The constituency of your class committee is more than class officers. The committee is, in fact, a large, fluid (50-plus members) group of action- and communication-oriented classmates who care about each other and the College. We’re in touch about numerous issues via email. In fact, there are now two email groups, one for Dartmouth-oriented matters and one for other, often political, issues. Recently, with regard to the latter, we received thoughts from Peter Wonson, John Blair, Sherwood Guernsey, Roger Witten, and Warren Cooke after new cabinet nominations appeared. College issues about fundraising methodology and Dartmouth’s very name brought messages from David Walden, Gary Horlick, and Norman Silverman. (By the way, Dr. Norm also sent me a couple of books that document journalistic and musical history of our time in Hanover, a history of The Village Voice called The Freaks Came Out to Write and Talkin’ Greenwich Village. You’ll see Dartmouth references in both, and I recommend them highly.) Other attention-demanding issues we’ve seen appear recently include the class’s first-year trip fund, college athletics, and a Dartmouth professor’s censoring of an election editorial in the major newspaper he owns. Your participation in committee matters is welcome; reply to me with your interest and I’ll run with it.
On less weighty—maybe—matters, Don Marcus has been in touch to vent his frustration with Manchester United, the English Premier League football team he’s supported since his years in London. I sympathized with my own Tottenham Hotspur’s mystifying inconsistency.
Clark Wadlow wrote to talk vacations, specifically boat cruises, and he documented numerous trips he and his wife have enjoyed. He says Mykonos’s and Santorini’s facilities can be overcrowded and overstressed, but they liked both Danube and Duoro river jaunts and complimented Viking’s Baltic and Scandinavia ocean trips.
I received an appeal from a member of another class who was a friend of Greg Fetler’s widow when they were young military dependents. He’d like to get in touch with her, but the number I tried on the class list is not working. Got any contact info?
Best to all for 2025!
—Jack Hopke, 157 Joy St., River Ridge, LA 70123; (504) 388-2645;