Campus Confidential

On Top
Baker Tower’s restored roof won a 2019 North American Copper in Architecture award in the “restoration” category. The copper roof was part of a 2016 refurbishment.

Great Debate
Dartmouth College Republicans helped bring former presidential candidate Herman Cain to campus for a small gathering titled “Capitalism vs. Socialism: The Battle to Save the American Dream.”

Not Everybody’s Doing It
In The Dartmouth’s survey of seniors, 15 percent of respondents said they had not yet engaged “in sexual activity.” The newspaper also reported how many seniors had completed any portion of the “Dartmouth Seven,” but you’ll have to go online to read that.

There’s An App for That
You can now pay for any of 554 Hanover parking spots via ParkMobile, which allows you to add time remotely. Good thing too: Fines are going up.

More Closings
The North Face store on Main Street closed in June. Those ubiquitous Canada Goose jackets might have had something to do with it.

End Zone, Strike Zone
Football coach Buddy Teevens ’79, wearing number 250 as a nod to Dartmouth’s sestercentennial, joined Princeton head coach Bob Surace in tossing out ceremonial first pitches at Yankee Stadium July 15. Their teams meet at the fabled venue in November.

Color Guard
Members of the class of 1969 donned teal armbands during this year’s Commencement to promote awareness of sexual assault and harassment. 

During a faculty panel discussion titled “Disrupted or Disruptor: Dartmouth in a Changing World,” Morgan Curtis ’14 and a pal jumped onstage with a “divest” banner to protest College investments that promote global warming.

No Reservations?
Freelance seat savers for Commencement this year were reportedly paid up to $60 per seat for their services.

Growing Pains
The incoming class of 2023 is so large that the former Sigma Phi Epsilon house will serve as a home this fall to students from the “Thought Project” living-learning community.

Free Concerts
South Carolina quintet Ranky Tanky played traditional Gullah songs infused with jazz and West African rhythms on July 17, and Upper Valley folk singer-songwriter Noah Kahan headlined the College’s 250th day-long celebration July 27.

The Hole Truth
In late June surveyors discovered the foundation of the $200-million Thayer building project is located 10 feet too far to the south. Following a temporary delay, work on the structure continued with no problems.

Call to Oars!
Ledyard Canoe Club celebrates its 100th anniversary next year and will host events—including whitewater races—April 23-26.

$14 Million
That’s the agreed settlement between the College and nine plaintiffs—all current or former students—in the Title IX class action suit filed last November. Allegations of sexual assault and harassment against three now-banished professors from the department of psychological and brain sciences led to the legal action.


Plot Boiler
New titles from Dartmouth writers (September/October 2024)
Flight Patterns
Daniel R. Sheldon ’99 explores bird “mysteries.”
In Her Element

Each summer, Alaskan Jill Fredston ’80 heads out to explore thousands of miles of rugged Arctic coastline in her oceangoing rowing shell.

Caroline Pott ’02
A conservation biologist on life in the middle of the Pacific

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