katie silberman

Funny Girl

Katie Silberman ’09 wins accolades for Booksmart.

After attending Columbia film school, Silberman moved to Los Angeles without many prospects. “I was ready to just work at a coffee shop and write,” she says. And just like that, the English major got a job as a showrunner’s assistant, which led to some script rewriting, and then Booksmart. Silberman tidied up the screenplay for the 2019 comedy about two high school girls who decide to party hearty for one night before they graduate, and the Olivia Wilde-directed film became a hit. Glamour dubbed it “the first truly evolved high school movie.”

Booksmart also earned a Golden Tomato award from review site Rotten Tomatoes as the best-reviewed comedy of the year. Look for more of Silberman’s work on a screen near you soon.


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