Ariana Ramsey ’22

Member of U.S. Olympic women’s rugby sevens team

How did you react when you made the team?
I was super shocked. I almost cried, but I didn’t because I was videoing myself. I felt really accomplished—I had reached my goal at 21, and it validated my decision to take the 2020-21 academic year off to train. What a huge relief.

What’s your next goal?
To graduate from Dartmouth—I’m interested in working on Wall Street. And I hope to go to the next Olympics, in Paris.

Was it tough to win three games in Tokyo yet still not medal?
Sure, but I also tore my ACL. I just had surgery and won’t be able to play for Dartmouth this year. 

Any other highs and lows from the Games?
Because of the pandemic, I never really got to see Tokyo. But a highlight was getting a selfie with [NBA star] Kevin Durant. After I noticed it was blurry, I asked for another one, and he was fine with that.

What did you do for fun in the Olympic village?
I met a lot of other athletes and made TikTok videos with them.

You wrestled in high school. Did you compete against boys?
Yes. Some of them would forfeit because they didn’t want to wrestle a girl.

What do you love about rugby?
It’s not overly structured, and it’s a game where I can use my free will. I like that.

Got any training tips? 
Drink water. No sugary drinks!

              —Sean Plottner



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