The latest word from Dave Dunbar and the reunion committee is an exciting new class project—a 50th reunion digital book hosted by BrightCrowd, a company that has worked with many Dartmouth classes to produce private, digital books on an easily accessed online platform. It’ll be a fun way for classmates to connect or reconnect by sharing life stories, photos, videos, and contact information. Visit our class website or Facebook page for additional details.
I am not sure there is anyone in our class who does not know Roger Clarkson, but he has recently penned his very first class note ever! As many of us know, he never left Hanover (lucky stiff!) and has been building his real estate empire since graduation. He remains surrounded by two of their three children, who entertain them with four grandchildren. He speaks regularly with Jeff Little, who still summers in southern New Hampshire and introduced Roger to his wife some 50 years ago. Roger connects with Bill Mead and Walter Evans each summer on Drakes Island in Maine. Mark MacAleenan still maintains a guest room suite at Roger’s house for home football weekends.
From Michael Caldwell comes news that he will be facilitating the interfaith memorial service at our 50th reunion. Classmate Matt Johnsen will be on the keyboards. Michael would be delighted to hear from volunteers for reading, singing, and planning; contact him at
Turns out he is also one of our class authors, having written Tao of Snow: Essays from Dawn Land, a book of essays about his Dartmouth experience and subsequent North Country life. “Pennsylvania native catches the North Country bug, settles into life forever in the snowbelt of the northern Green Mountains, and with backcountry skis and a cedar-strip canoe explores remote reaches of northern New England, healing decades of trauma, tragedy, and travail.”
And from Howard Hodel, who, in Honolulu, is one of the farthest flung sons of Dartmouth, comes this: “Patty, my wife of 34 years, and I were ecstatic to have our first grandchild two years ago and Patty has provided her primary daycare on weekdays (and I slightly assisted). I retired last year from the State of Hawaii employees’ retirement system investment office and we are now able to travel extensively, including to several national parks, Bhutan, India, Japan, and Croatia. We even attended the Dartmouth Niseko (Japan) ski weekend with daughter Lindsey ’19 this past February.” As our gift planning chair, he would like to encourage classmates to consider joining the Bartlett Tower Society in the six months leading up to our 50th reunion (we already have 21 members). He is going to start contacting classmates soon.
Vox clamantis in Florida.
—Stephen D. Gray, 4396 NW 53rd Court, Ocala, FL 34482; (650) 302-8739;