The Hopkins Center is undergoing a major redesign as part of the “Arts District” (including the Hood Museum and the Black Family Visual Arts Center). Reopening is promised for 2025 and forms the theme for this column. I lived in that space during my six years on campus; turns out the Hop played an outsize role for many classmates—some of whom were personally or professionally inspired beyond trips to Hinman boxes!

Both Victoria Redel and Tony Garippo (visual studies majors) cite the influence of professor Varujan Boghosian. Tony eulogizes him as “the most warm, inspiring, and engaging teacher ever; a mentor who got me excited about learning and prepared me for thinking and creating with passion.” Victoria, who teaches fiction and poetry at Sarah Lawrence, credits both Boghosian and Esme Thompson for creating “a way to imagine an ongoing life as an artist.” Lovers of the word can thank Boghosian for asking Victoria at “every art critique about my poems—hinting in his gentle and humorous way” that she focus on writing. Victoria has published numerous (powerful!) volumes of poetry and fiction. Boghosian died in 2020 but the effects of his humanity reverberate.

Sarah (Clark) Davis worked as the screen-printer in the Hop design studio for a semester, making the type, creating silkscreens of the designs, and printing silkscreened posters by hand for Hop events. Sarah was “immersed in design, color theory, typography, and silkscreen techniques” and saw her work around campus as a bonus. That work gave Sarah a portfolio and skills leading to postgraduate work as a graphics designer and her ongoing, current (beautiful!) art practice.

The Hop was a hub of the college experience for many of us, including Evan Petty. He was a music major, taking many classes and using the practice rooms in the Hop. He started post-College life as a recording studio engineer and transitioned to music video production (when MTV still showed them!) and now works in filmmaking. He rarely missed a screening of the Film Society. Ty Burr was one of the mainstays of the society; he even took junior year off to work full-time there. Like many drama students, he held his “office hours” in the snack bar mainlining the fries (me too!). Ty was film critic at The Boston Globe for many years and now pens reviews for The Washington Post and on his own (great!) blog.

Bennett Samson was a history major who also logged time in the Hop, playing in the Marching Band and wind ensemble. His experiences in the woodshop (crafting a masterpiece of a paddleball racquet) represents what I suspect the Hop meant to many—a place to participate in the arts (and crafts) that might not have been an academic home but a vital space for accomplishing one goal of a liberal arts education: to be and become a full person with broad and deep (sometimes lifelong) interests.

Hope to see you at the renewed Hopkins Center in June.

Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

A reunion is a social event for a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time. Since Covid canceled our 40th reunion, our class has not had a reunion for 10 years. A decade counts as a long time. For those who have not returned to Hanover since 1980, the intervening 45 years is indeed a long time. I hope to see each one of you in Hanover on June 19-22.

Some people mistakenly think that the purpose of a class reunion is reliving glory days. Although you may jump to the left and not step to the right, you will find no time warp in Hanover, even if you put your hands on your hips and bring your knees in tight. A reunion is about the now, a present in a time of need for shared community.

Tom Cammann, citing the years since our last reunion, plans to return to Hanover in June.

As she has with every other reunion, Susan Fagerstrom will attend. She enjoys seeing so many classmates in one place, hearing their interesting stories about the many paths their lives have taken, and especially loves talking with someone she might not have known well in college, thereby getting to know them better.

Dan Zenkel enjoys seeing everyone and compares class reunions to family reunions. Dan thinks it was our 25th reunion when the band played “Like a Rolling Stone” and everyone joined in and sang along.

Retiring as a professor from the Cornell Johnson Graduate School of Management, Lawrence Robinson has moved to Canandaigua, New York. Lawrence reports that the school gave him a rocking chair.

As we the living contemplate reunions, retirement, and rocking chairs, we remember our classmates we cannot see again but who are still with us. Laurie Von Buskirk’s love of the out-of-doors is still part of us. Susan Marshall’s sunny smile is with us still. Katherine Campbell’s childlike enthusiasm and laughter endures. Jay Hodgdon’s kindness remains, as does Kevin Crotty’s intensity and sense of purpose, Brian Dale’s thoughtfulness, Jim Foote’s effortless ability and positive spirit, Josh Katz’s quirky humor, Doug Bang’s laugh. John Brennan’s quiet grace, Dan Norton’s contrarian courage, Jay Tyson’s optimism. Tony Piggee’s debating skills, Nancy Rockwell’s big and bold and outspoken spirit, Doug Romatzick—always calm and cool, Rich Turner’s impeccable manners, Kitsos Washburn’s love of Greece, Ken Wheatley’s steadfast friendship.

Loss teaches gratitude. How grateful we are for Craig Thorn’s love of language and music, his energy; for Laura Woodberry Jessiman, the very example of a lady, an athlete, a citizen of the world; for Parker Small’s gifts with photography and his cheerful forbearance; for Stephen Murphy’s devotion to Cabin & Trail; for Brooks Shumway’s quiet, kind bravery; for Lennie Pickard’s uncompromising advocacy; for Rick Zogby and his example of what it means to be a true man for others; for Mike McClintock’s embracing, gregarious optimism; for Judith Recke’s wry humor; for Pam Merriwether’s sweet kindness.

Peace be with you.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;

Between Wade’s account of Susan Ackermann’s retirement and my own (16 years at University of Illinois, 19 at Syracuse) this spring, I turned to my fellow ’80 academics for updates. I issued the call, and many of them responded with wonderful stories of how the College or faculty favorites played a role in their career choices or how close or how far they are from hanging up their robes, labs, and class rosters. I knew some folks, such as Emily Anhaltz and Judi Byfield, were in the biz, and some others’ careers or locations provided a fun surprise.

Emily (Sarah Lawrence) and Kristin Lord (Wilfrid Laurier, Canada) are both classicists. (Emily’s marvelous book titles are worth a google!) Lauren Patton (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) is faculty in the dental school, and Christopher LaRocca is at Geisel Med School, where he is bringing more humanities into medical education. MaryAnn McGarry retired in 2021 from environmental studies at Plymouth State, as did Kim Marra from theater at University of Iowa, and Jeff Mason retired this year from University of California, Berkeley, as university librarian and from school of information/economics. Some have similar plans in the next few years, but many people reported continuing to be energized by their students or ongoing projects—scholarly, pedagogical, community-engaged.

Judi and MaryAnn both told of the short- and long-term effects of faculty mentors; each created an individualized major (Judi with Bill Cook, African American studies, and MaryAnn with Dana Meadows, environmental studies). Mary Klages began to think about retirement (English, University of Colorado) when she heard from just-retired David Kastan out of the blue; he recalled Mary’s effects on his thinking via one of her English 5 Paradise Lost essays. That shared memory reinforced her continuing passions for students and subject, keeping her in her seat for a while longer.

Dartmouth faculty were inspirational for many: Daniel Ernst, teaching at Georgetown Law Center, has decorated his office with two Dartmouth chairs and claims Mary Kelley as the reason he became a historian. Alice Keefe teaches religious studies (University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point) and tells me she didn’t imagine she could be a professor until Nancy Frankenberry’s “Women and Religion” course hooked her. Mary Ann Carolan (Fairfield University) credits professor Edward Bradley and the classics foreign study program for her love of all things Italian, and Lauren still loves travel and is reminded of her language study abroad term in Bourges. Cliff Stanley professes at Acadia (Canada) in earth and environmental science and marvels that so many of his ’80 classmates in earth science ended up in academia. Another scientist, Chick Woodward (Minnesota Institute of Astrophysics; lots of NASA research) also encounters fellow alums in the field. He recounts attending a Grateful Dead show in Boston as an undergrad and getting tapped on the shoulder by two College profs who inquired whether he intended to turn in his physics homework the next day! As he says, “What a long, strange trip it is (back to Hanover).” Then as now.

Love these great stories from wonderful classmates and colleagues! Looking forward to more in 2025.

Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

We have two upcoming opportunities to reconnect face-to-face. Homecoming is this November 1-2. Our 45th reunion will be June 19-22, 2025. The classes of 1979 and 1981 will be on campus at the same time.

College reunions can create feelings of insecurity. For those anxious classmates concerned about looking too old, Bill Goodspeed’sphoto-filled newsletter covering the mini-reunion this past February in Park City, Utah, should have provided readers with a healthy boost of self-confidence. If you have suggestions for the reunion or would like to help put it together, please reach out to Frank Vecella or Carla Sloan.

Classmates have engaged for the second round of 80Connect. Mary Ann McGarry reported, “The experience offered so much more than I expected, and I feel so much richer in so many ways for having participated. I shouldn’t have been surprised that my Dartmouth classmates, none of whom I really knew beforehand, would create such a close, supportive connection.”

Susan Ackerman has retired. A professor in the College’s religion department since 1990, Susan has been a specialist in the religion of ancient Israel and its neighbors, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Canaan. On Susan’s last day of class the Dartmouth College Marching Band arrived to give her a sendoff. Susan will remain in Hanover and resume work on several book projects in progress. The book she is hoping to publish next is titled Maturity, Marriage, Motherhood, and Mortality: Women’s Life Cycle Rituals in Ancient Israel.

In early 2014 a group of dedicated alumnae set an ambitious goal to recruit 100 Dartmouth women to make gifts of $100,000 or more to honor the 100th anniversary of the Dartmouth College Fund. In less than three months, 114 women joined the Centennial Circle and raised almost $15 million to support current female students through financial aid, demonstrating the strength of community and commitment shared by the women of Dartmouth. Today, the Centennial Circle has more than 300 members and has raised $78 million in support of financial aid through the Dartmouth College Fund, equivalent to 1,500 full-tuition scholarships. In addition, the Centennial Circle members have given $311 million in support of areas across Dartmouth. Classmates Denise Dupre, Beth Cogan Fascitelli, Marjorie Schectner Gart, Barbara Martin, Anne Craige McNay, Trina Olin Santry, and Paula Ness Speers are all Centennial Circle members.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;

We are moving toward the 45th class of 1980 reunion in June (19-21) 2025. Of course, we will be joined by our lovely friends in the classes of ’79 and ’81. In the meantime, classmates Debo Hart Goth and Kim McConaughy Vletas and others got folks jazzed for 2025 by organizing an activity-filled, classmate-clustering time in Park City, Utah. Information on the event came from multiple directions: Carol Burns shared the official schedule and participants list for “Winter Carnival West” and Brian Boyer provided some color commentary to me about dinners and opportunities to talk with both his close classmates (Peter Fowler, Andy Minden, etc.) and folks he hadn’t connected with since some long ago reunion. For more details and pics, check out Bill Goodspeed’s most recent newsletter!

This issue of the alumni magazine is focused on books! A delight for me personally, as a perpetual liberal arts student and a professional scholar/bibliophile. I asked an assortment of classmates for their book picks from this season of life. Speaking of delight, my daily meditation (since my birthday in March) is done to The Book of Delights by Ross Gay, a poet who shares short musings on a delight he has found in his daily goings, doings, and thoughts.

A book that appeared in multiple responses is David Brooks’ The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life. Mark Fischer reflected that it was helpful as he preps for retirement. Peter Fowler contributed the biography Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, Going Infinite (Michael Lewis) on Sam Bankman-Fried, and Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology (Chris Miller)—a theme? Steve Smith is in a Dartmouth book club directed by Mike Wall’s wife, Suzanne. So he had a massive and diverse list that would exceed my allowable word count. A few recommendations: four novels by Louise Erdrich ’76 (including The Sentence), books for spy novel enthusiasts such as a trilogy by Jason Matthews (starting with Red Sparrow), and any book by Erik Larson—I love his super-long titles and recommend (if you’re interested in the Gilded Age) The Devil in the White City: A Saga of Magic and Murder at the Fair that Changed America.

I saved Ellen (Groetch) LaBerge’s recommendations for last. She and I live in the same city and got together recently (first time in a while) for dinner with Daniela Varon (Dani lives in N.Y.C. and teaches at Yale drama), who came to Syracuse for the totality. Dinner was awesome; the totality was a bit cloudy in town but still able to be captured on film. Ellen suggests three books written by classmates: Rowing to Latitude: Journeys Along the Arctic’s Edge by Jill Fredston and Enraged: Why Violent Times Need Ancient Greek Myths and Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny by Emily Katz Anhalt. I hope these suggestions (and the rest of this DAM issue) help you find texts that nourish your brains, hearts, and souls. Happy reading.

Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;

As I write this, classmates are living the life of Riley in Park City, Utah, at a winter gala mini-reunion. On the ski slopes of Utah, Riley is a long way from home. I had requested updates, but the response has been radio silence. Riley must be having a fun time indeed. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

Omar Khan has retired, stepping aside from his position as chief technology officer at Common Sense Media in San Francisco. A nonprofit, Common Sense has been a leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Its goal is to make the digital world work better for children. Omar, who I always thought had the coolest name in the class, will stay busy managing an archaeological website, collecting and writing about early South Asian visual media, and working on a movie about Pakistan’s independence.

Scott Osman is the coauthor of a new book, Becoming Coachable: Unleashing the Power of Executive Coaching to Transform Your Leadership and Life. In this season of my life I am increasingly convinced that each one of us should seek input from others, create space for reflection, ask open-ended questions, and experiment with new behaviors and ways of thinking. Scott, you are preaching to the choir, but we need to hear your sermon over and over again.

Begin planning now for our 45th reunion starting June 19, 2025. When we graduated the class of 1935 was celebrating its 45th get-together. In June of 1935 Hitler and Mussolini were in power. Babe Ruth had quit the Boston Braves. Huey Long filibustered against extending the National Recovery Administration. Bob Smith, class of 1902, started Alcoholics Anonymous. How much has the world changed since 1980? Talk amongst yourselves.

I have the sad duty to report that co-secretary, Rob Dinsmoor, died on February 23. In his last column, Rob wrote, “I’ve struggled to stay connected. I have come to cherish all the mini-relationships I’ve developed with local businesses, tellers, cashiers, old friends, and strangers I see regularly on the streets of my small town. The greatest boon to my local social life has been my friendly old beagle Jack, who is very well known around town, and I like to tell people that we were hired by the chamber of commerce to provide ‘local color.’ ”

I am grateful to have been connected to Rob. I am grateful to be connected with you. “But at my back I always hear, Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie, Deserts of vast eternity.” Peace be with you.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;

Greetings to the class! I joined Rob Dinsmoor and Wade Herring on the Class Notes beat this fall. I am writing from Syracuse, New York, where I have been a professor (philosophy of education and women’s and gender studies) for 18 years at Syracuse University (after 16 years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The first decade I was a university-level administrator in the provost-chancellor areas; after that, until this school year, I was an associate dean in the school of education. Today you find me a “recovering” academic administrator, contemplating retirement during 2024. Part of the reason for the retirement dreams is the hope I will be able to do more writing, artistic, and consulting projects that come from my own impulses (rather than writing bylaws and policy documents—an activity I enjoyed but am happy not to do anymore!).

As for Dartmouth, I feel very fortunate to serve on the board of visitors for Rockefeller Center for Public Policy, ensuring that I go to campus at least twice a year. And I am really looking forward to making up for the “lost” reunion of 2020 in June 13-15, 2025!

I talked with Mark Fisher this summer about the joys of having grown children and figuring out retirement and the next phase of life (travel, where to live, etc.). He is still full of the energy and joy that animated him during Dartmouth (and our intersection during grad school at UChicago).

Kim Marra, who retired after a long career as a professor of theater arts and American studies at the University of Iowa, is still living with her partner, Meredith Alexander (also retired Iowa theater arts faculty), in Iowa City, Iowa. This year she visited her (and my) major advisor in Dartmouth drama, professor Nancy Kindelan (who retired from Northeastern) in Massachusetts.

Brian Boyer has (with spouse Gretchen) made the last major reno in their Santa Fe, New Mexico, retirement pad, and they are feeling settled there. Bri also took a December Spanish immersion trip to Uruguay.

I found photographic evidence of seven of the “37 Hot Sh*ts of Bones Gate” (plus Mark Zimmerman ’81) on my social media feed: Chuck Wheelock, Craig Lambdin, Rob Ruocco, Hans Morris, Mark Alperin, and Frank Fesnak at their 41st annual Bones Gate “Swaddling Day” dinner at Contento in New York City. You shall all be pleased to know they look well and well wined and dined.

I will always suggest following Ty Burr’s film writing (Ty Burr’s Watchlist). You can find him on Substack, where he also will occasionally offer meditations on family, growing older, and life on Planet Earth.

Please keep in touch. We’d love reports from the February mini-reunion and other class of ’80 gatherings and doings. Please make sure to update your alumni profile to alert the College about your communication preferences:

Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

Although I’ve retired from most of my health and medical writing, let me share this item with the class: The U.S. surgeon general has identified loneliness as a major public health risk, on par with smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Since Covid, I’ve seen the magazine I’ve written for since 1983 fold and was laid off with many others from teaching yoga at my local Y, so I’ve struggled to stay connected. I have come to cherish all the mini-relationships I’ve developed with local businesses, tellers, cashiers, old friends, and strangers I see regularly on the streets of my small town.

The greatest boon to my local social life has been my friendly old beagle Jack, who is very well known around town, and I like to tell people that we were hired by the chamber of commerce to provide “local color.”

I asked others in the class of 1980 to tell me how they stay connected. Merle Adelman does a lot of volunteer work for the class (thanks, Merle!) and hikes and bikes with friends all year long. “I really look forward to getting together with local classmates and to broader class reunions!” she writes.

Jim Pulia is pursuing Italian citizenship in Siena, Italy, where he did his language study abroad program. “I still have a friend there, and I’m pretty sure my kids will be happy to visit me in Italy.”

Christine McDade is working at a new job in Cambridge, Massachusetts,and “loving it!”

Evan Petty is not even considering retirement. “The ‘Great Recession’ did a number on my savings, so I’m going to be working as long as I can.”

Dennis Geist retired from a career in academic and government science in May 2020. He is now volunteering for several organizations, including a conservation nongovernmental organization. “I get pissed if I can’t do two fun activities a day, including biking, fishing, bad golf, hiking, birding, cross-country and downhill skiing, and keeping the estate from being swallowed in weeds.”

Bennett Samson went from full-time work to consulting, which he finds isolating. He reserves one or two days a week for sailing, which allows him to share his passion with others. He and his partner just got an allotment in a community garden, which will introduce them to a new circle of friends.

Marty Peterson, married to Andy Shaw ’76, is torn between staying in a job she loves and joining him in retirement. During these significant transitions, she points out that it’s easy to lose oneself in one’s relationships and it’s important to pay attention to what’s important—which she admits is challenging.

Lynn Carman Bodden delivers groceries to the food bank twice a week and looks forward to reading to elementary school kids.

As of this writing, Kevin Boyle was taking a bike tour through Portugal while Cathy was taking a Portuguese class at the University of Coimbra.

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Kal Alston, 948 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210;

Our relationship with one another is based in the now. Forty-seven years have slipped away, but time has left us with more than boring stories of glory days. We still have one another. In a culture where loneliness and isolation are epidemic, our connections are precious.

Scott Osman, CEO of 100 Coaches, proposed “80Connect.” Todd Young agreed to coordinate and serve as a group facilitator. In addition to Todd, Scott trained Kate Laud, Debo Goth, and me. All five of us led 80Connect groups.

Chris LaRocca shared his experience of 80Connect: “It was amazing how, in a short period of time and at great distance, real bonds were formed, strengthened, and made manifest as we shared setbacks, uncertainties, and challenges but also joys, laughter, and successes.”

Alec Clarke reflected, “I was unsure whether it would have any value, but I could not be happier that I accepted. My group ranged from one good friend to some acquaintances to two people I did not know at all, but now I feel like I have seven other people that I could talk to any time about anything.”

Rob Rough wrote,“We shared life experiences and concerns we face as we age. I received valuable feedback from the group on a number of items. We really bonded and were sad when the process ended.”

Reported Lies Sapp: “Although I have had almost no contact with things Dartmouth since I left Hanover in 1979, I thought—with nothing to lose—why not accept the offer of forming new connections and rekindling old ones? I am so glad I did. It forced me to look backward through the mists of time to re-examine myself, my experiences, and the College. I feel far more engaged and connected with my undergraduate experience and my classmates than before.”

Brian Boyer concluded, “I think 80Connect is one of the most important initiatives our class has taken to promote class spirit and connection. It comes at a perfect point in our lives where we all may need a boost to counteract the isolation associated with aging and retirement. 80Connect is especially enriching in that we all have our common Dartmouth experience as a basis for sharing about our lives.”

John Ribaudo said, “It allowed me to connect at a deeper level with some alumni I knew at Dartmouth as well as those I didn’t. It also gave me a deeper appreciation of my life path as well as the life paths of others.”

According to Jeff Demers, “The 80connect experience was a surprisingly intense and enjoyable experience. We shared very personal details, which before the session I would have said that there is no way we would get to this level.”

Mere Adelman observed; “Although I knew almost all the people in my group, I learned so much more about them and myself from my involvement. I appreciate the help each of them gave me and miss our sessions.”

Consider signing up next time. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

The lifting of most Covid restrictions and the background anxiety they helped create has allowed us to return to activities we once enjoyed. After several thwarted attempts to travel outside the country (admittedly, some related to my waning tech-savvy), I was able to travel this spring to Spain and Portugal, two more destinations on my bucket list. I’m also revisiting the joys of eating out and now once again have the bandwidth to do a lot of reading.

As we reach or approach our retirement years, it’s interesting to note how our priorities change. I welcome an easing of the pressure to earn and can now spend more time and energy on activities I enjoy doing. For me, that means more time outdoors and more time writing and promoting the work of my fellow authors. It also means I have time to write Class Notes and find out firsthand what my fellow ’80s, including those who seldom make it to reunions, are doing.

Edward Wrenn, M.D., now a family medicine and geriatric physician in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has cofounded a chapter of Wild Ones Native Plants, Natural Landscapes. Its formation was inspired by Lorrie Otto, “The godmother of natural landscaping,” who began to advocate for the raising of eco-friendly native plants back in the 1950s. “Now more and more people understand these native plants are essential to our ecosystems with which they co-evolved and can vastly reduce pollution and climate change,” he writes. “Almost everyone can experience the beauty and fascination of not only the plants but also wide variety of insects and birds.”

According to Ed, Wild Ones ( can help people learn more about them: how to find nurseries that will sell them or their seeds and people who will share them, design natural landscaping with or without professional help, find examples of various styles of natural plant gardens, impress neighbors rather than offend them, and get involved on the community.

A class of 1980 mini-reunion will be held in Park City, Utah, February 24-29, 2024, and the class will be staying at the Sheraton Park City in Pioneer Square. According to organizer Debo Hart Goth, “Possible activities include alpine and Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, dogsledding, and hanging out with friends. Don’t miss out on this fun activity with classmates.”

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;

Look for the good things.

Linda Holekamp teaches preschool through fifth grade in Port Huron, Michigan. Linda likes being with children, which is a good thing.

Linda Williams reports that her hometown of Tahoe City, California, is a wonderful place to live. Still, the area can be a little isolating, Linda confessed, and that was before this year’s record-breaking snowfall.

Dan Dross has helped start three private equity funds. He is the father of three children. Senior partner and cofounder of Trinity Hunt in Dallas, Dan has a second home in L.A., that is to say, lower Alabama, otherwise known as the panhandle of Florida. The panhandle is not really in Alabama, which is a good thing, but it is still in Florida.

At the law firm of Fox Rothschild in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Tom Marek is a corporate lawyer married to a recently retired judge. Tom recently became a grandfather, which is a most excellent thing. Working out every day, Tom is a strong contender for “most unchanged.”

Bill Martini describes his career as 1950s style. Based in Portland, Oregon, Bill is a longtime employee of Tecogen, a company known for cost-efficient, environmentally friendly products for energy production that nearly eliminate criteria pollutants and reduce a customer’s carbon footprint.

Living in Greenwich, Connecticut, Sally Sandercock Michler is grateful to have all three daughters nearby in New York City. One of those three is mother to Sally’s granddaughter, a “pure joy.”

Tim Nolan describes himself as semi-retired, enjoying the good life on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Tim has four children. The last time we spoke, Tim had eight grandchildren and two more on the way.

Home again in Little Rock, Arkansas, since 1995, Dana Abraham founded a breast clinic in 2007. Dana’s clinic is a leader in breast surgery in Arkansas, specializing in breast surgical oncology and oncoplastic surgery, including breast reductions. Since any breast issue can cause anxiety, Dana takes pride in her bedside manner and ability to connect with her patients and their families.

David Broll is still working in financial services outside Philadelphia with Creative Financial Group. David’s son, Steve, works with him. Daughter Kelsey is a human resources professional for a local nonprofit.

Stephen Collins has a long and successful track record in the residential real estate market in Dallas. When buying and selling their homes, Stephen says people lay their souls out to you.

If you have never read Independence Day by Richard Ford, your dutiful secretary recommends it. The protagonist is Frank Bascombe, a real estate agent. Here’s a taste: “I myself, Frank Bascombe, was mugged on Coolidge Street, one street over, late in April, spiritedly legging it home from a closing at our realty office just at dusk, a sense of achievement lightening my step, still hoping to catch the evening news, a bottle of Roederer—a gift from a grateful seller I’d made a bundle for—under my arm.” Bascombe is full of regret—not a good thing.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

I found the Covid-related travel restrictions daunting and wound up aborting several international trips. Since many of these restrictions have been eased, I’ve been ready to travel again, as have many of our classmates. In October Gretchen Kruysman traveled to Tuscany with Carol (Krensky) Huston, Ellen (Remsen) Webb, Karen Calby ’81, Annabelle Canning ’81, Jenny McCAuliffe ’81, and Colleen Barlett ’79. “It was non-stop laughter!” Gretchen reports. “On a day trip to Pienza another American group overheard us laughing about Dartmouth field hockey and told us their daughter had played at Dartmouth as well!”

Four Way Books published Victoria Redel’s latest collection of poems, Paradise, in February 2022. According to the book’s promotional copy, Victoria explores the idea of paradise within the historical context of borders, exile, and diaspora that brought us to the present global migration crisis. “Drawing from a long family history of flight and refuge, the poems interweave religion and myth, personal lore and nation-building, borders actual and imagined. They ask: What if what we fell from was never, actually, grace? What is a boundary really? Redel navigates geopolitical perimeters while also questioning the border between living and dead and delineating the migrations aging women make in their bodies and lives. With stark lyricism and unflinching attention, Paradise considers how a legacy of trauma shapes imagination and asks readers to see the threads that tie contemporary catastrophes to the exigencies and flight paths that made us.”

Paul Susca, who retired in August 2022 from the N.H. Department of Environmental Services (DES), was the recipient of a 2022 Environmental Merit Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, “Paul’s three-decade career left an indelible mark on state efforts to protect drinking water resources.” He was the founding architect of the Salmon Falls Collaborative, an interstate partnership, nationally recognized in 2012 by the Clean Water America Alliance, organized to protect the Salmon Falls River watershed. Throughout his career, Paul led a series of public health-related initiatives, including adoption of a lower standard for arsenic levels in drinking water. Paul solicited the expert opinions from EPA and DES health-risk assessors and contracted health economists to monetize the costs, and these findings were pivotal to cutting the arsenic standard in half.”

On August 6, 2022, Ed Rowland became the 1,156th person to complete the “Eastern 115”—the 115 peaks in New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine greater than 4,000 feet in elevation. Following our 25th reunion in 2005, he organized one long weekend climbing trip every summer joined by, among others, Rick Bagley, Ted and Lynne, Tu’75, Stone, Rick Routhier ’73, Tu’76, and his wife, Sarah Kahn. “The adventures were many and the joy wasn’t so much in completing the list but the journey.” (Bravo! I estimate that I myself have another 111 peaks to go. I have some serious catching up to do!)

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;

A final report on my congressional campaign: As I said on election night to a large crowd, I am grateful for the great class of 1980 and humbled that people who knew me when I was 17 would still support me for U.S. Congress.

Running a political campaign is like starting a business. More than ever, I think small business owners are some of the bravest people I know.

I campaigned in all 15 counties of the district, which includes Georgia’s entire coast. I put 25,000 miles on the campaign vehicle in 10 months.

My campaign raised approximately $1.4 million, almost five times more than any other Democratic congressional candidate has ever raised in the 1st District. The only Georgia congressional challenger to raise more this cycle was Marcus Flowers. His $15 million could not beat Marjorie Taylor Greene, and he received only 34 percent of the vote. Seven congressional challengers in Georgia did not top $100,000.

I campaigned with Sens. Warnock and Ossoff, Stacey Abrams, and numerous local elected officials.

The campaign’s TikTok videos went viral (I am the chillest dude in America). Senior Washington, D.C., correspondent Hallie Jackson traveled to Savannah to interview me. Ms. Jackson’s story about TikTok and politics was broadcast on NBC Nightly News shortly before the general election, using me as an example of a politician who effectively used TikTok, contrasted with Dr. Oz, who did not.

I question whether Georgia is a battleground state. No Democrat won a statewide race on November 8. An incumbent, Warnock won only after a runoff against a very flawed candidate and spending millions and millions of dollars. Georgia’s new lieutenant governor was a fake elector on January 6, 2021.

Congressional districts are drawn to favor the incumbent of whatever party. No congressional incumbent lost in the general election. (No incumbents in statewide races lost in Georgia.)

I carried two counties, including Chatham (Savannah), the most populous county in the district where both the incumbent and I live and have spent our adult careers. I received 58 percent of the vote in Chatham County and 61 percent of the vote in Liberty County. In the 1st District I received more votes than any other Democrat on the ballot, with the exception of Sen. Warnock. I earned 41 percent of the district-wide vote. The only other challenger in a Georgia congressional race who exceeded that percentage was Republican Chris West, who received 45 percent of the vote in Georgia’s 2nd District, a district that Republicans redrew in 2021 in an effort to make it more competitive for Republicans.

I have an endless supply of new stories, a development that friends and acquaintances will receive with mixed emotions. As Tom Chapin has said, “If Wade likes a story, you’re going to hear it more than once.” (I’ve told that story more than once.) Who knows, maybe a book or some public speaking gigs will come out of this.

I am grateful for the experience, and I have no regrets.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

Our class held a mini reunion on October 9-12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Brian Boyer and his wife, Gretchen, opened up their beautiful log cabin home in the Santa Fe Hills for the opening gathering. Several other classmates in attendance also live in New Mexico. Alex McCormick and his wife, Judy Ouimet, moved to Santa Fe recently after Alex stepped down from his long-term post at Indiana University. Terrie Duda Harris practiced law and then acupuncture in New Jersey before retiring to New Mexico with her husband, Glenn, 12 years ago. Guy Dietrich has had a home in Santa Fe for many years; he was gracious enough to host a golf outing at his country club and had everyone over after golf at his home on the 18th hole. Wade Herring was our special guest for the evening, zooming in virtually from Georgia to fill the class in on his campaign for Congress for the First District in Georgia. We hope by press time Wade will have won his seat!

The variety of events at this mini-reunion attracted many classmates who have not made it back to Hanover in a while. Cheryll Watson flew in from Los Angeles, where she continues her career in property management while still performing as an actor when time allows. Mark Flom and his wife, Melissa, flew in from Atlanta. They especially enjoyed the tour of the Alan Houser sculpture garden. The group enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and drinks at sunset along with a guided tour of the sculpture garden by the curator David Rettig ’75. Jean Scarrow flew in from Newton, Massachusetts, where she is enjoying retirement from Liberty Mutual. She enjoyed touring the art galleries along Canyon Road and hiking up to the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture with classmate Anne Craige McNay. Dan Fitzpatrick and his wife, Helen, flew in from Greenwich, Connecticut, and found time to explore a bit of the High Road to Taos while visiting Chimayo, a beautiful sanctuary. Maja Wessels and her husband, Charles Covington, visited Taos en route to Santa Fe from their home in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The final evening was a group dinner with special guests Dartmouth professor and classmate N. Bruce Duthu and his wife, Hilde Ojibway, along with Alvin Warren ’91, the former secretary of Indian affairs for New Mexico.Bruce spoke about the impressive evolution of the Native American and indigenous studies department he chairs at Dartmouth, growing from two course offerings in 1972 to more than 20 courses and offering a major, a minor, and an off-campus study program in Santa Fe on the campus of the Institute of American Indian Arts. Our class donated $15,000 to support internships and independent research projects for current students.

Prior to the mini-reunion, several classmates, including Regina Ketting and husband Jaap, Lauri Sanduski and husband Jim, Cathy McGrath, and Laurel Smith attended the Albuquerque (New Mexico) International Balloon Fiesta, featuring more than 600 hot air balloons.

Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

Thank you, everyone, for writing! Tom Bartlett recently published Sailing from Plymouth, a book of short stories which “present a range of characters and experiences from the past, present, and future that capture either the fair seas or stormy conditions of human existence.” The book is available on eBay UK and all proceeds will benefit the life-changing work of Advantage Africa in Kenya and Uganda.

Meanwhile, Big Table Publishing published my second book of short stories, You’ll Never See It Coming, which, like its predecessor, Toxic Cookout, finds humor in everyday paranoia. Both are available on Amazon and from the Big Table Publishing website.

Ben Zuraw writes: “Peter Boone and I had the priviledge of attending the annual awards dinner this spring of Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education (SCOPE), a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships to send deserving children to camp. There Dan Zenkel was awarded SCOPE’s youth advocate award. Dan has been a long-time board member of SCOPE as well as its board president. Dan and Michele hosted Peter and me for a fun dinner at their home the next evening.”

In July Dr. John A. Rich assumed the position of inaugural director of the Rush University System for Health Bank of Montreal (RUSH BMO) Institute for Health Equity. The institute was launched last year to help coordinate health-equity efforts across RUSH and its diverse communities and recognized the need for a full-time director who shares its vision and values. After graduating from Dartmouth John earned a medical degree from Duke University Medical School and a master’s in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health. While at Boston City Hospital (now Boston Medical Center), he was troubled by the way that trauma, poverty, and the lack of access to healthcare constantly affected the health of Black and Latino men. There he launched a young men’s health clinic and created a community health worker training initiative in which young men from the community were taught skills alongside primary providers. He received a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellowship in 2006. His book Wrong Place, Wrong Time; Trauma and Violence in the Lives of Young Black Men was published by Johns Hopkins University Press in 2009.

In May Chris Browne was named director of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, where he has served as acting director since January 2021. While majoring in history and Native American studies at Dartmouth, he learned aviation through the Flying Club. After Dartmouth he went on to graduate from the U.S. Navy’s “Top Gun” fighter weapons school.

I’m eagerly following Wade Herring’s congressional bid in Georgia. “I am grateful for the encouragement, support, and financial generosity of the great class of 1980,” he writes. “I am confident that my decision to run was the right thing to do. Despite all of our nation’s problems and divisions, I remain hopeful about America and the promises that she has to keep.”

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;

I am eating lunch in Coffee-Deli in midtown Savanah. A man walks over from another table and sits down. “Aren’t you Wade Herring? I’m a lawyer too. I have a case with an expert witness, a rheumatologist named Scott Zashin. He lives in Dallas. Don’t you know him?” I reply coolly, “I know him as ‘Zeke.’ ”

Dr. Dana Abraham maintains a busy breast surgery oncology practice in Little Rock, Arkansas. Taking spaces that do not work and making them work has kept Scott Daggs busy in the construction business, mostly residential, for 40 years. Scott hopes soon to sit under his own vines and fig tree. With six grandchildren, Scott describes himself as already “very blessed.”

Ron Chen, former dean of Rutgers Law, remains a full-time faculty member there where he teaches constitutional law. After the U.S. Supreme Court’s destruction this year, Ron will need to revise the curriculum. Additionally, Ron judges regattas and is a member of the World Rowing Council. To top it off, Ron is on the executive committee of the ACLU and serves as one of its general counsels.

In the restaurant business since 1985, Rich Brook’s latest project is The Horse Shoe Farm, an 85-acre riverfront estate offering nightly accommodations near Asheville, North Carolina. Its private event space is available for weddings, retreats, corporate events, and other events of all sizes, including class reunions. Subtle hint. The farm is also home to The Stable Spa.

Living in her hometown of Wayland, Massachusetts, Pixie Keating Paradiso has worked for 29 years as associate general counsel for Boston’s Children Hospital. She has loved the work as part of the hospital’s mission to push what is possible in children’s health.

Bruce Fitzsimmons is a real estate lawyer in Arlington, Massachusetts. As I write this, Bruce finds himself like everyone else in the real estate business in a cycle of low inventory but very high demand. At Dartmouth’s School of Medicine since 1987, Dr. Chris LaRocca is busy developing a residency program there in family medicine. Like her dad, Chris’ daughter, Rachel, is an alumna of both the College and Geisel, where she also serves on the faculty as a clinical assistant professor of community and family medicine. You bet that Chris is justifiably proud.

With five children and eight grandchildren, Diana Dean declares, “There is nothing better than grandparenthood.” Her oldest grandchild is already a first year at Yale. Diana has taught anthropology and social science for 31 years at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Retired and relocating to Santa Fe, New Mexico, Alex McCormick until recently worked as a professor in the Indiana University Bloomington School of Education. As part of his former duties Alex directed the National Survey of Student Engagement, the largest survey of undergraduates that examines the quality of the educational experience.

I won my runoff to become the Democratic nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in Georgia’s 1st District. Now the real work begins.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639; wherring@hunter; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;

Paula Holmes-Eber and her husband, Lorenz Eber, announce the release of their new book, Breathtaking: How One Family Cycled Around the World for Clean Air and Asthma, a fascinating epic recounting their family cycling trip around the world on two tandem bicycles. Their journey raised awareness and funding to support sufferers of asthma and other respiratory diseases. For more information on the book, contact Paula’s publisher, Maura Cahill ’20, at

Mike Wall and his wife, Suzanne, may not have cycled around the world, but they too completed an impressive journey. For their wedding anniversary in February these two Minnesotans booked a weeklong Nordic ski trip on the Appalachian Mountain Club lodge-to-lodge trails through the wilderness of northern Maine. The first day of their trip required them to plow through 10 inches of fresh snow for more than six hours, which Suzanne described as “Type 2 fun,” meaning, “not fun when you are experiencing it, yet fun to talk about later.”

Emily Katz Anhalt reports that she is still living in Guilford, Connecticut, and teaching classical languages and literature at Sarah Lawrence College. Her most recent book is Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny (Stanford University Press, 2021), which “argues that Ancient Greek myths, told in epic tales and Greek tragic plays, offer us a lifeline out of our current sea of raging, mutually destructive, political passions and polarizations.” Timely wisdom.

Shaun Smith retired in the spring of 2019 after four decades in commercial real estate finance. She and her husband, David Hov ’78, thereupon moved to Leesburg, Virginia, where they are close to their daughter and first grandchild, Aidan Preston Lincoln.

Mike Perrella is running a commercial division for a 100-plus-year-old community credit union. He and his wife, Alison, are imaging retirement but not there yet. They are enjoying their first grandchild and looking forward to their daughter’s wedding this summer. Mike would love to hear from classmates who are in central New England or the Boston-Manchester, New Hampshire, area.

Jim Leahy is still practicing investment management law with a focus on regulatory compliance in New York City. He and his wife, Noreen, now have three grandchildren. Jim reports enjoying reading Dr. Seuss (I assume to his grandkids) and singing in the choir.

Though we live no more than a mile apart, I had to hunt down Cathel MacLeod to pry out some news. He responded ruefully, “Sadly, there are consequences for a surgeon’s life. Now that I am retired it seems my invisibility cloaking has failed. I had a quiet but rejuvenating winter. I am hoping to make it easier for college newsletter classmates by doing in retirement all I put off for decades.” We shall see.

Save the date for the “When I’m 64” birthday super mini-reunion, October 9-12, at the LaFonda on the Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For more info contact Brian Boyer at or Lisa Shanahan at

Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

As life slowly returns to normal or the new normal, I reflect on how tricky it can be to get out of the Covid rut and reconnect with the world. For me, the Covid years meant working out in my home gym and walking outdoors for exercise, doing a lot of home cooking and takeout, and streaming movies on TV and my laptop. In the last few months I have taken great delight in eating out, going to the gym, and seeing movies on the big screen—not to mention the occasional hug. (Now if only I can master conversations longer than 15 minutes!)

I’m sorry to report that Will Hale passed away in November of 2021. He is survived by his wife of 28 years, Kim (Rohrer) Hale, of Oxford, Michigan; daughter Olivia of San Francisco; mother Elizabeth Hale of Minnetonka, Minnesota; sister Heather Warm of San Francisco, Minnesota; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Will spent his childhood in southern California till age 11, when the family moved to Panama City Zone. While in high school there he started his own horse and rider photography. After earning his B.A. in engineering at Dartmouth Will worked on Wall Street and in London as a convertible bond trader for several years. He completed his master’s in engineering at Dartmouth in 1992 and eventually went on to earn a Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the University of Minnesota. He and Kim moved in 1995 to Oxford, where he was employed as a powertrain industrial engineering specialist at Stellantis in nearby Auburn Hills until the time of his death.

His passions included music, trap and skeet shooting, and deep-sea fishing in Mexico and Central America, catching sail fish, marlin, dorado, and tuna. He also bought, refurbished, and resold solid silver flutes and piccolos.

It’s a great testament to the Dartmouth experience that so many graduates’ offspring wind up attending. Steve Muenzen ’14, the son of Chuck Muenzen, married Renee Lai ’14, whom he met his senior year, at the Barr Mansion in Austin, Texas, December 20, 2021. Steve works for the University of Texas investment management company helping to grow its endowment, and Renee is a professional studio artist painter and college art instructor. Chuck reports that many of the class of 2014 were in attendance, as were three of his good friends, Phil Gibbs ’81, Peter Maginot, and John Wilen. “It was a beautiful afternoon and evening sandwiched between rainy days before and after and was in the sweet spot between delta and omicron, so all stayed healthy and the travels were smooth,” he writes.

I’m excited to announce that our class is planning a mini-reunion October 9-12 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For more details, visit the class of 1980 website.

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;

As I have written this column through the years, I have debated whether it should be timeless or not. In this moment, I am stuck in time, specifically, that odd week between Christmas and the new year. The Omicron variant has renewed uncertainty about public events and public health. Do you lack all conviction or are you full of passionate intensity? Who is to say which is best or worst?

Meanwhile, unstuck Brent and Cami Bilger are loopers. The Great Loop is a continuous waterway that includes part of the Atlantic, Gulf Intracoastal Waterways, the Great Lakes, Canadian Heritage Canals, and the inland rivers of America’s heartland. In January Brent and Cami will sail out of northern Germany, down to the tropics, and across the Atlantic.

Dana Cetlin, a busy real estate attorney in Natick, Massachusetts, is grateful that property is moving, with one daughter in business school at MIT and another in medical school at Northwestern.

In mid-2021 Dr. Jacqueline Brown Gettys became medical director of Capital Health’s post-acute care program. She helps patients move from one level of care to another. Said Dr. Gettys, “I’m excited to lead the new program that aims to improve communication and coordination of care as patients transition out of the hospital so we can achieve the best possible outcomes when they get to their next level of care. While seniors are the most common patient population to be served by the program, our services are available to any patient who receives care at Capital Health.” Capital Health is based in Trenton, New Jersey.

Matt Cairone is a litigator at the Philadelphia office of Fishkin Lucks. Matt represents large industrial entities in toxic tort matters, but his two grandchildren are what make his heart beat faster.

Another lawyer, Steve Camerino is the CEO of law firm McLane Middleton in Manchester, New Hampshire. When not herding cats, Steve likes to hike, ski, and visit New York City with his wife, Sarah, also a lawyer.

Richard Braverman is a retired pediatric radiologist in Houston trying to decide what comes next.

Bob Berlinger has retired from the television industry. He describes himself as comfortably divorced for 20 years. Bob’s son, a journalist, is to be married this January to a French woman he met in Hong Kong. Bob’s daughter, Michelle, is a member of the class of ’13 and the owner of her own jewelry design company. Just as Bob hung out at the Hop doing theater, Michelle made the jewelry studio there her home.

Joyce Booth is an immigration lawyer in Stockbridge, Georgia. Her practice focuses on family-based immigration, temporary protected status, and detention and removal cases.

One final bit of lawyer news: Meg LePage has been inducted into the American College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. Fellows are recognized as distinguished members of the labor and employment community who promote achievement, advancement, and excellence in the practice by setting standards of professionalism and civility. How else to describe Meg?

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;

During Covid and beyond we semi-retirees have struggled to keep ourselves entertained. I’ve been researching movies online, focusing on books’ various adaptations to cinema. For example, I compared the two adaptations of Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley’s Game to movies The American Friend and Ripley’s Game. While I admired the androgynous sophistication John Malkovich brought to the role of Tom Ripley in Ripley’s Game, I was thoroughly delighted watching Dennis Hopper’s Ripley, wearing glasses with a cigarette cocked in his mouth, garrote a guy in a restroom in The American Friend.” I also watched the British remake of The Big Sleep, which felt like a teacup rattler compared with the original.

I’ve looked to many sources for movies to stream, including columns in The Boston Globe by Ty Burr. Ty recently retired from The Globe after 19 years. “In that time just about everything has changed as far as how we watch movies and what we watch. The major studios gave themselves over completely to digitized franchise action properties, forcing other kinds of movies (dramas, comedies, romances, and anything involving humans) to festivals, arthouses, and streaming platforms,” he writes. “As much as I cherish the big-screen experience, I found myself increasingly frustrated by the widening gap between industry practice and viewer reality.” In 2021 Ty launched Ty’s Watch List, which has given him a chance to branch out. “I like writing about popular culture. I can and want to talk about streaming TV series we’re all addicted to, the music we listen to, and the personalities that defined us in youth and are still shaking up things today.” To subscribe to Ty’s Watch List, visit, create a Substack account, and sign up for the newsletter. It’s free, but if you pay a nominal subscription fee you will receive recommendations and the ability to join all the discussion threads. “It’s basically like the Film Society notes I wrote back in Hanover except you can talk back to me and you can’t fold them into paper airplanes and throw them at the screen.” (Read more about Ty on page 53.)

On a sad note, Al Noyes reported on the passing of our fellow classmate, Harry Shulman. “On August 11 a celebration of life took place for our recently departed classmate Harry Shulman. It was a beautiful and well-attended event. Speakers included stories and events from Harry’s life. His brother, John, spoke about growing up with Harry and then others shared experiences about Harry from Dartmouth, UVA law school, his time in Colorado, and his life in San Francisco. It was all orchestrated by his wonderful wife, Annie Williams, and their beloved children, Zoe and Sam. Common themes throughout included his ever-present contagious smile, his optimism, his intelligence, and how much he cared for others and made them feel appreciated,” Al writes. “The ceremony ended with a tequila toast. Harry will be sorely missed and never forgotten.”

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;

This August I had the pleasure of spending a weekend in Bar Harbor, Maine, with Lauri Livesey Sanduski and her husband, Jim. Lauri and I were together on the same freshman trip, when we quickly bonded. It was the beginning of a lifetime friendship. We hiked in Bar Harbor, more slowly than we did 45 years ago, but with no less enthusiasm. Lauri recently retired from IBM, her one and only employer since she graduated from Tuck in 1981.

Our drive home took us through the quaint coastal village of Camden, where Peter Kesser, former general counsel of two large public companies, now runs the Camden Maine Stay Inn, a historic bed-and-breakfast. Peter’s shift from lawyer to innkeeper came somewhat fortuitously when the former owners of the inn—whom Peter and his wife, Janis, got to know from years of being guests—announced they were ready to retire and wanted to sell. Peter says although he left behind his legal career in Memphis, Tennessee, “I did not retire, nor was I burned out on the law or escaping corporate life. In fact, I loved being a lawyer.” Peter is thriving in his new role. “I most enjoy meeting and talking with our guests—people of all ages, with widely varying backgrounds and careers, and from all parts of the United States and the world.” He also loves living in Maine, where “I can hike a mountain and sail on Penobscot Bay in the same day and all within a few minutes from the inn.” Peter welcomes all ’80s—indeed all Dartmouth grads—to visit him in Camden. You can check out the elegantly appointed inn at

Speaking of traveling to Maine, Merle Adelman let me know she is planning a trip to Portland in September to take part in the Maine Lighthouse Ride with fellow rider Laurel Smith.The 60-mile route hugs the coast starting in South Portland, home of Peg Stewart and Ursula Mathers Nehrt,to Cape Elizabeth, home to Susan Green Spagnola and John Moloney, to Scarborough, Old Orchard Beach, and back to Portland, home of Rich Entel.Maybe she will see some of our classmates along the way.

Like many of our classmates, Rich is a physician, specializing in addiction medicine. Rich is also an acclaimed visual artist who studied at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and was an artist-in-residence at the MacDowell Colony. Take a look at his amazing sculptures of soulful animals made of discarded cardboard and pieces of musical instruments at

I end my column with a plug to read the thoughtful and inspiring interview of trustee emeritus John Rich called “We are Finally Talking About Racism as a Problem Worth Solving,” online at John credits his medical career addressing the effects of racial trauma to his study of English at Dartmouth.

Meg Coughlin LePage,8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

Jeff Citrin and his wife, Rona, moved from their longtime home in Greenwich, Connecticut, to a new house they built in Aspen, Colorado, a couple of years ago. With all three children living in New York, they still spend time back East. Jeff and Rona’s daughter, Alex, and her husband, Chris, gave them their first grandchild last July. They celebrated the family-only wedding of son Andrew ’11 a month later. Son Charlie ’16 is midway through business school in N.Y.C. Jeff concluded his four-year term as the Hood Museum’s board chair in June of 2020 and urges all of us to pay a visit to the renovated museum. Jeff completed late last year the sale of the N.Y.C.-based real estate investment firm he founded in 2006, then launched another private real estate investment platform.

Fred Meyerson ran the virtual Boston Marathon in September of 2020 as a trail run on the North-South Trail in Rhode Island. Fred’s first Boston was back in 1984. He was time-qualified and registered for the New York and Chicago marathons in 2020. Those were canceled, and he has deferred the two races. Fred has fingers crossed for this year’s Boston, scheduled for October 11. Fred was able to run the Canadian Ski Marathon again, albeit virtually, in a window of February snow in northwest Rhode Island, camping out in freezing rain between the two days to earn his Gold Coureur de Bois. Fred’s two sons are undergraduates at Brown and NYU. Writing this last paragraph has your undersigned secretary feeling both exhausted and cash strapped.

Carl Baum ’81 scanned a bunch of slides from the 1979 “Rox Stretch.” Email Carl at if you would like some photos.

Kids in Need of Defense recognized Carol Burns as part of a pro bono team of the month for May. Carol helped represent a child who sought asylum and special immigrant juvenile status. Because of the team’s dedication and preparation of written briefs and their client’s testimony for the asylum interview, the asylum office approved their client’s application. Their client is now an asylee living safely in the United States.

Emily Katz Anhalt has a new book, Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny, combining narrated tales, drawn from the ancient Greek texts, with analyses accessible to non-specialists. Democracy as a concept did not exist until the Greeks coined the term and tried the experiment. Tales told in ancient Greek epics and tragedies provide an antidote to the tyrannical passions of today. Emily is a professor of classics at Sarah Lawrence College.

I am running for U.S. Congress as a Democrat in Georgia’s First Congressional District. The incumbent, a fellow church member, sued the State of Georgia to overturn the election results here, even though he won his race. On the night of January 6, he stood on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to oppose the election. Maybe I will give him a copy of Emily’s book. This last paragraph is not a joke.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

The pandemic has brought us a year of radical change. Some of us have lost loved ones. David May reports that his parents died, but he couldn’t be there because of Covid. On the other hand, he has a new grandchild and reports that he “will never lose the joy from this blessing that just keeps giving.”

Some of us have relocated. Jeffrey Demers writes “My wife and I moved—not to a warmer climate, but to one that is snowier. We moved to Sharon, Vermont, just a short trip down a dirt road to Hanover. We wanted to get away from the congestion that exists around Boston and move to a quieter environment.” John Clark and his wife, Becky, now live in Grafton, Vermont. “We managed to settle in the safest state in the union as far as Covid is concerned.” To distract themselves from the chaos on the news, Becky took up knitting and quilting and John took up nature photography. “After almost a year of learning photography, I upgraded my camera, and a whole new world of possibilities has opened up.”

Tom Bartlett lives in England with his wife and has two grown kids. He works in prison reform and prisoner resettlement and is applying for dual citizenship in the United States and the United Kingdom. “After 30 years on this island, it’s about time.” Sean O’Keefe’s third novel, Phantom Money, was published in March. “The story is about an L.A. lawyer who is forced to launder $100 million for a drug cartel while he is being investigated by an FBI strike team. Writing novels on the side makes the practice of law endurable. I’ve been participating in author readings on Zoom.

“I enjoy hearing other authors share their work and reading from my short story collection, Toxic Cookout, channeling such characters as a world-weary truck driver and a spoiled, snarky 17-year-old girl.” Marc D. Feldman writes that he may be the only member of the class to have surgery on another member of the class—in this case, someone with whom he took P.E. as a freshman. “Carter Harsh, a neurosurgeon, performed a very successful cervical fusion a couple of years ago that cured me of serious arm pain,” he writes.

In response to my question about new undertakings, Elisabeth Lilly writes, “I took up tennis! Then I fell on the court and sprained my wrist.” Laurel Smith learned a new sport last winter—skating with Nordic blades on frozen New Hampshire lakes. After quitting piano lessons at the age of 10, Kristin Lord started playing again seven or eight years ago and now takes virtual lessons with a regular teacher, but Covid has kept her too busy to practice as much as she’d like. Carol Krensky Huston writes, “Not much. Just graduated from law school, passed the New Jersey bar, and became a lawyer. Ho hum.” (Slacker! Just kidding!)

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;

This was supposed to be our last column before our rescheduled 40th reunion. Alas, Covid-19 spoiled our plans. Instead of hyping the reunion, I’d like to salute some of our classmates who have dedicated their careers to improving the lives of others through education and counseling, professions of heightened importance in these days of the pandemic.

Carol Morrison Willard graduated from Dartmouth knowing she wanted to teach art at the local public school system in her native Massachusetts. She continues that dream today, and her daughter has followed in her footsteps. Kristen Funkhouser Pierce took a pause from being a professional artist to obtain a graduate degree in art therapy and mental health counseling. Kristen now uses art therapy to work with individuals with a range of psychological disorders and those challenged by traumatic brain injury and disease. At age 50, Frank Fesnak also went back to school, leaving a tremendously successful career as a tech executive to teach business and technology to inner-city public high school students. In recognition of the impressive transformation of his high school’s business program during the past decade, Frank was named the Lindback Distinguished Teacher of the Year in 2019.

Susan Ackerman is a professor of religion and women’s and gender studies at Dartmouth. At Homecoming in 2019 Susan wowed the crowd with a thought-provoking lecture titled “Is Dartmouth a Religion?” (It is!) Bruce Duthu is also a professor at Dartmouth, a scholar of Native American law and policy. In 2019 Bruce won an Emmy for research in connection with his coproduction of the documentary film Dawnland, which traces the historically negative impact of Maine’s child welfare practices on Native American communities. Another Emmy winner (as executive producer of a TV public affairs program), Ron Chen is a professor and former dean of the Rutgers Law School. Outside of law school Ron is a renowned U.S. rowing umpire. We ran into each other a few times at collegiate regattas when my middle daughter was rowing. Professor Beth Baron is a historian of the Middle East, focusing on gender and modern Egypt at the City College of New York. She led an academic association that became a leading plaintiff in one of the federal court cases seeking to overturn the Muslim ban. Mary Klages is a professor of English at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she has taught since 1989 after obtaining her Ph.D. at Stanford. She has published a couple of books explaining the perplexing world of literary theory. Professor Mary Ann McDonald Carolan directs theItalian studies program at Fairfield University. This spring she is teaching Italian American cinema. Kal Alston is a professor and associate dean for academic affairs at the Syracuse University School of Education. She is currently working on analyses of contemporary girlhood, early adolescent culture and education, and race and fatherhood.

Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

You should know by now that our class has new co-presidents, Joe Mannes and Cathy McGrath. Joe is the president of Samco Capital Markets in Dallas, where he has worked in a variety of capacities since 2001. After Dartmouth Joe earned an M.B.A. from Wharton. Joe also judges chili contests.

Living in Fairlee, Vermont (population 980), Cathy is a senior consultant at Marts & Lundy Inc. Cathy advises nonprofits about fundraising programs. And you thought your job in a pandemic was tough. “No, really, Zoom galas are fun.”

I hesitate to write about holdover presidents, but Susan Fagerstrom and Mark Alperin will continue to provide their expert assistance, at least through our 40th reunion. Or, as they say in Bulgaria, “When the pig in yellow slippers climbs the pear tree.”

Our new treasurer is Brian Boyer. Brian has worked at Wespath Institutional Investments (WII) since 2003 and currently serves as director of private markets. Like Joe, Brian also has an M.B.A. from Wharton. WII is a not-for-profit subsidiary of Wespath Benefits and Investments, a general agency of the United Methodist Church. In operation since 1908, Wespath manages the largest reporting faith-based pension fund in the world. Who knew the Methodists had so much money?

Our new secretaries are Rob Dinsmoor and Meg Coughlin LePage. Rob lives on the North Shore of Massachusetts, where he writes about health and medical issues. He also writes fictive memoirs, pieces in which he disguises real characters he has encountered. If you are not in one of Rob’s books, you do not know whether to be relieved or insulted. Rob’s life changed dramatically when he started practicing yoga, and even more when he started teaching yoga. Whenever I tried yoga, pre-pandemic, the instructors always gave me concerned looks that loudly telegraphed, “Please, old man, do not die in my class.”

Meg is an attorney, a partner at Pierce Atwood in Portland, Maine. She is the mother of four, including twins. Just writing that makes me tired. Meg lives with her husband, Mike, in Cumberland and is a dedicated runner. Meg is a very nice person, especially for a lawyer.

We have lost another classmate, Joni von Herrmann, who died in October. Carol Burns, Joni’s freshman year roommate, remembers her as “a force of nature, beautiful, self-confident.” Carol further recalls, “We had many fine adventures (including early morning breakfasts with Brent Bilger at Thayer, which we referred to as ‘Brekkie with Brent’). Joni was kind and fun and passionate about Dartmouth.”

Jerry Jeff Walker also died in October. He performed in Spaulding in 1977 and in the Bema at our 25th reunion. Walker made a number of definitive Texas outlaw recordings, notably “Up Against the Wall, Redneck Mother.” As for the Spaulding performance, I was there, a terrifying experience because I was far too sober for the drunken mob of an audience.

Mr. Bojangles. Mr. Bojangles. Dance.

Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;

As I take my first stab at Class Notes, it occurs to me that so much has changed since the Covid distancing began. The pandemic has taken a ghastly toll on our lives and livelihoods and has been especially challenging to those on the front lines, including those working in education and healthcare.

Kristin Lord, a healthcare provider from the United States who works in Canada, faces daunting, disruptive restrictions when crossing the border, including 14-day quarantines on either end.

Jim Gifford teaches AP literature at a suburban Maryland public school via Zoom. While students show up at the appointed time and learn the language skills they need, he rues the fact that students never really get to know each other “when we all are in our individual little Brady Bunch or Hollywood Squares rectangles.”

I really miss seeing movies on the big screen. Film critic Ty Burr wrote in The Boston Globe that, despite being an avid Christopher Nolan fan, he wouldn’t be seeing the big-screen premier of Tenet. Fools go where critics fear to tread. I went to see Unhinged just after the local theater opened, but soon decided I’d made an error in judgment and left that ghost town halfway through the film.

Yet the class of 1980 is nothing if not resourceful—remember that we built a second bonfire in 1976 after the first one got torched! We’ve found ways to adapt to this cataclysmic change. Though I miss going to the gym, I’ve been riding my bike a lot, but surely not nearly as much as Merle Adelman. I’ve also been enjoying outdoor classes such as “Zumba by the Sea” at a nearby beach and Merle says she enjoys outdoor barre classes. (“Try standing on your toes on uneven ground!”).

Gretchen Kruysman is pleased to be forced to slow down, with less commuting and going out. “I’m commuting only three days a week instead of five. We’ve enjoyed setting up a home gym, watching the bird feeder, playing occasional Bananagram games, reading more, and lots of biking, running, and walking. Now that we’ve passed the 40th reunion mark we need to make each day last!”

Elizabeth Nestler reports that, due to Zoom and YouTube livestream, she has been able to “attend” churches near and far, including her son’s. She’s been able to see and hear him sing in his choir, which uses the Acapella app.

Todd Herrmann no longer battles traffic in and out of Boston, giving him three extra hours a day for family, films, and the outdoors. He’s got a large TV in front of the fireplace and reports that Hulu and Netflix have become their new hearth.

I also enjoy the increase in al fresco dining, getting to know my neighbors better, and the sight of parents reading to their kids on the front porch.

Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982; (978) 269-4069;; Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

The award-winning class of 1980 continues its proud tradition of achievement giving to the college. In case you missed the ad in a prior DAM edition, for our 40th reunion fundraising, our class received both the Class of 1938 Award for the highest reunion dollar total ($4,379,783) and the Class of 1964 Award for the greatest number of reunion 1769 Society members (94). Congratulations to all who gave so generously, to head agent Merle Adelman, co-presidents Mark Alperin and Susan Fagerstrom, and to new agents Grant Bogle, Kevin Boyle, and Harry Shulman,with an important assist from veteran Bill Helman!

Speaking of Grant Bogle, he left his job as head of commercial for a Boston-based biotech company called Tesaro in mid-2019, several months after it was sold to another company. Without skipping a beat, he and his wife, Karen, went back to school full-time at the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative. Grant is learning how to use his corporate savvy to make an impact for the greater good. That is a bold and noble encore career.

Speaking of encore careers, Bob Henderson recently hung up his cap and gown after 17 years of “transformational leadership” as head of Nobles and Greenough School. For his encore career Bob joined the independent consulting firm of Resource Group 175 and is helping schools find great heads like him. Speaking of great heads, Marc Lewis is also in the headhunting business, focusing on placing C-level executives and board members worldwide. Like all of us, Marc’s social life has slumped a bit during the pandemic. The low point came when his daughter, Sarah, had to postpone her much-anticipated wedding this summer. Marc is looking forward to more fun in the future, including our reunion and the Dartmouth alumni holiday party at Richards of Greenwich, Connecticut, which he touts as a not-to-be-missed event. Speaking of Greenwich, Dan Fitzpatrick sat down for an interview recently with the Greenwich Sentinel to explain his transformation from corporate lawyer to wealth advisor to a writer of “common-sense culture commentary.” Channeling Peggy Noonan and C.S. Lewis, Dan tries to be “thoughtful and thought-provoking without being mean, rude, partisan, or offensive.” That’s a novel approach these days. Asked if he would ever write a book, Dan quipped, “Every person of Irish descent believes that they have the ‘gift of gab’ and a solemn duty to share that gift with the world, whether the world wants it or not.” Maybe Dan’s book will be available for sale at our rescheduled reunion next year.

Speaking of sitting, Bill Goodspeed has created an encore career sitting on boards—seven of them at last count. Who would have known you could get paid for just sitting?

I am new at this, and I need material. For the next issue tell me about your encore careers or at least your plans for post-retirement adventures. I haven’t figured it out and need inspiration.

Meg Coughlin LePage, 8 Brookside Drive, Cumberland, ME 04021; (207) 791-1382;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Dinsmoor, 14 Rust St., South Hamilton, MA 01982;

A quarantine is like college: no haircuts, no dentist, no church, no visits to parents, but flexible schedules and too much drinking. The word quarantine, as we all now know, derives from the Italian word for 40.

Forty marks a time of waiting, preparing, testing. Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. We have been out of college for 40 years. Forty is a long time, whatever you are marking.

Our reunion, of course, has been postponed. The 110 lawyers in our class best understand that we have all received an extension of time. We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.

Many thanks to reunion chairs Cathy McGrath and Alex Frank for their hard work. They are still on the hook for when we do gather together. Cathy and Alex determined long ago (in March) that our reunion would not take place this year. Who could have seen this coming? Cathy and Alex did.

Susan Fagerstrom and Mark Alperin have been most excellent co-presidents, encouraging new ideas while keeping us focused on getting things done. Our 60th birthday party in Scottsdale, Arizona, was a highlight of their administration. Susan and Mark are writing a book about alumni volunteerism titled Herding Cats.

Frank Fesnak and Rob Daisley were great co-secretaries, bringing new wit and perspective to these pages. Our partnership was a troika that worked.

Lisa Shanahan carefully steered the committee that selected the recipients of the Parker Small Award. The names of the honorees will be kept under wraps awaiting a public ceremony. While preparing for reunion, Lisa was running for election to the common council in Norwalk, Connecticut. Lisa received the most votes in her district and more than double the vote totals received by her Republican challengers. Is Lisa’s victory a harbinger of November?

With sorrow, I report the sudden passing of Andy Glassberg in early June. With his positive energy, intellectual curiosity, and warm hospitality, Andy embodied the Dartmouth spirit. Last reunion, Andy stood with me on the dais in Rollins Chapel and helped read the names of our deceased classmates. When we meet again, we will read Andy’s name. Thoughts and prayers for Barbara and their two daughters.

Pandemics are a time to remember what is important. Dartmouth is important. The Upper Valley is important. Old friends are important. The ties that bind are important.

Reunions are about the here and now, not old glory days. Moving forward through time, my connections to Dartmouth and my friendships with classmates have grown and deepened, enriched with layers of meaning. Now more than ever, I am grateful for the College, the beauty of its place in the world, and longtime friends.

Don Henley decided the heart of the matter is forgiveness. I will gratefully accept forgiveness, but as we remember what is important and why we have been called to be present in this strange and charged time, I turn again to faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9484, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

Mary Ann McDonald Carolan directs Italian studies at Fairfield University. She was scheduled to be in Italy three times spring semester. When those plans were canceled, she noted how much she was looking forward to reunion. She added, “The word ‘quarantine’ comes from Italian for 40, as in the number of days a ship that might have carried illness had to remain in port before crew could come ashore in the 1600s. In typical Italian fashion, ‘quarantina’ means 40-ish.”

Co-chairs Cathy McGrath and Alex Frank confirm our 40-ish reunion will take place summer 2021. Committee members Chris Bensley, Jeff Demers, Peter Fowler, Debo Hart Goth, Paul Grassie, Bill Koch, Ann Munves Malenka, Trina Olin Santry, Lisa Shanahan, Carla Boehm Sloan, Dan Zenkel,and Ed McNierney are working overtime to reschedule activities. Alexremains committed to following Ed over to King Arthur Flour to bake something for the first time in his life.

Gretchen and Brian Boyer recently hosted a transnational Zoom mini-reunion with Kal Alston (Syracuse, New York), Connie and Andy Minden (Boulder, Colorado), Mark Webb (Oahu, Hawaii), and Steve Smith and Deb Zvosec (Minneapolis). “Mark opted for a real Pacific beach background while Andy flashed pictures of more than a foot of mid-April snow on his deck. Steve and Deb maintain upstairs-downstairs isolation from each other as Steve works the ER of Hennepin County Hospital, dealing with Covid-infected patients daily. Deb makes cloth masks for ER patients; she demonstrated during the entire 90-minute call. While hunkering down with daughter Aviva, Kal is mastering her e-teaching skills for grad student seminars.” The Bri highly recommends Zoom to connect with classmates.

Bill Goodspeed excels as newsletter editor while waiting for The Onion to call. Speed reports, “Mike Lynch’s daughter, Haley, will soon graduate as a third-generation alum of Dartmouth undergrad and Geisel Med. Al Noyes’ son, A.J., won the Maine state slalom and giant slalom as a junior. My 1-year-old granddaughter, Lorelei, has added Mandarin and Latin to her violin studies; she aims to matriculate with the Dartmouth class of 2041.”

We have longtime treasurer Joe Mannes to thank for our class’ solid fiscal position. Joe officiates girls and women’s lacrosse at levels from second grade through college and also judges chili, Mexican food, and pie competitions at the Texas State Fair. He has completed more than 1,600 yoga classes in the past 10 years. My father, Joe’s pediatrician, would be proud and not surprised.

A few final fun facts: After graduation Kate Wiley Laud took classes with Sandy Meisner at the Actor’s Studio. When he worked for the Redskins, Mark Alperin greeted Ronald and Nancy Reagan as the team returned from winning the 1983 Super Bowl with, “Nice to meet you, Mr. President, and you as well, Mrs. President.” My wife, Chantal, surprised me on the 22nd anniversary of my proposal to her by proposing to me; we renewed our wedding vows moments later. I thank her, co-secretaries Wade Herring and Frank Fesnak, and all of you for a terrific decade as your scribe.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

Ten:The math is easy for alums in classes that are multiples of 10. “How long since you graduated?” is a no-brainer for us ’80s. And when we ran around the bonfire at Homecoming, we didn’t bear the weight of wearing prime numbers on our class shirts like last spring’s graduating class. Ten is a strong and elegant number. As a kid growing up in New York, I admired Walt Frazier, the strong and elegant future Hall of Fame guard for the New York Knicks. “Clyde” wore No. 10 on his uniform and was known for his style and fashion sense. But Clyde’s trademark sideburns were easily surpassed by the muttonchops worn by classmates James Escher and James Fillmore. When I saw my face positioned next to theirs in our yearbook, I felt naked.

Twenty: We had front row seats at the 1980 presidential election, and going into New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary, there were 20 active candidates. Back then, nobody cared about Iowa except Chuck Blades, Dave Kollmorgen, and Todd Pellett. Every presidential hopeful made multiple visits to Dartmouth and I made a point of meeting all of them—even surrogates such as serial-presidential-impersonator Martin Sheen. Times were simpler. The politicians weren’t surrounded by handlers and the media. You could walk right up to them. When their speeches ended, they had nowhere else to go. Jerry Brown and I sat for more than 30 minutes in Alumni Hall after the other three attendees left. I was tempted to ask “Gov. Moonbeam” about Linda Ronstadt but didn’t. Somebody lured a bored John Anderson into the basement of Bones Gate for a game of Wales Tales with Hans Morris, Jim Novo, and me. Earl Grossman and I played some beer pong with a feisty and competitive John Connelly.

Forty:Do I need to remind you that our 40th reunion is scheduled for June 18-21, two short months from now? Registration is open: Just Google “dartmouth reunions 2020” for information. Hundreds of your favorite people have already signed up. Rub elbows with a smoother Rob Rough! Say hi to Jonathan Bye! Preempt your friends from talking behind your back. Reunion co-chairs Cathy McGrath and Alex Frank will take it personally if you don’t show up. Don’t make them put a horse head in your bed.

Fifty: Remarkably, this class column is my 50th one. It is also my last. When I first started as class scribe, my son, Luke, who will enter high school this fall, hadn’t been born yet! Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with three gracious and talented classmates: Paul Elmlinger, Rob Daisley, and Wade Herring. And best of all, the role has kept me in contact with many of you. Thank you for the privilege. We will close with a final tribute, presented in limerick form.

There are so many stories to tell

Cause our lives are a bottomless well

Filled with consummate meaning

There is nothing worth screening!

One truth and two lies. Ain’t that swell?

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

We have wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. But on June 18, we can cross the River Connecticut and return to the promised land. In part, reunions are about remembering who we were. More importantly, reunions are about discovering who we are now. I look forward to seeing you in Hanover in June to explore the now.

Carolyn Graff Wade, and her husband, Pat, received the 2019 William N. Stiles Award of Merit from the debtor-creditor section of the Oregon State Bar. A graduate of the University of Oregon School of Law, Carolyn is senior assistant attorney general with the Oregon Department of Justice. Fellow lawyers describe Carolyn as a “perfect fit in her longtime role” as Oregon’s bankruptcy counsel. A consummate rules-follower, Carolyn remains willing to think outside the box and consider creative solutions to the no-win situations of insolvency.

Carolyn reports that she and Pat are both in good health, he is enjoying his recent retirement, playing golf as much as his new role as a stay-home dad to their Portuguese water dog puppy, R2, allows. Carolyn and Pat both play bridge regularly, but not as much as she plans to do when she retires in less than 1,500 days (but who’s counting?). Their youngest son, Tom, and his partner, Anna, live in Seattle, where Tom works for the Seahawks in audio-visual, and Anna does graphic arts. Carolyn’s middle son, Chris, and his wife, Liz, are in L.A., parents of two children, thus making Carolyn and Pat grandparents. Their oldest son, Patrick, works only 40 miles away in Corvallis, Oregon, for Hewlett-Packard, but they do not see any of their children as often as they would like.

The Illinois Township Association of Senior Citizens Service Committees presented neighboring Oak Park Township and River Forest Township with a joint Township of the Year Award. River Forest Township supervisor Carla Sloan stated, “On behalf of all the seniors who are at the heart of what we do, we are thankful for the support of our community in providing the funding that is so essential to delivering this ongoing service.” Carla has served as township supervisor since 2009. Townships are units of government independent of village governments. Townships focus on human services, while villages deliver municipal services such as police, fire, parking, and road work. It takes a township to look after old people.

Carla and her husband, Ed, are just one of many classmate couples. Others include John and Susan Bick, Scott and Debra Daggs, Jack and Maureen McElhinney,and Steve James and Todd Hermann.

If you want to learn more about these Dartmouth couples, then see you in June in Hanover.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;

“Think on nature’s terms,” advised adventurer and avalanche expert Jill Fredston in response to facilitator extraordinaire Janine Avner’s provocative question on Jill’s top tip for managing risk in remote wilderness. She explained that enjoying majestic beauty and clearing one’s mind are terrific human experiences, but for safety, awareness of the natural order is paramount. Jill’s closest call came when she almost got sucked under an iceberg while paddling around Norway. To learn more about her decades of fascinating outdoor adventures, go to Amazon for her books, Rowing to Latitude, Snow Sense, and Snowstruck.

Opera tenor and singer-songwriter Michael Chu noted the special challenges of caring for your musical instrument when it is your voice. He trains by vocalizing daily and reminds himself of the No. 1 safety rule for singers—“Do not scream”—even when the orchestra kicks up the volume a notch. Michael performs live with the Leipzig Opera in Germany. At, you may hear recordings of Michael singing pop and jazz tunes as well as such classics as Verdi’s Aida and our very own alma mater.

The virtual reunion webcast of this “Road Less Traveled” conversation was a smashing success; those who missed it can take solace in the fact that we definitely will be doing this again. Kudos to organizers Susan Fagerstrom, Maja Wessels, Mark “Alpo” Alperin, Deke DesCombes, and Richard Boomer” Akerboom. Mini-reunion watch parties took place from coast to coast. Paul Elmlinger and Regina Ketting hosted a group at the Montana Building in New York City. In Boston Alpo, Susan, and Merle Adelman were joined by David Teplow, Mike Woodward, George Lester, Chris Bensley, Deborah Leggatt, Anne McNay, Jean Scarrow, Bob Burnham, Geoff Edelson, and Rob Dinsmoor. Gretchen and Brian Boyer hosted the Chicago gathering attended by Carla Sloan, Tom Ware, Tom Maver, and Lenny Robinson. Carla took the opportunity to share a priceless September 1976 photo of College Prez John G. Kemeny enjoying a meal at Moosilauke with her, Carol Burns, Todd Young, Steve Kim,and Dan Berry.

For the first time in two years the sun shone brightly on Homecoming. Alpo reports, “The foliage, events, and football team were at peak. Cathy McGrath hosted a ’79-’81 tailgate. After we drummed the Elis, the ’79s joined us at the DOC House for our fourth annual Homecoming dinner. After a buzzing cocktail hour we enjoyed fine victuals served by Maple Street Catering.” Jeff Demers posted photos of the festivities on our class Facebook page. Bob Brown, Roy and Leigh Johnson, and Cami and Brent Bilger flew out from San Francisco. Anne Malenka drove down the road from Etna, New Hampshire. Attendees included, among others, Bart Littlefield, Chris Browne, John Coco, Curt Flight, Dan Holmes, Meg LePage, Rick Salchunas, Peggy Stewart, Tom Tomai, and Rob Williams.

One final piece of great news: Our reunion year is finally here. We gather in Hanover to celebrate four decades as alums June 18-21. There you can ask Michael whether bears in the woods like Wagner. Mark calendars and make travel plans now.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

While waiting for a flight from O’Hare this past summer, I approached a young woman wearing a Dartmouth sweatshirt. She identified herself as Hannah, class of 2020. When I introduced myself as a proud member of Dartmouth’s class of 1980, she replied, “Wow! That was an incredibly long time ago. Congratulations!”

Huh? I did the math and determined that I probably seem as ancient and fossilized to Hannah as some guy named Harold from the class of 1940 would have seemed to the 1979 version of me. I suddenly understood why Rob Speidel used to bristle at the nickname “Gramps.” And what was Hannah congratulating me for? Not riding in the terminal’s motorized cart? Not drooling on my shirt? Bravely facing the modern world with an antiquated first name? To her, we represent a distant moment in time. Not a single member of our class is named either Hannah or Harold!

But we should be proud that our music transcends generations. Glenn Miller and The Ink Spots were two of the most popular artists in 1939, but the only way you might have heard them in 1979 was if Tony Furnary had blasted their songs out Phi Delt’s front window. But Tony gave us “Barracuda” instead…endlessly. Hannah knows “Barracuda.” And 40 years later, Hannah and her friends also know songs from The Clash, Tom Petty, The Police, and Led Zeppelin.

I frequently run into non-Dartmouth people who inevitably ask me if I know many of you. After I nod, they tell me how awesome you are. With a nod to Fleetwood Mac’s undergraduate-era song, “Second Hand News,” I will now share a few of their backhanded compliments. “Way smarter than a bonefish (Dan Berry).” “It took me years to realize how funny he is (Mark Alperin).” “If you’re impressed with him, you should meet his wife (Harry Shulman).” “Have you read his books? I read one from beginning to end. And it was pretty funny in a twisted kind of way (Bill Goodspeed).” “He sometimes comes up with really good ideas (Scott Osman).”

Antiquated-namesake Frank Vecella correctly identified the names in April’s column as classmates who have spent considerable time living abroad. Frank is our first two-time winner. So here’s another chance to win. What is the common thread that ties this group of classmates together: Albert Ellis, Barksdale Penick, Blake Kerr, Casey Giles, Chick Woodward, Chip Everett, Don Sparks, Sandy Koonce, Buddy Ide, Andy Bill, Kit Gorton, Bart Littlefield, Ty Anderson, and Scott Bechler?

The first reader to send an email with the correct answer will win a gift certificate. We will close with another tribute to the stages of life, presented in limerick form:

I can’t listen to hip hop or rap

K-Pop, J-Pop, or any such crap

All new music is junk

Worse than new wave or punk

Perhaps I should just take a nap.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

The postman may not always ring twice, but he still brings surprises. He recently delivered a copy of Paper Jewels: Postcards from the Raj by Omar Khan. Omar’s big, colorful book is the story of postcards during the Raj and covers India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Burma. Omar has researched early photography and ephemera of the subcontinent for 30 years, and he collected the postcards featured in Paper Jewels. Living in San Francisco, Omar is chief technology officer for Common Sense Media, a resource for parents and teachers navigating the digital world with children.

Also arriving via post was a letter from John Blakey ’64 addressing me as “perpetual secretary.” I have been called worse. John first met Meg Blakey in 1980 when she was pouring beer in the class of ’64 reunion tent. Our classmate, Meg, met John’s daughter, Meg Blakey, 10 years later during another reunion week. John’s daughter went on to become a member of the class of 1998. The two Megs are sisters of Dartmouth, but they are otherwise unrelated.

Dartmouth is a family school. Roy Johnson reports that he and his brother, Paul ’82, had a stronger social connection and more common friendships at Dartmouth than they ever had in high school.

When Rob Daisley arrived in Hanover, his brother, Gordy ’79, had friends all over campus. From the start, Rob could walk down the third floor of Mid-Mass to ask ready-made friends for help with course selections and other academic challenges. Socially, Rob banked on his brother’s good name. Occasionally called by his brother’s name, Rob considered the mistake a compliment, given that Gordy was so universally well-liked. Conversely, Rob does not remember Gordy ever being mistaken for his little brother. The benefits of a sibling on campus did not run both ways. If Rob has not previously thanked Gordy for all he did for his little bro’ in Hanover, Rob does so now.

Tom Camman feels lucky to have overlapped with his sister, Amy Camman Cholnoky ’77. Amy was an invaluable “go to” for everything from classes and professors to “Hookers” and all in between. Tom had met Amy’s friends on earlier visits to Dartmouth, and he benefitted from those connections from the start. Through Amy, Tom gained more exposure to more things and people than he would have on his own. Ultimately, students weave their own Dartmouth experiences, unique and magical blends of people, places, and things. Tom cannot imagine his Dartmouth experience without Amy; it would not have been the same, let alone anywhere near as good. Tom concludes, “I don’t think that otherwise I’d have been a women’s ice hockey groupie hanging out at Davis Rink, but who’s to say?”

On a personal note, Amy was one of the first people I met at Dartmouth. That cold, foggy night 43 years ago crossing the Green, I was a long way from home in Macon, Georgia, but I found new friends who could show me the way, however unorthodox.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

Jeff Kuhn arrived at Dartmouth from New Trier East. Ben Zuraw and Todd Young were high school classmates. He roomed with Tom Carley on the second floor of South Mass, one floor above Tom Veith and Stan Smith and one floorbelow Bruce Collins and Jon Snider.At Dartmouth, he majored in economics, ran the advertising department of The D, joined Phi Delt, and played water polo. After graduation Jeff obtained an M.B.A. from Northwestern and moved to Dallas to work in commercial real estate.

To say that from here this familiar story gets interesting warrants a deafening chorus that begins “Why?” At the ripe age of 31 Jeff suffered burns over 80 percent of his body. Doctors told his family he had only days, maybe hours, to live. Last rites were administered. But as lead plastic surgeon Dr. Rohrich describes it, “Not only did he survive, he thrived.” Two years, 17 surgeries, and countless hours of excruciating treatment, physical therapy, and never-missed workouts with his faithful dog and personal trainer Sparky, he was stronger than ever. Then misfortune struck again in the form of a rare neuromuscular disease similar to Lou Gehrig’s in symptomology and painfulness. A second comeback took another two brutal years. Please do not pass, but rather go directly to Amazon and read Blue Sky Lightning: How to Survive and Thrive When Life Blindsides You. Jeff passionately explains how to overcome adversity and maintain positivity in the face of any challenge.

Marty Peterson is now in her second decade of cohosting the contemporary radio magazine Viewpoints. Each week’s show features interviews with guests that have expertise and real-world experience regarding current events, social commentary, entertainment and more. The program currently airs on over 700 radio stations and can be heard in 49 of the top 50 markets. You also can hear and see Marty in various voiceovers and television and radio commercials. Mark Webb declined comment on whether Marty’s tremendous success is encouraging him to make his comeback in acting on television and in commercials; those of us who remember his work from before Dartmouth would love to see it.

Mark your calendars: September 7, the 250th day of the year, we are celebrating the College’s 250th anniversary with 250 miles of hiking. October 11-12 is Homecoming weekend. Before the Yale game, we will gather for a tailgate; afterward, we will reconvene at the Dartmouth Outing Club House for our fourth annual Homecoming dinner. October 24 Janine Fate Avner is moderating webcast interviews with two classmates who took proverbial lesser-traveled paths. Jill Fredston will discuss avalanches, mountain safety, rowing in the Arctic Circle, and her book Rowing to Latitude. Michael Chu will add range with discussion of his 25-year career as tenor in the Leipzig Opera. You may view from home or join friends at one of several mini-reunions to be held that evening. For details regarding these events, and our upcoming 40th reunion (June 19-21, 2020), please see the class website and Facebook pages.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;

With the advent of spring in Philadelphia, I am seeing more green along the banks of the Schuylkill River than at any point since the evening of January 12. That’s the night when our iconic Boathouse Row was lit up on “Greenlighting Night” to celebrate Dartmouth’s 250th birthday. While soaking up the beauty of the lights, I realized that several tall buildings in Center City were also awash in green. This was so much bigger than expected; my Dartmouth pride swelled! The spell was broken when a stranger walked up and said, “Don’t you love it when the whole city dresses up in green on the night before an Eagles playoff game? I think this is the first time they extended the lights all the way to Boathouse Row.”

Was I dreaming? I remember walking down a red carpet into a contemporary art museum somewhere in the Berkshires, Massachusetts. I arrived in a bus that included Paul Salafia, Lanny Vickery, Rob Ruocco, Mark Alperin, Chuck Blades, Rick Gemberling, Craig Lambdin, Earl Grossman, Bruce Reeves, and Chris Browne. During the course of the night I also spent time with Paul Elmlinger, Barksdale Penick, Emily Lisberger Vitale, and Bob Brown. There were performance artists dressed as famous rock stars and as much food and drink as we could handle. After dinner a wall opened up to reveal Rock & Roll Hall-of-Famer Chrissy Hynde and The Pretenders on a small private stage. Chrissy was so close I could touch her. And she never sounded better. Our thanks go to Hans Morris and his wife, Kate, for hosting a truly-unforgettable-and-certifiably-real 60th birthday celebration. Are there any plans to host a similar party for number 61?

Allen Chen ’79 and Bob Keefer ’79 independently identified the classmates grouped in October’s column as stalwart members of Phi Tau. From our class I heard nothing but crickets. Hello? You can’t win if you don’t play! So here’s another chance to win. What’s the common thread that ties this group of classmates together: Jenni Prigge Buhl, Kaj Christenson, Jane Deskin, Steve Elder, Mark Fagan, Monica Williams Knox, Dennis Murphy, Virginia Taylor Picci, Douglas Reichert, Donald Skantze, Tom Vieth, and Stuart West.

The first reader to send an email with the correct answer will win a gift certificate. We will close with another tribute to the stages of life, presented in limerick form.

Being young is a gift. Yes, indeed!

Grace and beauty like Rollins or Reed

With the onset of age

We now face the stage

When like frat row it all goes to seed.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring,P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Son, can you play me a memory? I’m not really sure how it goes, but it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man’s clothes. Stephen Kim, Joel Getzendanner, and Steve Rutan met together last November at Stephen’s home in Carmel, California. Reuniting their band for the first time in more than a decade, the three performed cool sounds predating 1980 for the listening pleasure of the Kims’ family and friends. By the end of their set, the band was tired and their eyes were growing old, but their blood ran through their instruments and their songs were in their souls.

Armed with a Harvard M.B.A., Stephen works as a private investor and consultant. Joel, with an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, is a deputy assistant commissioner in the employment security department’s workforce initiatives unit in the State of Washington. Steve, credentialed with an M.B.A. from Tuck, is president of Rutan Management Consulting in Rochester, New York. All three business gurus know the difference between a professional musician and a large pizza. A large pizza can feed a family of four.

When I think of music at Dartmouth, I remember the Aires. Singer Steve Taft has more than 37 years as a Merrill Lynch financial advisor and is based in Bethesda, Maryland. A member of both the Massachusetts and New Hampshire bars, Dana Cetlin is a real estate lawyer in Natick, Massachusetts.

Scott Jardin, a nurse educator, still enjoys performing. You can find his albums, Nothing is Exempt and Round the World, wherever music is available online. The Amazon review notes that Scott “toured as a member of Dartmouth Aires, an a cappella group, and that’s some indication of Jardin’s eminently likable singing voice.”

Joseph Hunter owns a construction firm in Seattle. Joe married classmate Anne Van Roden. Anne is a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in working with the gifted and twice-exceptional individuals and families. Anne earned a master’s of science in marriage and family therapy from Seattle Pacific University in 2001 and developed Seattle Relationship Therapy since.

Kris Treu is a founder of the law firm, Moscarino & Treu, located in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. Outside the office, Kris enjoys performing with various musical groups, most notably, The No Name Band, a group of Cleveland lawyers who perform music of the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond for charitable events in northeast Ohio. You can also find Kris on YouTube performing the original song, “Treads.” Everybody knows Kris is married to Nancy Jepson Treu of Caribou, Maine. Also a lawyer, Nancy is drum major for a large and talented family of second-generation Treus.

Tom Bartlett is said to be in England. He is also reported to be an Elvis impersonator. I think the former is more true than the latter.

Come down from your fences. Open the gate. It may be raining, but there’s a rainbow above you. You better let somebody love you, before it’s too late.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

Homecoming Weekend kicked off with the alumni parade and bonfire on a gorgeous Friday night. Saturday morning neither rain nor sleet nor chilly mist of fall dampened spirits at the tailgate Cathy McGrath co-hosted with the ’79s and ’81s. Those prepared for the weather headed over to Memorial Field to watch Big Green football defeat Harvard 24-17 for our first home victory over the Johnnies in 25 years. Harvard tears continued to fall as both of our soccer teams and men’s hockey scored victories, hockey in an overtime thriller. Only a loss in field hockey and an upset defeat in women’s rugby precluded a clean sweep.

More than 30 classmates left the chilly fields for the rustic and cozy Pierce’s Inn to gather for our annual class dinner. Attendees included our class co-presidents Susan Fagerstrom and Mark Alperin, Bart Littlefield, Mary Jo and John Wilen, Susie ’87 and Todd Pellett, Debbie Leggat, Ken and Ellen Taratus, Peggy Stewart, Katie Small, Cami and Brent Bilger, Carrie and Glen Elliott, Sue Kirby and “Boomer,” Susan and Rob Williams, Anne Malenka, Jenny and Paul Elmlinger, John Clark, Gay Macomber ’82 and Jerry Bird, Colin ’82 and Anne McNay, Lisa Shanahan, Meg Blakey, Carol Pelmas and Barbara and Curt Flight. Several hours of friendship and conversation left everyone warm and revitalized.

Earlier this fall the Flights hosted the wedding of their daughter, Casey, in Sunapee, New Hampshire. The weekend’s festivities included not only a golf tournament, but also a welcome reception complete with “tent activities.” “Alpo” and Jerry were among those joining the celebration.

Last summer Carol, Meg, and Lisa joined Monica Knox, Lori Florio, Anne Van Roden, and classmate-in-spirit Susan Funk ’81 at a mini-reunion hosted by Tom and Margie Gart in Vail, Colorado. Round-number birthdays, that from the photos appear to be grossly overstated, provided the impetus for hiking, fishing, yoga, and fun in the Rockies. Monica traveled from Munich, again winning the award for traveling the furthest, over those who ventured from New York, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon.

The D recently featured Jeneen ’96 and Andy Graham in an article on married couples who met at Dartmouth. Our new newsletter editor, Bill Goodspeed, will be following up with a series on classmate couples. Please send backstories to Bill at “Speed” has pledged to do his best to fill the very large shoes of Eric Pfieffer, who did an outstanding job for a decade. Please help him out with news and photos.

Save the dates: Next fall’s Homecoming is October 11-12. This will be the last one before our 40th reunion, to take place June 18-21, 2020. Cathy McGrath and Alex Frank have graciously agreed to co-chair. Anyone wishing to assist with the planning should get in contact with Cathy or Alex. We are having a contest for our reunion logo and slogan. Submit entries by December 31, and the winner will receive 40-percent off reunion registration fees.

Rob Daisley,3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

We were only 10 years old in October 1968 when we saw Dick Fosbury transform the high jump event with his gold medal-winning “Fosbury Flop” at the Mexico City Olympics. Was the domination by Soviet-bloc athletes in the javelin throw the inspiration for Tom Turnbull to take up the sport and eventually make a throw in college that is still among the best ever by a Dartmouth track and field athlete?

As 20-year-olds, we cheered as the Big Green football team recovered from a string of early non-league defeats with an October 1978 win over Yale in Hanover, the Elis’ only Ivy loss that year. The victory ignited a winning streak that helped Dartmouth gain its first league title in five years (and only title during our student years). Placekicker Chris Sawch earned First Team All-Ivy honors that season.

In October of 1988 the two most popular shows on television featured big stars who are still in the news but for all the wrong reasons: Bill Cosby and Roseanne. That same month The Golden Girls and Anything but Love were also ranked in the Top 10. Thirty-something Bob Berlinger would soon be directing episodes of both these shows.

Kudos to Bill Goodspeed. He barely edged out Deb Hart Goth and Cathy McGrath as the fastest to correctly identify the outstanding group of women in April’s column as cloaked, hooded, and smoke-intoxicated members of Fire & Skoal. So what’s the common thread that ties together this group of classmates: Frank Batten, Ted Blaisdell, Kevin Boyle, Mike Buchanan, Cas Caswell, Ronald Chen, Susan Clark, Paula Clemens, Guy Doyon, Gary Elovitz, James Gifford, Jon Herron, Corbey Low Hyman, Brian McConnell, Ed McNierney, Mike Morton, Elizabeth Miller Nestler, Jessie Brumbry Panek, Sam Roberts, Larry Rowe, George Sayen, Marcia Lawrence Somerville, Bob Stannard, and Beverly Foster Seinberg?

The first reader to send an email with the correct answer will win a gift certificate.

I’m sure that many of us have gathered with classmates to celebrate this big birthday year. The ubiquitous (and recently retired) Mark Alperin shuffled up his life of leisure to join me for my 60th. Despite his plea of “no surprises!” to wife Lisa, Rob Ruocco ended up welcoming a parade of unexpected visitors to his home in August. The wave included neighbor Craig Lambdin, kitchen-magician Chuck Wheelock, bicoastal Hans Morris, the ubiquitous Alpo, Iowan Chuck Blades, and a risen-from-the-dead David Marchiony. No animals were harmed in the celebration of Rock’s birthday.

We will close with a tribute to the stages of life, presented in limerick form.

We started as curious creatures,

And morphed into ambitious reachers.

As we exit the maze,

It seems the next phase

Will be lived as insufferable preachers.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

We arestill basking in the after-glow of our 60th birthday party in Scottsdale, Arizona, but looking forward to our second annual Homecoming dinner on October 27 at Pierce’s Inn.

According to the inn’s website, “It is not your quaincy-daincy, pristine Woodstock-Quechee type inn. It is way more fun than those places!” Sounds like a good fit for the class of 1980: Fun—not quaincy-daincy. (Put that in the reunion theme contest!)

Speaking of reunion, mark your calendars now for June 18-21, 2020, for our 40th reunion. Actuarially, most of us have just five reunions left. Forty years: Show up while you still can. (Another entry for the theme contest.)

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, announced his plans in June to re-nominate Justice Anne Murray Patterson, a Republican appointee of former Gov. Chris Christie, to another term on the N.J. Supreme Court. New Jersey justices have initial seven-year terms and then become eligible for tenure. Governor Murphy said he was “pleased to uphold the practice of reappointing good, fair-minded, and qualified justices, regardless of their party affiliation.”

The Alumni Council inaugurated the Professor John Rassias Faculty Award in 2017 to recognize Dartmouth professors for exceptional educational outreach to alumni. This year the Alumni Council honored Susan Ackerman with the award. Susan holds the Preston H. Kelsey Professorship in Religion. She joined the religion department at Dartmouth in 1990.

Describing himself as an accidental filmmaker, Dr. Blake Kerr burst onto the film festival scene last year with his documentary Eye of the Lammergeier. Blake managed to obtain some the only footage recorded in the last 30 years of what he describes as the systematic genocide that is occurring in the Chinese military occupation of Tibet. A lammergeier is a large vulture. “The eye of the lammergeier is a birds’ eye view of the Chinese military occupation of Tibet,” says Blake.

Steve Brooks reports that he recently visited with Steve Rutan and Keith Glovins on the shores of Canandaigua Lake, New York. All three live in western New York. Keith is commercial director for architecture at Corning. Steve is president of Rutan Management Consulting. Brooksie is chief information officer of ITT Industrial Process. A good time was had by all.

Earlier this year I had the good fortune to spend the weekend in Nantucket, Massachusetts, with Kate and Tom Chapin, Roy and Leigh Limbach Johnson, and Tom and Emily Lisberger Vitale.Tom, Roy, Leigh, Emily, and I were all freshmen in Hitchcock. The weekend was so wonderful, I tried writing a poem about it to best capture the emotions and magic of our time together. I only managed the first line: “There once was a man from Nantucket.” After that I had trouble with the rhyme scheme and thinking of what might come next.

What do Kenneth Golden, John Rich, Harvey Manger-Weil, Ron Chen, Kevin Ryan, and Ty Burr all have in common? Send me your entries on the back of a Lou’s menu.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

By the time we got to Phoenix, Arizona, it was time for cocktails. The desert bloomed. The alumni magazine adopted the Oxford comma, and your humble class secretaries were grateful, supportive, and approving.

As we gathered under the pergola seeking shelter from the Arizona sun, our voices cried out in the desert, “Sixty looks good on us!” You may call us sexagenarians, and only the Latin-challenged have to file a human resources report.

Lisa Shanahan checked off the final preparation list. Local host Maja Wessels schooled us on appropriately casual Scottsdale attire; Dave Bumsted made a note to go with only light-starched shirts. Fearless class co-leader Mark Alperin, distributed Dartmouth water bottles to keep us hydrated. Tom Cammann said hello to sister Amy Cholnoky ’77 and counted off the beat.

John Cholnoky, down from Montana, looked every bit the Western man. Joe Mannes hit poolside as fast as possible. Ellen Taratus almost sounded as if she had lived in Atlanta all her life.

Maja pointed a large group of intrepid hikers toward Camelback. Inter alia, Anne McNay, Debo Goth, Todd Pellett, Robert Schpoont, Paul Wax, and Rick Gemberling scrambled up the steep trail. The summit photo was given to Debbie Legatt for handling of the licensing rights. Carol Pelmas made sure no one broke any bones.

Eight ’80s braved 90-degree heat, venomous snakes, menacing cacti, and aggressive prairie dogs to complete an entertaining round at the Marriott Wildfire golf club. Tex Collins comfortably beat the heat with a winning score of 77. Colin McNay ’82, Brian Boyer, Buddy Ide, Derek Felske, and Linda and Dave Campbell thanked “Bump” for organizing the outing. Dave made sure no one had a heart attack.

Laughter filled the grounds at the private dinner held at Taliesin West, the Frank Lloyd Wright home that caught the trained eye of architect and vice president of design for Darden Restaurants Todd Taylor. Scott Slater celebrated his actual birthday,and Anne MacEwan smiled at leaving snow on the ground back home. Several of us noted the varying degrees of success with which we had left our jobs behind. Meg LePage confirmed that now is indeed an especially busy time to be an employment lawyer. Carol Burns recommended the “fun-employment” sabbatical she enjoyed before recently starting as senior counsel at an energy startup in Washington, D.C. At the Psi U table Rob Williams, Peter Fowler, and Stuart Bell wondered aloud when Bart Littlefield and T.C. were going to literally get the band back together.

Back in the real world, Dan Ernst was installed as Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal History at Georgetown Law. Dan has a forthcoming book, FDR’s Lawyers. Psychiatrist Marc Feldman’s fifth book, Dying to Be Ill: True Stories of Medical Deception, is now available on Amazon. It presents Dr. Feldman’s thoughts and experiences from working with deceptive and malingering patients.

Save the date: October 27 is our third annual Homecoming class dinner at Pierce’s Inn in nearby Etna after the football game against Harvard.

Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

The pendulum is swinging back around. In the years immediately after graduation, we saw a lot of each other. Once we became busy with our lives, we cut back: fewer visits, smaller circles. But now that we have more time, we are finding each other again.

I had a lot of fun with Paul Salafia in the early 1980s when Paul was an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn and I was a salesman for IBM in New York. The party ended when Paul and his fiancée slogged off into the wilderness like Mr. and Mrs. Yukon Jack for less stressful lives as parents and lawyers in New Hampshire. I soon flitted off to LA. Are there flights between LAX and Manchester? Is there even phone service? But after many years of infrequent communication, we’re both on the circuit again. We are back in regular contact. And lots of other old friends are reaching out again too.

There’s a tradition I embrace whenever I can. For 35 years a group of Dartmouth alums has met for dinner and drinks in Manhattan on the night before Christmas Eve. Representing our class this year were event originator-organizer Hans Morris, Rob Ruocco, Mark Alperin, Chuck Wheelock, Craig Lambdin and surprise guest Jim Loftus. Some of us hadn’t seen Jim for several years. Jim still practices anesthesiology in New Jersey and like a few others to begrudge has defied the aging process. Is there any better way to rekindle friendships than to bring gifts? Jim gave each of us a bottle of hot sauce: Professor Phardtpounder’s Colon Cleaner. Doctor recommended, no doubt. And my family agrees it tastes better than Brenda’s Bootie Burner, Red Rectum Hot Sauce or any of those off-brands.

What is the common thread that ties together this group of classmates: Susan Ball, Catrina Cash Corey, Joan Clements Francis, Caroline Coggeshall, Meg Coughlin LePage, Debo Hart Goth, Sabrina King, Gretchen Kruysman, Amy Ladd, Debbie Leggat, Kim McConaughy Vletas, Cathy McGrath, Judy Reardon, Cheryll Watson, Kate Wiley Laud?

The first reader to send me an email with the correct answer will win a gift certificate. Keep in mind that winning this gift certificate may be the only obstacle between you and a life of eternal bliss.

This magazine will arrive at about the same time as our 60th birthday reunion in Arizona. And what fun the event was/is/will be! Whose arm did Rob Speidel twist to score that truckload of peyote buttons? And who can forget the look on Larry Fitzgerald’s face when Janine Fate Avner broke out that dance move with the Gila monster!

We will close with a tribute to past and future reunions, presented in limerick form.

A gathering among the saguaro in Scottsdale.

Not there? Don’t feel sorrow!

Just give it a go

At our big seven-oh

What’s the hurry? You still have tomorrow!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Wide receiver and returner Len Robinson caught last fall’s football thriller while visiting his daughter at Penn. “I watched with Greg Henry, Tony Taliaferro and Paul Stephens. Greg is retired FBI, Tony is general counsel for BCBS and Paul is a pediatric cardiologist at Penn. Paul’s wife, Tyra Bryant-Stephens, is a national leader in prevention and treatment of pediatric asthma. I met up with Coach Teevens ’79 and players. I’m staying busy with my internal medicine practice and family’s nonprofit foundation.”

Lenny’s teammate John Clark retired to Grafton, Vermont, after 30-plus years with EDS and successor Hewlett Packard Enterprises, including two years in New Zealand, a “terrific family experience in a truly beautiful place.” John returned to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and ended up in Kansas City, Kansas, managing information technology outsourcing. “My wife of 35 years, Becky (Colby Sawyer ’81), has a family home in Grafton. After her mother passed away last year, we decided to retire and move in with her father. We have connected with Frank Leddy, Pete Scannell and Richard ‘Boomer’ Ackerboom. The funeral for Michael ‘Benny’ Startt ’79 triggered an avalanche of correspondence among lodge boys who loved Benny. Times like these, we realize accomplishments, money and possessions are not important; instead, we value most the relationships we have nurtured over the decades. The investments we make in time, laughter, tears and love sustain us in the long run.”

Laura Prescott has moved to Lebanon, New Hampshire, and earned the Association of Professional Genealogists Award for Exemplary Service.

She accepted my humble request for notes on more important topics. “Christmas 2017: attempted to be normal for three days—ate, drank, baked, visited family and overindulged. I suffered because I’m fighting cancer, rather, putting up with cancer. And ‘normal’ doesn’t work anymore.

“July 2015 I was living in Utah and working for Ancestry when I was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer. Breast cancer had converted my stomach into an inoperable wreck. With treatable melanoma a decade earlier, I completely freaked out. The stomach cancer thing hardly fazed me. Yes, it scared me and my family knowing I might be dead in six months. Already a lost cause, I drew on my innate optimism and morbid humor.

“Chemo makes it hard to walk. I’m emaciated, with four ‘Borg’ tubes keeping me close to 120 pounds. Good news: Treatment options have multiplied, so I can linger longer on the cusp of living.

“Carefully worded Facebook updates provoke smiles and ‘thoughts and prayers.’ I appreciate all the support from my ‘genealogist family,’ ’80s, extended family and coworkers.

“I avoid pity with a vengeance. I just want people to laugh, live, love, explore, learn, hope and even cry with me. I’ve outlived my expiration date by two years. Each day is challenging, sometimes boring. If I didn’t turn to friends, family, laughter and positive thinking, I’d sink into giving up. The thought crops up more often than I’d like to admit: Wouldn’t it be easy just to let go? Maybe it’s the granite in my muscles and my brain that makes me persevere.”

Thank you, Laura.

Rob Daisley,3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;

April, come she will. On April 26 I will be standin’ on a corner in Scottsdale, Arizona, hoping that a flatbed Ford slows down and that almost anyone might take a look at me. Our class will gather in Scottsdale to celebrate its 60th birthday. Available activities include hiking, biking, golf, tennis, museums, spas and ballooning. But wait, there’s more! A highlight will be dinner Saturday night at Taliesin West, the western studio of Frank Lloyd Wright. Go to the class of 1980 webpage for more details and sign up today. Operators are standing by.

Picasso said, “One starts to get young at 60 and then it is too late.” We will never pass this way again. See you in Scottsdale.

Homecoming in Hanover last October featured a great tailgate, complete with green tablecloths, fresh-cut flowers and hot food. Fancy! The classes of ’79 and ’81 intermingled amongst us. Thanks to Cathy McGrath for being the organizer extraordinaire.

Dan Freihofer, looking very much the same as he did 37 years ago, was one of several locals at the tailgate. Dan lives in nearby Lyme. Dan’s Facebook photos of his daughter’s recent wedding make the marriage of a child look simultaneously joyful and cinematic.

Other local tailgaters included Anne Daigneault MacEwan, Rich Ackerboom, Jay Weed and Ann Munves Malenka. They always help the returning prodigals feel welcome.

Some 50 souls gathered Saturday night for dinner at the DOC House on Occom Pond after Dartmouth’s last-minute, come-from-behind victory over Yale. The crowd included Emma Demers ’20, daughter of Jeff Demers, our photographer and documentarian for the weekend. The hearty twin sons of Todd Pellet, Nicholas and Peter, also members of the class of ’20, dined with us as well, sans Todd, who was off a-hunting in the Grant.

Fearless leader Mark Alperin reminded those of us assembled that we were as old to the students present, as the class of ’40 would have been to us during our sophomore fall in 1977. Slowly processing Mark’s comparison, we seniors were finally able to groan in protest and exclaim, “Have you no decency, sir?”

In case of a medical emergency, we were well-covered. Fortunately, orthopedist Carol Pelmas, rheumatologist Scott Zashin, anesthesiologist Jim Loftus and ophthalmologist John Coco were able to eat in peace.

This year’s Homecoming will be October 26-27.

Last August while traveling through Holland, Michigan, I visited with professor Ion Agheana, twice retired from Hope College, where he remains much beloved. While at Dartmouth Professor Agheana led more than one trip abroad, including one to Bourges, France, in the winter of 1978. A raconteur, Professor Agheana regaled me with stories, some that I remembered dimly and some I never knew. Among others, Professor Agheana fondly recalled Mark Germano ’79, Bill White, Scott Bechler and Bill Helman.The ol’ prof’s story about Bill and Scott is best told another day, but he was most impressed that Bill had been chair of Dartmouth’s trustees.

Happy New Year! Make plans for Scottsdale.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

One key to happiness is having something to look forward to. Anticipation is the first stage of enjoying a happy event. I dare say this first stage is often more satisfying than the event itself. For two of the past three years my beloved New York Mets made summers more joyful. Of course, this Mets team hasn’t lived up to expectations. For two straight years fellow fan Rob Ruocco and I sat in dazed silence as our championship dreams died in playoff games we watched live at Citi Field. But at least it was fun getting there. This year GM Sandy Alderson ’69 and the Mets came up short. There was nothing for Mets fans to anticipate. No fun. Less joy!

Reading this column to catch up on old friends is weak sauce when compared with spending real time with them. There’s a happy event to anticipate: the upcoming celebration scheduled for April in Scottsdale, Arizona. I just spent four days playing golf with class co-president Mark Alperin. Alpo and the other members of the organizing committee—Lisa Shanahan, Tom Cammann, Maja Wessels and Marty Peterson—have picked a perfect location and planned an unforgettable weekend. Every major city offers daily nonstop flights into Phoenix. Scottsdale is heaven for golfing, hiking, shopping, mountain biking and nursing hangovers. Sure, it’s hot but hey, it’s a dry heat. As chairman of the board of trustees for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Maja has arranged a Saturday night event at Wright’s architectural masterpiece, Taliesin West.

So here’s the deal: Don’t speculate on who’s going to be there. Take control. Contact your friends right now and make plans to meet them in Scottsdale. Google “class of 1980 dartmouth scottsdale” for details. If we simplify by calling Wright’s wonder “Tally,” we get a call for action: Tally rally!

I woke up earlier this week to the familiar-but-unfamiliar voice of Peter Kenyon. For the past six years Peter has been based in Istanbul as an NPR international correspondent. Peter has won awards at NPR for his outstanding coverage of the Middle East and specifically, post-war Iraq. You are a braver man than me, “Jersey Pete,” and a great reporter!

When we were in the Greek islands this summer, my daughter said, “You can almost picture Poseidon beneath the surface and Odysseus sailing these seas.” Those might not be words you’d say but you probably didn’t study as much Greek and Latin as she did. Dartmouth classics major and Sarah Lawrence classics professor Emily Katz Anhalt just published a book, Enraged: Why Violent Times Need Ancient Greek Myths. It’s on the reading list at our house.

We will close with another tribute to the Dartmouth we knew, presented in limerick form. The verses come easier when I wear my Nantucket reds.

During our years we all liked the sound

Of a place to unite: Common Ground

An open forum for all

Built behind College Hall.

Are there young people like us still around?

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (408) 859-9652;; Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

When Dartmouth’s history is next written, the class of 1980 will have a long entry. The latest chapter features Bruce Duthu, new dean of the faculty of arts and sciences. During his four-year term Bruce will oversee 41 departments and programs and some 450 faculty. Bruce vows to be a fierce advocate for the faculty, creating huge opportunities across the curriculum for faculty to become more engaged with each other and students. I have a vision of herding cats, albeit some very smart and talented cats. [Bruce later declined the appointment.]

The history of Dartmouth basketball includes Larry Lawrence. Nineteenth on the Big Green’s all-time scoring list with 1,122 points, Larry was twice named Dartmouth’s most valuable player. In his final year in Hanover Larry became the first of just two Dartmouth players to be named the Ivy League Player of the Year, averaging 21.8 points and 8.7 rebounds per game. Larry went on to play in the U.S. Basketball League and the Continental Basketball Association. Larry retired from basketball in 2000. He lives in New York City, where he is the managing director and head of credit sales for the Americas for Societe Generale. As an aside, Larry is from Macon, Georgia, where he was high school classmates with the girl who would one day become my wife.

The history of the College includes Alpha Delta, established in the 1840s and located since 1920 in the house that we all knew across from the gym. That house now sits empty and boarded. This March AD lost its fight in the N.H. Supreme Court with the Town of Hanover. Both town and College had agreed that students could no longer live in the house. The College revoked AD’s recognition in 2015.

Chris Miller ’63, an AD alum, shares credit for the Animal House screenplay. That’s still a funny movie, I don’t care who you are. Miller’s later book, The Real Animal House, is laugh-out-loud funny, although if you voted for the losing presidential candidate last November, you will feel guilty about laughing. You can read more about AD in the September 1992 edition of Rolling Stone. AD’s decline and fall was a long-time coming. Branding 11 new pledges on the buttocks in late 2014 sealed the deal.

Still, when I remember AD I recall great parties and great friends, friends such as Steve Brooks, now CIO at ITT Industrial Process in Seneca Falls, New York; John Coco, an ophthalmologist in Rutland, Vermont; Jose Samson, an anesthesiologist, also in Rutland; Al Noyes, president at Walch Education in Portland, Maine; Mike Perella, a banker in Manchester, New Hampshire; Bill Goodspeed, former executive, purported author and humorist, drifting between Maine and Michigan; Steve Rutan, president of his consulting firm in Rochester, New York; Scott Zashin, a noted rheumatologist in Dallas; Roman Lipp, managing director at HSBC Global Banking and Markets in Chicago; the late Parker Small.

The list goes on, but these good men were frat boys once and young. No moral, just fact.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

As we learned in History 57, “go west” refers to more than geography, even when the subject is our 60th birthday celebration in Scottsdale, Arizona, April 26-29, 2018, at the Marriott Camelback Resort. Maja Wessels and Lisa Shanahan found an ideal venue for golf, hiking, ballooning, horseback riding and celebrating the big 6-0 with ’80 friends. Page Polk Lipe and all us 50-something youngsters are included.

Class of ’80s needed the pioneering Dartmouth spirit when they helped found the first sororities at the College. Freshman spring Stacy Phillips discussed with Kate Wiley Laud, Laura Gold Zimmerman and others the need for Dartmouth women to have a time and place to develop friendships. Stacy recalls: “I learned we were not the first ones with this idea. Class of ’79s Leslie Gordon and Lisa Friel had already decided that Sigma Kappa would be Dartmouth’s first sorority. The rest is history.”

Katie continues: “The founding felt daring. As the first sorority, we challenged the administration to deal with another coeducation issue. Women wanted a social presence, organized by ourselves. Houseless for our four years, we roamed. I remember the call I received the year after graduation when the new president told me the Dartmouth administration had bought us a house. We cheered. It was a real victory. I hung up the phone and cried.”

Stacy, one of the country’s pre-eminent matrimonial lawyers, has merged her firm of 26 years with international powerhouse Blank, Rome. She helped two of Katie’s children settle in Los Angeles. Katie sees Vermont-New Hampshire sisters Ann Munves and Cathy McGrath regularly. Ann hosted a brunch for the officers of Sigma Kappa’s successor sorority, Sigma Delta. “We regaled them with stories, which have improved with time.”

Lauri Livesey Sanduski and Meg Coughlin LePage met on freshman trip before joining Sigma Kappa. They got together recently for the bridal shower of Meg’s youngest daughter, Liza. Meg skied with roommate and Sigma Kappa sister Debo Hart Goth in Breckenridge, Colorado, last winter. Debo remembers how Meg excelled as Sigma Kappa president when the house was searching for its identity.

Laura Murphy Moore recalls: “Kappa Kappa Gamma started after some ’79s proposed the idea of a second sorority, encouraged a diverse group of women to join and then led an impressive vetting process on which national sorority to bring to campus. Without a physical house until after we graduated, we sought to provide a ‘home’ to meet and get to know other women, not always easy in those early years of coeducation! Without Kappa, I would not have even met three-quarters of the women who became my sisters.”

Laura and husband Charlie Moore founded DinnerTime, a personalized meal planning app. I can vouch. DinnerTime fulfills its mission to make it easier for people to “come back to the dinner table.”

The class Homecoming dinner will be held at the DOC House on October 7. Reserve your room in the ’80 block at the Courtyard Marriott before September 7. Deets regarding Homecoming and Scottsdale, Arizona, are on the new class website:

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;

My wife sent a text message from a Phillies game: “This group I’m with includes a classmate of yours, Tony Taliaferro.” Months later a teacher approached me and said, “I work with a volunteer who went to Dartmouth. His name is Tony Taliaferro.” And just yesterday a student mentioned an exceptionally helpful and kind man she had met as an intern at Independence Blue Cross: once again, the ubiquitous Tony Taliaferro. Tony is deputy general counsel for IBC and, among other things, works as a classroom volunteer for the Philadelphia Bar Association’s advancing civics education program. Our paths had never crossed before but are intertwined now.

After serving 30 years with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (most recently as vice president and airport manager at Dulles International), Chris Browne has retired and is starting a new career as deputy director at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Who would trade responsibility for 21 million passengers, 300,000 flights and nonstop construction for the relative bliss of operating a museum full of historic flying machines? Brownie did. And at this stage of life, who wouldn’t?

Hans Morris might not. A January Wall Street Journal article titled, “LendingClub Chairman Launches Fintech VC Fund,” prompted a flurry of email communication among friends. Was Hans the first of us to warrant a dedicated article in the Journal? Did anyone foresee that his skill with chipping up kegs would translate so smoothly into venture capital? And why didn’t the print version include one of those classic stipple/pin dot portraits? Alas, no portrait this time. But Rick Gemberling provided a link to a 2007 Journal article that presented Hans’ face in its full illustrated glory.

In a column last fall we asked, “What do Ty Burr, Greg Clinton, Sabrina King, Emily Wheeler, Mike Morton, Josiah Stevenson, George Wallace and Mike Bush have in common?” Their last names are shared with U.S. vice presidents! So what is the common thread that ties this next group of classmates together: Scot Everhart, Jeff Baker, Doug Sacks, Chris LaRocca? Here’s a hint: Like more than a hundred other classmates, these four are Dartmouth parents, but they share an extra connection. The first reader to guess correctly wins a gift certificate.

How does our country move forward in an era of polarization and counterproductive dialogue? Perhaps we should turn to Bill Isaacs. Bill is a senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, the founder and president of a leadership consulting firm and published expert on achieving progress and profound change by raising the level of speaking and listening. One of Bill’s essays helped me resolve a conflict. Let’s send him to Washington!

We will close with a tribute to “The Dartmouth We Knew,” presented in limerick form. Feel free to mumble this verse as you plan your summer visit to Nantucket, Massachusetts.

With its sprawl to the north, Baker-Berry

Encroached upon Dragon and Gerry.

Bunker-style brick tomb.

Blue-green tiles: bathroom?

Are we sad for these buildings? Not very!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring,1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Sean O’Keefe has published his second novel, The Return of Sir Percival. Kirkus Reviews named the book to its Top 100 list for 2016. Sean responded humbly, “If the novel had been read by only family members that would have been enough. Thankfully, a few others have read the tale and found it to their liking.”

Frank Vecella has chosen to transition from full-time to half-time at Ericsson while becoming a principal in the Dallas law firm of McKool Smith. Last summer Frank and wife Pam bought a summer house on Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire. “We saw Barb and Curt Flight, Leslie and Stan Smith, Gay ’78 and Jerry Bird and Cathy McGrath. Looking forward to hosting classmates who may be in the area!”

Approximately 40 classmates attended Homecoming last fall. For a clear vision of why you should make your plans now to attend this year’s Homecoming Weekend October 6 and 7, we turn to former Big Green defensive back, now Annapolis, Maryland, retina surgeon Dave Watt: “I traveled to Hanover with Tony Garippo to watch the bonfire and Homecoming game. This was a sacrifice because our Cubbies were playing in the World Series. The weather was wet and cold; we were surprised the bonfire would light. The team dropped another close game to Harvard. We may need more practice hitting dummies.

“We met up with teammates Frank Leddy, Greg Henry, Dan Freihofer and Johnny Olszewski as well as Bobby Brown. Bobby Garry and Charlie Moore were in town talking up lacrosse. I reminded them that when I arrived at Dartmouth from Iowa I had no idea what game they were playing with those sticks.

“A highlight was Dartmouth hockey defeating Michigan in the last minute. Between periods we visited the hockey hall of fame, where classmates Ross Brownridge and Dennis Murphy adorn the walls. Tony also turned me on to the studio and farm of the famous American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, just 20 minutes from Hanover.”

Frei enjoyed celebrating with Joe Henley ’79 the engagement of daughter Sarah Freihofer ’10 to Rob Henley ’09. Penny Breed ’79 and Kim Donovan Henley ’79 are mothers of the bride and groom. Dan notes, “There will be plenty of green blood in that family.”

Todd Pellett added that the rain cleared Sunday in time for him and wife Susie ’87 to see their twins, Peter ’20 and Nick ’20, help clinch the first ever post-season playoff berth in Dartmouth club baseball history.

Anne Munves Malenka gave kudos to Cathy McGrathfor coordinating outstanding tent activities with the ’79s and to Susan and Rob Williams for hosting the class dinner. Anne caught up with Peggy Stewart, Carol Pelmas, Lisa Shanahan, Meg Blakey, Ellen Martin Taratus, Glenn Elliot and Shaun Smith. Others in attendance included Richard Braverman, Jeff Demers, MaryBeth Shannon, Alec Clarke, Mark and Paula Ness Speers, Mark Alperin, Ann Daigneault MacEwan, Cynthia McClintock, Laura Murphy Moore, Brent and Cami Crone Bilger, Peter Boone, Shari Medina Jankowski and Al Ellis.

Rob Daisley,3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-772;2; Frank Fesnak,111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring,1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;

Old acquaintances should not be forgotten. They should be remembered, as well as emailed, telephoned and visited. Together, you can drink a cup of kindness, grateful for times past and hopeful about tomorrow.

A new year lies ahead, but another football season is behind us. Larry Margerum was a quarterback on the football team in 1979, earning All-Ivy honors as a senior punter. He completed a Ph.D. in inorganic photochemistry and electrochemistry in 1985 at the University of North Carolina. Since 1995 Larry has been a professor of chemistry at the University of San Francisco, where he teaches courses in general, analytical and inorganic chemistry.

This past September Crystal Morgan Phillips, Ann Donovan, Joan Draper and Catrina Cash Corey gathered together on the links to celebrate 40 years of friendship. Joan is an ophthalmologist in Danbury, Connecticut, where she specializes in vision rehabilitation for patients with visual impairments. Joan is married to Gary Townsend, an otolaryngologist. Joan and Gary prefer patients from the neck up, not that I blame them. One of their daughters, Victoria Townsend, a ’14, now works as a wealth advisory strategy analyst at BlackRock in N.Y.C.

Dartmouth acquaintances roam around the girdled earth. Daniel Auerbach is the senior managing director and managing partner of FIL Capital Management, the Asia Pacific private equity and venture investing arm of FIL Limited. Daniel has held this role since 1994, a significant part of his 27 years in Asia as an early pioneer and leader in the development of Asia’s private equity industry. When not directing and managing, Daniel is a trustee of Hong Kong’s WWF (formally World Wildlife Fund) and a member of the presidential advisory board of the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

For any questions you ever had about the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) but were afraid to ask, call Peter Rosenberg at Ropes & Gray in Boston. Peter advises fund managers, employers, and other fiduciaries on the full range of ERISA issues. Peter represents clients before administrative agencies such as the IRS and U.S. Department of Labor on a variety of interpretive and settlement matters. Clients describe Peter as “spectacular” and “very strong.” Those are the same descriptors that first come to mind whenever I think of ERISA lawyers.

James Wilson in 2001 joined Carl Marks Management Co., where he is a general partner. Founded in 1925, Carl Marks remains family owned and operated, one of the investment community’s experienced merchant banks. With a name like Carl Marks, it has to be good.

One of the nicest people I knew at Dartmouth, George Lombardi is now a bet-the-company litigator at Winston & Strawn in Chicago. George is the co-chair of the firm’s 500-lawyer litigation practice. He routinely serves as lead trial counsel for companies in highly publicized patent cases. For example, his $1-billion jury verdict on behalf of Monsanto was recognized as the No. 3 verdict in The National Law Journal’s Top 100 Verdicts of 2012. Best wishes for the season, but if someone crosses you, call George.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

By highlighting the achievements of an underappreciated Founding Father, the Broadway musical Hamilton secured a permanent place for Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. Hamilton was on the ropes but he’s untouchable now. I loved the show. And I’m as big a fan of Hamilton as anyone. But it looks like my plan to replace his portrait with the face of one of our extraordinary Parker A. Small Award winners—Susan Ball or Ronald Chen—is now dead in the water.

“Muhammad” and “Wang” may be the world’s most common names but it appears that the pairing of “Tench” and “Coxe” occurs more often, going all the way back to the days of Hamilton. We’re familiar with classmate Tench Coxe, managing director at Sutter Hill Ventures in Palo Alto, California, and generous sponsor of the Jerry Jeff Walker concert at our 25th reunion. But there are at least three predecessors who share the same name: a prominent Philadelphia merchant and political ally of Hamilton’s from the late 18th century, a “country gentleman” and philanthropist from the late 19th century, and a weekend warrior who dominated Philadelphia-area squash and tennis tournaments in the 1950s. All of which begs the question: Is there in fact a continuum of individual Tench Coxes or a single immortal one? Is there a reason why Tench takes his meetings at the Rosewood at night rather than during daylight hours? Might the “V” in “VC” signify something other than venture?

What do Chris Sawch, Crystal Morgan Phillips, Hayden Kepner, Jay Harter, Laura Giuliano, Susan Sawyer LeBlanc, Susan Ball and Corbey Low Hyman have in common? They share the same birthday (April 14). There were no winners this time, so I’ll ratchet back to easier challenges. Try this: What is the common thread that ties this next group of classmates together: Ty Burr, Greg Clinton, Sabrina King, Emily Wheeler, Mike Morton, Josiah Stevenson, George Wallace, Mike Bush. If you need a hint, consider the historical theme of this column. The first reader to guess correctly wins a gift certificate.

In other old column business, Steve Collins was the first to correctly guess that former roommate Greg Dunn had never trained an award-winning Doberman pinscher. But an email response from Greg himself casts a cloud on the results: “I know that Alpo worked for the ’Skins, but I’m not sure about the other two.”

Did I mention Mark Alperin?In July a plan to play a simple home-and-home series at our two golf clubs evolved into an epic multistate golfing adventure. Craig Lambdin joined us in Philly on Day 1. On Day 2 Curt Flight hosted a round in New Hampshire. Curt, Mark and I completed the circuit on Day 3 at their club outside of Boston. Too much of one type of driving, perhaps—but the event will grow and evolve because Curt and Mark are country gentlemen with rare aptitudes for the sporting life.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring,1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

From time to time your humble class scribes remind our faithful readers that we write for a magazine. The magazine is published on paper and delivered by mail. In other words, it is not Snapchat, thankfully. As I write this, “Are you ready for the summer?” is stuck in my head, but by the time you read this, you will be humming about soft September sunsets where the hours pass like dreams. Ironically, perusing photos posted on Facebook in real-time provides more news than the word-limit allows; please share them on the class page.

With school out for summer, Kathryn Flitner Wallop has announced that she is joining the faculty at the newly constructed Pathways Innovation Center in Casper, Wyoming. She will continue to teach English and language arts in this novel public school program for 11th- and 12th-graders that features a nontraditional setting, including homemade breakfast and daily aerobic exercise. In Katie’s words, “I’m fired up about the projects we will create to facilitate learning in real-life situations with work and career interests in mind. As a group, we are limited only by our imagination and desire to succeed. Seldom do learners have opportunities as game-changing as the one we have just been gifted.”

To kick off summer on a high note, Dave Chilcote celebrated the Cavs’ NBA title with a Jackson Browne concert in Akron, Ohio. Bruce Reeves took in a show at the Trident in Sausalito, California, featuring the saxophone playing of Chris Sullivan, son of Kevin Sullivan ’79. Meanwhile, Dave Bumsted enjoyed the peace and relative quiet of listening to the loons on Lake Placid, New York.

As part of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase (Maryland) High School 40th reunion activities, Joe Mannes toured Westland, the surviving school in the merger between his Western Junior High and my Leland. Ron Chen, Scott Slater, Meg Coughlin LePage, Peter Boone, Cathel MacLeod and Cheryl Waterhouse all went back to Phillips Exeter Academy for their 40th. In a similar but different setting, Wade Herring impressed the Macon (Georgia) Central High School Class of 1976 with dance moves not seen since the days of disco Beta. No doubt looking forward to a speedy return to the dance floor, Eric Pfeiffer took his new hip for a two-mile loop around Kendall Pond in Gardner, Massachusetts, less than three weeks after his replacement surgery.

Jim Puiia attended a family reunion in Scarborough, Maine, with all seven of his siblings and his youthful-looking mother. Debo Hart Goth, husband Bill and their two daughters toured Spain and Italy. Brian Boyer, wife Gretchen and their three children toured a healthy portion of Wisconsin and Illinois by running a total of 70 miles in the Chicago Ragnar relay race that starts in Madison, Wisconsin. Later this summer I look forward to seeing Debo in the Breckenridge, Colorado, mountains and the Bri in the Lake Temagami, Ontario, wilderness.

Enough about summer: Whom will you see in Hanover on October 29 when the Big Green take on Harvard for Homecoming?

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;

One evening this spring I walked back to my office after dinner. When I work late I change clothes at the office before going out. Ray Romano says you can tell the best year of a man’s life because he dresses that way for the rest of his life. I was dressed in a Dartmouth T-shirt and blue jeans, same as 1978. I was headed north toward Reynolds Square, one of 24 squares in the historic district of Savannah, Georgia. Suddenly a young bearded man shouted at me, “You a hockey fan?” A little startled, I hollered my answer, “Yeah!” The dude enthusiastically called back, “Oh, yeah!”

Dartmouth is a hockey school. Coached by Bob Gaudet ’81, Dartmouth’s hockey team made it to the ECAC hockey semifinals in Lake Placid, New York, in March, but fell to top-seeded Quinnipiac. Bob has been the head coach at Dartmouth since 1997.

I fondly recall when Dartmouth hockey made it to the NCAA Final Four in 1980, losing to North Dakota, the eventual tournament winner. Ross Brownridge, Rick Drill-Mellum, Dennis Murphy, Don O’Brien, Barry Ryan and Rich Ryerson all played on the team that year. Barry won the Unsung Hero Award, Dennis won the Sportsman Award, and Ross, for the second year, won the MVP Award.

Carol Burns visited Savannah last December in conjunction with a work trip to nearby Fort Stewart, home to the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. After many years as a lawyer with Bechtel, Carol now works for the consulting firm Archetype. Carol leads the opportunity development team and helps develop renewable energy projects in the Army Office of Energy Initiatives. Carol’s oldest daughter, Julia Duke, is in law school. Twins Anna and Maria are almost out of college. All three girls are periodically in and out of mamma’s house in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Husband Marc Brannock is a system engineer who works as a contractor for the federal government.

Jon Bye, with wife Susan, visited Savannah in March to combine business with pleasure. Susan has her own college counseling firm and wanted to tour the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Established in 1978, SCAD has more than 7,000 students at the Savannah campus, which includes some 67 buildings sprinkled throughout the historic district.

My wife, also Susan, and I met Jon and Susan for drinks on the roof of the Bohemian Hotel. Overlooking the Savannah River, we had a panoramic view east to the Atlantic Ocean and west to the port terminal, the fourth busiest container handling facility in the United States. Jon and Susan were grateful to be out of frozen Minneapolis, where Jon is a partner with the law firm of Lindquist & Vennum. A commercial litigator, Jon has been with his firm for more than 30 years.

Jon and Susan’s son, Alex, graduated from Whitman College in 2015. Alex has been selling ski shells at the ski store in Beaver Creek, Colorado, and skied more than a million vertical feet this past winter. Youth is not always wasted on the young.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

It’s hard to believe but exactly 40 years have passed since each of us received the fat envelope from Hanover. In April of 1976 a rejection was delivered on a single sheet of college letterhead stuffed inside an envelope so thin it might as well have been empty. An acceptance envelope was fat with scripted congratulations, forms and instructions on how to seal the deal. You knew your fate simply by looking at the thickness of the envelope! If we wanted to telegraph our admissions decisions the same way today, we could send each applicant a login username to use on decision day that included the word “Yes” or the word “No.”

The fat envelope brought me and five others from my high school to Dartmouth: Earl Grossman, Keith Pickholz, Lauri Livesey Sanduski, Bob Berlinger and Robert Roselli. We have a connection that will always tie us together. See if you can figure out the thread that ties the following eight classmates together: Chris Sawch, Crystal Morgan Phillips, Hayden Kepner, Jay Harter, Laura Giuliano, Susan Sawyer LeBlanc, Susan Ball and Corbey Low Hyman. What do they have in common? Here’s a hint: it’s something they have always shared and can’t change. The first two readers to guess correctly will win gift certificates—so don’t be shy!

Is anyone else getting tired of the rat race? Maja Wessels recently shared some news that may inspire some soul searching. Next month Maja will be retiring from her executive role at Tempe, Arizona-based First Solar, an energy technology company. She and husband Charles will celebrate with a cross-country cycling trip from Washington State to Maine that will double as a fundraiser for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, where Maja acts as a board member. After that it’s a month in Italy, time with friends, enjoying the outdoors and increasing their contributions to various nongovernmental boards they serve. They will do the things they love in the beautiful Valley of the Sun.

Now let’s play “Two Truths and a Lie!” Many of us have experienced a brush with greatness. See if you can determine which of the following three stories is the fake one. First, John Riggins and Joe Gibbs did not do it alone. When the Washington Redskins won their first-ever Super Bowl in 1983, Mark Alperin had just completed his first year as a business manager with the ’Skins.

Second, Lamar Hunt did not do it alone. When current Major League Soccer team FC Dallas won its first (and only) championship in 1997 as the Dallas Burn, Paul Mott had just completed his first year as head of operations for the Burn.

Third, “Wild as the Wind” did not do it alone. When the Freeman family won its first Best in Show Award at the Westminster Kennel Club in 1989 for its champion Doberman pinscher, Greg Dunn had just completed a year as the family’s obedience trainer.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Rich Konsens is an orthopedic surgeonwith extraordinary credibility when he consults patients of our vintage on how to stay in shape. When he captained the Dartmouth track team Rich captured gold in the long jump at the Ivy League Championships. Three decades later, with encouragement from former teammate and current medical practice partner Reggie Tall, Rich began training for Masters competitions. He placed third in the USA Masters Championships, and at the Worlds in Lyon, France, he made the finals and finished 10th overall. Rich and wife Michelle live in Orlando, Florida, with their two teenaged sons.

Rich Ryerson has joined the alumni relations team as director of class activities. He comes back to the College after serving as admissions director for Kimball Union Academy. Do colleagues at Blunt know about Ryer’s two goals at the end of the 6-4 victory over Clarkson that earned the Big Green a trip to the 1980 Frozen Four?

Big Green sports appear on many a classmates’ list of reasons for loving Dartmouth. Will Hale responded to my Facebook post on the topic with a link to an interview with Buddy Teevens ’79. After witnessing the last-minute victory over Princeton that clinched the Ivy title, Greg Henry posed for a smiles-a-mile-wide photo with the coach and several other teammates from the 1978 championship team. A larger contingent of ’80s, including Cathy McGrath, Jay Weed, Kevin Boyle and Marc Lewis among many others, saw the Homecoming shellacking of Yale. If you are thinking about next fall’s Homecoming weekend already, we play Harvard on October 29.

How many of these appear on your list of reasons for loving Dartmouth: WDCR-WFRD, The D, the Outing Club, the Aires and Woodwinds, the Hop, Thayer, the mid-Mass stoop, the river, Moosilauke, language study abroad and foreign study programs, the Reserve Room, the Green, Main Street, Thompson, the largest Ivy League marching band north of Boston, ice sculptures, Spaulding, the Bema, Professor Rassias, Professor Slesnick, President Kemeny, the Baker bells, the class tent, roommates?

“Being around such high-quality people” is how Mark Webb eloquently summed up what many of us love so much about Dartmouth. Every reunion Mark, Brian Boyer and I pose for a 304 Mass roommate photo. I posted the most recent one on the class Facebook page.

We now have 172 Facebook ’80 members. Check out Mark Winkler’s terrific photo of Charlie Moore, Laura Murphy Moore, Scott Herman and David Hogan from the mini-reunion he hosted. You also will find announcements of class events and Dartmouth news and sports. The potential, however, is far greater. Please post both current and throwback photos, especially of roommates. Consider how many “likes” you will fetch with a shot of, say, Jon Snider and Bruce Collins from 310 South Mass or Marty Peterson and Caroline Coggeshall from 406 Mid-Mass. Carla Buckman Lipe and Page Polk Lipe could post both current photos with their husbands and brothers-in-law as well as classic photos from when they roomed together in 207 New Hamp with Tasha Taylor Garnett. Please join and post today!

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, 1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;


As the year comes to a close we briefly look back to our 35th reunion this past June. By broad consensus it was our best reunion ever, although Rich Ackerboom casts a dissenting vote in favor of the fifth. Most of us have about five reunions left, but how much fun can the 60th be? Make your plans now for our 40th.

Do not wait for roommates and good friends to attend. Steve Brooks, Tom Chapin and Stuart Sarnoff,this admonition includes you. In fairness to Steve, when reunion rolled around he had only recently started a new job as CIO for ITT Industrial Process in Seneca Falls, New York. When not traveling around the world Steve enjoys the good life at home in Canandaigua, New York, enjoying his boat on the lake.

Do not worry about how you look for reunion. After I observed that everyone looked pretty good, Anne Daigneault MacEwan explained, “Yes, in previous reunions some people looked old, but now, we’ve all caught up.”

Do not worry that no one will know you. I heard with mixed emotions the exclamation, “You haven’t changed a bit.” In college did I look like an overweight man in his late 50s? John Coco helped me decode the declarant’s true meaning: “I recognize you. You still have your hair.”

John is an ophthalmologist in Rutland, Vermont, but he lives down the road apiece. Directions to his farm include “covered bridge” and “dirt road.” When I visited in September John had been clearing land to restore old meadows. He was excited to discover a glacial boulder previously hidden in the brush, because it might become a good “sittin’ rock.”

John reports that Jose Samson will be relocating his anesthesiology practice in the new year from Tucson, Arizona, to Rutland.

If you Google “A.B. Dartmouth College 1980,” Rob Ruocco is one the first hits. Rob is a general partner and portfolio manager with Carl Marks Management Co. in New York, where he has been since 1993.

Diana Dean pops up as a professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota. Her specialties include the anthropology of religion, magic and ritual.

Scrolling down the list, we learn that Kris Treu is a founding partner of the Cleveland law firm Moscarino & Treu. Kris’s practice areas include medical malpractice, professional liability and business litigation.

Kris’ fellow Aire, Dana Cetlin, is a lawyer at the firm of Cunningham, Machanic, Cetlin, Johnson, Harney & Tenney in Natick, Massachusetts. The receptionist there answers the phone, “We, the people.” Dana focuses on commercial and residential real estate.

Ed Smith is an assistant professor at the Cleveland Chiropractic College in Overland Park, Kansas. Also armed with an M.D. from Dartmouth, Ed teaches extremity anatomy, general pathology and the physiology lab.

More Google searches later. This column has a strict 500-word limit, fewer than when I last did this gig. We are still at the party, just closer to the exit. Best wishes for the holidays and 2016.

Wade Herring, P.O. Box 9848, Savannah, GA 31412, (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;

I post this column from the island of Mauritius, a slice of paradise in the Indian Ocean that may best be known as the final resting place of the dodo, an extinct flightless bird last seen in the 17th century. The dodo serves as both a mascot for Mauritius and a symbol of unplanned obsolescence. Its extinction less than a century after its discovery serves as a reminder of how quickly the forces of outside change can devastate the unprepared. At our reunion’s presidential address, President Hanlon outlined a set of bold initiatives designed to secure Dartmouth’s place as a destination for elite talent in the rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive world of higher education. I sleep better knowing that President Hanlon, Bill Helman, Denise Dupre, John Rich and our other trustees are committed to avoiding the fate of the dodo.

Now let’s turn up the heat with “Two Truths and a Lie”! See if you can determine which of the following three stories is the fake one.

First, Rick Gemberlind demonstrated his talent for putting mind over matter by walking barefoot across a 25-foot-long strip of hot coals at a Tony Robbins seminar in New York City. Rick completed the exercise painlessly, with no marks left on his feet or coals stuck between his toes.

Second, Lanny Vickery achieved spiritual renewal by spending an evening in the intense smoke and high temperatures of a Native American sweat lodge in the Los Angeles hills. His re-purification experience was shared with a group of tent-mates that included supermodel Margaux Hemingway.

Third, Mark Fischer helped prevent catastrophe at Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada when he and actor Mark Ruffalo stopped a potential arsonist from torching the iconic 72-foot Burning Man statue three days before the ceremonial fire at the close of the event.

Like many of us with roots in New York, David O’Connor has early and fond memories of watching the Knicks and Rangers play at Madison Square Garden and the Rockettes perform in the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. As the new president and CEO of the Madison Square Garden (MSG) Co., “Doc” is now responsible for running these and MSG’s other sports, media and entertainment properties. Until recently Doc served as managing partner at Creative Artists Agency and helped launch CAA Sports, which represents hundreds of the world’s top athletes. Calling all Knicks and Rangers fans! Your days of screaming at sports radio call-in hosts are over. You can dial Doc direct!

Ellen Groetch LaBerge is pleased to report that the National Law Journal has recognized her dear friend Jayne Heimlich Conroy as an “Outstanding Woman Lawyer” for 2015. The honorees were selected based on independent investigations that identified them as the most accomplished female attorneys working in the legal profession today. Jayne has handled several enormous product liability cases, including some very high profile ones you are likely familiar with. She also helped forge settlements for thousands of 9/11 victims. Congratulations, Jayne!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring,1 Verdell Drive, Savannah, GA 31406; (912) 944-1639;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Jay Harter flew from Portland, Oregon. Cathel McLeod drove from Portland, Maine. Jean and Pete Scannell walked from their new home. From coast to coast, near and far, more than 325 ’80s and family members reconvened in Hanover for our 35th reunion. Thanks to co-chairs Cathy McGrath, Lisa Shanahan and Kate Wiley Laud and more than 30 classmates for raising the reunion bar another level.

At the tent Carla Boehm Sloan and daughter Caitlyn caught up with Carol Burns Duke. Peter Boone arrived as son Chris ’17 handed out umbrellas that succeeded in keeping skies mostly blue. Debo Hart Goth and Bill Koch confirmed arrangements for the outstanding meals, craft beer and fine wine. Larry and Jodee Norby Anderson shared plans following Larry’s retirement from 35 years with Macy’s. Guy Dietrich and Peter Lubin recounted laughs from get-togethers in Sun Valley, Idaho. Greg Henry and Rick Salchunas discussed prospects for winning the Ivies this year.

Curt Flight and Bill Finnegan led us to silver in the ’79-to-’81 golf challenge. Tex Collins, Tony Furnary and Brent Bilger led us to gracious defeat in pong. Trina Olin Santry and Paul Grassie led the hike up Moosilauke, followed by Maja Wessels and husband Charles, John Coco, Joe Misciewicz, Tom Marek, Jim McIntyre and others. Mary Ann McDonald Carolan and Liz Pickar Gray led TED talks with Andy Minden, Mike Wall, Judy Reardon and Bill Goodspeed about converting adversity into opportunity.

Wade Herring celebrated the lives of our deceased classmates at a memorial service that Jim Wilson described as beautifully moving and uplifting.

At the dining hall formerly known as Thayer, while Patti Rea balanced Scarlett and Avery on her knees, Dennis Lawson described boxing out to trade in the Chicago commodities exchange pit. Peter Fowler revealed the unearthing of a treasure trove of 1976-80 photos taken by Derek Brown. Tench Coxe shared how brainstorming with Bob Brown led them to arrange for the Rolling Stoners to entertain everyone Friday night.

Bob Garry raved about artistic works of classmates on display at the Hop. Brian Boyer got to know Susan Green Spagnola and Tony Talifierro. Mark Webb chatted with Janine Fate Avner about Mark’s upcoming bicycle trip through the French Alps and Janine’s travels from Los Angeles back to her hometown in Alaska. Rick Brook talked about life as a busy restaurateur and father of four in Kansas City, Kansas. Marc Lewis shared secrets of succeeding in executive recruitment. Monica Williams Knox and Meg Blakey, Jim Puiia, Marion and Frank Leddy, Kate and Brian Wicks posed for photos that looked as if they could have been taken 35 years ago.

Geoff Edelson and Susan Fagerstrom presented Tom Veith paintings to inaugural Parker A. Small award winners: humanitarian doctor Susan Ball and social justice law professor Ron Chen. Check out Scott Osman’s video on the class Facebook to see the recipients’ humble and gracious remarks. Susan and Ron inspire us to make a positive impact on society, as envisioned by the namesake of Kemeny Courtyard.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 835-7722;; Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Wade Herring, POB 9848, Savannah, GA 31412; (912) 944-1639;

Did you prepare for this month’s 35th reunion by studying a dog-eared copy of the Freshman Book? Such a strategy might help you recognize ageless wonders such as Brent Bilger and Mark Alperin but will leave you wordless and dumbfounded when approached by that classmate who has morphed into a dead ringer for your grandfather. Or the woman who now looks like Aunt Betty. Or any one of the several hundred follicly challenged guys in our class—with the possible exception of class proto-Kojak Bob Henderson. And was that Freshman Book selfie sketch submitted by Ty Burr even accurate enough to recognize him back then? Puh-leeze!

I have been blessed with the memory—and hair!—of an elephant but nonetheless anticipate some uncomfortable reunion moments. So I’m going to play the odds. If an unrecognizable man walks up to me in the class tent, I will address him as “John” (46 hits) or “David” (37 hits) and deal with the fallout. For female classmates I don’t recognize I’m going with “Susan” (17 hits). If everything works as planned I will rekindle relationships with John Ulrich, Dave Marchiony and Susan Spagnola—or some combination of their first name equivalents. We’ll see how it goes.

Before we introduce the new, let’s close out the old. In February this column presented a list of M.D.’s and asked, “What do these classmates have in common besides a med school degree?” The last two names on the list—classmates Paul Stephens and Tyra Bryant-Stephens—offered a hint. The answer: Each of the M.D.’s is married to another M.D. Doctors in love! Was that too corny?

As for February’s “Two Truths and a Lie”: Emily Lisberger Vitale and Lori Zelikow Florio have indeed started a fitness clothes company and Andy Minden has actually opened a store called Ramble on Pearl. Ross Brownridge is not making rocking chairs out of old hockey sticks. But maybe someone should be.

So now it’s time for this month’s “’80 List.” What is the common thread that ties these people together: Wade Herring, Mike Carothers, Rob Daisley, Dan Zenkel, Paul Elmlinger?

Now try to identify which of the following three stories is the fake one.

First: When he visited Dartmouth the father of Elisabeth Long Lilly often delivered jugs of vodka to Elisabeth and her friends.

Second: The parents of Blaze Tatananni were inspired by foliage they saw in Vermont shortly before he was born.

Third: Robert Roselli earned the nickname “Razor” because of his sharp play on the high school soccer field.

The first correct answers to either challenge win prizes.

In a career that has included stints as CEO of Godiva Chocolatier and president of famous brands such as Campbell’s Soup and Life Savers, Jim Goldman was recently named to the board of trustees for Save the Children. Jim also serves on the boards for Domino’s Pizza and the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

Looking forward to seeing you at our reunion!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Paul Wax, executive director of the American College of Toxicology, Carl Baum ’81 and Chuck McKay ’79 are leading a cooperative project with the Centers for Disease Control aimed at prevention, diagnosis and treatment of environmentally related health effects. 

Looking for a summer read? “Speed kills…it. Great new book by my buddy Bill Goodspeed. A little Carl Hiaasen-esque. Funny and clever throughout. Some unauthorized uses of some friends’ names, but nothing that a few years of litigation can’t sort out.” Within minutes of reading Peter Marlette’s brilliant review of Buzz Kill on Facebook, I placed my order on Amazon. Even the bio on the back cover is hilarious. 

Our class Facebook group has 137 members. We want to double that number by reunion weekend. We also want to encourage more posts. Pictures tell a thousand words, double the column limit. If you want to start your day off on a positive note, it is difficult to beat shots of Dave Chilcote’s twin baby boys (born in December) snuggled in blankets dreaming of a Cleveland Browns Super Bowl appearance. Please join and post a family photo, or a tech, workout, travel or music tip. Throwback Thursday photos are especially needed. If you are a Facebook denier, consider Mitch Cohen’s experience. Dealing with osteoporosis and other back problems that rendered it painful to bicycle over cracks in the roadway, Mitch posted his MRI on Facebook. Orthopedic surgeon Bob Belniak wrote, “Ouch.” Dave Lightle advised: “Eat mor chikin!” Mike Danko opined, “Too many miles.” Sam Winebaum ’79 linked to a recent New York Times article about the importance of Vitamin D. Fast forward a few months, and after avoiding his bicycle for nearly a year, Mitch recently rode an easy 100-kilometer. He is back to bike-commuting. Track Mitch down at the class tent to hear the full comeback story, including what he learned about self-healing at San Diego’s Optimum Health Institute. 

Many classmates wrote or posted to confirm their plans to attend the 35th reunion June 18-21. Steve Bullock was one of the first to share the good news. Steve is a public finance lawyer in Miami, serving mostly as bond counsel for governmental entities throughout Florida and underwriter’s counsel for investment banking firms. He has been a sole practitioner since leaving Greenberg Traurig in 1990. He and his wife have four children: a daughter at Dartmouth, a son at Morehouse and two younger boys still at home who were greatly amused by a throwback photo of Steve and me from our UVA Law days.

Kimio Wheaton, Paul Grassie, Rob Rough, Zeke Zashin, Geoff Edelson, Laura and Charlie Moore, JoDee and Larry Anderson, Bruce Reeves, Kevin Boyle, Marty Peterson, Evan Petty, Chuck Wheelock, Jay Weed, Tony Furnary, Kal Alston, Peter Fowler, Rob Dinsmoor, Tex Collins, Jeff Demers, Amy Hume Bellisano, Gretchen Kruysman, Bob Brown, Bill Koch, Judy Reardon, Meg Blakey, Meg Coughlin LePage and Debo Hart Goth will all be at reunion. How about you?

Rob Daisley 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

I might enjoy holidays and vacations more if I could eat as much and sleep as late as I did back in college. When I try to relive my glory days as a gluttonous sloth, I am shocked to realize I am no longer in shape. I can’t downshift into low gear like I used to. 

Sound familiar? If so, I believe that a rigorous training regimen could help you overcome these shortcomings. Start with a set of increasingly large and well-timed meals before the holidays and a few quasi-geriatric-early-bird-bedtimes prior to your vacation. And of course, prepare for the inevitable late night binging at our 35th reunion (June 18-21) by going out of your way to participate in a few informal reunions with friends! 

I am fully committed to this pre-reunion training program. In late December I joined Mark Alperin, Hans Morris, Rob Ruocco, Craig Lambdin, Jeff Citrin, Chuck Wheelock, Paul Salafia, Stanley Weil ’79, Bill Gates ’81 and Mark Zimmerman ’82 for a holiday dinner in New York City. The unflattering pictures are a grim reminder of the fun we had. A month earlier Alpo, Hans, Rock, Craig and I expressed our support for Big Green football—and “praise” for Old Nassau—during and after the annual thrashing of the Tigers. Peter Boone was there at Princeton, enjoying the game with his father. Peter had come down from Connecticut where he works as an orthopedic surgeon.

There’s a common thread that links Peter and each of the other classmates on the list that follows. Of course they are all trained medical doctors. But what is the less obvious thread that ties together this particular group of M.D.s: Peter Boone, David Nutter, Joan Draper, Mark Liponis, Paul Wax, Cindy Shortell Peyser, John Buse, Harry Malcolm, Lisa Sanders, Susan Wiersma, Doug Ball, Susan Ball, Vanessa Britto, Kathy Cooney, Joan Draper, Rob Enelow, Ray Blackwell, Donald Fithian, Buddy Ide, Kim Leighton, John Coco, Paul Stephens, Tyra Bryant-Stephens.

And now it’s time for two truths and a lie. See if you can identify the one story that is false.

First, Ross Brownridge founded Lullablades, a furniture manufacturer that makes rocking chairs out of old hockey sticks.

Second, Emily Lisberger Vitale and Lori Zelico Florio started PrismSport, a company that offers fitness clothing in vivid colors and distinctive prints.

Third, Andy Minden opened Ramble on Pearl, a retail store that sells apparel for people with active lifestyles and doubles as an employment training facility for adults with developmental disabilities.

Did I mention that there’s a class reunion in June? You can get more details and sign up at our class pages on the Dartmouth website. Looking for a more personal touch? You can reach reunion co-chairs Cathy McGrath, Kate Wiley Laud and Lisa Shanahan by email at Or you can contact Rob or me using the information below.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Sound View Presbyterian pastor Cleo Robertson is front and center in many a wedding photo. Cleo is pictured prayerfully officiating as Marie and Bob Ponce exchanged vows a few years ago. At the September 7 wedding, however, Cleo is shown not in the middle but on the right side. Pure joy and love radiate from the photos of Cleo’s marriage to Ana Luisa, accurately described on Facebook as the “rock star” bride. 

Frank Leddy joined 20 Theta Delt alums from the classes of ’78 to ’82 who descended on St. Pete Beach, Florida, in September. The Lodge boys were in town for Fizzbin, an annual gathering for the card game Joe Gleason ’77 invented. Frank cut through the competition with the surgical precision required in his urology practice and earned a share of the 2014 world championship. 

In October Ellen Martin Taratus and husband Ken met Chantal and me at the Epicurean Hotel Rooftop lounge after driving down from Atlanta to visit son K.T., who works for Raymond James. Ellen was gearing up for a reunion warm-up at Lori Zelikow Florio’s in New York. Monica Williams Knox was scheduled to fly from Munich, Germany, to join Marjie Scheckner Gart, Meg Blakey, Lisa Shanahan and several others.

Co-chairs Lisa, Kate Wiley Laud and Cathy McGrath report that 35th reunion plans are well under way. The dates: June 18-21. Denise Dupre, Bill Koch, Debo Hart Goth, Carlie Geer, Mary Ann Carolan, Todd Pellett, Curt Richardson, Curt Flight, Susan Green Spagnola, Carol Pelmas, Trina Olin Santry, Hans Morris, Jeff Citrin, Susan Fagerstrom and others are arranging engaging activities and sumptuous meals. Another highlight: The first Parker A. Small 1980 Award will be given to a classmate whose work has made a significant impact in his or her community or field of endeavor. 

Thanks to Deke DesCombes our revamped class website will have the reunion deets. We also are periodically posting to Facebook and LinkedIn and emailing. Please let us know if you are not on any of the lists. Email addresses change and alumni records may need updating, as Mark Flom recently discovered. Emails intended for Mark in Atlanta, where he works for Dell SecureWorks were instead going to another Mark Flom, an Arizona State alum, in Chicago. If you have reunion suggestions, please email, the catchy address Tom Leach kindly donated to the class. 

Unfortunately, another name has been added to the list of classmates we will remember at the reunion memorial service Wade Herring is organizing. Regina Ketting received a call from Anne Murray Patterson with news that Judy Recke passed away on October 21 at her home in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Amy Hume Bellisano noted that Judy fought her lengthy illness bravely and with grace. North Mass friend Crystal Phillips Morgan vouched for the accuracy of this tribute written by Judy’s nephew: “Her dedication to intellectual pursuits was matched only by her emotional sensitivity and awareness.” 

Please join us as we celebrate our lives with our Dartmouth family next June.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Before we play our next round of “Two Truths and a Lie,” let’s reveal the fictional story from the last game. If you guessed that Bob Spencer did not substitute as the lead guitarist for the band Loverboy during its Canadian tour, you were correct. The other two stories—Carly Geer as Olympic rowing medalist and Vicki Redel as Hollywood screenwriter—are true.

Now some new fun facts. Two of following three stories about classmates are true; one is false. See if you can identify the fictional story.

First, they don’t call it an experiment when a cattle prod shocks a cow. Before pursuing his career as a psychology professor, Steve James worked as a hand on his grandparents’ cattle ranch in Oklahoma. 

Second, after landing his gig as a pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic, Bill Barbaresi played the adolescent role of “Artful Dodger” Jack Dawkins in a local community theater production of Oliver!

Third, they say it’s good to be king, or in the case of Tom Bartlett, “The King.” Tom hires himself out as an Elvis impersonator.

Did Steve choose brains over brawn? Was Bill able to leverage his boyish charm into stage magic? Does Tom have a closet full of jumpsuits? Try to identify the fictional story. The answer will be revealed in the next column.

I recently received an email from James Reynolds ’75 that offers further evidence of our natural propensity to cluster. When James was elected to the board of the Galapagos Conservancy, he was surprised to find a second Dartmouth earth sciences major on the board (Erich Fischer ’89) and a third earth sciences major, Dennis Geist, installed as president of the board of the Galapagos-based Charles Darwin Foundation. Dennis, a professor of volcanology at the University of Idaho, has been conducting field research in the Galapagos since 1982. We are just a few earth sciences majors short in our quest to establish a new native species there!

While sitting in on an information session at Cornell in August with my teenage daughter and a large, very eclectic group of parents and prospective students, my eyes kept wandering over to the dad who looked the most like me. He wore the familiar weekend warrior uniform, the one that makes the women in our lives cringe: polo shirt, cargo pants, baseball cap, sunglasses. Several minutes of uncomfortable staring passed before I was able to match the face with a name: Bruce Daniels. Bruce was touring with his youngest son. He lives in the suburbs north of Boston where he fights the good fight for the Boston Private Bank and Trust Co.

Now is the time to start making your plans to attend our 35th reunion next June. Our bookend friends from the classes of ’79 and ’81 will be on campus too. Reunion co-chairs Cathy McGrath, Kate Wiley Laud and Lisa Shanahan invite you to send your ideas to 

It won’t be fun for any of us if you’re not there.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Daniel Ernst has just published Tocqueville’s Nightmare: The Administrative State Emerges in America, 1900-1940. Daniel has been a professor at Georgetown Law since 1988. He teaches courses on legal history, including a seminar on the New Deal and the law.

Alumni Council representative Dan Zenkel recently provided an uplifting report on the state of the College. Dan took a bold approach to check current campus events: meeting with undergrads. Zenks contacted children of classmates, and next you know, Holly Raths Hart emailed a photo of Zenks linking arms with Holly’s daughter Annie ’14 and sons and daughters of Ben Zuraw (Lane ’14), Wade Herring (Kathleen ’14), Brian Boyer (Reed ’15) and Peter Boone (Christopher ’17). Without explaining why they gathered on the Hanover Inn porch rather than the Mid-Mass stoop, Zenks added that Bill Helman joined in for a lively and positive discussion of the issues du jour. Zenks also met the daughters of Joan Draper (Victoria Townsend ’14), Jim Wilson (Holly ’15 and Molly ’13) and Sean Wilson (Paige ’14). Zenks was more than impressed with these students and their love of the College. Regrettably, Bill insisted on editing Dan’s recollections, so the students were not quite as impressed with our late-1970s Mid-Mass legends. I will set the record straight on one matter: BurgerFest was not more popular than Woodstock, but it was Zenks’ idea and it exemplified how student-led social initiatives succeed.

Mark your calendars now: Our 35th reunion will take place the weekend of June 19, 2015. The ’79s and ’81s will be joining us. We will set an attendance record. If you want to help, please contact Cathy McGrath.

Chitown ’80s started the party early with a mini-reunion hosted by Todd Young. Andrea and Tom Ware traveled from Racine, Wisconsin, to join Todd and husband John Dally, Ed and Carla Sloan, Gretchen and Brian Boyer, Tara and Peter Lubin, Tom Maver, Andy Watson, Laura Zimmerman, Mike Carothers and Lenny Robinson. Lenny, who managed a premed course load while wearing No. 37 for the Big Green football team, continues to practice internal medicine in Matteson, Illinois. Todd continues to practice corporate and transactions law for Hinshaw & Culbertson. Rapidly approaching his 50-career-triathlons goal, Todd trained for his 45th Olympic-distance triathlon this summer; it would not surprise me if it turns out that Todd is actually just past halfway to 80 “tris.” Lenny and Todd are both in for the 35th.

Unfortunately, the class tent will miss the smiling face of Beth Ulrich Potter, who died in a snorkeling accident in the British Virgin Islands this past spring. At reunion we will salute Liz’s art, photography and fearlessly independent spirit, as well as all the many contributions to our Dartmouth family of our other fallen brothers and sisters. An underrated aspect of reunion is the celebration of the lives of those classmates whose records are now etched in the granite of New Hampshire.

Life is short and precious; book your tickets to Hanover now.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Who knows what to believe these days? Does Miller Lite taste great or is it less filling? If you feed an aspirin to a seagull, will it explode in midair? Do higher tax rates generate higher tax receipts? In today’s complex world, finding the truth can be difficult indeed.

Let’s see how sharp your truth detection skills are. It’s time to play a round of “Two Truths and a Lie.” Two of the following three stories about classmates are true; one is false. See if you can identify the fictional story. Using Google is strictly forbidden!

First: No other American man, woman or team has ever finished better in an Olympics rowing event than Carlie Geer, who won a silver medal for single sculling in the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles.

Second: Kevin Bacon produced and directed a movie based on a novel written by Vicki Redel. The 2005 movie featured performances by Bacon, wife Kyra Sedgwick and Oscar winners Marisa Tomei and Sandra Bullock.

Third: When Loverboy guitarist Paul Dean became ill during a concert tour in 1986, Bob Spencer temporarily replaced him. Bob ended up playing lead guitar for Loverboy at their Calgary and Edmonton concerts that summer.

Are we graced by one of America’s greatest sports legends? Are all of us a scant two degrees of separation from the hyper-connected Kevin Bacon? Does the song “The Kid Is Hot Tonight” actually describe one of our own? And why do all three stories make me think about headbands? It’s your job to identify the fictional story. The answer will be revealed in the next column.

I share a common thread—a first name—with a classmate who has quickly and correctly answered each of the column’s common thread questions. Frank Vecella properly credits entertainment that features cops and detectives with saving our name from extinction (we can credit the new pope for its recent popularity surge). Back in 1983 Frank and his wife, Pam, decided to move from his hometown of Baltimore to Dallas “for a year or two”; some 30 years later they are still there, with a daughter starting her career in Dallas and a son finishing college. For the past 13 years Frank has been managing litigation as an in-house counsel for telecommunications giant Ericsson. As part of two trips to Vermont and New Hampshire last year, the Vecellas had dinner with Stan Smith and Joel Chansky and their much better halves, and later caught up with Cathy McGrath. Whenever possible Frank still reaches out to Bobby Garry, Peter Marlette, Paul Mourning and Brian Wicks.

Nearly 10 years ago I stated my intention to make Hans Morris this column’s most frequently mentioned person. It’s been way too easy, given his regular participation in college-related events and continual personal evolution. For this post: In his spare time Hans recently produced and co-wrote a feature-length documentary, Cherry Cottage: The Story of an American House. His film premiered last year at the Berkshire International Film Festival and received many favorable reviews. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Jenni Prigge Buhl, Kaj Christenson, Monica Williams Knox, Dennis Murphy, Crystal Morgan Phillips, Donald Skantze, Peter Storfer, Tom Vieth, Stuart West: What is the common thread that ties this list of classmates together? If you think you know the answer, send us an email. The first three correct responses will win Gift Rocket cards redeemable at the Dartmouth Bookstore (or virtually anywhere). Don’t let an opportunity like this pass you by!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Bill Helman has been ably serving the College since undergrad days. He may have saved his best. Bill chaired the trustees’ search committee that brought Phil Hanlon ’77 home. Introducing the prez at Class Officers Weekend dinner, Bill revealed the qualifications sought and how John Rich, Denise Dupre and the rest of the committee checked every box when it found Phil. 
Before speaking, Bill visited with Joe Mannes, Mark Alperin, Merle Adelman, Cathy McGrath, Brian Boyer, Lisa Shanahan, Meg Blakey, Chantal and me. Afterwards, we headed to Bill Mitchell’s (’79) for an impromptu 35th reunion sneak preview (’79s and ’81s are joining us June 19-21, 2015). We caught up with a very fit Jeff Citrin, running marathons when not running the Square Mile Capital real estate investment firm. Also attending inauguration and Convocation festivities were Eric Pfeiffer, Hans Morris, Boomer, Brad Koenig and Kal Alston. Kal was in the procession as representative of Syracuse where she is a professor and senior administrator. 
On campus for Homecoming with Alpo, Boomer, Meg, Merle, Cathy, Eric (and fiancée Kathi Marcoulier) were Bruce Reeves (and son Bill ’14), Cami Crone and Brent Bilger, Claudia and Jay Weed, Keith Quinton, Dave Bumsted, Peter Boone, Peggy Stewart, Regina Rehkamp Ketting, Mike Barrett, Laurel Smith, Guy Dietrich, Wade Herring, Brian and Catrina Cash Corey, Cynthia McClintock, Bob Attori, Ann Donovan, Paul Elmlinger, Crystal Morgan Phillips, Gary and Joan Draper Townsend, Katie Wiley Laud, Colin ’82 and Anne McNay, Peter Mellette, Anne Munves Malenka, Bob Garry, Father Gerry Murray, John MacGovern and Grant and Anne MacEwan. 
Anne, Trina Olin Santry, Tom Chapin, Steve Rutan and Scott Slater knew that our latest “common thread” listed Tuck grads. Steve and wife Camille, Tu’88, recently attended their Tuck 25th reunion. Tom reports, “The startup investment advisory firm that I joined as chief investment officer seven years ago continues to grow and prosper. Kate and I enjoy our empty nest with both kids successfully through college. Daughter Emily recently moved to N.Y.C. to start graduate studies after working four years in Boston; son Colin is in year two of Teach For America in Mississippi.” 
Scott reports: “Had lunch with Scott Bechler in Denver, just before I rode the Copper Triangle ride. Great fun discussing getting kids off the payroll. Chick Woodward, U of Minnesota astrophysicist extraordinaire, finished yet another Twin Cities marathon this month. I cheered him on again at four different spots. Saw Mike Wall at a high school game; he’s at United Health Care in Minneapolis. We went cross-country skate-skiing last winter. His daughter is at Middlebury. Had dinner in June with Tom Carley in Portland, Oregon. Tom still follows track and cross country. His son, a law student at Oregon, is using his last year of NCAA eligibility to compete successfully (he ran for USC). Dinner with Mike Danko is planned for this week in San Francisco.”
What common thread links Lanny Vickery, Larry Lawrence, Janet Bensing Dack, Tench Coxe, Ernest Hargrove, Reuven Travis, Wade Herring and Jessie Brumby Panek?
—Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

’Round the girdled earth they roam: In June, during the wee hours in India, Bill Helman received news of probably the highest honor the College can bestow as he was named a charter trustee of the College. And for our class the news gets better: I don’t know where she was at the time, but Denise Dupre was similarly honored by her simultaneous election as charter trustee. Our class now joins only the class of 1970 in the distinction of having three sitting trustees; John Rich is the third.

I caught up with Bill during East Coast time and he said he was “humbled and a bit overwhelmed” by his selection and looking forward to working with new College president Jim Kim. In fact Bill has known Jim for several years—they are neighbors in Cambridge, Massachusetts—and he describes him as an “extraordinary” man who is, and in Bill’s view will be at Dartmouth, an “inspirational leader.” So keen is Bill on Kim that Bill suborned truancy by allowing his son to sneak out to one of Kim’s Harvard lectures, which, by the way, was delivered to undergraduates.

Denise, meanwhile, told the College news service (I can’t speak with everyone live, although I try) that, “This small college has made a big difference in my life and I consider service on the board to be both an honor and a privilege.” Denise and her family were also in the news last December, when they got together to fund a significant upgrade of snowmaking facilities at the Dartmouth Skiway. 

This is no joke: Mike Palitz, one of many fellow McLane (now Judge) Hall mates, is the owner of Comix, a 350-seat comedy club on 14th Street here in Manhattan. I shared a few laughs with Mike as he told me of the fun and challenges of signing up Comedy Central-caliber talent and managing what he hopes will be a raucous crowd each night. Among the vignettes he relayed was the story of how he slipped behind the bar one evening only to be admonished by the bartender, who in turn was hurriedly advised by the other bartender that Mike was the guy signing his paycheck. Mike said he commended the guy for doing his job, but did not buy him a beer since they both were on duty. The scene reminded me vaguely of various occasions where I slipped behind the Sigma Nu bar doing double duty as chief pourer and keg protector. Speaking seriously now, Mike and co-head agent Brian Boyer remind us to consider a generous gift in celebration of our 30th reunion and to plan on attending it from June 17-20, 2010. Merle Adelman, moreover, urges us to have some mini-reunions beforehand so that we might recognize each other without the aid of Facebook.

Speaking of McLane-ites, I caught up with Laura Gold Zimmerman. Laura has been in the Chicago area for many years, including a 13-year stint, just ended, leading strategy and business development for the financial services side of Allstate. She has quickly filled any spare time by joining the boards of her local United Way and of the Illinois chapter of Mental Health America. In Chicago Laura sees the likes of Carla Boehm Sloan, Ed Sloan, Todd Young and Brian Boyer. 

I am sorry to conclude on a sad note: I just received the terrible news that Laura Woodberry Jessiman died while in Scotland in June. A reminder that our small world is also a fragile one. ’Round the girdled earth our departed classmates roamed; their spell on us remains.

Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Lest the old traditions fail: In September I had the good fortune to visit Hanover twice. First I attended a legacy reception at the Hanover Inn. There along with numerous spouses and several legacies fresh from freshman trips (now first-year trips to the politically correct; I assume it was the “-man” not the “fresh-” that was potentially offensive) were classmates Brad Koenig, Peter Scannell, Alex Frank, Jamie Ardrey, Tom Gettinger, Shari Jankowski and Mike Palitz. Among many alumni from other classes spotted were acting athletic director Chip “Cep” Ceplikas ’78 and head football coach Buddy Teevens ’79. This just in: On October 24 Buddy’s struggling team got a big monkey off its back by collaring Columbia at Homecoming to break a long losing streak.

Scannell, looking fit enough to play rugby—and fittingly given his many years of service on the rugby club’s board of overseers—also visited the Corey Ford Rugby Clubhouse while he was in the neighborhood. Peter reported that neighbor and fellow legacy parent John Cholnoky hosted a more intimate reception over the summer for incoming freshmen—er, first-years—from the Greenwich area.

New trustee Bill Helman joined the Hanover gathering and waxed animatedly (thus characteristically) about inspirational new College President Jim Kim. On my second visit I learned why, as President Kim addressed his first Class Officers Weekend gathering. Backed by a slideshow of his first week, Kim engaged and regaled a fairly spellbound audience with his impressions to date and his future plans for the football team (restoration to prominence), fraternities (noting his support), reintroduction of a summer “great issues” course (with a global approach; greeted with a rouse), focus on undergraduate teaching (set in stone), commitment to faculty research (critical to attraction and retention of those good teachers as well as helpful to undergraduate teaching) and the hope that each student will contribute to the quests for solutions to even the most intractable global afflictions (he’s been there).

Mike McClintock presided over all COW ceremonies while Merle Adelman, Lynn Bodden, Mike Palitz and I cheered him from the back. While President Kim has joined the Wheelock succession, Lynn has followed the Rev. Wheelock in a fashion: She is an intentional interim pastor, meaning that she specializes in the delicate role of temporary pastor when called by various Protestant churches. She is such a specialist that in the interims between her interims she trains prospective interims.

’Round the girdled earth version No. 1: The Wall Street Journal ran a nice story that described the efforts of a global group of leading plane financiers to help emergency response donors of medicine and other supplies find unused space on commercial flights. The spokesperson for these good corporate citizens was our own Bob Brown, who has served as a director of the charitable foundation of the industry group. ’Round the girdled earth version No. 2: Kaj Christenson rang me from JP Morgan London where he runs the “distressed” loan restructuring team. He sounded busy but not distressed. Having surrendered bachelorhood at age 41 Kaj is married with two young children. While he hasn’t been back to Hanover since graduation he recently saw Bruce Stockwell in London and regularly sees Peter Storfer, who has been living there for many years and teaches drama and English—mostly to Englishmen, er, Englishpeople. I implored Kaj to return in June (Thursday to Sunday, 17-20) for our 30th reunion. Speaking of which, early indications point to a record turnout so start spreading the news and making your plans. Even if you are undecided, Rob Daisley needs everybody’s current e-mail address; please e-mail him at or robdaisley

Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

It was customary for the kids in my neighborhood to dress up as something scary for Halloween, usually a monster of some sort. Pedestrian hobo, princess and superhero costumes were almost always worn by new kids who hadn’t yet experienced the sheer joy of being seen by others as truly horrifying. And what joy it is! For me, there is nothing quite like it. When an opportunity to horrify an individual or group presents itself, I grab it with gusto. But I have found that what passes for horrifying has changed since our early years. The monsters we grew up with no longer seem so monstrous; even Greg Dunn has mellowed. Vampires aren’t scary anymore; shows like True Blood and Twilight have helped cultivate a new cool and downright sexy image for the bloodsuckers. In movies such as Land of the Dead zombies are more reasonable and intelligent than the humans whose flesh they want to devour. And recent characterizations of a more compassionate, less litigious Devil have certainly made his/her horns appear less long, sharp and pointy. For contemporary examples of pure evil, where are we to turn? Let’s think about this for a moment. Increasingly people like us are portrayed as the bankers who ruined the economy, the lawyers who protect special interests, the business elites who exploit workers and the doctors who amputate legs to collect higher fees. Just pick up the paper or turn on the news: To some we are now the monsters! Here’s a scary thought: Perhaps we should start dressing up as ourselves for Halloween!

A very frightening Bob Wood mask could become a bestseller in the Twin Cities, where in his role as the director of the Center for Craniofacial Services at Gillette Children’s Hospital, Bob performs reconstructive surgeries on children from around the world with congenital head and neck defects. Most of Bob’s patients are less than 1 year old. Later this year Bob will join his colleagues at the University of Minnesota, where he also serves as an assistant clinical professor, on a trip to Africa, where the team will perform craniofacial surgeries on local children in need. Bob’s trip this year follows previous ones to Mexico, Ghana and Haiti. If you want horns removed from your head or bolts removed from your neck, Bob is your man.

Visits to New York will end in disappointment when the shockingly realistic Rob Williams costume is sold out. This will come as no surprise, given the magnetic, Jekyll-and-Hyde appeal of Rob’s lifestyle. By day Rob is a partner in the global securities practice at Milbank Tweed, the law firm where he has spent the past 26 years; at night Rob slinks back to his other life, that of dedicated husband and father in New Jersey. And those of you with children at Dartmouth: beware! In addition to one daughter at Bowdoin and another still in high school Rob and wife Susan have a son who just began his sophomore year at Dartmouth, an excuse they use for making frequent visits there. Better lock that front door, Psi U!

And now it’s time to channel my inner Elmo. Four out of five Philadelphia veterinarians may soon claim that dogs are more frightened by Frank Fesnak than by new Eagles-arrival Michael Vick. After many diabolical years of terrorizing the technology industry, Frank is now teaching math to Philadelphia public high school students while pursuing graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Picture a remake of the old Michael J. Fox movie with a horrifying teacher substituting as the shape-shifter. We’ll call it Quinquagenarian Wolf.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;

We have lived charmed lives partly because we were born at the right time. Indeed, our timing has been near-perfect. Had we been born just a few years earlier or later our lives might be considerably different. Whenever new privileges were handed out to young people we were at the front of the line. For example, many of us dodged bullets—figuratively and quite possibly literally—in 1973 when Congress ended the draft just a few years before our eligibility. When a draft registration requirement returned in 1980 it only applied to young men born in 1960 or later; we somehow slipped under the wire. We also benefited from a timely change in the voting laws. In 1976 we were among the first group of 18-year-olds to vote in a presidential election, when a slight majority of Dartmouth students confounded the sensibilities of our contemporaries by backing incumbent Gerald Ford. Such reckless, Republican-leaning youth we were! And we must be grateful for the trust bestowed in us by the State of New Hampshire, which lowered its legal drinking age to 18 from 21 shortly before we arrived in Hanover before jacking it up to 19 when we were 20-year-old juniors and to 21 after we were long gone.

The stars are scheduled to align for us again this spring when we celebrate our 30th reunion, fittingly in the year 2010. Some of us will fight to get our bodies into shape before reunion but not Mitch Cohen, whose metabolism may still be close to what it was during his days as a cross-country runner. Inspired by a visit from John Quackenbush when John rode his bicycle down the West Coast more than 20 years ago, Mitch likes to take his bike out for scenic trips between his home in Berkeley, California, and faraway destinations such as Seattle and San Diego. He has already signed up for this year’s California Climate Ride, a five-day trip that will end with a climate rally at the governor’s office in Sacramento. At reunion Mitch is interested in leading a 45-mile ride from Hanover to Moosilauke on Thursday morning. Don’t worry: You can stay up on Wednesday night until sunrise and still do this ride.

Mitch shared a recent article from The New York Times about bone-loss treatment that included a quote from our own Nananda Col and identified her as the director of the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation at Maine Medical Center in Portland, which by Yankee reckoning is down and east from Nananda’s previous home in central Massachusetts.

If practice makes perfect, then Marshal Grant should have an outstanding time at our upcoming reunion. Last June Marshal crashed the ’79 30th reunion, which by all accounts was pretty good for a ’79 event but not quite up to ’80 standards. When not attending reunions Marshal still does estate and asset protection planning at Burns & Levinson in Boston. He remains in close contact with Tampa Bay, Florida, area resident Jim Novo and Twin Cities resident Evan Petty. When it’s time for a late-night game of Wales Tails at reunion look no further than these three.

After several years on the West Coast with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, most recently in San Francisco focused on corporate and venture services for their high-tech business, Guy Dietrich has moved to New York to head the private wealth management practice for UBS. It will be fun to see Guy face-to-face at reunion: With so many common personal and professional acquaintances it’s amazing that our paths don’t cross more often.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;

Lest the old traditions fail: The tradition—an alumni conversation with the College president—was old but the medium—a five-city videoconference call—was new. In late January classmates from the New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco areas joined a videoconference with President Jim Kim hosted by trustees Bill Helman and Denise Dupre in Kim’s Parkhurst office. Kim began with some heartwarming comments about the extraordinary College response to the heartrending events in Haiti (where he had spent some formative years). He then gave a state of the College report with (sign of the times) an emphasis on creative cost-management techniques and the continued need for our support even after successful completion of the capital campaign. He answered questions and once again demonstrated his keen sense of Dartmouth’s culture, a sense clearly grounded in a deep knowledge of the College’s history. I happened to be in the Bay Area at the time and thus had the pleasure of joining Cami and Brent Bilger, Brad Koenig and Ross Jaffe for the call at Franklin Templeton’s San Mateo campus.

Since our third trustee-classmate John Rich could not join that call I set up our own private call, eschewing the video (in case either of us had a bad hair day). John is chair of health management and policy at the Drexel School of Public Health and—not surprisingly—has known Jim Kim for 10 years. John describes Kim as a visionary with global perspective and feels that “Jim Kim is ready for Dartmouth and Dartmouth is ready for Jim Kim.” And perhaps the healthcare debate is ready for John: his book, Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Trauma and Violence in the Lives of Young Black Men, was just published.

It is impossible to speak with Rob Daisley without his conjuring a smile from you, so I happily checked in with Rob in January. Dais himself was still smiling in recollection of a post-Christmas road-trip visit from Brian Boyer and family. The Boyers, he reported, loaded up the car, fled the Windy City and drove to the Florida Keys, stopping in the Cigar City (the now probably politically incorrect nickname for Tampa) to stay with the Daisleys.

Dave May reports that he and wife Julie celebrated their 25th anniversary last summer. Dave, having left academia for private practice eight years ago, is practicing musculoskeletal radiology, which means he reads tons of MRIs, including for children and athletes. Like John Rich, Dave is also an author (of a medical textbook) and in his spare time he reviews journal submissions, delivers lectures and does visiting professorships, including one at Dartmouth-Hitchcock in January.

It took Dan Zenkel’s message to loosen my suspicions of LinkedIn. I replied to Dan’s message and the result was a catch-up lunch at Rockefeller Center (Alec Baldwin was a last-minute no-show). Zenks is planning to re-enter the summer camp business. After my lunchtime lobbying I hope that he’ll join us for a camp-like experience at our 30th reunion, June 17-20. It may seem an odd source for reunion (let alone any) inspiration, but how’s this from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: “We looked at the venerable Stream [read: campus] not in the vivid flush of a short day that comes and departs for ever, but in the august light of abiding memories.” For the record, Conrad was speaking of the beloved Thames before leaving for the Congo; thus the point is to evoke “the pleasure, the pleasure” rather than “the horror, the horror.” So e-mail Cami or Merle Adelman to tell her you’re in!

Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

What are you doing, reading this class column? The news is stale. You should be having the time of your life at our reunion right now. Put down the magazine, go to the tent, walk up to a circle of old friends and engage in old-fashioned conversation!

French Hall may soon need to add a subscript to its name: “Home of Tennis Champions.” French freshman floormates Barksdale Penick and John Grim recently teamed up to win the member-guest doubles championship at Barky’s club, the Washington Golf and Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. The victory capped a 15-year quest by Barky, John, and third man Charlie Brown to bring the club title home to where it rightly belongs: our class. By all accounts Barky had one of those great days people will always remember: His serve was crisp, his volleys pinpoint and his ground strokes masterful. Few were in attendance but years from now, many will claim to have been. After several years of exits in the early rounds, the win by Team Barky was so unexpected that club members have added shaking their heads to the more customary habit of shaking their martinis.

After years of fighting the pharmaceutical industry’s attempt to gain immunity through the doctrine of federal preemption, Lanny Vickery played a prominent role in two recent landmark decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court. Apparently, the court agreed with just about everything Lanny wrote, with the possible exception of Judge Samuel Alito, who was seen mouthing the words, “That’s not true,” while reading Lanny’s briefs.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Paul Elmlinger, 1111 Park Ave., #2A, New York, NY 10128;

Setting another record, 220 of us returned to campus for our 30th. Cami Crone Bilger and recently engaged Merle Adelman co-chaired. Deke DesCombes’ revamped ’80 website and Eric Pfeiffer’s Facebook group handled advance publicity. Four-day Reunions, like four years of college, pass too quickly.

Bill and Bray Mitchell ’79/’79A hosted the kick-off gathering at their home overlooking Occom Pond. Inspired by Lanny Vickery’s 1980 Fogcutter’s T-shirt, more than half of the 37 hot “shots” gathered on the veranda, including Chuck Blades, Jeff Citrin, Greg Dunn, Chuck Wheelock, Frank Fesnak and Hans Morris (with daughter Lucy ’14). 

Service of microbrews and wines skillfully selected by Bill Koch was delayed when Janine Fate Avner, Suzanne Baldwin Gilmore and Debo Hart Goth were asked to show over-21 IDs. Page Polk Lipe demonstrated how to dodge the inquiry. Debo tracked down ’shman tripmate Paul Grassie. Paul, training for the 12.5-mile swim around Key West (successfully completed), described his annual JFK 50 ultramarathons: “The last 20 miles can be challenging.” Debo, who unflinchingly skis double black diamonds, deadpanned, “And the first 30 miles?” Including John Cholnoky and Patti Rea (with precious 3-year-old daughter Avery), 83 percent of our trip section made it back. 

I joined Chi-towners Dave Campbell and new class president Brian Boyer for a hike up sun-splashed Mt. Moosilauke. We followed trail-dust of Derek Brown, Amy Ladd, Scott Slater and Trina Olin Santry. At the summit we met up with Paul Grassie, Chick Woodward, Sally Nutt Van Leeuwen, Cindy Ginn Biondi, Sandy Perkowski Sutherland, Carol Pelmas, Ellen Martin Taratus, Meg Blakey (with daughter Avery) and Lisa Shanahan (with daughters Meg and Kate). No nametags needed. Check out the brochure shots on Facebook.

Tent highlights: Ann Donovan (with son Michael), Crystal Morgan Phillips (from London) and Catrina Cash Corey gathering for a classic North Mass breakfast; Jim Puiia and Brian Wicks (with Kate) exchanging one-liners with Pete Scannell, Jim Wilson, John Clark and Frank and Marion Leddy; Meg Coughlin and Mike LePage joyfully describing Meg’s return to work at her Portland, Maine, law firm; Rob Dinsmoor telling Tales from the Troupe (book available at Amazon); and Dan Zenkel speaking only off the record.

As the sun set over picturesque Kemeny Patio, Mike McClintock presented our record 30th gift: $4,050,080. President Kim gave kudos to head agents Michael Palitz, the Bri and our entire class for being “one of the best in Dartmouth history.” His extemporaneous remarks displayed his remarkable passion. As Bill Helman whispered to Brad Koenig, “I would walk through walls for this guy.” Bruce Duthu delivered the keynote. Bruce reminded us how lessons learned as seniors (when “energy crisis” was a new term) will help us solve the eerily similar problems of today. “It will require the best thinking that our education in the liberal arts tradition has helped to provide. Let’s keep at it and get to it!” Forever green, indeed.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

In his delightful synopsis of our reunion in the previous class column, new partner-in-scribe Rob Daisley may not have only set a modern record for the total number of classmates mentioned in a single article. His column also served as a reminder that for many of us there was indeed a Summer of Recovery, despite any economic data to the contrary. Okay, maybe it didn’t take all summer, just the better part of a week, to regain full strength after engaging in all that nonstop activity and late-night carousing at this year’s reunion. Some of us show a gritty determination to ignore our aging bodies and behave like undergraduates each time we return to Hanover.

Fortunately, our class is filled with experts on body repair and reconstruction. Remarkably, a recent New York Times article about hip and knee replacements included advice and comments from not just one but two prominent orthopedic surgeons who are classmates of ours: Dan Berry, chief of orthopedic surgery at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic and vice president of the board of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons; and Donald Fithian, co-director of the ortho-sports medicine program for Kaiser-Permanente in San Diego. When I read the article, the high school math teacher in me screamed, “What’s the probability of that?”

Amy Ladd suggests that seeing two classmates’ names in a single newspaper article about orthopedic medicine may not be as improbable as it initially seems, given the numbers. According to Amy, the field is rife with Dartmouth alums. When she left Dartmouth for medical school at the SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Amy was joined by classmates Brian Wicks and Rick Zogby. All three chose to specialize in orthopedic surgery. Like Dan and Donald, all three are now prominent specialists in the field. Brian practices in greater Seattle, Rick in Syracuse, New York, and Amy is now a professor of orthopedic surgery at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, California, and chief of the children’s hand clinic at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. There is a school of thought that sees the relationship between Dartmouth and orthopedic medicine as more that coincidental. Are there attributes in the two cultures that are similar, inherent qualities that tend to attract the same type of person?

Like these orthopedic surgeons Chuck Wheelock is also an expert on rebuilding joints that have experienced too much wear and tear. As design director for Johnny Grey Studios USA, Chuck oversees the design and construction of truly fabulous customized kitchens for high-end clients across the continent. Chuck lives with his wife and two sons in Greenwich, Connecticut, where kitchens typically get remodeled every six months or so. The business is a labor of love for Chuck, who became aware of his passion for architecture and design shortly after leaving Dartmouth. Alas, if we had only recognized Chuck’s talent a little earlier, the basement of Bones Gate might be a much nicer place today. 

But the world is most certainly a safer place because of the work of Jim MacDougall, who now serves as the U.S. deputy director of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Germany. The Marshall Center, a renowned international security and defense studies institute, offers programs of study for military officers and civilian government officials. Prior to this assignment Jim served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Eurasia, with responsibility for planning and developing U.S. defense and national security policy for Russia, Ukraine and several adjacent regions. In 2006 Dr. MacDougall received the Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Medal from the Secretary of Defense. Thank you, Jim!

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Mary Ann McDonald Carolan, professor of modern languages and literature, directs the Italian studies program at Fairfield University—not a bad gig for a govy major. She just published The Transatlantic Gaze: Italian Cinema, American Film, which tracks the influence of Italian cinema on American film from the postwar period to the present.Mary Ann opted for a subject of greater interest than your usual scholarly fare after discussion with the first person she met on campus, Sue Kahil. Emily Katz Anhalt, Debbie Wolk Berger and Joni Von Herrmann helped her persevere through the lengthy slog of researching, writing and seemingly endless rewriting. Teaching undergraduate and grad students, lecturing in Italy and spending time with husband Jim and daughters Maria ’12 and Anna Barnard ’14 keep Mary Ann running.Mary Ann fondly recalls that her incredible journey started when she, Peggy Stewart and 10 others went to Rome for the classics foreign study program with professor Edward Bradley.

Our dean of freshmen and honorary classmate Karen Blank passed away of cancer this past December 31. Karen spent her last 28 years serving as dean for Columbia University and Barnard College. Ross Jaffe reconnected with Karen when his daughter Brooke transferred to Barnard three years ago. Ross and wife Eve helped Karen set up the Karen Blank Scholarship Fund so that her legacy might be continued at Barnard. As Ross noted, “Throughout her illness Karen was her usual calm and positive self, wanting to focus more on others than herself.”

Ross continues to work as managing director of Versant Ventures, a healthcare-focused venture capital firm he co-founded in 1999. He is currently working with the FDA on improving the regulation of medical device innovations. He lectures at Tuck on healthcare venture capital and serves on the Geisel School board of overseers. Ross still skis and plays tennis and recently added a new hobby: racing a Lotus Elise sports car in the West Coast Lotus Cup race series.

The 35th reunion pregame festivities have begun. In January Merle Adelman, Jeff Demers, Laura Prescott, Kenji Hayao, Ann McNay, Eric Pfeiffer and Cathy McGrath gathered at the Bull Run Tavern in Shirley, Massachusetts. Eric assures us that the Bull Run II will be equally successful. In February Paul Elmlinger and Regina Ketting hosted a larger gathering at the Yale Club in New York. Cathy, Beth Baron, Bill Helman, Chris Sawch, Dan Zenkel, Guy Dietrich, John Cholnoky, Hans Morris, Lori Zelikow Florio, Lisa Shanahan, Bob Garry, Sally Sandercock Michler, Sean Wilson, Laura Schnell, Stuart Bell, Victoria Sturgis Neely, Scott Bechler and Meg Blakey toasted Noky’s retirement and Lisa’s birthday. 

The common thread that ties together Scott, Meg, Barry Krumm, Dave McQueeny, Earl Grossman, Lauri Livesy Sandusky and Frank Fesnak? They all took jobs with IBM upon graduation. Frank will report on who figured it out next column. 

Check out the Dartmouth class of 1980 Facebook page for mini-reunion photos and more; everyone looks virtually the same on Facebook as in the Freshman Book.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

So here’s a question for you philosophy majors: If two or more classmates have a conversation and a class secretary isn’t around to record it, do they make a sound? And now the logical follow-up: How loud can it get when two secretaries are present?

At an annual get-together in New York City I had the pleasure of sitting across the table from Stanley Weil ’79, the author of the class column you routinely (and wisely) skip over to read this one. We couldn’t resist lamenting the challenging times we face as column writers. How much easier was it for predecessors Mike Carothers and Dan Zenkel, who could fill endless columns with scores of saccharine updates on weddings, promotions, advanced degrees and newborn babies? At this stage of the game what scraps have you, our classmates, left for us? Like the Robert DeNiro character in all his recent movies, we “hear things.” But who wants to read about midlife crises, divorces, serial rehabs and beaten murder raps? Certainly not highbrow readers like you!

You’ll have to read Stan’s column to gain his perspective but my big takeaway from the evening is that Stan, Terry Gould ’79 and Rich Brown ’79 all look much older and less hip than any of the members of our class. The members of that class look uniformly beaten and tired, like shells of the young men and women they once were, while the ’80s I meet seem almost younger each time I see them. It was no different with our dinner group. Who could be fresher than Chuck Blades, a man personified by the evening’s first course, a salad? I suspect that we’ll soon find decrepit portraits in the attics of the Dick Clark-impersonating Rob Ruocco and Hans Morris, and whatever Jeff Citrin has lost in head hair he has clearly made up in vitality. Is it me or is there something invigorating about the youthful humor of Craig Lambdin? And can someone explain why most adult hairlines creep backward while Mark Alperin’s rushes forward?

Perhaps taking their cue from the legendary cliff swallows that take residence in the local mission each spring, Andy Graham, his wife Janeen ’96, and young sons Robbie and Reid recently relocated from Newport Beach, California, to San Juan Capistrano, where Janeen is now academic dean at St. Margaret’s Episcopal School. As those of us who have lived there know, it doesn’t get much better than life in Orange County. Andy continues with private equity investing, which is where he learned how to trade one slice of heaven for another.

By the time this column went to press, we hadn’t received any correct answers to our last “common thread” puzzle, but for those of you who are wondering whether you’re on the right track, let’s just say that fellow scribe Rob Daisley might have had the music of Willie Nelson or Ray Charles “on his mind” when he formulated the question. Now it’s time for the latest opportunity to show how well you know your fellow classmates: this month’s “’80 List.” What is the common thread that pulls these people together: Barry Krumm, Scott Bechler, Meg Blakey, Dave McQueeney, Earl Grossman, Rob Speidel, Lauri Livesey Sandusky?

You could put my name on this list as well. If you think you know the answer, send us an email. The first three with correct answers will win Gift Rocket cards redeemable at the Dartmouth Bookstore. Get that Dartmouth shot glass you’ve been dreaming about!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

There’s a thread that ties many of us together. This connection is evident in the lives we are leading more than 30 years after we separated.

The turnout at this summer’s New York dinner was smaller than usual; besides myself, our group included Hans Morris, Chuck Wheelock, Rob Ruocco, Craig Lambdin and Mark Zimmerman ’81. Rob shared his admiration and respect for classmate Jim Wilson, with whom he has worked side-by-side for many years as a general partner at New York-based financial firm Carl Marks. Chuck talked about the partnership he developed with classmate Lanny Vickery when the two of them worked together to redesign Lanny’s Austin, Texas home—a home that has since been featured in architectural magazines. Craig and I talked about our favorite TV shows. (Are you also watching Drunk History?) We all poked fun at last-minute no-shows Jeff Citrin, Earl Grossman and Paul Elminger.

Did you know that Paul, Winston Hutchins and Doug Sacks all live in the same Park Avenue building? Small world. This summer my family and I enjoyed a lovely evening with Doug, his wife, Patty, their daughter and at least a dozen of her friends, and their two dogs at Doug’s marvelous summer home on Martha’s Vineyard. It’s that thread that pulled us together.

In related-but-unrelated news, Chris Bensley is now president and CEO of a startup travel services company. Two of his trusted directors are Bart Littlefield and Don McNaughton ’81.

In the July issue we introduced a new column feature, the ’80 List. After listing the following group of names we posed the question, “What do these classmates have in common?” The list included Albert Ellis, Bill Stewart, Joe Hunter, Tom Isaacson, George Morris, Bill Finnegan, John Toulmin and Grant MacEwan.

After seeing his name on the list, Tom Isaacson gave the subject some thought before asking for a hint. But in the very first sentence of the personal update he included with his request, Tom identified the list’s common thread. Tom’s partner’s name is Anne, with an “e.” Indeed, each of the fine gentlemen is or has coupled with an Anne. Worth noting: Two of these eight spouses are classmates Anne VanRoden Hunter and Anne Daigneault MacEwan. Now how hard was that?

Let’s return to Tom, who was drawn by his love for rock climbing to Boulder, Colorado, from Washington, D.C., back in 1998. Since then his interests have broadened to hiking, skiing and cycling. For the past five years Tom has competed in the bike race to the summit of Mount Evans (14,100 feet) and hopes to race someday to the top of Mount Washington, the mountain of his youth. For work Tom telecommutes to the D.C. offices of Covington & Burling, where he handles class action antitrust lawsuits. There are high standards for lawyers in Washington and for outdoor athletes in Boulder but that doesn’t faze Tom: “It’s not easy keeping up in both worlds, but I am happy to give it a shot.”

It’s time for this month’s ’80 List. What do these classmates have in common? Can you identify the thread that pulls these people together: Tom Chapin, Lauri Livesey Sanduski, Keith Glovins, Dan Freihofer, David MacAllaster, Jerry Bird, Debbie Wolk Berger, Al Noyes, Hope Picker, Keith Quinton, Jay Weed, Bill Finnegan, Katie Wiley Laud, Roman Lipp, Andy Graham, Jeff Sawyer, Trina Olin Santry, Grant MacEwan, Bob Burnham and Steve Rutan. The first three correct answers will win gift certificates from the Dartmouth Co-op!

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

More than 30 women from the class celebrated 40 years of coeducation at Greenways. Bruce Duthu moderated the “Scales of Justice” panel featuring Janine Fate Avner. Janine practices corporate and estate planning law in Los Angeles. Bruce’s latest book, Shadow Nations: Tribal Sovereignty and the Limits of Tribal Pluralism, is available at Amazon. Marianna Grossman, president and executive director of Sustainable Silicon Valley, spoke on “A Deeper Shade of Green: Sustainability.” Julie Dunfey joined the “Telling Our Story” panel to share her experiences as an Emmy Award-winning producer. Julie co-produced The Dust Bowl with Ken Burns. Denise Dupre, trustee and adjunct at a university in Cambridge, joined economics professor Nancy Marion on “Schools of Thought.” Fellow trustee John Rich spoke at the closing event on MacArthur fellows. Ann Munves Malenka hosted a brunch at her beautiful home in Etna, New Hampshire. Maureen Gannon McElhinney, Merle Adelman, Laurel Smith, Emily Katz Anhalt, Patti Rea, Shaun Smith, Peggy Stewart, Liz Pickar Gray, Paula Ness Spears, Susan Fagerstrom, Meg Van Dorn Pillsbury, Karen Abrams, Ellen Martin Taratus, Beth Baron, Cathy McGrath, Susan Ackerman, Emily Kahil, Katie Wiley Laud, Laura Moore and Mary Ann Carolan also attended.

Dan FitzPatrick, Paul Elmlinger, Pete Scannell, Brad Koenig, Michael Palitz, Alex Frank, Jay Weed, Cammie and Brent Bilger and Amy ’77 and John Cholnoky and several others celebrated their children’s graduation from the College. The Cholnokys are now five for five in collecting diplomae Dartmouthensis. Dan’s brother Tony ’71 made it a hat trick of FitzPatrick alums in Hanover. Dan runs the growing private banking division at Webster Bank in Connecticut. Webster is a “green” bank founded during the Depression by Harold Webster Smith ’33; son Jim Smith ’71 is CEO. 

Father Gerry Murray presided at the funeral Mass celebrating the life of Mike McClintock, who passed away suddenly on June 2. Clints’ wife, Cynthia, and their three children were grateful for the presence of large numbers of our Dartmouth family at the wake and Mass, including Mike Barrett, Peter Fowler, Don O’Brien, Winston Hutchins, Bill Finnegan, Jamie Ardrey, Dan Zenkel, Cornelia Purcell, Merle Adelman, Hans Morris, Boomer, Debbie Leggat, Sally Sandercock Michler, Jim Wilson, Wade Herring, Susan Fagerstrom, Jeff Citrin, Rob Ruocco, Katie Currier Small, Laura Guiliano, Buddy Ide, Regina Rehkamp Ketting, Lisa Shanahan, Mark Alperin and Ann and Grant MacEwan. “We are grateful to have known and loved this man whom we so miss,” noted Gerry in his homily. 

To honor the spirit of a man who would rather us recount the lengthy list of classmates who paid their respects than his lengthy list of accomplishments for the class and the College, we turn to Bump: “What an inspirational life Mike led. We are all made better by the many wonderful people we have been fortunate to have in our lives. What a lucky group we were to arrive in Hanover that September in 1976. I continue to be amazed by what our classmates have done with their lives and especially what good, kind people they are.” Cheers, Clints. 

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

With a world of information only a double-click away, genealogy has become a popular hobby. When the search for ancestral roots calls for a professional, Laura Prescott steps in. A past president of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Laura travels the country speaking on such topics as the 1940 Census and how to use the national online library. Laura’s busy schedule leaves her with little time for individual research, but if you really need to know if your family recipes are half-baked or legit, drop her a line. 

When daughter Stephanie graduated from high school two years ago, Deb Hart Goth discovered the ideal way for mother and daughter to celebrate: road trip. Lest the Goth traditions fail, Debo and younger daughter Jessica spent grad week in sunny Florida. After visiting Harry Potter at Universal, the duo headed to the coast for swimming with the manatees, relaxing on St. Pete beach and dinner with the Daisleys at Harry’s Beach Bar. After a decade as PTO leader and substitute math teacher, Deb has been improving her local Monument, Colorado, schools. The most recent Dartmouth ski team member to hail from Kansas is up for the challenge of dealing with Colorado’s education budget crisis. 

The Dartmouth rugby football club (DRFC) kicked off summer by successfully defending our national championship in the CRC 7’s. As the Big Green backs went tearing by, one could not help but recall the prolific scoring of Drew Miller to Pete Scannell to Webb Vorys to Dave Kollmorgen to Bob Brown to Grant Bogle to Kevin Ryan. As Bob pointed out, the only thing that looked different was the apparent inability of the current players to grow moustaches like Webb and Koll. Head out to the world-class Corey Ford Clubhouse this fall to see for yourself how the DRFC has evolved into arguably the premier college rugby team in America. As Grant noted, “The clubhouse is truly incredible. Too nice for the likes of the team we played on. But we did have fun.” Grant’s youngest is leaving their Houston home for the University of Vermont this fall. His eldest began work in D.C. this summer and his middle daughter is a senior at Wake Forest. 

Guy Dietrich, Peter Lubin and Brian Boyer recently got together for lunch and laughs in Chicago. The smiles on the Facebook photo were a mile wide. Peter practices law in Chicago. Guy, who just retired from managing UBS’ private wealth groups in New York and San Francisco, has been named a fellow at Harvard’s Business and Government schools.

With mini-reunions scheduled for September 29 (Class Officers Weekend) and October 27 (Homecoming), you need not wait until the 35th to return to Hanover. If you will not make it back until the next reunion, we have good news: “clustered” reunions are back. The ’79s and ’81s will be invited to join us in 2015. Hope to see you before then. P.S. Please join the class of 1980 Facebook page today.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

If you happen across the Green in a few weeks you will happen across some familiar faces. Fifteen sons and daughters of ’80s will matriculate as ’15s. Among them children of Brian Boyer (Reed), Scott Osman (Andrew), Bill Helman (William), Steve Bullock (Janelle), Stu Bell (Cody), Michael Dula (Walker), Liz and Burr ’79 Gray (Rachel), John Mahoney (Kathleen), Tim and Margaret Pillsbury (Andrew), Anne and Colin ’82 McNay (James)and Bob and Su-Moon ’81 Brown (Chet).

Mike and Jeanne Lynch were pleasantly surprised that daughter Haylely chose Dartmouth without much prodding from the ’rents. Hayley played four years of field hockey, but expects to focus on a cappella and jazz music in college. She is interested in studying science. Another Dr. Lynch, of course, would be most welcome. Mike, as fit last reunion as when he wore No. 47, continues to practice orthopedic surgery in Connecticut. 

Ben Zuraw’sdaughter Lane will be joining sister Lucy on campus. Lane played field hockey in high school and aims to study history. Lucy, a history major who went to Mexico on LSA and London on FSP, is writing her senior honors thesis this fall on British law in colonial India. His former corporate law gig now a distant memory, Ben is celebrating 10 years of teaching civics at Greensboro Day School in North Carolina. 

Catherine, Jeff Baker’s youngest, follows in the footsteps of sister Allison ’09. Her older brother is a senior at Brown. Catherine has an interest in medicine and plans on playing club hockey. Jeff is a hematologist-oncologist in Connecticut. He served as a doctor for 10 years in the U.S. Army before entering private practice. Jeff married Marie (Middlebury ’82) in 1984. She now teaches English at a local university. Jeff noted that it has been 31 years since we played rugby together; see you at the 35th.

Annie, daughter of Holly Raths Hart, will be a sophomore this fall. Blessed with her mother’s infectious smile and love of winter sport, Annie skis cross-country for Dartmouth. She earned Eastern Intercollegiate Ski Association Rookie of the Year honors after finishing third at Carnival and fifth in the EISA championships. At the end of spring term Holly, who lives in Minnesota, treated the ski team to breakfast at Lou’s. Holly played hockey at Dartmouth, but caught the cross-country ski bug when her daughter started to compete in high school. Holly now even skijors at the Hart’s Wisconsin cabin. Skijor? Dog pulls skier, who needs to be as athletic as Holly to avoid making snow angels the hard way. 

Undergrads and alums alike enjoy today’s spectacular campus due to the tireless efforts of volunteers such as Mike McClintock. Last spring the College recognized Mike, and two others, with induction into the Stephen F. Mandel ’52 Society for outstanding Dartmouth College Fund leadership. Merle Adelman, Mark Alperin, Alex Frank, Bob Garry, Debbie Leggat, David MacAllaster, Lisa Shanahan and Rob Williams were on hand to honor Mike. Congratulations, Clints! 

Rob Daisley 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

We may dress better, look older, dine in finer restaurants and more often than not behave as civilized adults. But there’s still no mistaking a reunion of Dartmouth friends. When Mark Alperin, Rick Gemberling, Jeff Citrin, Hans Morris, Tom Daniels ’82, Craig Lambdin, Robert Ruocco, David Turino ’81, Chuck Wheelock, Doug Sacks and I recently assembled for dinner in Greenwich Village in N.Y.C., the couple at the adjacent table approached to ask, “Are you college buddies?” It was a bold and accurate identification that helped wipe away the introspection and confusion caused by the bartender’s earlier guess, “Are you guys in the cast of Jersey Boys?”

Our classmates continue to accomplish great things in the world of academia. I recently caught up with Beth Baron, who has been the director of the Middle Eastern American Center at the City of New York Graduate Center since its establishment 11 years ago. Beth has stayed busy by starting up a major in Middle Eastern history and an master’s program in Middle Eastern studies, editing the International Journal of Middle East Studies and keeping up with research and writing that includes the upcoming completion of a manuscript: The Orphan Scandal: Christian Missionaries and Muslim Brothers in Egypt. One of Beth’s greatest joys has been mentoring graduate students. One former grad student, Sara Pursley ’91, worked with Beth on editing the journal and with the recent awarding of her doctorate, is now Beth’s associate editor. 

If you visit Hanover this fall you might consider looking up Larry Robinson. Larry is guest teaching the “Decision Science” class at Tuck before he returns to Ithaca, New York, where he has been a professor of operations management at Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management since 1986. In recent years Larry has taken sabbaticals at Duke, the University of Rochester and the University of Chicago. Larry enjoys teaching—grading, not so much—and compares the classroom to a stage. Some of Larry’s recent work involves research on scheduling doctor appointments and designating an optimal number of handicapped parking spaces. Larry and wife Marcie have been together for 23 years, with son Eli entering his sophomore year in college out west.

Currently serving a three-year “sentence” as chair of the chemistry department and a professor of chemistry at the University of San Francisco (USF), Larry Margerum sees himself as more of a coach than a teacher in the classroom. Larry thinks that all the youth coaching he’s done—children Derick and Val both currently participate in college-level sports—convinced him that less talking and more doing leads to more learning. During the 15 years between Dartmouth and landing the position at USF, Larry developed his expertise by “doing” lots and lots of lab work in both the classroom (he earned a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina and did post-doctorate work at UCLA) and corporate world (he once worked as a chemist at Oakland, California-based Clorox, where he met wife Suzanne, a chemical engineer). For research Larry runs a group that is looking at possible applications of nano-chemistry to color sensors. Larry and Suzanne live in Lafayette, California, where they have been reduced to biking and swimming after their legs gave out a few years ago.

Stay posted. There are many more great stories to share.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

Far more of us now hail from the South and West than when we were children. But most of us still live in the densely populated Northeast corridor in cities and towns we assumed were impervious to the natural disasters our migrating classmates in the Sunbelt signed up for. In Philadelphia we have grown to expect the occasional marauding flash mob. But an earthquake and hurricane all in a single week? Remarkably, I was in California when the earthquake hit the Eastern Seaboard and in Florida when the hurricane blew through. How’s that for irony?

George Lester can attest to the twisted genius beneath the nicknames we gave each other. But there’s a good chance he would get a different nickname today. Times have changed. An increased sensitivity to natural disasters might inspire a new wave of nicknames. Ty “Phoon” Anderson, Carter “Hurricane” Harsh, Andy “The Fault” Graham and Colin “Churning Sea” Foam seem like excellent candidates for the Chris Berman treatment.

Let’s work our way up the coast like Irene did. From his home just outside the Beltway in Potomac, Maryland, Paul Jacoby and his wife, Margot, celebrated their 23rd anniversary while preparing for the storm’s arrival. During their 15-plus years in the D.C. area Paul and his wife have raised three daughters: two who are now in college, with a third still in high school. Paul spent several years in various executive positions at MCI before joining the leadership at a small cyber-security company, where he’s working hard but having more fun than ever.

Several weeks before the big storm, Hans Morris and I stood for hours in a downpour that rivaled Irene’s intensity, doing our best to enjoy an outdoor performance by Wilco. We were outside of Mass Museum of Contemporary Art in North Adams, Massachusetts, where Hans serves as chairman of the museum’s board of trustees. We met the members of the Chicago-based band after the concert and can report that they would have fit in well with the boys at Kappa Sig.

I recently caught up with David Osborn—for those of you without a scorecard, that’s David S. Osborn, not David D. Osborn. Dave and his wife, Debbie, have settled in the Boston area, where Dave now works as COO of a consulting firm in Cambridge that helps companies “go green.” Coincidentally, Dave’s longtime roommate Rob Speidel is also engaged with green technologies, as reported in a previous column. Through the years Dave and his family have lived in a number of interesting places, including Australia. He now has one grown son, three high school teenagers, three cats, two dogs and a python. Good luck with all that, Dave!

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

In the 25th reunion yearbook Brooks Shumway vividly described her battles with cancer. Brooks remained upbeat, notwithstanding the emotional and physical toll of recurring serious illness. She dedicated herself to nonprofit work, travel, friends and family. She passed away in January at Stanford University Hospital. Upon learning the news, Bert Boles recalled how gracefully Brooks handled herself in class discussions with the toughest professors in their Stanford J.D./M.B.A. program. Regina Ketting hosted a dinner in memory of Brooks at the Yale/Dartmouth Club in New York City; Anne Patterson, Fr. Gerry Murray, Judy Recke and Jeanet Hardigg Irwin attended. 

Peter Marlette reported on a Kappa Sig mini-reunion: “Spent a great few days in Sea Island, Georgia, with Blake Shepard, Paul Mourning, Bill White, Curt Flight and Jamie Ardrey. Good golf, food, drink, Super Bowl and outstanding company.” This group undoubtedly will find a better location than New Jersey for Super Bowl XLVIII.

Dartmouth Lawyers Association continuing legal education Ski XXVI provided an opportunity for Ellen Vannah, Jon Bye and me to get together in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Ellen’s work as a worker’s compensation judge in Beaumont, Texas, has only sharpened her already keen and perceptive wit. Jon continues to litigate contract disputes for Lindquist & Vennum in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Both carved up the champagne powder. 

Lisa Shanahan hosted a midwinter mini-reunion dinner at her house in Connecticut. Ellen Martin Taratus, Meg Blakey, Geoff Edelson, Bill Helman, Susan Adler Funk ’81 and Amy ’77 and John Cholnoky enjoyed the cuisine of Ellen’s husband, Ken, and conversation that went late into the night.

Noky, Joe Misiewicz and Brian Wicks paid tribute to one of our finest at the funeral Mass held in Fayetteville, New York, this past February for Rick Zogby. Jim Wilson was moved by what a great job they did in celebrating a life worth celebrating. Zogs passed away of cancer on Valentine’s Day, surrounded by family and holding hands with his wife, Colleen. He was a father of four, skilled orthopedic surgeon and as much a leader in his community as he was on the rugby pitch. 

The news brought forth poignant remembrances from a long list of Dartmouth friends, but as Noky pointed out, “Anyone who knew Rick well would know that he would not want us to get mopey; he liked having fun too much.” Cathel MacLeod added, “If he ever had a bad day, it never showed to those around him.” Drew Dougherty echoed the universal sentiment, “Really sad, but also touching how much love he inspired.”

Webb Vorys captured the essence of Zogs: “What a good man he was. While any person is hard to sum up, when I think of Zogs I think of a guy who was extremely gifted but totally humble, a guy who would give but expect nothing in return, a guy who put team before self, a guy who, even if you hadn’t seen him for years, you always kept in the ‘great friend’ category, a guy with a smile that said it all.”

Rob Daisley,3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Film critic for The Boston Globe is a dream job by any measure, especially when you handle it with the style, humor and insight of Ty Burr. Behind the scenes, though, may be a tad less glamorous than you envision. Ty spent Oscar night at the office, watching television and filing copy. Ty’s latest book, Gods Like Us: On Movie Stardom and Modern Fame, will be published this fall; get it at Amazon.

Hollywood could not write a script as inspiring as the last few years in the life of Meg Coughlin LePage. Diagnosed with ovarian/uterine cancer in 2009, she underwent six months of surgeries and chemo, but missed only about two weeks of work as an employment lawyer in Maine. “I must admit I was a little tired, but it was better than sitting around at home.” 

Meg ran a few miles a week to help her recover from chemo. This past winter she got serious. She started her December weekdays with 5 a.m. jogs in 5-degree temperatures. By February she had run a 10-miler in Maine and a half-marathon in New Hampshire. Meg did not predict when she will challenge her son James, who set two Bates College distance running records this year. Meg ran into George Lester at one of James’ track meets; George’s son Ben runs for Colby College.

Another LePage runner, Bowdoin’s Liza, led Meg to travel halfway round the girdled earth with Lauri Livesy Sandusky. Lauri’s daughter Jennifer, a junior at Tufts, took a semester abroad in Capetown, South Africa, the same time as Liza. Their mini-reunion included a three-day safari.

If you are looking to dress like a star while staying in LePage shape, check out PrismSport’s spring line of athletic apparel. Lori Zelikow Florio and Emily Lisberger Vitale launched the company after one-too-many tennis games and yoga classes in less-fashionable style than we have become accustomed to seeing them in. Paul McCartney’s wife sported a Prism top in People magazine. 

Dressed in skiwear, Merle Adelman and Ron Menner exchanged vows alongside the trails at Windblown Cross Country Ski Center in New Ipswich, New Hampshire. Laurel Smith, justice of the peace for a day, presided over the late January nuptials. Congratulations, Ron and Merle!

Merle passed along news regarding classmates in attendance. Laurel and her husband, Kevin Donahoe, live in Boise, Idaho, but they “wintered” in Jackson, New Hampshire, this year so that they could be closer to daughter Emma’s cross-country ski races for Colby College. Bill Koch handled the beer and wine for the wedding. When not performing in local theater, Bill continues to practice dentistry in Barre, Vermont.

Merle’s cousin Alex Frank and his wife, Jane, live in New York City close to Paul and Jenny Elmlinger. The Franks’ daughter Kendall graduated from Dartmouth in 2010 and her sister Annabelle is a ’13. Alex is the new CFO at Fifth Street Finance.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Class of ’80s roam the girdled earth as destined, but to where?

Ex-Hoosier Richard Williams practices sports medicine in Cookeville, Tennessee. To kick off summer he is taking his children and spouses to Bonnaroo, a weekend of music and family “togetherness” (in a rented RV). We await Dick’s report on how Lil Wayne compared to Stephen Stills.

Kathryn Flitner Wallop suggests Sheridan, Wyoming. Literally. Kathryn recently Facebooked a plug for its frontier downtown, Big Horn Mountains view and enough historical sites for any “History 57” student. Sheridan High has a tremendously talented English and drama teacher. Kate remains a cowgirl, but one with a current passport.

Dennis Geist also loves life out west: “I’ve been a geology professor at University of Idaho for 21 years, specializing in volcanology. Three classmates are geology professors: John Stix (McGill), Craig Feibel (Rutgers) and Cliff Stanley (Acadia). Work takes me from Antarctica to Iceland to the Andes, but mostly to the Galapagos Islands, which has volcanoes as well as giant tortoises. I volunteer for Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) on Galapagos conservation projects; CDF has staved off dozens of extinctions. Outside of work and family (daughter Beryl graduates from college in May, then is off to research Panama coral reefs), I enjoy Idaho—fly fishing, mountain biking and backcountry skiing. I serve as rugby faculty advisor (bail bondsman). After 10 years of bachelorhood I do pretty much everything with Karen Harpp, from volcanoes to raising poorly behaved dogs. Coincidentally, she attended the same college.” Congratulations, Denny, on reaping the rewards of your hard work, and thanks for selectively recalling the 1980 London Dartmouth rugby football club tour.

From Portland, Oregon, Dr. Carol Pelmas reports: “My news is a bit ironic. Last fall, doing home maintenance, I took a fall from our deck. I broke my right leg and left hand. I’ve had surgery and unplanned downtime. Tasting my own medicine as it were. I’m on the comeback trail, plan to resume the bike commute (which should have been the cause of an injury, think darkness, sleet, cars!) and I hope race cyclocross soon. Cyclocross? The perfect sport uniting bikes and mud and kid-like fun. I’ve exchanged e-mails with Anne VanRoden about a spring girls’ spa mini-reunion. Annie’s son (with spouse Joe Hunter) was admitted to MIT early decision. Before we moved I used to see Tony Furnary at the hospital.” Please hold the chant until column end. 

Cathy McGrath and Dave Bumsted are organizing mini-reunions everywhere. For deets, see the class website (thanks, Deke) or contact Peter Fowler and Joan Clements Francis in San Francisco; Bri and Rob Schoder in Chicago; Stacey Phillips in L.A.; Mark and Paula Speers in Boston; Joe Mannes, Frank Vecella and Scott Zashin in Dallas; Bill Goodspeed and Meg Coughlin LePage in Portland, Maine; Bump in Atlanta; and Cathy McGrath in the Upper Valley. Mark two future minis on your calendar: Homecoming and Winter Carnival! Regina Rehkamp Ketting attended Carnival this year. The highlight: a rocking Thompson Arena hockey game. Let the chant begin.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

If your travels during spring break bring you near the North or South poles, keep an eye out for Ken Golden, who has now completed 15 scientific trips to the polar regions. Ken, a professor of mathematics at the University of Utah, has studied sea ice for most of his life and wrestles with one of the most compelling issues of our time: climate change and the fate of the polar ice caps. Ken is known for applying the ideas and methods of composite materials and statistical physics to sea ice and the climate system. He recently returned from a major two-month Antarctic expedition and the icebreaker Aurora Australis, which served as a floating home for Ken and his four shipping crates of experimental equipment. Ken began his studies of sea ice at NASA while in high school. At Dartmouth he continued his studies at the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab on Lyme Road. Competing interests drew Ken briefly away from sea ice—he earned a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and worked postdoctoral and faculty positions at Princeton and Rutgers—before he relocated to Salt Lake City, Utah, and returned to the ice, first by helping friends with their Antarctic experiments and then by running his own. In 2011 Ken was selected as a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for “extraordinary interdisciplinary work on the mathematics of sea ice.” In 2012 Ken received the University of Utah’s highest research award after receiving the school’s highest teaching award in 2007. He has presented his findings on polar climate change to Congress three separate times. Ken shows his large freshman calculus classes videos of fun-loving penguins to drive home the notion of how unexpectedly useful math can be and how it can take you to places never imagined.

Many of the outstanding students you knew are outstanding teachers today. Bert Boles recently forwarded an article about revival of teaching excellence at medical schools that mentioned the recognition of professor of medicine Jonathan Barasch,“an enormously talented teacher,” as the first Glenda Garvey Scholar at the College of Physicians & Surgeons at Columbia University. Bert recalled the inspiration gained from the outstanding teaching of Dartmouth chemistry professor Robert Ditchfield and the nights Bert and Jon prepared for his exams by taking turns “teaching” each other. Now we see that for Jon it was only the beginning.

In other education-related news, Franklin Pierce University has elected Steve Camerino to serve on its board of trustees. As director and chair of the energy, utilities and telecommunications group for New Hampshire-based law firm McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, Steve has distinguished himself as one of the state’s leading lawyers. It is said that fellow Franklin Pierce trustee Marlin Fitzwater warmly welcomed Steve to the board immediately after confirming that Steve was not a character played by Sasha Baron Cohen.

For a postscript to the last column’s praise for Dartmouth’s championship rugby team and the indirect contributions made by Bart Littlefield and Pete Scannell, let’s turn to Scott Slater. In the spring and the fall Scott felt conflicted while watching his son Tim, a rugby player for the Big Ten champion University of Wisconsin, go head-to-head with the Big Green in national tournaments. Alma mater or almus filius? The stronger play and bigger fan turnout on the Dartmouth side helped Scott justify his decision to sport Dartmouth gear—but not during Wisconsin games. Scott continues to work for Charles Schwab in Minneapolis, where he occasionally sees Buddy Ide, Tom Marek, Jon Bye and Page Lipe.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

American students are less proficient in American history than any other subject. According to the results of a nationwide test released last summer, most fourth-graders are unable to identify why Abraham Lincoln was an important figure, a majority of middle schoolers don’t know which side won the Revolutionary War and only a small percentage of high school seniors are able to identify China as the North Korean ally that fought American troops during the Korean War. Overall, just 20 percent of fourth-graders, 17 percent of eighth-graders and 12 percent of high school seniors demonstrated proficiency on the history exam.

Don’t blame me: I teach math, not history, and I’ve been doing it for less than three years. And certainly don’t blame Kathryn Flitner Wallop, who has been an outstanding English teacher at Sheridan High School in Sheridan, Wyoming, for the past 15 years. She entered Dartmouth with “slightly scuffed cowboy boots and rodeo queen belt” and after graduating followed a long and winding road that eventually led to the classroom after stints in advertising copywriting, public relations, guest ranch management, radio ad sales and voiceover, waitressing and various escapades in TV and print, including an infomercial that earned her some late-night notoriety as the “Bug Zapper Girl.” Whenever she feels the symptoms of teacher burn-out she reminds herself that there’s no better job than guiding young people through the world of big ideas. And then Kathryn tackles two other challenges in her insanely busy life: completing a second master’s degree, this one in fine arts, and raising her two young girls—ages 9 and 4—with restaurateur husband Oliver, perfect counterpoints to their 27-year-old big brother.

And don’t blame Al Noyes, who has been pioneering new and better approaches to education for more than 15 years. When Al was recently offered the opportunity to return to his native Maine to run an 80-year-old educational publisher, he jumped at the chance. Al has returned with his wife, Kathy, and two young children—ages 12 and 9—to Falmouth, Maine, the town where he grew up. Al’s family loves the lifestyle in Maine. At Walch Education Al is leading the transition of the company from a provider of supplemental educational books to a developer of mass-customized teacher and student resources, with the objective of enhancing the quality of interaction between teachers and students by eliminating many of the distractions teachers face and giving them the tools they need to be effective. If this gig doesn’t work out, Al is welcome to serve as a guest contributor to this column. Al has news to report on classmates Bill Goodspeed (“recently retired and sticking to a malt-centric diet”), Sue Green Spagnola (“who like me, doesn’t look a day older”), Harry Shulman (“still can’t play beer pong”), Mike Lynch (“good golfer but terrible singer”), Cathel Macleod (“braces are off”), Wade Herring (“I still can’t believe his accent and he still can’t believe mine”) and Mike Carothers (“losing his hair but unfortunately not the hair on his chest”).

I recently caught up with Peter Lubin, who is based in Chicagoland and works as a name partner in a law firm that specializes in commercial and class-action litigation. For the third straight President’s Day weekend Peter, daughter Tess and Tess’ godfather Guy Dietrich will take a ski vacation together, this time to Sun Valley, Idaho. Did Guy’s string of bad luck continue? Guy dislocated his shoulder on the trip two years ago, and again last year. Maybe it’s time to take up shuffleboard, boys.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

The 2010 Census illustrates the continued migration of Americans from the established population centers of the north and east to the sprawling lands of the Sunbelt. At matriculation our class boasted representation from each of the fifty states but you could count the students from many of the western and southern states on one hand. A disproportionate number of our fellow students hailed from the greater New York and Boston metropolitan areas, as many still do today: Boston and New York continue to reign supreme, with nearly a third of our classmates settled in or around these two cities. But there have been significant shifts among other regions. More of us now live in Virginia and Texas than in Illinois and Ohio, and more classmates now reside in California than in Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania combined.

By returning to their hometowns of Little Rock and Omaha, Dana Abraham and Ted Bridges maintain solitary state outposts in Arkansas and Nebraska.

It is difficult to believe that as recently as 1970 Orange County, California, was the nation’s top producing agricultural county. With a current population in excess of 3 million, Orange County is now the second most populous county in California and sixth biggest nationwide. And no wonder everyone is moving there! In Orange County you can find great weather, world famous cultural attractions, spectacular coastlines and Rob Speidel. Rob, his spouse, Leslie, and their two young daughters live in Newport Coast, the coastal community directly south of Newport Beach. As head of research for an investment management firm that services high net worth individuals Rob has not only been able to implement strategies that mirror his core investment philosophy but also dabble in an area of personal interest: environmentalist investing. For more than 20 years Rob has sought and made investments in companies that are focused on improving the environment, through either their own actions (i.e., energy efficiency) or product introductions (i.e., wind farms). Since last spring’s reunion Rob has reacquainted himself with another Orange County-based private equity investor who, like him, is an East Coast transplant with young children: classmate Andy Graham.

Just a century ago St. Louis, Missouri, was a world stage and the nation’s fourth largest city, host to both an Olympic Games and World’s Fair. Back then it was St. Louis, the “Gateway to the West,” that reaped the benefits of westward migration. St. Louis reached its peak in 1950 before losing half its population and sliding 50 places in the city rankings in the 50 years that followed. But according to the latest census, St. Louis is growing once again, and these numbers were tabulated before Rick Gemberling decided to forsake his beloved New Jersey for St. Louis to pursue a career opportunity there. Something stirred inside me as I listened to Rick talk about the city’s rich history, enthusiasm for sports, lovely gardens and parks and world-class symphony orchestra. I must admit he sounded like me talking about my adopted Philadelphia. With Rick as St. Louis resident and enthusiastic spokesperson, how long can it be before the rest of us follow? 

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

I’ve run into classmates in airports, supermarkets, on mountaintops and along unpaved country roads in the dead of night (don’t ask). I have bumped into members of our class at rodeos, in European museums and on the Hollywood studio set where they test contestants for Jeopardy. So at this point, nothing surprises me less or delights me more than hearing about other chance encounters.

For spring break Tom Ware and his family fled the frozen tundra of Wisconsin for a favorite resort destination in St. Croix. Once there, Tom’s son Thomas, scheduled to matriculate as a Dartmouth freshman this fall, regularly strolled the grounds wearing one of the several Dartmouth T-shirts he had brought along. One day a guest approached him: Was he a student there? It turns out the curious guest was none other than our own Regina Rehkamp Ketting. The chance encounter led to a reunion of sorts, with the two families meeting for a nice lunch on the beach and lots of talk about Dartmouth, past present and future.

It’s time to introduce a new column feature, “The ’80 List”: Albert Ellis, Bill Stewart, Joe Hunter, Tom Isaacson, George Morris, Bill Finnegan, John Toulmin, Grant MacEwan.

(What do these classmates have in common?)

For inspiration as you plan your summer, here’s a byline from Judi Byfield, who teaches African and Caribbean history at Cornell. Judi spent the first half of last summer attending a summit on global leadership at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa, that brought together students, administrators and faculty from across the world. This university is one of the historically white Afrikaner universities that trained those who maintained the apartheid state. Although its population has rapidly diversified since the end of apartheid, the administrators and students there are all too aware of the history and trauma that must still be overcome to undo the institutionalized racial inequality that defined South Africa’s history during the 20th century. Through her interactions with the students Judi gained a new, deeply personal perspective on how the dreams that many hold for the future exist side-by-side with the pains of the past and the frustrations that many harbor for the slowness of the changes they anticipated. While it was exhausting for Judi to watch these young people wrestle with these issues, she also found it energizing. And it made for a great “What I did last summer” story.

Claiming his classmate is “too modest” to ever mention it himself, Jake Eschen recently directed me to an article in the March issue of Plaintiff that profiles fellow northern California lawyer Mike Danko. The article highlights how and why Mike, at the midpoint of his career, left a successful practice at an international firm defending financial institutions to dive headlong into plaintiff’s trial law. It was a career move Mike had never imagined making, inspired by a single case he agreed to handle for a friend. The transition has been a better fit for Mike than originally expected. Who better than a psych major to get in a juror’s head? And Mike’s interest in science and engineering—how things work—has served him well in his area of specialization, aviation law. One suspects that the airplane and helicopter Mike flies are among the safest ever built.

Frank Fesnak, 242 River Road, Gladwyne, PA 19035; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

As parents, we beam with pride when our children gain admittance to a fine university. But regardless of financial status, it’s difficult to not grit one’s teeth when scratching checks approaching $60,000 to cover annual expenses at a private college. Many would say it’s worth it. This investment in higher education is one that most of us eagerly make for our children and would make again for ourselves. In hindsight, we clearly paid bargain-basement prices for our elite educations. Remarkably, our four years at Dartmouth cost less than 60 percent of what a single year costs today!

Given these stiff prices, what should the rational consumer do? Shop for value by sending your kids to schools that have great teachers. More than 40 of our classmates teach at colleges and universities. Look for that “Dartmouth class of 1980 inside” label!

Two classmates have landed close to the tree—or Lone Pine, if you will. Both chair departments at Dartmouth. At reunion many of us listened to Bruce Duthu speak. It’s a pleasure that many current Dartmouth students can also attest to: The College has twice selected Bruce to deliver the Convocation address since he returned in 2008. As an internationally recognized scholar of Native American law and policy, Bruce has since been named the Samson Occom Professor of Native American Studies and chair of the Native American studies program. The Council of Editors of Learned Journals recently honored Bruce’s work as co-editor of an issue of South Atlantic Quarterly by naming it “Best Special Issue.” Susan Ackerman has been a member of the Dartmouth faculty since 1990—when I still had hair!—and is now the Preston H. Kelsey Professor of Religion and chair of the religion department. She is a renowned specialist in the religion of ancient Israel and the religions of Israel’s neighbors, an interest she first developed as an undergraduate religion major. Next March you can join Susan on a Dartmouth alumni trip to Israel. Her work with leading alumni trips to Israel and Europe helped earn Susan the Faculty Award for Service to Alumni Continuing Education.

I recently touched base with Tom Pearson, who is living a life that is “full of aloha” as a business professor at the University of Hawaii. Tom suspects he may be more memorable to classmates as the daddy of the cute toddler at the 30th reunion than by name. Tom parlayed an expertise in accounting and tax policy gained in both the classroom (J.D./M.B.A., master’s in taxation) and the private sector into a teaching career that began at the University of Wyoming before reaching its current address: paradise. Exit question: Which punchbowl is more appealing, the volcanic one in Honolulu or the sludgy one in Beta on pledge night? Tom’s third book on professional accounting is coming out this fall.

William Penn founded Philadelphia’s Penn Charter School in 1689 and Charlie Brown started teaching there shortly afterward. Underappreciated as a Renaissance man during his undergraduate days, Charlie has taught math, English and Latin (a subject never previously studied) and coached baseball, swimming and lacrosse. What Charlie failed to mention but I discovered myself: He was honored last year with the school’s Distinguished Teacher Award, given to a faculty member who has “demonstrated outstanding scholarship, teaching and character; and has been an especially constructive influence upon others in all phases of Penn Charter life.” You should be very proud, Charlie.

Quick reminder: the Dartmouth College Fund closes on June 30. Don’t punt; make your commitment today.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

In 1996 we held a family reunion at the Greenbrier, a gracious old resort in West Virginia’s Allegheny Mountains. Our visit came shortly after the Washington Post exposed a decades-old secret. Back in 1958—the year most of us were born—Congress authorized the construction of a top-secret emergency relocation facility for its members. Completed in 1961 and designed to hold 1,100 people, this Cold War fallout shelter had been carved deep into the mountainside, nearly a thousand feet beneath the resort. For more than 30 years the shelter was maintained in a constant state of readiness by a small group of government employees working undercover. Cover blown, the government immediately declassified the facility and opened it to the public. When I visited, guided tours had just begun.

As I gazed in disbelief at the cavernous underground dormitories, conference rooms and legislative chambers, I thought, “If members of Congress were the only people left on the planet, would they have the skills to survive? And for whom would they be making laws?” I decided then and there that the facility might better serve a more worthy and diversely talented group of roughly one thousand: our class of 1980. I envisioned it as a more inclusive and less frivolous Sphinx-on-steroids. Our group would include a comparable number of lawyers but far more engineers, educators, artists, doctors and entrepreneurs. And we’d have those mad living-off-the-grid skills of Derek Brown.

As survivors, we could build on our shared histories. I recently heard some good news from high school and Dartmouth classmate Keith Pickholz about another hometown friend Bob Berlinger. After winning the Eleanor Frost Award for playwriting as a senior at Dartmouth, Bob went west, as graduates of New York’s Horace Greeley High School are programmed to do. After completing his graduate work at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Bob embarked on his successful career as a television director. Those of you who don’t jump through the credits have probably seen Bob’s name attached to episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, Arrested Development, Two and a Half Men, The West Wing and other critically acclaimed shows. Talent runs in Bob’s family: brother Joe makes award-winning documentaries. This spring Bob was recognized as one of UCSD’s Fifty Most Distinguished Alumni at the school’s 50th anniversary alumni weekend. One of the 50 best out of nearly 150,000 living graduates—well done, Bob!

I recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with Sam Walker. Sam, his wife, Tamela, and their two grown daughters live in Atlanta. During working hours Sam stays busy as the general manager of an environmental engineering and specialty distribution company and the senior executive responsible for sales and marketing at a management consulting firm. He somehow manages to carve out time for his true love, sports. Sam not only plays the usual round of golf but also plays baseball in a senior men’s baseball league. And if that wasn’t enough, Sam has been coaching football for various public and private schools every year since moving to the Southeast, where football is king and the competition is fierce. Can Sam maintain this level of activity? His recent hip replacement—made possible by a referral from Atlanta-based orthopedic surgeon Drew Miller—has only made him stronger.

Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;; Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611; (813) 300-7954;

For those who missed the big news, Marty Peterson married Andrew Shaw in July. Meg Blakey led a strong showing of Sigma Kappa sisters. In addition to voiceover work, Marty hosts the radio magazine Viewpoints.

I finally kept a New Year’s resolution to attend Class Officers Weekend. The ’80 table included Brian Boyer, Merle Adelman, Joe Mannes, Cami Crone Bilger, Boomer and Gabby and Michael Pallitz. We briefly met Sophie Pallitz ’13, president of Hillel, who had to race off for cheer squad game prep. After dinner Paul Elmlinger joined us at Sixth South. Joe kept us in stitches with tales from managing WDCR drive-time radio. Paul reported on athletics at the College. 

Joe, the Bri, with son Reed ’15, Paul, with Jenny and daughter Brooke ’13, and I caught a preview of the Ivy League rugby championship. Already on the balcony watching a thrilling 23-23 draw against Brown were Boomer, Jean and Pete Scannell and Bart Littlefield. After the matches I “interviewed” Rex Littlefield ’14 and Owen Scannell ’13. They explained how we would beat Brown in the rematch (and we did). They and their fellow undergrads exemplify an impressive generation of Dartmouth-educated leaders. 

For class business we gathered in Baker’s card catalogue lounge. Eric Pfeiffer and Regina Ketting rounded out the crew. The bottom line: More ’80s than ’79s or ’81s will attend our joint 35th reunion in June 2015. Get ready to do your part.

Must you wait for reunion to visit the College? Jim Puiia arranged for a business trip, recruiting for Deloitte at Tuck. Unfortunately, Jim had to return home to Maine before Homecoming. He missed legion of ’80s able to explain to ’16s how great classes build not one but two bonfires. Attending one of Cathy McGrath’s best mini-reunions ever were Curt Flight, Wade Herring, Dan Fitzpatrick, Keith Quinton, Albert Ellis, Larry Robinson, Ann Munves Malenka, Marty Peterson, Bill Helman, Meg Blakey, Kevin Boyle, Laura Giuliano, Lisa Shanahan, Regina Ketting, Brent Bilger, Cami, Paul, Regina, Bart, Eric and Boomer. 

Amy ’77 and John Cholnoky were spotted at the opening of Stupid Idiots, the New York debut of artist daughter Kari ’10. Rob ’13, who assists on our class project, was not available to confirm whether any of his sister’s paintings concern beer pong at Alpha Chi. 

Mark Alperin, Jeff Demers, Anne Craige McNay, Denise Dupre, Curt, Bart and Merle attended the Boston club’s dinner with Acting President Carol Folt. 

Tench Coxe generously funded a Tuck professorship aimed at improving management of nonprofit institutions that deliver social programs. Those familiar with Tench’s precise shots on the squash court are not surprised that he targeted a particularly worthwhile area of study. 

Steve Murphy was no stranger to the granite of New Hampshire that keeps a record of his fame. The ’80 Cabin & Trail chairman passed away earlier this year. Jon Slocum wrote a beautiful tribute to his brother-in-law for our newsletter. Read it, and enjoy the holidays as never before. Pax et bonum.

Rob Daisley 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Although the number “15” on the bonfire and jerseys caused me to pause for some quick math (answer: 35), the Homecoming slideshow took my breath away. Class pres Cami Bilger confirmed that it was even more spectacular in person. Joining Cami for the mini-reunion were Brent Bilger, Dave Bumsted, Paul Elmlinger, Regina Ketting, Todd Pellett, Wade Herring, Sean Wilson, Bill Isaacs, Marty Peterson, Eric Pfieffer, Chuck Muenzen, Amy Haak and, of course, “Boomer.” 

Earlier this fall Cami and Regina were in Hanover for an equally idyllic Class Officers Weekend (COW). Co-pres Brian Boyer, treasurer Joe Mannes and head agent Merle Adelman rounded out our class representation. Joe was elected vice president of the Class Treasurers Association. Trustee Bill Helman delivered an uplifting state-of-the-College address at the annual COW breakfast. Also in town were Emily Lisberger Vitale and Roy Johnson, as well as the ’80 alumnae crew that rowed in the Laura Woodberry Jessiman boat: Trina Olin Santry, Leigh Limbach Johnson, Alison Smuckler Gensler, Sue Ball and Carly Geer. The Bri reported neither our margin of victory nor how much money he made betting on our team. 

By the time this column is published the holidays will be upon us, complete with the traditional last-minute shopping scramble. Worry not, as three classmates have recently completed must-have books. All three books are available on 

Jill Fredston wrote the fifth edition of Snow Sense: A Guide to Evaluating Snow Avalanche Hazard. Jill updated the leading primer, first published almost 30 years ago, on avoiding avalanches while enjoying winter mountain adventures. As one Amazon reviewer put it, “this book will save your life.”

Rob Dinsmoor has followed up Tales of the Troupe with The Yoga Divas and Other Stories. Rob teaches how to survive and thrive in the apparently zany yoga world. In his words, “Join me as I room with the world’s creepiest human at a yoga retreat, take a session with the Yoga Nazi, adopt a dog under false pretenses and battle the elements in Central American jungles.”

Sean O’Keefe has written Helius Legacy, a thriller about the unwitting holder of obscure legal right to a billion-dollar property and the bad guys who want to make sure he never finds out about it. Sean spent more than four years working on the novel in his “spare time,” an oxymoron for a lawyer with an overflowing Chapter 11 bankruptcy practice in Newport Beach, California. This fall he logged more than 30,000 miles on Lehman-related litigation that for several years was more than a workout, even for Sean, before it finally settled on the eve of trial. Sean and wife Cathy have a 24 year-old daughter who recently got married and two high-schoolers. 

Shaun Smith and fellow scribe Dave Hov ’78 made it official on October 22. They live in McLean, Virginia, across the Potomac from where Shaun works as a senior director for Freddie Mac. We wish the newlyweds, and everyone else, pax et bonum this holiday season.

Rob Daisley 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;

Anne Murray Patterson has been nominated to the New Jersey Supreme Court. While awaiting confirmation Anne continues to practice with Riker Danzig in Morristown, New Jersey. Kudos, Anne.

Might the Big Green have gone undefeated this year if only No. 38 were anchoring the defense? Cody Press still spends ample time on football fields, rather pitches. Cody and Stacy’s middle daughter, Christen, leads the No. 1 ranked Stanford soccer team, and NCAA, in scoring. Their youngest plays for Villanova and eldest, a Harvard graduate, attends Georgetown Law. Cody traveled from L.A. for the 30th reunion of the 1978 Ivy League champs, but could not make ours. He shall attend the 35th.

Listening to Big Green football on Internet radio led me to wonder whether play-by-play man Mike Sullivan would be ready to step back into the booth. Former program director Sally Nutt Van Leeuwen answered that question with a resounding yes. Adam Eisgrau, Jim Gifford and Bob Wait joined Sally, Mike and about 10 other WDCR/WFRD jocks for a mini-reunion last August. Mike keeps in radio shape by attending Orioles games with Dave Title ’79. Sally, who spent five years at CBS in network finance before taking a hiatus to raise her children, now serves as volunteer director of a town owned and operated nursing home and rehab center in Connecticut. 

Station manager Joe Mannes missed the radio gig, but he attended Class Officers Weekend, along with Brian Boyer, Cathy McGrath, Merle Adelman, Michael Palitz and Dave Bumsted. Our leaders rose to their feet to join College President Kim in congratulating the ’79s for earning Class of the Year honors. Class of ’80 president Boyer saluted Joe for his tireless efforts in keeping the class books balanced and Eric Pfieffer and Lynne Bodden for our new and improved class e-newsletter. Addressing this year’s communications theme, the Bri quipped that the class officers are Facebook fans, but not interested in class tweets or texts. 

If you are looking for reasons to join Facebook, you need look no further than Elizabeth Potter Ulrich’s breathtaking photos. Liz is a freelance photographer based in New Mexico. Her photos cover a wide-range of subjects from food to portraits. Her travel landscapes reflect her considerable skill in painting with a camera.

If art does not inspire you, perhaps the uplifting messages from the Rev. Cleo Robertson will. Since 1994 Cleo has served as pastor of Soundview Presbyterian Church in the Bronx. Cleo posts frequently on music and sports, but you also can find pearls of wisdom such as: “When we live our life with the end result in mind we are bound to make better decisions in the beginning because we all desire a successful end.” 

Last July beloved classmate Parker Small arrived at his successful end.Please keep Parker, Katie Currier Small and their children in your holiday thoughts. And savor every minute with your friends and family.

Rob Daisley, 3201 W. Knights Ave., Tampa, FL 33611;; Frank Fesnak, 111 Arbor Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010; (610) 581-8889;


Book cover that says How to Get Along With Anyone
Alumni Books
New titles from Dartmouth writers (March/April 2025)
Woman wearing red bishop garments and mitre, walking down church aisle
New Bishop
Diocese elevates its first female leader, Julia E. Whitworth ’93.
Reconstruction Radical

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Illustration of woman wearing a suit, standing in front of the U.S. Capitol in D.C.
Kirsten Gillibrand ’88
A U.S. senator on 18 years in Washington, D.C.

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