer Co. and will be moving from seasonals to the innovation and local marketing side of the business.

Mary Grace Weiss got engaged to Joel Graczyk in December. The couple is excited to celebrate their marriage with friends and family at the end of the year.

Robbie Tanner and Dylan Krouse got engaged in November after dating since freshmen year.

Jessica Avitabile and Sean Baird were engaged in November in Washington, D.C. They also welcomed a golden retriever puppy, Henry, into their lives during the summer.

Thanks for reading! And, as always, feel free to get in contact if you have any news to share!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305, feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy new year, ’16s!

Wishing you all a great year to come and, I hope, one with a little less social distancing! A few exciting updates from our classmates:

Renata Hegyi and Lars-Olaf Hoeger ’14 were engaged this past summer. They are currently living in New York City and excited to get married in May in the White Mountains with a Zoom ceremony and a handful of close family and friends physically present. 

Maggie Finn and Matt Barnes got engaged on top of Mount Garfield in the White Mountains in October.

Kelly Leonard and James Verhagen got engaged in October in Big Sur, California.

Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out with any news that the new year brings!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! Hope everyone is doing well. It has been a wild year and 2021 can’t come soon enough! Let’s close out the year with a jam-packed class notes filled with updates from our classmates.

Shay Vellanki graduated from medical school in May and started her residency in internal medicine at George Washington University Hospital this summer. She’s excited to be in the D.C. area!

Soyeun Yang wrapped up four years at Bain and started at Columbia Business School this fall.

Lauren Russell also started business school at Columbia this fall.

Margot Bryne started business school at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern.

Kate Hamilton graduated from the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama with an M.F.A. in dramatic writing and moved to Los Angeles.

Sarah Koulogeorge is working on the state analytics team for the Biden campaign.

Rachel Margolese, Callan George, and Penelope Williams moved in together in Somerville, Massachusetts, with Callan’s adorable dog Darcy.

Sharjeel Syed graduated from Stanford Medical School and started internal medicine residency at the University of Chicago.

Miguel Pena graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine this past May and is starting his master’s in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School with a concentration on social and urban policy this August. He also won the Alfred K. Priest Fellowship for the academic year 2020-21 to support his studies at Harvard.

Aileen Zhu moved to San Francisco back in February and is excited to connect with Dartmouth alums in the area.

Myles McMurchy is residing in Greenwich Village in N.Y.C. and entering his second year of law school at NYU. During the summer he worked as a summer associate at Linklaters, a London-based law firm. Myles wrote in that he is “hoping that come December, New York City will remain ‘re-opened’ to attend Mariah Carey’s Christmas concert at Madison Square Garden,” as has become his annual tradition.

And a few “love in the time of Covid-19” updates.

In May John Damianos got married to Vungelia Glyptis ’17 in her hometown of Cleveland. John writes in that they “had planned for a literal big fat Greek wedding, but the pandemic forced us to scale back.” They ended up having a very special and intimate celebration with their parents and siblings for a grand total of nine people. In June John graduated from medical school at Geisel, concluding his eight-year stint in Hanover. The couple moved to New Haven, Connecticut, where John began his residency in internal medicine at Yale New Haven Hospital. In addition to his work at the hospital, John serves on the editorial review board for Elsevier’s Medical Education Clinical Key, a question bank editor for TrueLearn, and an editor at the In-Training online magazine. Vungelia has been working from home as a retail consultant for Ashley Stewart.

Shreya Indukuri and Akshai Baskaran got engaged at the botanical gardens in San Francisco on July 12 and celebrated right after with friends and family at a social distance.

Mackenzie Garrity and Greg Zales got engaged in June.

Victoria Li got married to Xiang Siow on August 26.

And that’s a wrap on 2020 Class Notes! Hope you all have an enjoyable holiday season. Please continue to write to me with updates, it’s great to hear from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305 feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s. I hope your summer is going well and you’re staying healthy! A few updates from our classmates.

During the Covid-19 quarantine, “The Trolling ’16s”—which included Hui Cheng, Juhi Kalra, Er Li Peng, and I—came in third place in a virtual Zoom trivia game organized by ’17s. We competed against teams of other Dartmouth alums and were excited to have done so well.

In June Hamza Abbasi graduated from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and began internal medicine residency at Scripps Green in June.

David Clossey graduated in May from Harvard Medical School and is now a resident physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Although he is a neuroscientist by training, in early April Jared Boyce began volunteering in Dr. Viviana Simon’s laboratory at Mount Sinai to study SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic). He wrote in with the following, “The experience has been both exciting and humbling. It is a privilege to play a role in this fight.” He also continues to serve as co-chair for Children of Bellevue’s junior board. The team ran a fundraiser throughout May for Mental Health Awareness Month, complete with self-care events such as yoga, meditation, and a comedy event.

Victoria Li founded Meals for Chicago, an initiative to reinvigorate restaurants by routing bulk orders to them, which are then delivered to feed and nourish essential workers. As of April 29 it had fed more than 100 essential workers and was scheduled to feed another 100 essential workers at grocery stores, banks, and medical facilities. You can learn more and donate at mealsforchi.com and follow the initiative on Instagram @meals_for_chicago.

Thanks to everyone who sent in updates. Feel free to email me with news at any time—I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s!

When you receive this issue, it will be just about four years since we graduated and left the College on the Hill! Time really does fly! Within the next year our class council will be getting things ready for our five-year reunion, so feel free to reach out to any of the class council members to be involved in the planning process.

Here are a few updates from our classmates.

At the end of February Shreya Indukuri, Caroline Estill, Meg Parson, and Sophie Hoffman took a trip to New Orleans. The group all lived in Cohen during their freshman year and enjoyed having a dorm reunion!

Penelope Williams had her first crossword puzzle published in The Boston Globe and has been brainstorming themes for her first New York Times crossword with Andrew Kingsley. Penelope was also promoted at work and will be shifting from human-centered design to growth strategy consulting at Accenture.

Felipe Jaramillo and Ashley See are getting married at the Fairmont in San Francisco on June 6 surrounded by family, friends, and many of their Dartmouth classmates.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email me with any and all updates!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hey, ’16s!

We have a few updates from our classmates.

Maryama Diaw is getting her master’s in public health at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

After finishing her master’s program in Germany, Claire Park has moved to D.C. to be a professional thinker—please reach out and say hello!

Emily Tregidgo recently moved to Denver to work in project finance at a solar financing firm.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to reach out with any news about you and your friends—I love hearing what you all are up to!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy new year, ’16s! Wishing you all the best for the coming year! The following are a few updates from our classmates.

Sophia Gish and Adam Grounds got engaged in August during a vacation to San Diego and they are excited to get married next fall. Last March they moved to Denver from New York City and are enjoying life in Colorado.

Mir Faiyaz and Addison Lee ’17 got engaged last year. The couple met on campus during Mir’s Sophomore Summer and it was only fitting that the proposal happened on campus. Mir proposed on the Green, where Addison was serenaded by the Dartmouth Dodecs with her favorite Adele song. Addison and Mir have since then moved to San Francisco (after living in Boston for a few years post-college) and recently started new jobs. They are currently planning their wedding, which will undoubtedly be dominated with other Dartmouth alums.

Justin Maffett recently passed the New York State Bar exam.

Chris Banks is currently back in Hanover for his M.B.A. at Tuck Business School.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to reach out with any news about you and your friends—I love hearing what you all are up to!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy holidays, ’16s! I’m writing this at the end of August after wrapping up a research trip to India. While there, I visited Angad Kapur in Mumbai! It was great to hang out and catch up with a fellow ’16! At the start of the summer Angad wrapped up an externship with India’s Congress Party in the war room under former cabinet minister Jairam Ramesh before returning to Bain & Co.

Cecelia Shao started a new job as a staff product manager at Bowery Farming and started a dumpling business. Reach out to her if you are in New York City and want to buy some delicious dumplings!

Shia Li Lum started a joint international studies degree and M.B.A. at Wharton this past fall.

Natalie Cantave was promoted at work and is now the marketing and events manager at MassChallenge HealthTech.

David Cordero started a Ph.D. in communications this fall at University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication.

Bridget-Kate McNulty moved to Washington, D.C., and is now teaching at KIPP DC Heights Academy.

Mitch Huang is engaged to Ashlyn McRae. The couple will be getting married in New Orleans in May.

Lakin Roland started a full-time assistant coaching position for Dartmouth’s women’s basketball program this past summer.

Thanks for reading and please continue emailing in news about you and your friends. I love hearing about what you all are up to!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s.

Hope you all had a wonderful summer! And hope you had a chance to hang out with your fellow Dartmouth ’16s. At the end of May I went on a trip to Nashville with Juhi Kalra, Er Li Peng,and Shay Vellanki. It was great to be reunited with some Dartmouth friends while exploring a new city, trying tasty restaurants, and enjoying live music.

Let’s see what exciting things our classmates are up to. Mariel Wallace is headed to the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business to get her M.B.A. Nkenna Ibeakanma is starting an M.F.A. in playwriting at Brown University. Her program is fully funded and has only two spots a year! Myles McMurchy is starting law school at NYU this fall.

In March Xanthe Kraft composed a musical setting for the celebration of the Mass titled “Mass of the Annunciation.” She’s very excited to be back in her hometown of Spokane, Washington, working and composing sacred music after completing her master’s in digital music from Dartmouth in 2018. She loves and misses her Dartmouth classmates, and looks forward to treating them to frozen yogurt if they are ever in the Spokane area.
Bryan Thompson and Addie Himmelberger ’15 are set to get married on August 24 in Luray, Virginia.

Justin Chan and Shayn Jiang ’15 were engaged on April 27. The proposal started with a scavenger hunt through some of the couple’s favorite spots in New York City with some of Shayn’s best friends from around the country. They ended at Creative Little Garden on the Lower East Side.

Lauren Schulte is moving to Nashville in August to begin a master’s program at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education. She will be studying early childhood special education and applied behavior analysis. She’d be happy to meet up with anyone living in or visiting Nashville!

Matt Krantz is moving to Palo Alto, California, and starting a law degree at Stanford Law School.

Sarah Koulogeorge joined Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign as a budget operations associate at the start of the summer.

Olivia Samson graduated from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health with her master’s in public health and celebrated during Memorial Day Weekend with Charlotte Kamai, Laura McCulloch, Katie Papa, Maddie Wall, and Bri Williams in Ocean City, Maryland.

Congrats to everyone on their exciting updates! Thanks for reading and please continue emailing in news about you and your friends. I love hearing about what you all are up to!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s!

Hope you all are having a great summer!

Just one quick update: Evelyn Fernandez graduated with an M.A. in Hispanic linguistics from the University of New Mexico and will be starting a Ph.D. in linguistics at Stanford University this fall.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to email me with any and all updates!

Feyaad Allie, 212 Pine Hill Court, Apt. 103, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s!

When you receive this issue, it will be just about three years since we graduated and left the College on the Hill! Time really does fly! Within the next two years class council will be getting things ready for reunions, so feel free to reach out to any of the class council members to be involved in the planning process.

Here are a few updates from our classmates.

Back in September 2018 Chris D’Angelo and Bridget Shaia ’15, Th’16, were engaged on a ski lift at Mount Sunapee in New Hampshire. The wedding is set for October in Richmond, Virginia.

Pilar Brito and Tomoaki Takaki were engaged in January in New Zealand. The couple met during their first semester at Yale Law School.

In February Brad Plunkett moved from Brooklyn to Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is excited to connect with other alums in the Boston area.

Feyaad Allie, 144 Ayrshire Farm Lane, Apt. 104, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! We have only a few updates for this issue, so I’ll get right to them!

After finishing his service with major general’s distinction in the Israel Defense Forces, Jordan Kastrinsky is pursuing a film project. Through the Reynolds Scholarship he is working on a documentary about the Druze in northern Israel.

Victoria Li got engaged to Xiang Siow on December 15 in Barcelona, Spain.

In December Hersh Trivedi got engaged to Karen Monuszko in New York City.

Don’t hesitate to email in updates—big or small—about you and your friends. I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 144 Ayrshire Farm Lane, Apt. 104, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy new year, ’16s!

I have a few quick updates from our classmates. Penelope Williams just started a new job in design thinking consulting at Accenture in Boston.

Natalie Cantave started a new job as a marketing and communications coordinator for the HealthTech Program at MassChallenge, a startup accelerator in Boston. MassChallenge is a nonprofit that focuses on innovation and supporting startups and entrepreneurs. If you work for or know of any interesting digital health startups, definitely reach out to Natalie!

After being in New York City for the past two years, Colby Ye is excited to be in Boston, where he is now working for Berkshire Partners.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to the new year. And don’t hesitate to email in news about you and your friends!

Feyaad Allie, 144 Ayrshire Farm Lane, Apt. 104, Stanford CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy holidays, ’16s! We’ve got a ton of updates for the end of the year, so I’ll get right to it!

This past June David Cordero and Andrew Kingsley got engaged in the City of Brotherly Love, where they will reside come this fall to study at the University of Pennsylvania. David will start his Ph.D. and Andrew will complete his master’s. They look forward to starting a new chapter in Philly but can be found in Boston in the meantime.

In August Ham Sonnenfeld and Amanda Fritz rode in the Pan-Mass Challenge from Wellesley, Massachusetts, to Provincetown, Massachusetts, totaling 168 miles. The ride raised money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 

Our classmates are also up to exciting things in the workplace. Vickie Pan has kicked off her career as a DJ-producer! She’s open to collaborations, sound projects, and new music opportunities!

Cecelia Shao moved into her new apartment in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn (still close to her original Dartmouth crew with Veronica Burt, Vickie Pan, and Sophia Pedlow ’15) and is ramping up for the fall machine learning and big data conference season as product lead at Comet.ml.

Ali Dalton is flourishing in her new role on The Atlantic’s data team as a software engineer. Reilly Johnson started her new job on the recruiting team at the D.E. Shaw Group.

Several ’16s are on the move! Franklin Dickinson is headed to Washington, D.C., to start his new exciting role as an applied data scientist at Civis Analytics, where he’ll be focusing on analyzing election data. Max Hannam and Lulu Riley made the move to Boston, where Lulu has begun a great new buying job at T.J. Maxx.

Henry Arndt was in New York for an externship at Momofuku and is returning to Bain & Co. in Boston. In more international travel, Natasha Maldi is moving to Morocco as part of her Fulbright Scholar program and Ryan Strain is heading to Copenhagen with Google. 

A bunch of ’16s are also headed back to school! Kelly Bach started medical school this fall at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She’s excited to be in Philly and to hang out with fellows ’16s Julietta Gervase and Jingya Qiu!

Luke Wallace started medical school at the Boston University School of Medicine. Esther Wu started medical school at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University.

Nikhil Arora started medical school at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. Kent Lamar “K.J.” Booze is also headed to USC to join its Peter Stark producing program.

Charlie Rafkin started a Ph.D. in economics at MIT. Emma PeConga is kicking off her Ph.D. after a year in Copenhagen as a Fulbright scholar. Lacey Jones started her Ph.D. in English at Yale. Carly Schnitzler started her Ph.D. in English at UNC Chapel Hill this fall.

After graduating from Duke with a master’s in management studies, Jess Barfield has moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where she will be starting a Ph.D. in marketing at the Wisconsin School of Business.

Alex Weinstein finished working as a legal assistant at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) this summer and started law school at Boston University in the fall.

Wow! Congrats to everyone on all these impressive and exciting updates! A special thanks to Cecelia Shao for helping me collect news!

Don’t hesitate to email in updates—big or small—about you and your friends. I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 144 Ayrshire Farm Lane, Apt. 104, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hey, ’16s! Hope you all had a great summer! We’ve got several updates, so I’ll get right to it.

Lauren Yeager and Katie McKay will both be attending Harvard Law School this fall.

Anna Ghnouly was selected as a 2018 Payne International Development Fellowship recipient and will be attending Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs beginning this fall, pursuing an M.P.A. in development practice.

Bryan Thomson and Addie Himmelberger ’15 are engaged!

In March Miguel Peña was accepted to the M.P.P. program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government with a focus in political and economic development. He will finish his medical school degree at Tufts University before starting the master’s program in September 2020.

After teaching for two years in England, Lucas Bezerra is moving to Vancouver to start a master’s in experimental physics at the University of British Columbia. Thanks for reading! And continue emailing in news and updates about you and your friends—it’s great to hear from you all.

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hey, ’16s! Hope your summer is going well! Many of our classmates have exciting news from moving to new cities to engagements so let’s get straight to updates!

Zonia Moore wrote in to say that she has moved to Brooklyn as of May.

Eric Siu will be moving to Boston in July to begin working at Stockbridge Investors.

Roger Lu is wrapping up his two years of teaching English in Japan through the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. He will be starting at Columbia Law School this fall.

Frank Cunningham, after his tenure at BBDO Worldwide as an account executive for GE, is moving to a new role at Deloitte’s ad agency, Heat.

Lauren Martin has accepted an offer to attend Stanford Law School this fall.

Veronica Burt is making moves in the theater world with her latest role in Shakespeare Theatre Company’s production of Camelot. Cecelia Shao, who wrote in with the update, said that Veronica’s N.Y.C. family will miss her while she’s in D.C. but looks forward to buying tickets to see her show!

Preparing to leave Boston for medical school, Esther Wu crossed the pond to visit Lacey Jones and Claire Park, who are studying at Oxford University and the University of Hamburg, respectively. They had high tea, visited museums, and enjoyed an early spring. Saying goodbye to Esther, David Cordero will live with Andrew Kingsley come fall, as Andrew concludes his master’s in education, and David prepares to start a Ph.D. in communication next year.

This summer Axel Hufford is moving from D.C. to South Korea to begin a one-year Fulbright grant with which he will be teaching English.

Victoria Li wrote in to say that she is moving to Chicago to start working at L.E.K. Consulting. She hopes to keep food as a passion on the side and is excited to explore a new career. Victoria would love to connect if you’re ever visiting the area or if you’re currently living there.

There are also two Big Green weddings coming up! John Damianos and Vungelia Glyptis ’17got engaged in April in Hanover. Felipe Jaramillo and Ashley See also got engaged on April 13 in New York.

That’s it for a busy round of updates. Thanks for reading and congrats to everyone on their exciting updates! Feel free to send any news and updates my way. I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! A few quick updates from our classmates follow.

Gates Lucas wrote in about his skiing trip to Aspen, Colorado, with Josh Lang and how exciting it was that Josh learned to ski this past winter.

Jared Boyce also wrote in with the following update: Back in October he began working as an associate researcher at Mount Sinai. His lab utilizes non-human primates to study the underlying neural and neurobiological correlates of learning and memory. Jared’s main project involves adolescent monkey exposure to THC and how it impacts brain structures, learning and memory, and genetic expression on a molecular basis. When he’s not chasing down monkeys in the lab, Jared volunteers on the Children of Bellevue (CoB) junior board as the co-chair. CoB raises money to support programs that alleviate the fear, pain and potential trauma children face from being hospitalized, having a chronic or mental illness or being abused or neglected. They also leverage healthcare to enhance early development and school readiness in children at risk because of family poverty. The organization is accepting donations, and Jared encourages anyone to reach out to him at jboyce@childrenofbellevue.org if they are interested in donating.

Thanks for reading this issue’s class notes. Feel free to send any news and updates my way—it’s great to hear from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s! We have only a few quick updates for this issue, so I’ll get right to them!

After graduating from Dartmouth in 2016 and from the Thayer School of Engineering in 2017, Matt Wheeler accepted a year-long fellowship with Grid Alternatives. Grid Alternatives is a non-profit solar installer that provides access to solar power and job training to underserved communities. Since beginning the fellowship, he has had the privilege of working all over California installing solar panels in low-income communities. Matt wrote in to say that he’s in the process of making a video with a fellow Dartmouth alum about his work with Grid Alternatives; it’s still in the process of editing, but he encourages you all to check it out here: https://youtu.be/pjqW0fH3AgM.

As I’m writing this in December, Laura Stacey will be playing for Canada’s women’s hockey team in the Winter Olympics in February! I hope that we are all able to tune in to cheer her on!

Thanks for reading, as always! And please feel free to send any news and updates my way. I love hearing about the exciting things you all are up to!

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Happy New Year, ’16s! Hope you all had a great 2017 and are excited to welcome the new year.

A few quick updates from our classmates.

Sofia Roman started working at the NBA as a digital and social content publisher in Secaucus, New Jersey. This has been a dream since she loves and plays basketball. She is very excited to be starting her career in the sports industry.

After finishing up a four-plus-one master’s in computer science at Dartmouth in September, Jaki Kimball is back in the Bay Area making games at EA. She has enjoyed catching up with Dartmouth friends in the area.

Victoria Li has had a great time being involved with Women of Dartmouth as the New York regional communications committee co-chair and global communications committee member. They have been hosting great events in different cities for alumni. In N.Y.C. she has been pairing alumni monthly to meet and has had the opportunity to meet an ’81, ’03, and ’07! She encourages ’16s to check out women.dartmouth.org

Thanks for reading! As always feel free to send any news and updates my way—I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s!

At the time that I’m writing this I have left my job in management consulting and I’m getting ready to move out to Palo Alto, California, to start a Ph.D. program in political science at Stanford. As I make this transition, other ’16s are also up to exciting new adventures.

Brittany Toffey got married to Ethan Fleming this past June. Since graduating she has been studying at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, where she completed her M.P.H. and first year of medical school.

Bryan Thompson starts his first year at Stanford Law School after spending a year with the Santa Fe Dreamers Project as a legal fellow.

Latrell Williams starts his first year at the University of Virginia School of Law.

Stephanie Alden has moved to Boston for her first year at Harvard Medical School. This past year she was conducting chemical biology research in Dr. John Schneekloth Jr.’s lab at the National Cancer Institute.

Jake Gaba has started working in London at WPP, a holding group of marketing, advertising, PR and media agencies. He’s a WPP fellow and he’ll spend the next three years in a rotational program working for a different WPP company on a different continent.

Annelise Sauter has moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, where she will be telecommuting and working with two Costa Rican organizations to combat poverty as she applies for jobs based in Edinburgh.

Earlier in July a group of ’16s got together to participate in the annual Trans Tahoe Relay, an 11-mile swim across Lake Tahoe, California. The race was swum in coed teams of six and took about four and a half hours to complete. The ’16s who competed in or were present at the relay included Charlotte Kamai, Maddie Wall, Laura McCulloch, Laura Hayes, Joe Kind, Aaron Athanas, James Verhagen, Katie Papa, Olivia Samson, Bri Williams and Kelly Leonard. The ’16s enjoyed running into so many other Dartmouth alums at the relay and staying with their teammate from Dartmouth swim team, Hayley Winter ’18.

George Boateng has been working on a science, technology, engineering and math program in Ghana this summer called Project iSWEST (Innovating Solutions with Engineering, Science & Technology). The program, modeled after Dartmouth’s introductory engineering class, is a three-week, intensive innovation boot camp for high school students in Ghana. This year’s program is the fourth annual edition. This past summer iSWEST has been training 27 students in computer programming, Arduino, innovation and entrepreneurship, while mentoring them to develop solutions to real-life problems in critical areas in Africa such as agriculture. You can learn more about iSWEST at facebook.com/project.iSWEST.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send any news and updates to me—I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 202 Running Farm Lane, Apt. 201, Stanford, CA 94305; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hi, ’16s!

At the time that I’m writing this, multiple friends have just informed me that Hanover now has Uber—what an interesting time to be a Dartmouth student. And while the updates from ’16s are not as unexpected as that update from Hanover, they are still pretty exciting.

Tangent Cheng wrote in to say that he is working for Amazon in Japan. If anyone is in Tokyo, he’s happy to meet up and show you around!

Hui Cheng and Aileen Zhu are co-mentors at Breakthrough New York. Through this nonprofit they enjoy mentoring high school juniors in college preparation and they highly encourage other Dartmouth students to get involved.

Clare Detrick-Yee, Jon Kubert and Steven Povich live together in an apartment in Boston. Nick Gutierrez sleeps on their couch with some regularity and they have enjoyed spending time with the many other ’16s in the area. Their wifi network is called “French3” after the dorm where it all began.

Jordan Kunzika wrote in with some great news! He was the chief technology officer and cofounder of Bae, a mobile dating app for black millennials since his junior year. During the past two years the app became a top 50 lifestyle application in 20 African and Caribbean countries. Bae was recently acquired by if(we), the parent company of Tagged, which is one of the largest dating sites in the world. Since then Jordan has transitioned to Google in N.Y.C. to work as a software engineer for a team called Google Expeditions, which is a new virtual reality education application that allows teachers to take their students on virtual reality field trips using Google Cardboard and the Daydream View.

During Winter Carnival a group of ’16s in Hanover and some visiting for the weekend got to catch up with old friends and meet new ones at Murphy’s. A major thank you to Zoe Brennan for helping to coordinate this event.

Dartmouth ’16s in N.Y.C. welcomed the spring season with a private guided tour of Cooper Hewitt’s latest exhibit, “By the People: Designing a Better America.” The tour was a great opportunity to learn more about how design can improve communities and to check in with fellow Dartmouth alums. A huge thank you to Cecelia Shao for organizing this event!

Thanks to everyone who sent in updates. Feel free to email me with news at any time—I love hearing from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 26 Thompson St., Apt. 6A, New York, NY 10013; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hey, ’16s! As I write this, we are a couple days away from 2017, so send me an email or Facebook message if the New Year is bringing any changes for you! Or send me any updates on how you’re doing.

Now for this round of updates.

At the end of November Sarah Waltcher was one of 32 Americans to be named a Rhodes scholar, making her the 79th Dartmouth graduate to earn the honor. Since graduating in June Sarah has been teaching sixth-grade science at the Brooklyn Prospect Charter School. Sarah looks forward to continuing her studies in English at Oxford in September. Way to go, Sarah!

Laura Sim has started working as a producer on Crimetown—a new podcast series from Gimlet Media and the creators of HBO’s The Jinx. Every season the team investigates the culture of crime in a different American city, starting with organized crime in Providence, Rhode Island. When she’s not working in Brooklyn, Laura is living in a matchbox apartment with Claire Park under the Manhattan Bridge in Chinatown.

Penelope Williams moved to Boston to live with Emily Holt and Caitlin Zellers. She’s working at a healthcare analytics and consulting company. She also mentioned that she’s been reading a book each week on her T commute and has discovered scented candles.

Adelaida Tamayo is on a Dickey Center Lombard Public Service Fellowship working on a mural painting project in Bogotá, Colombia, called Color Alegría. She is combining her anthropology and studio art studies to conduct this socially focused project. Color Alegría is a house-painting project in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Bogotá. For the past couple years, along with the foundation Arte Sin Fronteras, local artists have been painting homes with the community. These vivid colors and committed citizens have offered a remarkable change to the neighborhood. She encourages anyone who is interested in supporting this project to donate at www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/color-alegria-2-0.

The New York City Dartmouth ’16s had their first (of many) official gatherings right before the holiday season. Everyone enjoyed lovely drinks at the ’16 happy hour at Turnmill—courtesy of the ’16 executive committee. The event had great representation from the N.Y.C. area along with a few classmates from Boston and Chicago!

The N.Y.C. class captains strongly encourage every ’16 to give their class dues of only $25 per year. You can do so by venmo-ing @Dartmouth-Sixteen. Thanks to all of those who have already done so!

That’s all for now, but I look forward to more updates from you all!

Feyaad Allie, 26 Thompson St., Apt. 6A, New York, NY 10013; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

Hello, ’16s!

At the time that I’m writing this I’m starting to wrap up my time in Nairobi, Kenya, where I’ve been working for the Young African Leadership Initiative Regional Leadership Center on a Richard D. Lombard ’53 Public Service Fellowship. The other day I was getting a haircut at a local ex-pat hot spot and I noticed a man with a Dartmouth T-shirt on. Turns out he is an ’89 who works here in Nairobi. It was a great reminder of just how far the Dartmouth family extends.

Now on to updates.

Also working through the Dickey Center’s Lombard Public Service Fellowship, Anna Ghnouly has been living in Singapore working as a programs analyst at the World Toilet Organization, an international nonprofit that focuses on increasing toilet access and improving sanitation. In addition to creating an impact assessment of the organization’s programs, Anna attended the 15th World Toilet Summit in Kuching, Malaysia, and will be traveling to Cambodia to conduct baseline surveys of potential new sanitation projects and to evaluate the effectiveness of past programs.

Jared Boyce is working as a research technician in the Pleil Lab at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. The goal of the lab is to identify and characterize neural circuits critically involved in the development and maintenance of addiction to alcohol and drugs of abuse and comorbid affective disorders. Jared is really enjoying his work and looks forward to a future in research.

Leehi Yona wrote in to say she’s been playing an active role in Dartmouth Alumni for Climate Action and encourages other ’16s to reach out to her if they want to get involved!

That’s it for this round of updates. Please keep sending your experiences, stories and news my way and cheers to the new year!

Feyaad Allie, 6915 NW 29th Court, Margate, FL 33063; feyaad.allie@gmail.com

A bit belated, but congratulations, ’16s! We are officially Dartmouth alumni (hence you’re receiving this magazine) and this is officially the first ’16s Class Notes column. I’m thrilled to be serving as your class secretary. I’ll be updating you all on the exciting, impressive and fun things that our classmates are up to over the next five years!

That being said, if you have any updates about your friends or yourself please feel free to Facebook message or email me and I’ll include it in the next Class Notes! This can be anything from new jobs or spouses to vacations or just spending time with other ’16s. Although it’s been only a few months since graduating, our classmates are already doing some incredible things!

Sarah Bennett, Missy Cantave, John Damianos, Keegan O’Hern, Rui Zhang and Yvette Zou are sticking around Hanover for a bit longer as they have started medical school at the Geisel School of Medicine. John is also continuing his work with undergraduate student health and wellness by serving as a Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students provider in the student wellness center.

Julietta Gervase, Shinri Kamei and Cecilia Robinson also spent some time in Hanover after graduating. The trio, who were freshman floormates on Zimmerman 3 (also with me!), hiked the Appalachian Trial for two weeks. They were overjoyed to conclude their time as students with such a meaningful adventure in the New Hampshire wilderness.

Hui Cheng, Shreya Indukuri, Er Li Peng and Francis Slaughter also had their own adventure in Southeast Asia. They spent several weeks traveling around the region and meeting up with other ’16s in the area. Their trip included plenty of delicious street food and elephant pants.

Thienan Dang, Axel Hufford and Jordan Kastrinsky capped off their Dartmouth career with a trip to Poland and Greece to learn about Jewish culture and history while restoring a Jewish cemetery through Project Preservation. After the trip Thienan volunteered as a photographer for local animal shelters before starting work in Boston in the fall. Axel continued to travel the world; he’s heading to Japan, Korea and Thailand with Matthew Mirliani and Shawn Xie before moving to Washington, D.C. Jordan is now working on a kibbutz in Israel, where he will later draft into the Israel Defense Forces.

Joe Wang and Julia Pomerantz recently took a trip to Italy’s Amalfi Coast, where they enjoyed spectacular views, gorged on delicious carbs, perfected their Italian gestures and wished they had done more cardio to prep for a lot of the stair climbing under the hot Mediterranean sun.

In addition to starting graduate school and traveling some of our classmates moved to new cities and started new jobs.

Taylor Watson and Jess Ma are both working in healthcare consulting in New York City. They’re living with John Beneville, who is teaching at a charter school in the Bronx.

Will Lynch moved to Boston to work in consulting and is excited to be living with Henry Arndt, Jamie Billings, Ben Geithner and Shinri Kamei.

David Cordero has also moved to Boston and is now living in Beacon Hill with Esther Wu.

That’s all for now, but don’t forget to keep sending updates my way! I look forward to hearing from you all. Happy holidays!

Feyaad Allie, 6915 NW 29th Court, Margate, FL 33063; feyaad.allie@gmail.com


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Woman wearing red bishop garments and mitre, walking down church aisle
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