The birthday parties celebrating my 101st were simply thrilling. Everyone has a family and most are great, but you make your friends, and to have them gather around really makes for a perfect birthday.

I phoned all of my classmates and both Irv Sager and Ed Reich told me life is good.

As for me, I worry about the direction my beloved country is taking. I am going to keep on battling to set it on what I believe is the right path. We keep piling on debt for future generations to pay because we keep refusing to pay for what we do and expect our daughters, sons and grandchildren to pay for what we undertake. How can we correct that? Easy! We just assume the responsibility. We just have to accept that dreaded word: tax! If we don’t want that, we just do not make the expenditure. The fault lies with us. Our children are brought up to hate our government. Why should they want to vote for something they do not trust? So they don’t vote and we have ended up with a corrupt plutocracy.

There is an answer. Convene a constitutional convention that will be set up in a way to attract our young people. Maybe we don’t trust our young, but this will be their country and we should concentrate on helping them build it. My firm belief is if you cannot afford to do it, just don’t do it. I like the direction Dartmouth is taking and think its leadership is great.

I am proud to be a Dartmouth alum.

Vox clamantis in deserto.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I keep neglecting Tim Rub, our honorary classmate, now director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. He loves his job and enjoys living in Philly so much that he turned down the job of head of the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. His parents live near me in California. He promises that we will get together on his next visit. There is always something to look forward to. Classmate Irv Sager keeps living and enjoying his life, which he knows will always get better. Ed Reich enjoys his life in Florida—“no complaints,” he says.

As for myself, I hate the direction that the world is heading. There will always be Dartmouth undying, which I feel means Dartmouth forever moves ahead. I would hope that we will provide the leadership that will shape society and make this world a better place in which to live. I am confident that the leadership will come that will reshape the plutocracy, which we have become, into a democracy. Our children and grandchildren deserve a leadership that will stop waging wars, which we charge against the next generation. This country must have leadership. A college such as Dartmouth is expected to shape its students to provide that leadership. The fact that other great universities are not providing that leadership does not excuse Dartmouth from not providing it.

So many of you who write, email and phone make me feel that I must be doing something important, and I am deeply indebted to you. Please keep in touch and I’ll keep speaking out. 

It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, the important thing is to be relevant. I have to believe I am on this earth for a reason and it is not necessary to know what that reason is. Just take what you have and do what you think is best.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Just learned of the death of classmate Leon Kent, whom we had lost track of. Leon was a highly decorated war hero because of his performance in the Battle of the Bulge.

Irv Sager is still performing well. Spoke to Ed Reich, who says he is still enjoying life.

Thanks to all of you who write and email me. You are the ones who keep me going. As for myself, I am hoping to see the day when leaders will appear who will stand up for all of us. The day will come when we will not devote our efforts to destroying leadership. I keep thinking, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Unfortunately, it is broke beyond repair. As I keep saying, we burden our children with debt for an education they cannot afford. We burden them with the costs of unnecessary wars that are not of their choosing. Ours is the gutless generation that passes on the responsibility for our actions. We allow our elected officials to depend on outside money to get elected and stay in office. This is bribery. I am confident that this country will produce the leadership that is needed.

Let us hear from you. Vox clamantis in deserto.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Ed Reich tells me that he is happy and keeps going all the time. Irv Sager reports that his future is bright because he will make it happen. As for myself, being a historian, I try to communicate the important parts of my life that might be important in the shaping of the culture of the future. So much is being lost forever. Mabelle Hueston ’86 is a full-blooded Navaho Native American whose important language is disappearing. This was the language used by Navahos to transmit important information during WW II. The Japanese could not interpret this, which made it vital to the United States. When a culture disappears, there are always parts of it that are lost forever that we would want to keep. 

I try to keep alive my experiences and feelings about the culture that shaped what is happening now and welcome any questions about events and feelings I have had. I am saddened by those who have to immerse themselves in some engulfing religion because they feel they cannot succeed in a culture stacked against them. Our constitution has been chipped away. We need to have a constitutional convention to recreate what our forefathers intended. I would hope that Dartmouth would host. Let us do what has to be done.

I see all the fantastic young people who I believe will forge a wonderful future for all humanity. Our present way of life—which ignores those who live in desperate poverty—cannot continue. Dartmouth, lead the way.

Vox clamantis in deserto.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Irv Sager celebrated his 100th birthday in December, joining Ed Reich and me in the centurial club of the class of ’35. This is a very select club and we are not accepting any new members. Irv and I both agree that life is and will continue to be wonderful. Of course there have been many rough spots along the way, but here we are, and there will always be a tomorrow, which will be terrific because we are going to make it that way. We can just sit back, close our eyes and feel good about ourselves. No one can take that away from us.

Of great concern to me is what we are doing to the bequest our ancestors passed along to us. We do terrible things to our future generations. We are continuously waging wars, educating our children and passing on the burden of paying for our decisions onto their shoulders. We are a corrupt society, a plutocracy that citizens no longer seem to be capable of making decisions to correct. This will not continue indefinitely. There are people out there who will stand up and proclaim that there is a way to go and will say it fearlessly and we will learn that there is a way forward.

A bright future is always there if we will just do what has to be done and not bicker about how to do it. Do we want our future generation to look at us as a generation that allowed the infrastructure to crumble?

Where will we find that leadership? We have it—it is right here. It’s you, each one of us is that person. Make up your mind that what has to be done will be done, and then each one of us has to lead the way to where we want us to be.

Remember, the future will be bright because we will do what it takes to make it so. Come on Dartmouth: Lead the way. Vox clamantis in deserto.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Ed Reich and Irv Sager both tell me they still find a purpose in life. 

As for myself, looking back to the 1920s, my growing-up years, I now recognize the Jazz Age was a formulative culture based on a society proud of its past, proud of winning a war to end wars, happy with its present culture, optimistic about its future but overlooking the many who lived in dire poverty.

I attended Dartmouth from 1931 to 1935, during the worst of the Great Depression, relatively insulated from the horrors that countless millions endured.

I did a great deal of my studying in the basement of Baker and watched Orozco create his masterpiece mural, which defined the history of oppression and the hopes of the underprivileged. I came to understand the hopes and fears existing worldwide.

After graduation my business quite often took me through the Deep South, presenting me with an oversized view of a society hopelessly mired in extreme poverty. Sadly, I feel we have learned very little. We have allowed our democracy to descend into a plutocracy.

When we fought WW II we taxed ourselves up to 95 percent and in addition bought large amounts of war bonds. We tried our best to pay for the war.

It’s hard for me to believe we want to lower taxes to shift the burden of our failures to the backs of our children and grandchildren. We also make the cost of a college education their burden. What kind of people have we become? Does Dartmouth teach the truth, what is right or wrong? I would hope so.

Thank all of you who write, email me and phone me to tell me they stand along side me. I also thank the alumni magazine for allowing me leeway to write this. Believe me, it is very difficult to just write about the three of us.

Meanwhile, as long as I am able to, vox clamantis in deserto!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

You are hearing from the luckiest person on earth. I am able to live to be 100 years old, and am still living a life that just gets better and better. I don’t question why but just enjoy what I am offered. And the great birthday parties: one by my family, who all gathered here for a get-together, then another by the superlative Dartmouth Club of Orange County. I won’t list the other parties, which went on and on, and being able to enjoy them with the woman I recently married, an adopted Dartmouth alum, really topped it off.

I believe that the main reason that I have so many good friends is that I always try to reach out and not just expect the world to come to me. I do not mean to be pretentious. I am just seeking answers.

Dartmouth had a great deal to do with making me who I am. The Dartmouth I attended had many flaws, as does the present-day Dartmouth, and I feel sure that the school, as it is now, will keep on reinventing itself while retaining the values it has and adjusting to a new world. I am happy that the alumni body, which really shapes the Dartmouth of the future, is trying to step up to the plate, together with the College, and is trying to shape a Dartmouth that appeals to future generations.

I, for one, am still proud to say I am a Dartmouth alum.

To the new generations who, in many cases, have given up on Dartmouth as it is, I say you should work hard on making your influence felt and be a part of making Dartmouth the college you want it to be. There is no magic. It is you who will make it happen. Make it a priority to join the nearest alumni club.

Ed Reich, Irv Sager and yours truly are moving ahead. Come join us! Vox clamantis in deserto!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I spoke to Irv Sager and Ed Reich, who is now 100 years old, and they are both still hanging in there. As for myself, quite a few parties are being organized to celebrate my 100th, which is wonderful. Ask me what you have to do to reach that age? My answer is keep breathing in and out and be one of the luckiest people on the planet.

I still worry about what kind of a world we are leaving for the next generations. Our present culture does not help us to learn how to live together and we seem to be unwilling to learn how. We had many great leaders, philosophers and religious figures who have pointed the way. Robert Frost chose to “take the path less traveled.” I think there is a better way. Learn the way to go by really making the effort to learn how to make the right choices. I still study every day because it opens up new worlds to me, and what could be greater? What a tragedy that we burden our children, grandchildren and future generations with this horrendous burden of debt. We who decide to wage two wars without paying for them and leaving this huge burden of debt on future generations. Yes, we are all guilty because we elected officials who legislated these cowardly acts. Worse, there is no elected official out there who stands up and says enough is enough.

If you did not vote or if you voted for someone who did not stand up and say loud and clear, “I will stop what is going on, no matter the cost,” then you voted to continue this path to disaster. Desperate people, who have nowhere to turn, are turning to radical religions. Look at yourself! Do you like what you see? I don’t, but I am trying to make my voice heard. What is Dartmouth doing about it?

Despite my harping on what I consider vital issues, I am always proud to say I am a Dartmouth alum and I feel Dartmouth is No. 1.

Many thanks to all of you who phone and write me to tell me to keep on saying and doing what I am doing.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Spoke to Ed Reich, who said his life is going along fine. I then spoke to Irv Sager, who said his life is uneventful but he is enjoying it very much. As for myself, I am getting ready for my marriage to a lady who I have been close to for the six years. Needless to say, this marriage is causing a lot of excitement in this 18,000-person wonderful community of people 55 years and older. My bride-to-be is the official Democratic delegate from this district to the national party convention as well as the state convention. She is, of course, very active in the affairs of the Democratic Party as well as Concerned Citizens and Common Cause. Bob Reich ’68, if you are reading this, come down for my 100 birthday and I promise you a big turnout for any speech you care to make and it will also make us very happy.

I am up in arms about my definition of corruption, which is promising to vote the way large campaign contributors want us to vote. A promise to vote their way will also ensure good jobs when legislators retire from Congress. These are good people who want to do a good job, but they are put in a position that results in them taking what I see as bribes. The situation is not going to last forever in our plutocracy, it’s just going to get worse. Our constitution is being gutted with a U.S. Supreme Court voting along philosophical lines, which it was not set up to do. Please, President Hanlon, give some thought to Dartmouth hosting a constitutional convention.

As my 100th birthday present, please get in touch with me. Lest we forget: Vox clamantis in deserto. Irv Sager, Ed Reich and yours truly look forward to the future.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I spoke with Ed Reich, who sounded very happy. He speaks to his son, Bob ’68, almost every day. Isn’t that great, since Bob is in California and Ed is in Florida.

I spoke with Irv Sager and we both agree we have a dysfunctional government. In 1783, when the Constitutional Convention convened, it was a different world run by men, no women. Only men were appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court; they were lucky if they lived past 60 and a lifetime appointment made some sense. In this new age many are on the bench who are in their mid-80s and beyond. It’s just one small illustration of how it makes sense now to rethink the constitution to adapt to this new world.

An institution such as Dartmouth should host a Dartmouth convention in Hanover and invite leading academics and scientists—no politicians—to convene and draw up a new constitution. Their employers will continue to pay them and welcome them back when their task is completed. Hanover would be the perfect setting, secluded but with world-class facilities.

Ask yourselves if this is the world you would want your children and grandchildren growing up in or if you would rather they grew up in an environment that gives them a greater opportunity to live to their full potential. In conclusion, burdening future generations with the unbearable student loan debt is an abomination. Previous generations provided free or low-cost educations for their children. We should be ashamed.

Ed Reich, Irv Sager, Bert Jacobs and yours truly are moving ahead. Come join us.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I spoke to Irv Sager, who told me he was trying to stay out of trouble. I told him I was trying to find a way to get into trouble, which at my age is a lot more difficult. He just spent some time with his son in Boston but is now back in New York, which is his first love at this stage of life. Spoke to Ed Reich, who says he is enjoying life. He plays golf twice a week and manages to shoot around 45 once in a while. He sees his sister Beverly once a week to have dinner together. He is going to spend some time with son Bob at Cape Cod, where Bob owns a cottage. Ed plans to come again to California and we can get together again at Berkeley. So nice to talk to someone who is enjoying a good life. I had a great conversation with Charlie “Chuck” Drackett. His wife, Marge, is still alive and they have been married 62 years. After five years in the service he returned to become a very successful farmer in Indiana. His son expanded it into a very large operation. Among other things, he has more than 5,000 pigs. Chuck is retired and has a trainer helping him to keep fit. He lives in Ohio and spends winters in Naples, Florida. He told me he feels lousy but sounded great. All of this after being an English major at Dartmouth. His son is also a Dartmouth grad. Pete Smith was in the hospital for a long time. Wish him well, and then send in a Green Card with some info if you still want a Tear Bag.

I just received another great scientific explanation of the origin of the universe from Marvin Rauch. He really keeps up.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Had a long talk with Ed Reich, reminiscing back to 1926, when we knew each other at camp. He still plays nine holes of golf and also has a remarkable memory. He even remembers the street address of my roommate Harold Silverman when in college, which led him to ask me about Harold’s widow, Renee, who still lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which led me to call her. She is doing fine. Ed is not coming to California in December, as Robert is coming east. That is a disappointment to me, as I really enjoy getting together with them.

Tried to get together with Lou and Harriet Bookheim, who said they were not up in the way of entertainment. We will try again to make a lunch date.

Had a nice conversation with Leon Kent. He has been married three times in Paris to Monette: when in the service, to comply with French law and also to make sure he was married by a Protestant minister and a rabbi.

Evelyn Eisendrath writes she misses Bill very much, and that he did what he wanted to do in life. He worked hard raising cattle.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Lou Hankey was in the lumber and building materials business for 40 years. Now he plays golf and bridge and enjoys life. We had a great conversation about our lives and loves we had. It seems as though life has been good for both of us.

I spoke to John Ferguson, son-in-law of Herb Shuttleworth, who is in a nursing home. I was unable to speak to Herb, which was too bad, but he is still alive, which is great.

I wrote what I thought to be a very nice e-mail to our new president and was disappointed at not getting a reply. I guess he has thousands to respond to, but I am sure I will hear from him before I am old and gray.

Bill Krieg reads aloud with his daughter and M.D. His wife died in April, and he is left alone enjoying a great life in Florida—as long as he pays attention to what his children tell him to do.

Irv Sager lives in Manhattan, enjoying everything it has to offer.

Walter Petke just celebrated his 100th birthday, and then I hear he died. More in the Tear Bag.

Unfortunately, Frank Stockman died April 16, Bill Eisendrath died June 30 and Oscar Fay Allen Jr. died March 17.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Greg Karch reports that he moved 15 years ago to a small community, which has grown a great deal. He has been active on a committee that he set up to arrange for compensation to employees whom the residents are not allowed to tip. He also says he used to play a lot of golf, but no more. He then called me back to apologize for not giving me more information. How nice!

Bob Reich e-mailed me to tell me that Ed Reich had a hole in one. He really is proud of Ed and he has a right to be. I called Ed and believe it or not he told me that this was his fourth hole in one.

Spoke to Bill Adams, who, sad to say, no longer plays golf. He just watches TV and reads a lot.

Bob McClarin lives alone in a retirement home, he is legally blind but still able to take walks and exercise. I’m happy to report he still sounds okay.

Bob Neil said it was real thrill hearing from me. That’s what makes writing this column worthwhile. He has Parkinson’s but manages to keep going. One of his daughters was preparing dinner for him when I called. He still has a great attitude.

That was a great Tear Bag that Pete Smith managed to put out, considering he gets no input from the class. If you want him to continue, you had better send him some news.

I attended a lovely Dartmouth club get-together at the home of our new president, Maebelle Hueston, who was helped along by husband John, both from the class of ’86, and son Ryan ’14.

Last but not least, someone should pick up the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of the Alumni Magazine and have the article by Nathaniel Fick ’99 reprinted and brought to the attention of President Obama.

Consider coming to Hanover for our 75th reunion September 24-26. There will be no charge for you and a guest/spouse to attend the reunion: the College will pay for two nights at the Hanover Inn (double occupancy) and all meals. If you are interested in attending or have questions, please contact Jennifer Casey at (603) 646-2292.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Thelma Anderson (widow of Quenton, who taught at Columbia) still lives in a Columbia apartment and says she is not getting younger.

After falling down a few times, Bill Adams has moved to an assisted living facility.

I spoke to Lou Bookheim, who said that after some officials at Dartmouth said something he didn’t like when he was a student, he decided not to have anything to do with Dartmouth—including me. Lou graduated salutatorian and I was pretty far down on the list, but now I feel I have moved way up.

Max Feinberg had a stroke in December and I am not able to communicate with him. What a pity! He was a great golfer and is a wonderful friend. Living is not the same as living.

Spoke to Lee Kent, who said he was very sick and not up to talking about Dartmouth, even though he loves her very much.

On a more upbeat note, Anja Bury, married to Bill for 30 years, said she was very happy Bill worked for IBM. He died six years ago. Any old friends still around?

Had a very nice conversation with Irv Sager. He thought we should not look forward but only backward at the great things that happened to us in the past. I disagreed, saying I look forward to a wonderful future. I told him I am playing duplicate bridge and then dinner with Natalie Harlam, widow of Ben Rosenberg. Natalie is going to move to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to be near her son. I hate losing her. Irv told me to kiss her on her left cheek, which he always did.

I have had such depressing conversations with our classmates that I want to stop writing this column. Irv said he did not blame me, but said please keep going. I will try to but can’t unless I get some positive response when I call up. Keep up the spirit of the great class of 1935!
Sad to report the deaths of Ken Webster, Paul VanAntwerpen and Lloyd Markson.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Spoke to John Todd, who sounded great, very upbeat and still enjoying the joy of living at the age of 98, thankful that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s. He enjoyed hearing my voice. Has a wonderful attitude.

Grace Titus, widow of H. Clay, is having a great life in Jacksonville, Florida. Asks that the College not inundate her with literature and stop sending her the Alumni Magazine, as all her Dartmouth connections are gone.

Our class had friends in classes ’32, ’33, ’34, ’36 and ’37. These classes don’t seem to any longer have secretaries to write columns so any of you from those classes who would like to communicate with classmates, please contact me and I will write it up in my column. Don’t miss this great opportunity because who knows how long I will be around! After all our presence on this earth is ephemeral. Hey, try twittering that!

Spoke to Bill Adams, our class treasurer, who told me we have $1,500 after the powers that be in Hanover gave away $500 to the memorial fund and $500 to the athletic department. Bill called them and said that no more money should be paid out without calling him first. After next year we get the Alumni Magazine free. Bill feels fine, living in a nursing home with little to do after resigning from his country club. No more golf.

John Ferguson, son-in-law of Herb Shuttleworth, returned my call telling me that Herb is in a retirement home and still has all his marbles, although he can’t remember everything. Who can?

Pete Smith is having a hard time healthwise, but says he will do his best to keep the Tear Bag going. We are lucky to have him. Now I ask you, very confidentially, ain’t the class of 1935 great?!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Received lovely letters from Ralph Smith ’46 and Harry Hamptom ’45 regarding Max Feinberg’s New York Times obit in case I missed it. Wonderful conversation with Ralph, still working. He came from the north shore of Long Island, as did I.

Harry worked in New York City, as did I. He was head of two associations, both of which were in the business of explosives.

I received another eye-popping e-mail from Marvin Rauch dealing with another amazing aspect of our evolving universe. Marvin and I go back 85 years, when we were both students at public school in Far Rockaway, New York. He is really remarkable when you realize that he is also legally blind.

I attended a joint Orange County-Los Angeles Dartmouth clubs get-together, with more than 40 of us. My good friend Howard Jelinek ’60 drove me down. Our great president Maybelle Hueston ’86 deserves credit for enabling me to bond with the terrific young alums, which was so exciting that when I got home I could hardly get to sleep. 

Those of you who don’t hook up with your nearest Dartmouth club are missing out on something that will enrich your life.

Had a nice conversation with Bill Krieg, the death of whose wife left a big hole in his life. He apologized for not getting in touch with me, but I understood that he does not feel 100 percent. Can’t drive, has trouble getting around even with a walker and has usual aches and pains of old age but sounded great to me, just living and feeling wonderful. Hope you will all feel the same.

I spent the last weekend visiting the family of two of my grandsons in Sacramento, California. I missed seeing Bob Reich ’68, son of Ed, but a very caring Bob phoned me that Ed is still playing golf, drives at night (which Bob does not approve of), and is doing great. Thanks very much, Bob. See you on my next trip, when I will certainly stop at Berkeley to get together with you.

Then received a call from Ed, who has been a friend since 1926. Had a wonderful conversation with him. He is doing fine and enjoying life. Hope this is the same for all of you.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I received a card from Lou Bookheim: “The great class of ’35 is lucky to have you. I admire your enthusiasm for Dartmouth, even if I don’t always share it. I appreciate your good work and wish you well. You have suffered a great loss and survived. Stay in there. Best wishes. Thank you.” A note like this makes everything I do seem worthwhile.

Had a wonderful talk with Bob McLarin who was our class treasurer before Bill Adams. He says that not driving has put a serious crimp in his life. He no longer swims or plays bridge and has little family around him, but still sounds great.

Had a long talk with Morris Sherman, now 98 years old. The only complaint was he threw his back out riding an exercise bike. He spent most of his life in Puerto Rico, where he made handkerchiefs. We had a lot in common because I had a factory there making buttons, but I never made it my home, as I ran my business from New York. He takes walks and reads magazines and newspapers and watches TV. He is doing fine for someone his age.

John “Chick” Harrison is alive and feeling fine, as does his wife, Louise, who he says is the greatest. He still lives in New Jersey and plays a lot of bridge. I also play duplicate bridge and am right up there in Class A. Any other bridge enthusiasts out there? If so, we’d love to hear from you, so please give me a ring.

Bob Neill feels like he is getting old. He says he reads newspapers, gets out to eat at least once a week and also sees family. He is hanging in there and that is what matters.

Received a very uplifting e-mail from Pete Smith saying I do a good job. As a member of the mutual admiration society, I must say Pete turns out a great Tear Bag. He says his health is not too good, which is sad to hear.

Richard W. Bankart—son of our own Bob “Bib” Bankhart ’37, who wrote the ’37 column for about 30 years until he had a stroke—said he enjoyed the contact with classmates so much that he was inspired to write a classmates column for his ’65 class notes at Colby College.

He says his uncles, our own Reg and Bill Sherman ’34, were part of his life too. Richard grew up in a Dartmouth family, including his grandfather, H. Reg Bankart, class of 1909. Three of his brothers are Dartmouth grads and two of his sisters married Dartmouth men. Members of ’37, please get in touch with me or call Dick at (201) 664-7672.

Poignant conversation with Irv Sager. He’s happy that he still handles his own affairs and is in control of his life. After taking a long walk, his mind seems to expand so that he is able to accomplish more. Life for some of us lucky ones is worthwhile.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400; ejgerson


I can’t believe I will soon be 100 years old. My body says this is the case but inside of that body is a 20-year-old still trying to plan for a bright future.

Ed Reich just celebrated his 100th with a big party in Florida to which I was invited, but the trip from California, where I live, would have been too much for me. Ed had and is having a good life, which he deserves.

Irv Sager is getting along just fine. We had a long talk about what is going on at Dartmouth and we both agree that it is a disgrace that the College or the town of Hanover has not cracked down. Sadly I do not recommend to anyone that they apply to Dartmouth. I am no longer proud to say that I am a Dartmouth alum even though I am proud to be an alum of the Dartmouth I was a part of.

Another subject we discussed was the corruption that has become the fabric of our society. The American College Dictionary has a definition of capitalism as the concentration of capital in the hands of a few, or the resulting power or influence; and a system favoring such concentration of wealth. We cannot continue to hide our heads in the sand. I again ask Dartmouth to host a new constitutional convention. We need a fresh approach to our concerns.

Lest we forget, “Vox clamantis in deserto.”

Irv Sager, Ed Reich and yours truly look forward to the future.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Irv Sager, Ed Reich and I feel that life is wonderful, each day seems better than the one before and tomorrow will be even better.

Wonderful ’86s Maybelle and John Hueston hosted a terrific Dartmouth get-together at their home. Two groups of Dartmouth students, half male and half female, serenaded us with their superlative renditions of College songs. It was a breathtaking performance taking us back to our undergraduate years. I had the privilege of having conversations with some of the students, and their intelligence and charisma just shone through. For me it was an emotional journey. I came away with the feeling that a future in the hands of many bright and caring young people, all over the world, will be secure.

As for us, a rock-solid foundation was bequeathed to us by our forefathers. We are allowing it to be chipped away bit by bit. Let us have a new constitutional convention restoring our rights and freedom. I can’t believe that we are allowing our children to be yoked with student loans that become more and more of a burden. Vox clamantis in deserto: Let Dartmouth take the helm and lead the way. If we stand by and let the country continue along this path, we are the guilty ones.

The class of ’35 marches on!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

It was great talking to someone with a positive attitude. Irv Sager says that he is not worried about where this country is headed. The United States of America will straighten itself out as it always has and will end up on top. He has great faith that we are heading in the right direction.

Ed Reich is still hanging in there. His son Robert ’68 just got married again, so Ed and Bob are keeping the Reich family moving along.

I am very active politically, and at a local party function I was dismayed to note that all the party functions were being performed by women. I salute those women who really make things happen. But I remember, “Men of Dartmouth, give a rouse.” Sad to say the men of Dartmouth seem to be napping as far as activism is concerned. I hope I am wrong, but I do not think so.

I heard from Pete Smith, who tells me about the busy life he leads. Good for you, Pete.

I feel as optimistic as Irv Sager does about the future of this great country, but why do we tear ourselves apart before reclaiming that future? Why can’t Dartmouth produce another Daniel Webster? We need great statesmen and stateswomen. Our legislators seem to be just party hacks. For shame! Dartmouth should take the lead in educating students to be the leaders this country needs.

The family of deceased classmate Adolf “Buck” Weil is still continuing to carry on his gift-giving of valuable prints to the Hood Museum. Good for them.

Don’t you hate it when I preach? I can’t help it. We all know things could be a lot better and it eats at me that so many of you out there could really make a difference and you just sit by and let things happen instead of just doing what you know you should and can do.

The great class of ’35—Irv, Ed, Bert and little old me—will keep on moving forward.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I just heard from Ada Laurie Bryant, widow of our own F. Leonard Bryant, once our class president, whose son Robert was class of ’66 and daughter was a graduate of Smith who spent her junior year at Dartmouth—another daughter who was in College before it became coed. Jane Bryan Quinn was the first of the children of alums to address the reunion gathering. She was a financial columnist and a book author. Ada, who has remarried, thanks me for keeping the good memories alive. How nice! Thank you, Ada. 

Received another e-mail from Nichola Tucker ’08 thanking me for what she considers a beautifully written article in the May/June Class Notes, which she has passed on to some friends as recommended reading. Thank you, Nichola. You do not really appreciate a sense of what is important in life until you can share that feeling and pass it on. 

Everyone here in California who I have spoken to about my new political party, We Listen, has enthusiastically joined up. How about the rest of you out there?

The amazing Dartmouth Club of Orange County threw a barbecue for new Dartmouth students hosted by Mabelle and John Hueston, both class of ’86. Do yourself a favor and join your nearest alumni club.

The class of ’35 survives: Ed Reich, Irv Sager, Bert Jacobs and yours truly are still hanging in there.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I spoke to Ed Reich and his 80-year-old girlfriend. He is doing just great. He says he is a great admirer of President Bill Clinton, to whom he spoke on numerous occasions when son Bob was secretary of labor. Ed uses a walker, same as me. I promised that when he goes to Berkeley, California, to get together with Bob, now a professor there, I will fly up to meet him and we will reminisce about our long friendship going back to 1926.

Bob Neil passed away, and I spoke to his widow, Ann, who said they were married for 62 years and had a great time taking many trips together. Bob was a tennis buff. He had a life well spent.

The remaining members of the class including myself are Ed Reich, Marvin Rauch and Irv Sager, plus honorary classmates Tim Rub and Pete Smith. Hard to believe that’s all.

Rick Spier ’78 sent me his new book The Legend of Shane Piper, set around his Dartmouth experience and tells the story of his dysfunctional family life. It is a great read and revealed to me the role alcohol played in college life. No one can convince me that this in anyway improved the learning experience that Dartmouth offered.

In 1990 classmate Bob Bonner wrote that the youth of the world would eventually emerge from their excesses but does not make my opposition to their flawed experimentation any the less. The commercial establishment reveals tests showing high alcohol levels in their workers. Bob was concerned that our pseudo-intellectuals, brain damaged by drugs and alcohol, will be the ones teaching a younger generation. Could this be the reason our political leaders are unable to function as individuals and have no ability to reason. I am an optimist, but I can’t help but see my grand- and great-grandchildren living in a world that will be falling apart. Let’s stop whistling in the dark.

The great class of ’35 lives on.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Sadly, our class is still diminishing. No more confusion about Bob McClarin, as he has passed on, as has Hal Roitman, both of whom loved Dartmouth. Bob McLellan still walks a mile a day, has a girlfriend and four great-grandchildren. We had a wonderful conversation.

Irv Sager keeps active and dates my first cousin. He loves living in New York, despite his family wanting him to move to Boston, where they live. He says he has been moving back for five years. A big problem he has is being unable to read, as his eyes are shot. 

John Todd says he is as active as he can be at age 97. He feels fine and is enjoying life. His early days in Kalamazoo, Michigan, are so long ago that he can’t remember them, but that’s okay because he sounds like he is making the most of the present.

I received a touching card from Armanda Bettman ’12 of the Hill Winds Society at Dartmouth, thanking me for all my support. This reaching out between generations is beautiful. I was thinking how Armanda entered Dartmouth in 2008 and I entered 77 years before, in 1931. If I were to go back the same length of time, I would have entered 1854. The Civil War would not have been fought, slavery would have been legal, the transcontinental railroad would not have been completed, buffalo would still have roamed the plains, roads as we know them did not exist and the main means of transportation would have been sailboats. The most horrific slaughter of humans by other humans lay ahead. Is the College equipping Armanda with the knowledge necessary so that her future will be better than the past? I hope so. I wonder, did the College equip us to be able to chart our future so that we can truly say we are the great class of 1935?

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Was able to speak to Ed Reich and Irv Sager, who are both enjoying life. I had a wonderful conversation with Marvin Rauch with the help of a terrific device, even though he is totally deaf. It is great to be alive in this wonderful world at this time when anything is possible if you just reach out and make it happen.

Richard Berens ’64 sent me a draft of a new book he has written, From the Connecticut Valley to the West Coast, describing the role of Dartmouth College alums in the building of the nation. It was very well researched and very interesting. I felt the second part overemphasized the role Mormonism played in the process but all in all a worthwhile read. 

There are no more class deaths since the loss of Chuck Drackett, who died in the spring.

Pete Smith is returning to the United Kingdom at the end of the year to attend University of York, where he has been approved for admission to the Ph.D. program in the department of theater, film and television. Good for you, Pete.

I am proud to be a board member of the Dartmouth Cub of Orange County, which honored me with a black tie evening to celebrate my 98th birthday. I was really touched—and also amazed that the tux I first wore at my daughter’s wedding 48 years ago still fit.

Any of you who have not joined up with and participated in the activities of your nearest alumni club are missing being part of a very fulfilling opportunity to really extend the Dartmouth experience. You really will enjoy it—you earned that right, so use it. 

Renee Cooper, widow of Sy Millstein, called from Richmond, Virginia, to tell me how much she enjoyed my columns. She also wants to say hello to Marvin, Irv and Ed. This makes the effort I put into this column worthwhile. Thank you, Renee.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I called John Harrison the day before his 98th birthday. He could not talk to me directly as he is almost deaf. I told him about the hearing device used by Marvin Rauch, furnished by the phone company, which they will look into. John has been virtually chair-ridden as he has a severe balance problem and fell a few times. Up until last year he led a very active life and now he is restricted to reading and television. He has led a great life; too bad about how it is playing out.

Leon Kent reports he is not in good shape. He said he has male nurses around the clock and does not feel up to talking about himself. Sorry, Leon, I will not call again.

Had a long conversation with Ed Reich, my friend going back to 1926. He just had his fifth hole-in-one, and that is just great. He said he always remembers me as an optimist. I find that is an easy choice—who wants to just give up? I find the same upbeat philosophy in my conversations with Irv Sager. This attitude carries him to a very satisfactory life. He feels tomorrow will be better and that’s what happens. Life for him is getting better and better. For all of you who read this, please believe something wonderful will happen to you because it will.

Then I spoke to Marvin Rauch, via the device that enables him to communicate even though he is stone deaf. He also is enjoying his life and looks forward to the next day, when life will continue to get better. We promised to continue communicating with each other via e-mail. We knew each other in public school, a friendship going back 86 years. Old friends are precious. Hang onto them.

The great class of 1935 lives on. 

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400; ejgerson

The death of Marvin Rauch, who I went to high school with, is a chilling reminder of how vulnerable I am, as that leaves only me, Irv Sager and Ed Reich. I spoke to Ed about the Orozco murals in Baker. We kept looking up as we studied, fascinated by the experience of watching one-armed Orozco up on the scaffold, outlining the mural while directing student helpers paint in the colors as he went along, creating a revolutionary journey. Ed Reich remembers Orozco continually glaring at him for disturbing the students who were assisting the artist.

I do not think that we will ever tear down libraries like Baker, which will be museums as relevant to the present-day culture as the great library at Alexandria was to the culture of its time. Finely crafted books, as we know them, will cease to be and will become ancient artifacts that will be looked upon in the future as an important art form.

I had a wonderful conversation with Irv Sager, who considers watching Orozco create his murals one of the great moments of his life. Irv feels libraries such as Baker will endure and play a great role in our lives, although, realistically, they might take the role of museums.

When we were accepted by Dartmouth in 1930, Baker was only 5 years old. It is hard to believe that the world has changed so much, but the great class of ’35—all three of us—still limps on.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Spoke to Louise, wife of John Harrison, who said he is very infirm and can’t really do anything so is very depressed. I am sorry he is not doing better, but Louise sounded great.

I had a long conversation with Renee, widow of Harold Silverman. She said that despite her aches and pains, she pushes herself to lead a very active life and thinks of Harold at least once a day. What could be better than the wonderful marriage they had.

Had a note from Bob McLellan saying I still had his name spelled wrong. He was our class treasurer for 10 years. Says we don’t have any major issues now, so are down to kids’ stuff. Nice to hear from him.

I asked a couple of surviving classmates about their image of Dartmouth in 1932. Marvin Rauch had a vivid recollection of racism with discrimination against Catholics, Jews and men of color. Dartmouth had quotas; fraternities and societies even more so. 

Ed Reich most vividly remembers Fayerweather Hall. His son Bob ’68 was visiting Ed and got on the phone and told me he remembers a beautiful fall in Hanover much like Siberia and like living in a monastery. Bob said he ended up in this wilderness because Ed said he would pay for any college of his choosing as long as it was Dartmouth.

I always loved living outdoors and Dartmouth was a paradise, but felt the same as Bob: It was a monastery. Having always attended coed schools, I felt that the absence of girls diminished Dartmouth.

Sad to report the deaths of Norris Nims, who was an active Dartmouth student. I’m also sad to report the death of John Todd, our very active class agent, among other things.

The great class of ’35 still lives on.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400; ejgerson

Called John Harrison but could not talk with him as he was in the hospital with an injured back. John, get better fast.

Bob Neill has Parkinson’s but was very upbeat about enjoying whatever life has to offer. Bob, you are great!

Thanks to the marvels of the electronic age, I was able to have a conversation with Marvin Rauch, who is stone deaf. Anyone who has lost their hearing can have a normal conversation with a special system set up through AT&T. Unbelievable! Marvin, whom I have known since grade school in Far Rockaway, New York, says he is very active learning new skills. He plays chess, has a girlfriend and is very upbeat about his future. He says he is really enjoying life. We both promised to keep in touch through e-mail.

Pete Smith is out of the hospital, where he had ended up having his stomach cleaned out. He promises he will get out another Tear Bag.

As near as I can determine there are still 18 of us left.

Received an e-mail from Sam Chester, son of Lew Chester ’33. Sam says that ’34 has only 16 living members and wonders how many are left of the class of ’33. None of Lew’s descendents were able to get into Dartmouth but the Chester family’s affinity with Dartmouth extended from 1929 to 2003. Too bad the College chooses to select so few of the children of Dartmouth grads. What the College makes up in diversity it loses in continued family loyalties that extend the character of the College. How do all of you feel about this? Thank you, Sam, for the wonderful e-mail. 

Sad to report the death of Max Feinberg, who in addition to being a great golfer, led a very productive life. Another great loss is Al Brush, our valedictorian, who in addition to his career as president of GMAC was very active in Dartmouth affairs. We also lost Forney Drew, who entered our class but did not graduate.

The great class of ’35 lives on.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400; ejgerson

Ed Reich, Irv Sager, Marv Rauch and yours truly all agree that we live in a plutocracy and not a democracy. Further, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind.” It seems as if that is what is shaping the thinking of this country. I am sure that there are many fine institutions, exemplified by Dartmouth, that continue to teach how to learn and how to think so that students’ minds expand to all the opportunities that life has to offer.

I enjoy frequent lunches with my close friend Howard Jelinek ’60, Th’61, a man of all seasons and a brilliant mind, with whom, would you believe, I see eye to eye on almost everything.

In 1931 I chose to enroll at Dartmouth because it was a liberal arts institution offering me an opportunity to expand my knowledge as well as allowing me a chance to be part of the great outdoors, which I love. 

History and political science, my major, was my great love and I still study it almost every day. It was not my career, however. The science and math classes I took enabled me to be a pioneer in the plastics industry and an innovator in centrifugal casting. My love of Dartmouth and my continuing association with many old and new alums is a continuing joy.

I attended Dartmouth during the depths of the Great Depression and what I lived with is seared into my bones, as I saw so many less fortunate than me decline into abject poverty. I became and still am, I am proud to say, a bleeding heart liberal, as were many of my schoolmates.

As for the present, the Dartmouth Club of Orange County had its wonderful brunch at the fabulous Bluewater Grill in Newport Beach, California, owned by Jim Ulcickas ’83, who set up great accommodations, enabling the 34 attending to have the usual best of times. Best of all, the great class of ’35 staggers on.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Very few of us left to talk to. Same news from Ed Reich, who is enjoying life in Florida. Irv Sager is worried about losing his memory. I don’t have that problem, as I have forgotten what I can’t remember. I am starting a new project that I think you will all enjoy: I have copies of observations made by my almost 100 classmates who were alive in 1990.

Harry Ackerman comments that he is very concerned about the continued rise of street crime in this country as well as the widespread lack of ethics in business and in government. He supports organizations such as Common Cause. He is politically oriented toward the Democrats, and greatly fears former President Bush is going to prove to be a too-little, too-late president.

Phillip Allen has fears that we are becoming a service country and the light and heavy industries are overseas. Sound familiar?

Future columns will have more comments from other classmates.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400; ejgerson

I received a Green Card from Bob McLellan wanting to know whom I was talking about when I wrote about him because he has not spoken to me. It turns out it was Bill McClarin I spoke to. My apologies to both of you.

Bob is in good health, has four great-grandchildren and soon will be 97. I happened to look at the remembrance service list of those who died, which was written for our 70th reunion. It listed Bob McLellan and Bill McClarin as both having died, and that listing was in 2005. It was nice communicating with both of you from the great beyond. If any of my other classmates who have died wishes to communicate with me, please feel free to do so, and I will write up your comments in my new section, titled “Revival.”

Had a long conversation with Ed Reich, who is still going strong and sounded great. He even plays nine holes of golf now and then. Our friendship goes back to 1926, and we had a lot to reminisce about.

John Ferguson, son-in-law of Herb Shuttleworth, wrote a very nice letter to me to say that Herb died on September 1. I will miss my great conversations with Herb, who was the No. 1 citizen of Amsterdam, New York, where he was also known as “Mr. Carpet,” as he ran a major carpet manufacturing business.

Sadly, another very active son of Dartmouth, my good friend Joe Parachini, died. Joe lived in Flushing, New York, close to where I lived in Bayside and we kept close to each other for years.

Last sad note is on the death of Bill Krieg, who died surrounded by his family. He loved Dartmouth and in return was loved and respected by all.

Goodbye to three great classmates. You will be missed.

Ellie Saunders sent me a very amazing article about Don, who helped to get the ski jump ready for Winter Carnival in 1934. I will pass it on to Pete Smith to see if he can get into the Tear Bag.

Hail to all of us survivors!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I am forming a new party because I am tired of the two dysfunctional political parties. Everyone I’ve spoken to about this has enthusiastically joined up. The name of the party is We Listen. Enough said. Come on, climb aboard!

Irv Sager says he has a lady friend who unfortunately lives too far away. Ed Reich says he just plugs along, enjoying life. Yours truly can’t help being an activist who really loves life and looks forward to the future. 

Hallelujah! We are back to four survivors. I just heard from Norman Jacobs ’69 and Steve Jacobs ’92, son and grandson of our own Bert Jacobs, that he is alive and well, living in Boston.

Andy Ruoff, class secretary for ’38 and a former orthopedic surgeon, lives in and loves Florida. He tells me that it is amazing that when you just pick up the phone and call classmates they are always so pleased to hear from you. A wonderful conversation is just about guaranteed. 

Don Page, class secretary for ’47, wrote me a very thoughtful letter thanking me for pointing out to you that calling your class secretary is a very rewarding experience. How many of you are giving yourself a treat by making that call?

I’ve been in touch with our honorary classmate Timothy Rub, presently director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, who promises to get together with me and other alums here who are enthusiastically looking forward to his visit, even though he is angry with Dartmouth for stealing away his valued assistant to head the Hood.

The great class of ’35 is still alive and enjoying life.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I feel one of the great things about Dartmouth is that if you reach out to alum activities it becomes an important part of your life.

The Dartmouth Club of Orange County (California) had the privilege of hosting the Glee Club, which gave a memorable performance after which we had a party where we mingled with the charismatic members. If this is a sample of the very bright students that schools are turning out, the future is in good hands.

They were fascinated by the Dartmouth freshmen handbook that I had preserved. They gathered around me and seemed to be interested in me and I wondered why.

Then I thought if in 1932 I was speaking to a 97-year-old alum, he would have been a freshmen in 1852, a different world. Fast forward the same number of years and our ancestors will be living in a world we cannot even imagine.

Here are some comments from classmates in 1990.

Earl Arthurs said he was disturbed by politically motivated, irresponsible Congress setting a poor example and creating, not solving, problems. The greatest problem is drugs, and the impact of TV is probably more bad than good. 

Len Bryant commented he is completely disgusted with both the executive and legislative branches of our government. “Special interests and the drive for reelection are running the country. We, in turn, have been calmly watching this process leading toward bankruptcy. For nine years we were quite comfortable with our artificial prosperity. Still, as I continue to read, I discover no place I would rather live than the good old United States of America.”

The great class of 1935 lives on!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

King Vanderburg ’38 asked me to tell Lynn Ryder, wife of Rem, that 75 years ago he attended St. Paul’s school in Garden City, Long Island, along with Rem, who drove to school in a nifty Dodge roadster. King says he was a golfer but not in a class with Rem. Any of you remember Garden City, an upscale church community with a charming brownstone cathedral. Garden City was created by A.T. Stewart, the wealthy owner of Wanamaker’s department store, to be a church-oriented community. I lived nearby and remember it well. Do any of you others? 

John Todd is doing great in Florida, goes swimming and is getting ready to celebrate his 99th birthday. 

I’m sure most of you have read on the front page of many newspapers the story of Maddie James, who at the age of 5 was diagnosed with a rare inoperable malignant brain tumor and has since died. She was the daughter of Collie James ’93, who lived in Capistrano Beach, California, close to the ocean and attended sea camp at the nearby Ocean Institute, which was in the midst of an expansion drive to build a seaside learning center that would feature an exotic learning center. When Maddie saw the plans she looked at Collie and asked, “Are we going to build that? That would be a very good thing.” His answer was, “Yes, Maddie, we are.”

The Maddie James tax-exempt foundation was founded with the goal of raising $1million to create a learning center where future generations can learn about the magic of the sea. The class of ’35 still has about $500, which it will donate with the blessing of Dartmouth and with the approval of all the classmates I called, including Ed Reich, Marvin Rauch, Lou Bookheim and Irv Sager, all of whom report they are doing great. The Dartmouth Club of Orange County is backing this effort. Anyone else who cares to kick in, please go to; you can also send any donation through me. Sorry to say there will be no more newsletter because Pete Smith is no longer able to write it. The class thanks Pete and wishes him well. Sad to report the death of Hal Roitman. He loved Dartmouth. He will be missed.

Hope you all had a great holiday. 

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

I have a bone to pick with most of you who read the Class Notes. Most of your class secretaries are just as busy or very often more so than all of you out there. Do you think it is as easy for us to contact all of you as it is for each of you to contact your secretary? A lot of you feel that what you are doing is not important enough to interest your classmates. Not so. Let your classmates know you are still around, enjoying life on your own terms. You would be surprised how many recall you and will be happy to hear that you are still out there.

I again urge all of you to participate in the activities of your nearest Dartmouth alumni club, the members of which would be more than happy to receive you. You will still be living those important years when you attended Dartmouth, so the Dartmouth experience will go on forever and you will always remain young.

The toxic political environment we live in is a disgrace. I, for one, always listen to what the people who differ from me have to say. No one is right or wrong. We now know that we live in a quantum world with all its variables, so that any position depends on many variables. There is no yes or no, and to survive we have to keep learning and trying to get along with everyone else. In fact, all you have to remember is: Do unto others as you would they do unto you. In that spirit, I hope all of you enjoy your holidays and are a part of trying to make that happen for everyone else.

The best from Irv Sager, Marvin Rauch, Ed Reich and yours truly. The great class of 1935 lives on!

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Had a wonderful conversation with Bob McEllan. He says outside of taking time with doctors, because of shortness of breath, he is in great shape. He has a loving and caring family that keeps in touch. Reaching out to four great-grandchildren beside his children and grandchildren keeps him busy. He tells me I have to stay alive so that these Class Notes continue.

Bill Lamorey answered my call in a very weak voice, saying he cannot talk to me. Too bad, Bill. I’m sure that if you could talk you would have many thoughts to share. 

I keep receiving wonderful e-mails from Pete Smith, who is now living a very active life.

Always nice to hear from Bob Reich, son of Ed, who e-mailed me to tell that Ed attributes his long life to eating a lot of dark chocolate. 

I’m sad to report the deaths of 25 percent of our remaining class. 

Lou Bookheim, our class salutatorian, passed on. He was Phi Beta Kappa and graduated summa cum laude. After graduating from Dartmouth he went on to Yale to obtain his law degree.

Henrietta, wife of our own Bob Hage, who hosted many Dartmouth functions, passed away in August. We see this information from his son-in-law, Bill McLarin, our one-time class treasurer and in 2001 our class agent.

Jesse David Wolff died in July; he has relatives who also went to Dartmouth.

Hey, fellows! Hang in there or soon I won’t have anybody to write about.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;

Ruth Swan, widow of Al Swan ’33, called to tell me that Bob Reich ’68 is doing a book signing in Washington, D.C., where Ruth is living in a retirement home. Al lived in Great Neck, New York, as did I, and he was my attorney for many years. Al accompanied me on trips to foreign countries, where he assisted me in negotiating licensing agreements for foreign companies to use my patents in the infant plastic industries and help arranged fees for setting up their plants and training their workers. (Why it was necessary for me to export these jobs is another story.) Ruth came from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and was a cousin of our own Morty Blum, who also came from Wilkes-Barre and who, upon graduation, ran the family-owned Blum Department Store. 

Norris Nims writes that he will be 99 years old in October, and that he is still mentally alert and physically functional. His wife, Barbara, died in 2001, and his daughter then gave up her work in real estate to move into his home to help him out.

Sadly, I have two deaths to report. Frank “Bill” Adams, our great class treasurer since 1996, died June 13, 2010. He loved Dartmouth and worked hard to make things happen. Bill Mathers, our class president, died on July 27, 2010. I remember the great get-togethers hosted by Myra and Bill at their home in Vermont, a layout dubbed the Mathers’ Kingdom. He retired after a fine legal career.

Makes me nervous to think I am the only active class officer left.

Have a wonderful holiday season.

Edward Gerson, 2400 Mariposa West 3A, Laguna Woods, CA 92653; (949) 829-8400;


Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
Flight Patterns
Daniel R. Sheldon ’99 explores bird “mysteries.”
In Her Element

Each summer, Alaskan Jill Fredston ’80 heads out to explore thousands of miles of rugged Arctic coastline in her oceangoing rowing shell.

Caroline Pott ’02
A conservation biologist on life in the middle of the Pacific

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