Hi, ’12s! ’Round the girdled earth, our classmates have been busy!
Starting on the East Coast, let’s give a hearty congratulations to Chris Chavis, who will serve the Dartmouth Association of Alumni as an executive committee member for 2025-26 term! James Reed also writes in with some personal and professional life updates. Career-wise, he’s servicing the Boston area as a pediatric gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he also recently finished his fellowship. Personally, and in his words, “more importantly,” he and his wife, Erin, welcomed a healthy baby boy, Sterling Quill, this past August.
In other East Coast-doctor news, give a rouse for Jalea T. Moses and Reba Gillis! Jalea was appointed assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Brown University Warren Alpert Medical School back in July. She says that balancing her teaching responsibilities with her practice demands have been seamless and very rewarding. I’m willing to bet that her past life as a former high school teacher and Teach for America corps member prepared her well for the new teaching gig. Rebais wrapping up her residency in emergency medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. She’s slated to finish in June as chief resident. Following residency, she’ll be staying on at Yale as an administration fellow. She tells me that the fellowship will also allow her to receive an M.B.A. from the Yale School of Management. Snaps for Reba!
Let’s take a quick trip across the pond now before returning to our stateside updates. Picture it: Rome fall 2024! The city proved once again why it’s “for lovers.” Our own Danielle Coleman got the best early birthday gift to date: She and her partner (and Michigan Law School classmate), Donna Scaffidi, were engaged while vacationing in the Italian capital this past November. She tells me that when Donna popped the question, it was “something out of a Hallmark movie!” Just imagine a serenaded, candlelit proposal overlooking the Roman skyline. Sounds absolutely breathtaking!
Danielle is a Kansas City, Missouri, native, and it turns out that one of our classmates recently made the home of the Super Bowl champions his latest residence: Sean Schultz. He writes in with a life update that uprooted him from one BBQ capital—Austin, Texas—and planted him in another in the heart of America: “As those who have worked from home for any length will understand, there are few things sweeter than, after chucking your old life and paying thousands in switching costs, realizing the fruit of your labor when your Zoom-glazed eyes drift out of focus on the new splotch of winter’s daylight beyond your computer monitor. Nothing worth having comes easy. Give me a shout [at schultz.sean@gmail.com] if you’re in the area. If not mine, you may enjoy the company of two floppy-eared lap dogs. Yes, I am single.”
We now head to the Golden Coast, where Kristina (Black) Baltimore and husband Brentt welcomed their third child, Emerson Sloane, this past November. I’ve spoken to Mama, and she and baby are doing well and are in high spirits!
Farther north, in the Pacific Northwest, a baby shower was thrown in December to honor Abella (Rutahindurwa) Kahane and husband Matt. They will have welcomed a baby girl by the time this column hits your mailboxes! Class of ’12s in attendance included Emilyn (Leiva) Economides, Shanshan He, and Elizabeth (Molthrop) Wells.
Finally, a reminder: If you are interested in volunteering as either our class president, vice president, or treasurer, please reach out to Tim Koeth at tkoeth@gmail.com.
Don’t hesitate to email me with any updates or notes at 12.class.notes@gmail.com. Ciao for now!
—Michelle T. Domingue II, 8250 Georgia Ave., Apt. 409, Silver Spring, MD 20910; 12.class.notes@gmail.com