Class Note 2002

Hope this finds you savoring the end of a really great summer. Lots of news this time around so I’ll jump right in!

Katie Escherich married Mark Morison, a Georgetown graduate, on May 15 in Katie’s hometown of Bronxville, New York. Dartmouth was definitely well represented! Katie’s father, Frederic Escherich ’74, walked her down the aisle and the bridal party included Erika (Clementi) VanDam, Kristin (Cuccia) McClelland, Tori Miner, Megan (Escherich) Evans ’05 and John Escherich ’08. Also in attendance were Simone (Manwar) Piraino, Joe and Harley (Carroll) Simeone, Mike Salice, Pete and Ariel (Vega) Stern, Pam Cogut and Julie Hasson. Katie and Mark both work for ABC News and live in Queens. 

Jon Block wrote in to say he married Jennifer Berylson (Williams ’01) on June 26 at her family home in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The wedding party included J.R. Lederer, Oliver Kramer, Shihwan Chung, Ryan Mahoney and Pete Schmidt. Other Dartmouth attendees included Jesse Argon, Scott Shechtman, Tom Denniston and Ariel Diaz. Jon works at Philips Healthcare doing strategy and business development and Jen is a lawyer at Goodwin Procter in Boston. They live in the Back Bay and have an enormous St. Bernard named Leo.

June 26 was a big day for ’02 Cape Cod weddings! Sarah (Myers) Pingree and Tracey Wilson both wrote in to tell us about Lizzy Carroll’s wedding that they attended on the same day. Lizzy married James Jenkins, a Davidson grad. They are moving to Knoxville, Tennessee, where Lizzy will do her six-month internship for the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s urban superintendent’s program. Dartmouth folks at the wedding included Elizabeth Badger and John Nichols ’01, Sean and Katie (Cuneo) O’Mara, Tori Miner and Merrielle Macleod.

Vanessa Sinders wrote in with this news: “I started a new job in March in D.C. and am no longer working for Sen. Gregg from New Hampshire. I am now Sen. Scott Brown’s legislative director. Being from Massachusetts, it is a perfect fit!”

Phil Mone writes: “On June 5, just off the beach in Cape May, New Jersey, Brett Quimby presided over the marriage of Eli Jorne to Becca Schneider (UVA ’02). As newlyweds Eli and Becca first danced to Tom Petty’s ‘Angel Dream’ sung by Evan Rieder ’00. Eli later serenaded his wife to ‘Jersey Girl’ by The Boss, while somehow also managing to dance with her at the same time. Attendees, including a sizable crew of Dartmouth alums spanning at least ’98 through ’05, celebrated late into a night that will not soon be forgotten. Class of ’02s in attendance included Stevie Nichols, Matt and Kate (Knowles) Frankel, Shuja and Emily (Quetone) Khan, Tim Miller, Chris Masone, Jeff Withers and (my secret crush) Maryanne Mendenhall.”

Molly (Stutzman) Miranda received her M.B.A. from the MIT Sloan School of Management and will be moving to San Francisco this fall to work as a consultant for Deloitte.

Gabe Brooks wrote in to say that he and his wife, Jessica, will be moving to Boston from Denver, Colorado, where they have lived for the last four years. Gabe will be starting a fellowship in oncology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and they will be living in Jamaica Plain. They look forward to reconnecting with some Boston people.

Kevin and Erin (McCarthy) Donahue welcomed their daughter, Katherine Parker Donahue, on April 28. They say: “She’s adorable and has us wrapped around her little fingers already! And much to our relief, Dave Abramson, she does not look anything like the composite photo you made with Photoshop freshman year using our DID photos.”

Finally, a quick reminder to mark your calendars for our 10-year reunion (really our ninth) coming up June 17-19, 2011, in Hanover! Please e-mail dartmouth.02@alum.dartmouth. org to express interest in volunteering to help plan the events.

J.T. Leaird, 229 East 21st Street, Apt. 16, New York, NY 10010;


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