After eight years living on one of New York’s beautiful Finger Lakes, Sue and Dick Portland moved back to suburban Rochester. He’s an Eastman Kodak retiree. His granddaughter Annie ’14 “is carrying on the family Dartmouth tradition, the 11th in three generations.”
Dick and other ’58s, many with spouses, attended the February twin minis in south Florida hosted by Patty and Mel Alperin in Palm Beach and, two days later, by Penny and Bill Allyn in Naples. At the Alperin brunch were Alan Baker, Frank Blatz, Mike Dikman, Don Goebert, Paul Jameson, Buddy Marks, Don McCree, Jim Preston, Myles Slosberg, Walt Stackler and Jim Young.Attending the Allyn luncheon were Roger Bruttomeso, Skip Coggin, Bull Cutcliffe, Fred Hildebrandt, Vince Hovenec, Hank Milton, Whit Marchand, Tryg Myhren, Paul Robinson and Dave Sharrock, plus Jane Yusen, Carol Gittes and Dick, who enjoyed associate athletic director Drew Galbraith’s “interesting overview of Dartmouth’s Peak Performance Program.”
At both homes Mel spoke about the novel gifting incentives put in place for our 55th reunion Dartmouth College Fund campaign: “We are indebted to a few classmates who have offered to match gifts, dollar-for-dollar, that represent at least 20 percent of their 50th reunion gifts and total at least $2,500. Many are taking advantage of this.”
Speaking of the 55th, Larry Weltin has done a bang-up job through two years of organizing the June 10-13 gathering in Hanover, with another post-reunion sojourn arranged by Bob Eleveld to the scenic Trapp Family Lodge at Stowe, Vermont, June 13-15. With inputs from dozens of ’58s with “fingers on the class pulse,” Larry’s committee has planned a varied, entertaining, yet unhurried program that emphasizes, first and foremost, “plenty of down-time to just relax and enjoy each other.” Among the highlights: Pete Kelsey will receive the College’s Alumni Award at the class banquet. Charlie Pierce will lead a Rollins Chapel memorial for departed classmates—featuring large-screen Aegis photos and a brochure of thumbnail write-ups to honor each man deceased since David Glendinning’s memorable 2008 memorial. Do join us if you can.
“Wah-hoo-wah for Larry!” writes Norm Sylvester, “and congrats on getting AD Harry Sheehy as a speaker.” Among classmates planning to attend from afar are Helga and Larry Hampton—backagain from Portugal barely six months after their year-end holiday visit in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe and Napa, California, with Deanne and Don Klages,joined at a parting dinner by Libby and Dan Varty. Adds Skip Coggin,“Obviously Larry and his committee have put a lot of thought into the reunion, and I’m frankly sorry I’ll miss it. Liz and I will be on a long-planned visit with a church group to the Holy Land—which a Jewish friend reminded me, ‘is called Israel.’ But I’ll make our 60th.”
Mike Wygant reports that Boyd Parker died January 6 at home in Center Ossipee, New Hampshire. Raised in Maine, Bucky was an executive of Unum, the large Portland, Maine-based insurance company. Belatedly we learn that David Stiles, boatman and paper industry executive, died February 22, 2011, in Williamsburg, Virginia.
—Steve Quickel, 65 Chapel Road, New Hope, PA 18938;