Charles William Stevens ’59
Charles William Stevens ’59 died on October 18, 2015. He entered Dartmouth from Winchester (Massachusetts) High School in September 1955 and thereafter identified with the class of 1959, although his Dartmouth career was interrupted by service in the intelligence branch of the Army from 1957 to 1960 and again during the Berlin Wall crisis, in 1961-62. He met, at Winter Carnival in 1961, and later married Christiana Alden, the mother of his three children. Following his graduation from Dartmouth in 1963 he pursued a career in advertising, during which he worked in Rochester, New York; Providence, Rhode Island; and Hartford, Connecticut. He and his wife of more than 30 years, Marsha, retired to Hancock, New Hampshire, in 1994. In addition to Marsha he leaves daughter Kirsten, sons Alexander and Samuel, five grandchildren and sister Lynne.