Look Again
There is no shortage of old Dartmouth imagery, iconic and otherwise, to help us preserve and cherish our past. Rauner Special Collections houses more than 300,000 photos—but many of them are monochromatic, rendering much of College history in shades of gray. With this portfolio of newly colorized Dartmouth images, the past shows its true colors. It becomes more vibrant and textured, more nuanced and revealing. “By colorizing, I watch the photos come alive, and suddenly the people feel more real and history becomes more tangible,” says Sanna Dullaway, a Swedish artist who has mastered state-of-the-art digital techniques for colorizing black-and-white images and spent several months working on this project for DAM. Her subtle touch—no original photos were harmed in the making of this portfolio—produces results that remain true to the original: Subjects appear as if they had originally been photographed in color.